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Raw Normal View History

2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* CiderPress
* Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
* See the file LICENSE for distribution terms.
* Support for the "view files" dialog box.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ViewFilesDialog.h"
#include "Main.h"
#include "Print.h"
#include "HelpTopics.h"
#include "../util/UtilLib.h"
* ===========================================================================
* ViewFilesDialog
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* ===========================================================================
static const UINT gFindReplaceID = RegisterWindowMessage(FINDMSGSTRING);
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(ViewFilesDialog, CDialog)
ON_REGISTERED_MESSAGE(gFindReplaceID, OnFindDialogMessage)
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Window creation. Stuff the desired text into the RichEdit box.
LOGI("Now in VFD OnInitDialog!");
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
ASSERT(fpSelSet != NULL);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
/* delete dummy control and insert our own with modded styles */
CRichEditCtrl* pEdit = (CRichEditCtrl*)GetDlgItem(IDC_FVIEW_EDITBOX);
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
ASSERT(pEdit != NULL);
CRect rect;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
if (fNoWrapText)
fEditCtrl.Create(styles, rect, this, IDC_FVIEW_EDITBOX);
* HEY: I think we can do this with pEdit->ShowScrollBar(SB_BOTH) !!
* Could also use GetWindowLong/SetWindowLong to change the window style;
* probably need a SetWindowPos to cause changes to flush.
* We want to adjust the size of the window to match the last size used.
* However, if we do this after creating the edit dialog but before it
* actually has data to display, then when we stuff data into it the
* scroll bar goodies are all out of whack.
fFirstResize = true;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
#if 0
const Preferences* pPreferences = GET_PREFERENCES();
long width = pPreferences->GetFileViewerWidth();
long height = pPreferences->GetFileViewerHeight();
CRect fullRect;
LOGI(" VFD pre-size %dx%d", fullRect.Width(), fullRect.Height());
fullRect.right = fullRect.left + width;
fullRect.bottom = + height;
MoveWindow(fullRect, FALSE);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
// This invokes UpdateData, which calls DoDataExchange, which leads to
// the StreamIn call. So don't do this until everything else is ready.
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
LOGI("VFD OnInitDialog done");
return FALSE; // don't let Windows set the focus
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Window creation stuff. Set the icon and the "gripper".
ViewFilesDialog::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs)
LOGI("VFD OnCreate");
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
HICON hIcon;
hIcon = ::AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDI_FILE_VIEWER);
SetIcon(hIcon, TRUE);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
CRect initRect(fLastWinSize);
initRect.left = initRect.right - ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); = initRect.bottom - ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYHSCROLL);
fGripper.Create(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE |
initRect, this, AFX_IDW_SIZE_BOX);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
LOGI("VFD OnCreate done");
return 0;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Window is going away. Save the current size.
Preferences* pPreferences = GET_PREFERENCES_WR();
CRect rect;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
pPreferences->SetPrefLong(kPrFileViewerWidth, rect.Width());
pPreferences->SetPrefLong(kPrFileViewerHeight, rect.Height());
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Override OnOK/OnCancel so we don't bail out while we're in the middle of
* loading something. It would actually be kind of nice to be able to do
* so, so someday we should make the "cancel" button work, or perhaps allow
* prev/next to skip over the thing being loaded. "TO DO"
if (fBusy)
else {
CRect rect;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
LOGI(" VFD size now %dx%d", rect.Width(), rect.Height());
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
if (fBusy)
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Restrict the minimum window size to something reasonable.
ViewFilesDialog::OnGetMinMaxInfo(MINMAXINFO* pMMI)
pMMI->ptMinTrackSize.x = 664;
pMMI->ptMinTrackSize.y = 200;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* When the window resizes, we have to tell the edit box to expand, and
* rearrange the controls inside it.
ViewFilesDialog::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
CDialog::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
//LOGI("Dialog: old size %d,%d",
// fLastWinSize.Width(), fLastWinSize.Height());
LOGI("Dialog: new size %d,%d", cx, cy);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
if (fLastWinSize.Width() == cx && fLastWinSize.Height() == cy) {
LOGI("VFD OnSize: no change");
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
int deltaX, deltaY;
deltaX = cx - fLastWinSize.Width();
deltaY = cy - fLastWinSize.Height();
//LOGI("Delta is %d,%d", deltaX, deltaY);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
ShiftControls(deltaX, deltaY);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Adjust the positions and sizes of the controls.
* This relies on MinMaxInfo to guarantee that nothing falls off an edge.
ViewFilesDialog::ShiftControls(int deltaX, int deltaY)
HDWP hdwp;
* Use deferred reposn so that they don't end up drawing on top of each
* other and getting all weird.
* IMPORTANT: the DeferWindowPos stuff changes the tab order of the
* items in the window. The controls must be added in the reverse
* order in which they appear in the window.
hdwp = BeginDeferWindowPos(15);
hdwp = MoveControl(hdwp, this, AFX_IDW_SIZE_BOX, deltaX, deltaY);
hdwp = MoveControl(hdwp, this, IDHELP, deltaX, deltaY);
hdwp = MoveControl(hdwp, this, IDC_FVIEW_FONT, deltaX, deltaY);
hdwp = MoveControl(hdwp, this, IDC_FVIEW_PRINT, deltaX, deltaY);
hdwp = MoveControl(hdwp, this, IDC_FVIEW_FIND, deltaX, deltaY);
hdwp = MoveControl(hdwp, this, IDC_FVIEW_FMT_RAW, 0, deltaY);
hdwp = MoveControl(hdwp, this, IDC_FVIEW_FMT_HEX, 0, deltaY);
hdwp = MoveControl(hdwp, this, IDC_FVIEW_FMT_BEST, 0, deltaY);
hdwp = MoveControl(hdwp, this, IDC_FVIEW_PREV, 0, deltaY);
hdwp = MoveControl(hdwp, this, IDC_FVIEW_NEXT, 0, deltaY);
hdwp = MoveControl(hdwp, this, IDC_FVIEW_CMMT, 0, deltaY);
hdwp = MoveControl(hdwp, this, IDC_FVIEW_RSRC, 0, deltaY);
hdwp = MoveControl(hdwp, this, IDC_FVIEW_DATA, 0, deltaY);
hdwp = MoveStretchControl(hdwp, this, IDC_FVIEW_FORMATSEL, 0, deltaY, deltaX, 0);
hdwp = StretchControl(hdwp, this, IDC_FVIEW_EDITBOX, deltaX, deltaY);
hdwp = MoveControl(hdwp, this, IDOK, deltaX, deltaY);
if (!EndDeferWindowPos(hdwp)) {
LOGI("EndDeferWindowPos failed");
* Work around buggy CRichEdit controls. The inner edit area is only
* resized when the box is shrunk, not when it's expanded, and the
* results are inconsistent between Win98 and Win2K.
* Set the internal size equal to the size of the entire edit box.
* This should be large enough to make everything work right, but small
* enough to avoid funky scrolling behavior. (If you want to set this
* more precisely, don't forget that scroll bars are not part of the
* edit control client area, and their sizes must be factored in.)
CRect rect;
CRichEditCtrl* pEdit = (CRichEditCtrl*) GetDlgItem(IDC_FVIEW_EDITBOX);
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
ASSERT(pEdit != NULL);
rect.left = 2; = 2;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Shuffle data in and out.
ViewFilesDialog::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
if (pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate) {
} else {
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
static void
DumpBitmapInfo(HBITMAP hBitmap)
BITMAP info;
CBitmap* pBitmap = CBitmap::FromHandle(hBitmap);
int gotten;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
gotten = pBitmap->GetObject(sizeof(info), &info);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
LOGI("DumpBitmapInfo: gotten=%d of %d", gotten, sizeof(info));
LOGI(" bmType = %d", info.bmType);
LOGI(" bmWidth=%d, bmHeight=%d", info.bmWidth, info.bmHeight);
LOGI(" bmWidthBytes=%d", info.bmWidthBytes);
LOGI(" bmPlanes=%d", info.bmPlanes);
LOGI(" bmBitsPixel=%d", info.bmBitsPixel);
LOGI(" bmPits = 0x%p", info.bmBits);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Display a buffer of text in the RichEdit control.
* The RichEdit dialog will hold its own copy of the data, so "pHolder" can
* be safely destroyed after this returns.
Large set of changes to restore CiderPress build. CiderPress and MDC now compile, and execute far enough to open their respective "about" boxes, but I doubt they'll do much more than that. * Switch from MBCS to UNICODE APIs Microsoft switched to UTF-16 (by way of UCS-2) a long time ago, and the support for MBCS seems to be getting phased out. So it's time to switch to wide strings. This is a bit awkward for CiderPress because it works with disk and file archives with 8-bit filenames, and I want NufxLib and DiskImgLib to continue to work on Linux (which has largely taken the UTF-8 approach to Unicode). The libraries will continue to work with 8-bit filenames, with CiderPress/MDC doing the conversion at the appropriate point. There were a couple of places where strings from a structure handed back by one of the libraries were used directly in the UI, or vice-versa, which is a problem because we have nowhere to store the result of the conversion. These currently have fixed place-holder "xyzzy" strings. All UI strings are now wide. Various format strings now use "%ls" and "%hs" to explicitly specify wide and narrow. This doesn't play well with gcc, so only the Windows-specific parts use those. * Various updates to vcxproj files The project-file conversion had some cruft that is now largely gone. The build now has a common output directory for the EXEs and libraries, avoiding the old post-build copy steps. * Added zlib 1.2.8 and nufxlib 2.2.2 source snapshots The old "prebuilts" directory is now gone. The libraries are now built as part of building the apps. I added a minimal set of files for zlib, and a full set for nufxlib. The Linux-specific nufxlib goodies are included for the benefit of the Linux utilities, which are currently broken (don't build). * Replace symbols used for include guards Symbols with a leading "__" are reserved.
2014-11-10 23:32:55 +00:00
* "fileName" is for display only.
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
Large set of changes to restore CiderPress build. CiderPress and MDC now compile, and execute far enough to open their respective "about" boxes, but I doubt they'll do much more than that. * Switch from MBCS to UNICODE APIs Microsoft switched to UTF-16 (by way of UCS-2) a long time ago, and the support for MBCS seems to be getting phased out. So it's time to switch to wide strings. This is a bit awkward for CiderPress because it works with disk and file archives with 8-bit filenames, and I want NufxLib and DiskImgLib to continue to work on Linux (which has largely taken the UTF-8 approach to Unicode). The libraries will continue to work with 8-bit filenames, with CiderPress/MDC doing the conversion at the appropriate point. There were a couple of places where strings from a structure handed back by one of the libraries were used directly in the UI, or vice-versa, which is a problem because we have nowhere to store the result of the conversion. These currently have fixed place-holder "xyzzy" strings. All UI strings are now wide. Various format strings now use "%ls" and "%hs" to explicitly specify wide and narrow. This doesn't play well with gcc, so only the Windows-specific parts use those. * Various updates to vcxproj files The project-file conversion had some cruft that is now largely gone. The build now has a common output directory for the EXEs and libraries, avoiding the old post-build copy steps. * Added zlib 1.2.8 and nufxlib 2.2.2 source snapshots The old "prebuilts" directory is now gone. The libraries are now built as part of building the apps. I added a minimal set of files for zlib, and a full set for nufxlib. The Linux-specific nufxlib goodies are included for the benefit of the Linux utilities, which are currently broken (don't build). * Replace symbols used for include guards Symbols with a leading "__" are reserved.
2014-11-10 23:32:55 +00:00
ViewFilesDialog::DisplayText(const WCHAR* fileName)
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
CWaitCursor wait; // streaming of big files can take a little while
bool errFlg;
bool emptyFlg = false;
bool editHadFocus = false;
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
ASSERT(fpOutput != NULL);
ASSERT(fileName != NULL);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
errFlg = fpOutput->GetOutputKind() == ReformatOutput::kOutputErrorMsg;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
ASSERT(fpOutput->GetOutputKind() != ReformatOutput::kOutputUnknown);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
CRichEditCtrl* pEdit = (CRichEditCtrl*) GetDlgItem(IDC_FVIEW_EDITBOX);
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
ASSERT(pEdit != NULL);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
/* retain the selection even if we lose focus [can't do this in OnInit] */
pEdit->SetOptions(ECOOP_OR, ECO_SAVESEL);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
#if 0
* Start by trashing anything that's there. Not strictly necessary,
* but it prevents the control from trying to maintain the old stuff
* in an undo buffer. (Not entirely sure if a stream-in operation is
* undoable, but it costs very little to be certain.)
* UPDATE: I turned this off because it was dinging the speaker (?!).
* Might be doing that because it's in read-only mode.
pEdit->SetSel(0, -1);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* There's a redraw flash that goes away if you change the input
* focus to something other than the edit ctrl. (Move between large
* files; it looks like you can see the text being selected and
* hightlighted. The control doesn't have an "always highlight" flag
* set, so if the focus is on a different control it doesn't light up.)
* Since we're currently forcing the focus to be on the edit ctrl later
* on, we just jam it to something else here. If nothing has the focus,
* as can happen if we click on "resource fork" and then Alt-N to a
* file without a resource fork, we force the focus to return to the
* edit window.
* NOTE: this would look a little better if we used the Prev/Next
* buttons to hold the temporary focus, but we need to know which key
* the user hit. We could also create a bogus control, move it into
* negative space where it will be invisible, and use that as a "focus
* holder".
CWnd* pFocusWnd = GetFocus();
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
if (pFocusWnd == NULL || pFocusWnd->m_hWnd == pEdit->m_hWnd) {
editHadFocus = true;
* The text color isn't getting reset when we reload the control. I
* can't find a "set default text color" call, so I'm reformatting
* part of the buffer.
* Here's the weird part: it doesn't seem to matter what color I
* set it to under Win2K. It reverts to black so long as I do anything
* here. Under Win98, it uses the new color.
//if (0)
cf.cbSize = sizeof(CHARFORMAT);
cf.dwMask = CFM_COLOR;
cf.crTextColor = RGB(0, 0, 0);
pEdit->SetSel(0, 1); // must select at least one char
* Add the appropriate data. If the "bitmap" flag is set, use the
* MyDIBitmap pointer instead.
if (fpOutput->GetOutputKind() == ReformatOutput::kOutputBitmap) {
CClientDC dcScreen(this);
HBITMAP hBitmap;
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
if (fpRichEditOle == NULL) {
/* can't do this in OnInitDialog -- m_pWnd isn't initialized */
fpRichEditOle = pEdit->GetIRichEditOle();
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
ASSERT(fpRichEditOle != NULL);
//FILE* fp = fopen("C:/test/output.bmp", "wb");
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
//if (fp != NULL) {
// pDib->WriteToFile(fp);
// fclose(fp);
hBitmap = fpOutput->GetDIB()->ConvertToDDB(dcScreen.m_hDC);
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
if (hBitmap == NULL) {
LOGI("ConvertToDDB failed!");
Large set of changes to restore CiderPress build. CiderPress and MDC now compile, and execute far enough to open their respective "about" boxes, but I doubt they'll do much more than that. * Switch from MBCS to UNICODE APIs Microsoft switched to UTF-16 (by way of UCS-2) a long time ago, and the support for MBCS seems to be getting phased out. So it's time to switch to wide strings. This is a bit awkward for CiderPress because it works with disk and file archives with 8-bit filenames, and I want NufxLib and DiskImgLib to continue to work on Linux (which has largely taken the UTF-8 approach to Unicode). The libraries will continue to work with 8-bit filenames, with CiderPress/MDC doing the conversion at the appropriate point. There were a couple of places where strings from a structure handed back by one of the libraries were used directly in the UI, or vice-versa, which is a problem because we have nowhere to store the result of the conversion. These currently have fixed place-holder "xyzzy" strings. All UI strings are now wide. Various format strings now use "%ls" and "%hs" to explicitly specify wide and narrow. This doesn't play well with gcc, so only the Windows-specific parts use those. * Various updates to vcxproj files The project-file conversion had some cruft that is now largely gone. The build now has a common output directory for the EXEs and libraries, avoiding the old post-build copy steps. * Added zlib 1.2.8 and nufxlib 2.2.2 source snapshots The old "prebuilts" directory is now gone. The libraries are now built as part of building the apps. I added a minimal set of files for zlib, and a full set for nufxlib. The Linux-specific nufxlib goodies are included for the benefit of the Linux utilities, which are currently broken (don't build). * Replace symbols used for include guards Symbols with a leading "__" are reserved.
2014-11-10 23:32:55 +00:00
pEdit->SetWindowText(L"Internal error.");
errFlg = true;
} else {
LOGI("Inserting bitmap");
Large set of changes to restore CiderPress build. CiderPress and MDC now compile, and execute far enough to open their respective "about" boxes, but I doubt they'll do much more than that. * Switch from MBCS to UNICODE APIs Microsoft switched to UTF-16 (by way of UCS-2) a long time ago, and the support for MBCS seems to be getting phased out. So it's time to switch to wide strings. This is a bit awkward for CiderPress because it works with disk and file archives with 8-bit filenames, and I want NufxLib and DiskImgLib to continue to work on Linux (which has largely taken the UTF-8 approach to Unicode). The libraries will continue to work with 8-bit filenames, with CiderPress/MDC doing the conversion at the appropriate point. There were a couple of places where strings from a structure handed back by one of the libraries were used directly in the UI, or vice-versa, which is a problem because we have nowhere to store the result of the conversion. These currently have fixed place-holder "xyzzy" strings. All UI strings are now wide. Various format strings now use "%ls" and "%hs" to explicitly specify wide and narrow. This doesn't play well with gcc, so only the Windows-specific parts use those. * Various updates to vcxproj files The project-file conversion had some cruft that is now largely gone. The build now has a common output directory for the EXEs and libraries, avoiding the old post-build copy steps. * Added zlib 1.2.8 and nufxlib 2.2.2 source snapshots The old "prebuilts" directory is now gone. The libraries are now built as part of building the apps. I added a minimal set of files for zlib, and a full set for nufxlib. The Linux-specific nufxlib goodies are included for the benefit of the Linux utilities, which are currently broken (don't build). * Replace symbols used for include guards Symbols with a leading "__" are reserved.
2014-11-10 23:32:55 +00:00
CImageDataObject::InsertBitmap(fpRichEditOle, hBitmap);
/* RichEditCtrl has it now */
} else {
* Stream the data in, using the appropriate format. Since we don't
* have the "replace selection" flag set, this replaces everything
* that's currently in there.
* We can't use SetWindowText() unless we're willing to forgo viewing
* of binary files in "raw" form. There doesn't seem to be any other
* difference between the two approaches.
const char* textBuf;
long textLen;
int streamFormat;
textBuf = fpOutput->GetTextBuf();
textLen = fpOutput->GetTextLen();
streamFormat = SF_TEXT;
if (fpOutput->GetOutputKind() == ReformatOutput::kOutputRTF)
streamFormat = SF_RTF;
if (fpOutput->GetTextLen() == 0) {
Large set of changes to restore CiderPress build. CiderPress and MDC now compile, and execute far enough to open their respective "about" boxes, but I doubt they'll do much more than that. * Switch from MBCS to UNICODE APIs Microsoft switched to UTF-16 (by way of UCS-2) a long time ago, and the support for MBCS seems to be getting phased out. So it's time to switch to wide strings. This is a bit awkward for CiderPress because it works with disk and file archives with 8-bit filenames, and I want NufxLib and DiskImgLib to continue to work on Linux (which has largely taken the UTF-8 approach to Unicode). The libraries will continue to work with 8-bit filenames, with CiderPress/MDC doing the conversion at the appropriate point. There were a couple of places where strings from a structure handed back by one of the libraries were used directly in the UI, or vice-versa, which is a problem because we have nowhere to store the result of the conversion. These currently have fixed place-holder "xyzzy" strings. All UI strings are now wide. Various format strings now use "%ls" and "%hs" to explicitly specify wide and narrow. This doesn't play well with gcc, so only the Windows-specific parts use those. * Various updates to vcxproj files The project-file conversion had some cruft that is now largely gone. The build now has a common output directory for the EXEs and libraries, avoiding the old post-build copy steps. * Added zlib 1.2.8 and nufxlib 2.2.2 source snapshots The old "prebuilts" directory is now gone. The libraries are now built as part of building the apps. I added a minimal set of files for zlib, and a full set for nufxlib. The Linux-specific nufxlib goodies are included for the benefit of the Linux utilities, which are currently broken (don't build). * Replace symbols used for include guards Symbols with a leading "__" are reserved.
2014-11-10 23:32:55 +00:00
textBuf = "(file is empty)";
textLen = strlen(textBuf);
emptyFlg = true;
if (fpOutput->GetOutputKind() == ReformatOutput::kOutputErrorMsg)
/* make sure the control will hold everything we throw at it */
LOGI("Streaming %ld bytes (kind=%d)",
textLen, fpOutput->GetOutputKind());
/* clear this early to avoid loading onto yellow */
if (errFlg)
pEdit->SetBackgroundColor(FALSE, RGB(255, 255, 0));
else if (emptyFlg)
pEdit->SetBackgroundColor(FALSE, RGB(192, 192, 192));
pEdit->SetBackgroundColor(TRUE, 0);
RichEditXfer xfer(textBuf, textLen);
es.dwCookie = (DWORD) &xfer;
es.dwError = 0;
es.pfnCallback = RichEditXfer::EditStreamCallback;
long count;
count = pEdit->StreamIn(streamFormat, es);
LOGI("StreamIn returned count=%ld dwError=%d", count, es.dwError);
if (es.dwError != 0) {
/* a -16 error can happen if the type is RTF but contents are not */
char errorText[256];
"ERROR: failed while loading data (err=0x%08lx)\n"
"(File contents might be too big for Windows to display)\n",
RichEditXfer errXfer(errorText, strlen(errorText));
es.dwCookie = (DWORD) &errXfer;
es.dwError = 0;
count = pEdit->StreamIn(SF_TEXT, es);
LOGI("Error StreamIn returned count=%ld dwError=%d", count, es.dwError);
errFlg = true;
//pEdit->SetSel(0, 0);
/* move us back to the top */
/* just in case it's trying to hold on to something */
/* work around bug that creates unnecessary scroll bars */
pEdit->SetScrollRange(SB_VERT, 0, 0, TRUE);
pEdit->SetScrollRange(SB_HORZ, 0, 0, TRUE);
/* display the entire message in the user's selected font */
if (!fpOutput->GetMultipleFontsFlag()) {
// adjust the font, stripping default boldness from SF_TEXT
NewFontSelected(fpOutput->GetOutputKind() != ReformatOutput::kOutputRTF);
/* enable/disable the scroll bars */
//pEdit->EnableScrollBar(SB_BOTH, ESB_DISABLE_BOTH);
if (errFlg)
pEdit->SetBackgroundColor(FALSE, RGB(255, 255, 0));
else if (emptyFlg)
pEdit->SetBackgroundColor(FALSE, RGB(192, 192, 192));
pEdit->SetBackgroundColor(TRUE, 0);
* Work around a Windows bug that prevents the scroll bars from
* being displayed immediately. This makes them appear, but the
* vertical scroll bar comes out funky on short files (fixed with
* the SetScrollRange call above).
* Best guess: when the edit box is resized, it chooses the scroll bar
* configuration based on the currently-loaded data. If you resize it
* and *then* add data, you're stuck with the previous scroll bar
* values. This doesn't quite make sense though...
* This works:
* - Set up dialog.
* - Load data.
* - Do minor twiddling.
* - Resize box significantly.
* This works:
* - (box already has data in it)
* - Load new data.
* - Do minor twiddling.
* This doesn't:
* - Set up dialog
* - Resize box significantly.
* - Load data.
* - Do minor twiddling.
* There might be some first-time setup issues in here. Hard to say.
* Anything related to RichEdit controls is extremely fragile, and must
* be tested with a variety of inputs, preference settings, and under
* at least Win98 and Win2K (which are *very* different).
if (fFirstResize) {
/* adjust the size of the window to match the last size used */
const Preferences* pPreferences = GET_PREFERENCES();
long width = pPreferences->GetPrefLong(kPrFileViewerWidth);
long height = pPreferences->GetPrefLong(kPrFileViewerHeight);
CRect fullRect;
//LOGI(" VFD pre-size %dx%d", fullRect.Width(), fullRect.Height());
fullRect.right = fullRect.left + width;
fullRect.bottom = + height;
MoveWindow(fullRect, TRUE);
editHadFocus = true; // force focus on edit box
fFirstResize = false;
} else {
/* this should be enough */
ShiftControls(0, 0);
if (fpOutput->GetOutputKind() == ReformatOutput::kOutputBitmap) {
/* get the cursor off of the image */
pEdit->SetSel(-1, -1);
* We want the focus to be on the text window so keyboard selection
* commands work. However, it's also nice to be able to arrow through
* the format selection box.
if (editHadFocus)
fTitle = fileName;
//if (fpOutput->GetOutputKind() == ReformatOutput::kOutputText ||
// fpOutput->GetOutputKind() == ReformatOutput::kOutputRTF ||
// fpOutput->GetOutputKind() == ReformatOutput::kOutputCSV ||
// fpOutput->GetOutputKind() == ReformatOutput::kOutputBitmap ||
// fpOutput->GetOutputKind() == ReformatOutput::kOutputRaw)
// not for error messages
fTitle += _T(" [");
fTitle += fpOutput->GetFormatDescr();
fTitle += _T("]");
//} else if (fpOutput->GetOutputKind() == ReformatOutput::kOutputRaw) {
// fTitle += _T(" [Raw]");
CString winTitle = _T("File Viewer - ");
winTitle += fTitle;
* Enable or disable the next/prev buttons.
CButton* pButton;
pButton = (CButton*) GetDlgItem(IDC_FVIEW_PREV);
pButton = (CButton*) GetDlgItem(IDC_FVIEW_NEXT);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Handle the "next" button.
* (This is also called from DoDataExchange.)
ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part;
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id;
int result;
if (fBusy) {
fBusy = true;
if (!fpSelSet->IterHasNext()) {
* Get the pieces of the file.
SelectionEntry* pSelEntry = fpSelSet->IterNext();
GenericEntry* pEntry = pSelEntry->GetEntry();
result = ReformatPrep(pEntry);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
#if 0
// for debugging -- simulate failure
result = -1;
delete fpHolder;
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
fpHolder = NULL;
delete fpOutput;
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
fpOutput = NULL;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
fBusy = false;
if (result != 0) {
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
ASSERT(fpHolder == NULL);
ASSERT(fpOutput == NULL);
* Format a piece.
part = GetSelectedPart();
id = ConfigureFormatSel(part);
Reformat(pSelEntry->GetEntry(), part, id);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Handle the "prev" button.
ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part;
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id;
int result;
if (fBusy) {
fBusy = true;
if (!fpSelSet->IterHasPrev()) {
* Get the pieces of the file.
SelectionEntry* pSelEntry = fpSelSet->IterPrev();
GenericEntry* pEntry = pSelEntry->GetEntry();
result = ReformatPrep(pEntry);
fBusy = false;
if (result != 0) {
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
ASSERT(fpHolder == NULL);
ASSERT(fpOutput == NULL);
* Format a piece.
part = GetSelectedPart();
id = ConfigureFormatSel(part);
Reformat(pEntry, part, id);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Configure the radio buttons that determine which part to view, enabling
* only those that make sense.
* Try to keep the previously-set button set.
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
* If "pEntry" is NULL, all buttons are disabled (useful for first-time
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* initialization).
ViewFilesDialog::ConfigurePartButtons(const GenericEntry* pEntry)
int id = 0;
CButton* pDataWnd = (CButton*) GetDlgItem(IDC_FVIEW_DATA);
CButton* pRsrcWnd = (CButton*) GetDlgItem(IDC_FVIEW_RSRC);
CButton* pCmmtWnd = (CButton*) GetDlgItem(IDC_FVIEW_CMMT);
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
ASSERT(pDataWnd != NULL && pRsrcWnd != NULL && pCmmtWnd != NULL);
/* figure out what was checked before, ignoring if it's not available */
if (pDataWnd->GetCheck() == BST_CHECKED && pEntry->GetHasDataFork())
else if (pRsrcWnd->GetCheck() == BST_CHECKED && pEntry->GetHasRsrcFork())
else if (pCmmtWnd->GetCheck() == BST_CHECKED && pEntry->GetHasComment())
/* couldn't keep previous check, find a new one */
if (id == 0) {
if (pEntry->GetHasDataFork())
else if (pEntry->GetHasRsrcFork())
else if (pEntry->GetHasComment())
// else leave it set to 0
/* set up the dialog */
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
if (pEntry == NULL) {
} else {
if (id == IDC_FVIEW_RSRC)
else if (id == IDC_FVIEW_CMMT)
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Figure out which part of the file is selected (data/rsrc/comment).
* If no part is selected, throws up its hands and returns kPartData.
CButton* pDataWnd = (CButton*) GetDlgItem(IDC_FVIEW_DATA);
CButton* pRsrcWnd = (CButton*) GetDlgItem(IDC_FVIEW_RSRC);
CButton* pCmmtWnd = (CButton*) GetDlgItem(IDC_FVIEW_CMMT);
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
ASSERT(pDataWnd != NULL && pRsrcWnd != NULL && pCmmtWnd != NULL);
if (pDataWnd->GetCheck() == BST_CHECKED)
return ReformatHolder::kPartData;
else if (pRsrcWnd->GetCheck() == BST_CHECKED)
return ReformatHolder::kPartRsrc;
else if (pCmmtWnd->GetCheck() == BST_CHECKED)
return ReformatHolder::kPartCmmt;
else {
return ReformatHolder::kPartData;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Set up the fpHolder. Does not reformat the data, just loads the source
* material and runs the applicability tests.
* Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
ViewFilesDialog::ReformatPrep(GenericEntry* pEntry)
CWaitCursor waitc; // can be slow reading data from floppy
MainWindow* pMainWindow = GET_MAIN_WINDOW();
int result;
delete fpHolder;
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
fpHolder = NULL;
result = pMainWindow->GetFileParts(pEntry, &fpHolder);
if (result != 0) {
LOGI("GetFileParts(prev) failed!");
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
ASSERT(fpHolder == NULL);
return -1;
/* set up the ReformatHolder */
/* prep for applicability test */
Large set of changes to restore CiderPress build. CiderPress and MDC now compile, and execute far enough to open their respective "about" boxes, but I doubt they'll do much more than that. * Switch from MBCS to UNICODE APIs Microsoft switched to UTF-16 (by way of UCS-2) a long time ago, and the support for MBCS seems to be getting phased out. So it's time to switch to wide strings. This is a bit awkward for CiderPress because it works with disk and file archives with 8-bit filenames, and I want NufxLib and DiskImgLib to continue to work on Linux (which has largely taken the UTF-8 approach to Unicode). The libraries will continue to work with 8-bit filenames, with CiderPress/MDC doing the conversion at the appropriate point. There were a couple of places where strings from a structure handed back by one of the libraries were used directly in the UI, or vice-versa, which is a problem because we have nowhere to store the result of the conversion. These currently have fixed place-holder "xyzzy" strings. All UI strings are now wide. Various format strings now use "%ls" and "%hs" to explicitly specify wide and narrow. This doesn't play well with gcc, so only the Windows-specific parts use those. * Various updates to vcxproj files The project-file conversion had some cruft that is now largely gone. The build now has a common output directory for the EXEs and libraries, avoiding the old post-build copy steps. * Added zlib 1.2.8 and nufxlib 2.2.2 source snapshots The old "prebuilts" directory is now gone. The libraries are now built as part of building the apps. I added a minimal set of files for zlib, and a full set for nufxlib. The Linux-specific nufxlib goodies are included for the benefit of the Linux utilities, which are currently broken (don't build). * Replace symbols used for include guards Symbols with a leading "__" are reserved.
2014-11-10 23:32:55 +00:00
/* figure out which reformatters apply to this file */
LOGI("Testing reformatters");
return 0;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Reformat a file.
* Returns 0 if the file was reformatted, -1 if not
ViewFilesDialog::Reformat(const GenericEntry* pEntry,
ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part, ReformatHolder::ReformatID id)
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
CWaitCursor waitc;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
delete fpOutput;
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
fpOutput = NULL;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
/* run the best one */
fpOutput = fpHolder->Apply(part, id);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
if (fpOutput != NULL) {
// success -- do some sanity checks
switch (fpOutput->GetOutputKind()) {
case ReformatOutput::kOutputText:
case ReformatOutput::kOutputRTF:
case ReformatOutput::kOutputCSV:
case ReformatOutput::kOutputErrorMsg:
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
ASSERT(fpOutput->GetTextBuf() != NULL);
ASSERT(fpOutput->GetDIB() == NULL);
case ReformatOutput::kOutputBitmap:
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
ASSERT(fpOutput->GetDIB() != NULL);
ASSERT(fpOutput->GetTextBuf() == NULL);
case ReformatOutput::kOutputRaw:
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
// text buf might be NULL
ASSERT(fpOutput->GetDIB() == NULL);
return 0;
} else {
/* shouldn't get here; handle it if we do */
Large set of changes to restore CiderPress build. CiderPress and MDC now compile, and execute far enough to open their respective "about" boxes, but I doubt they'll do much more than that. * Switch from MBCS to UNICODE APIs Microsoft switched to UTF-16 (by way of UCS-2) a long time ago, and the support for MBCS seems to be getting phased out. So it's time to switch to wide strings. This is a bit awkward for CiderPress because it works with disk and file archives with 8-bit filenames, and I want NufxLib and DiskImgLib to continue to work on Linux (which has largely taken the UTF-8 approach to Unicode). The libraries will continue to work with 8-bit filenames, with CiderPress/MDC doing the conversion at the appropriate point. There were a couple of places where strings from a structure handed back by one of the libraries were used directly in the UI, or vice-versa, which is a problem because we have nowhere to store the result of the conversion. These currently have fixed place-holder "xyzzy" strings. All UI strings are now wide. Various format strings now use "%ls" and "%hs" to explicitly specify wide and narrow. This doesn't play well with gcc, so only the Windows-specific parts use those. * Various updates to vcxproj files The project-file conversion had some cruft that is now largely gone. The build now has a common output directory for the EXEs and libraries, avoiding the old post-build copy steps. * Added zlib 1.2.8 and nufxlib 2.2.2 source snapshots The old "prebuilts" directory is now gone. The libraries are now built as part of building the apps. I added a minimal set of files for zlib, and a full set for nufxlib. The Linux-specific nufxlib goodies are included for the benefit of the Linux utilities, which are currently broken (don't build). * Replace symbols used for include guards Symbols with a leading "__" are reserved.
2014-11-10 23:32:55 +00:00
static const char* kFailMsg = "Internal error\r\n";
fpOutput = new ReformatOutput;
fpOutput->SetTextBuf((char*) kFailMsg, strlen(kFailMsg), false);
return -1;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Set up the entries in the drop box based on the "applicable" array in
* fpHolder. The set of values is different for each part of the file.
* Returns the default reformatter ID. This is always entry #0.
* I tried making it "sticky", so that if the user chose to go into hex
* dump mode it would stay there. We returned either entry #0 in the
* combo box, or the previously-selected reformatter ID if it also
* applies to this file. This was a little whacked, e.g. Intbasic vs.
* S-C assembler got ugly, so I tried restricting it to "always" classes.
* But then, the first time you hit a binary file with no reformatter,
* you're stuck there. Eventually I decided to discard the idea.
ViewFilesDialog::ConfigureFormatSel(ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part)
//ReformatHolder::ReformatID prevID = ReformatHolder::kReformatUnknown;
ReformatHolder::ReformatID returnID = ReformatHolder::kReformatRaw;
CComboBox* pCombo = (CComboBox*) GetDlgItem(IDC_FVIEW_FORMATSEL);
LOGI("--- ConfigureFormatSel");
//int sel;
//sel = pCombo->GetCurSel();
//if (sel != CB_ERR)
// prevID = (ReformatHolder::ReformatID) pCombo->GetItemData(sel);
//LOGI(" prevID = %d", prevID);
* Fill out the combo box with the reformatter entries.
* There's probably a way to do this that doesn't involve abusing
* enums, but this'll do for now.
int applyIdx, idIdx;
bool preferred = true;
int comboIdx;
for (applyIdx = ReformatHolder::kApplicMAX;
applyIdx > ReformatHolder::kApplicNot; /*no incr*/)
if (applyIdx == ReformatHolder::kApplicMAX)
goto skip;
if (applyIdx == ReformatHolder::kApplicUnknown)
goto skip;
int testApplies;
testApplies = applyIdx;
if (preferred)
testApplies |= ReformatHolder::kApplicPreferred;
for (idIdx = 0; idIdx < ReformatHolder::kReformatMAX; idIdx++) {
if (idIdx == ReformatHolder::kReformatUnknown)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies;
applies = fpHolder->GetApplic(part,
(ReformatHolder::ReformatID) idIdx);
if ((int) applies == testApplies) {
/* match! */
CString str;
//LOGI("MATCH at %d (0x%02x)", idIdx, testApplies);
Large set of changes to restore CiderPress build. CiderPress and MDC now compile, and execute far enough to open their respective "about" boxes, but I doubt they'll do much more than that. * Switch from MBCS to UNICODE APIs Microsoft switched to UTF-16 (by way of UCS-2) a long time ago, and the support for MBCS seems to be getting phased out. So it's time to switch to wide strings. This is a bit awkward for CiderPress because it works with disk and file archives with 8-bit filenames, and I want NufxLib and DiskImgLib to continue to work on Linux (which has largely taken the UTF-8 approach to Unicode). The libraries will continue to work with 8-bit filenames, with CiderPress/MDC doing the conversion at the appropriate point. There were a couple of places where strings from a structure handed back by one of the libraries were used directly in the UI, or vice-versa, which is a problem because we have nowhere to store the result of the conversion. These currently have fixed place-holder "xyzzy" strings. All UI strings are now wide. Various format strings now use "%ls" and "%hs" to explicitly specify wide and narrow. This doesn't play well with gcc, so only the Windows-specific parts use those. * Various updates to vcxproj files The project-file conversion had some cruft that is now largely gone. The build now has a common output directory for the EXEs and libraries, avoiding the old post-build copy steps. * Added zlib 1.2.8 and nufxlib 2.2.2 source snapshots The old "prebuilts" directory is now gone. The libraries are now built as part of building the apps. I added a minimal set of files for zlib, and a full set for nufxlib. The Linux-specific nufxlib goodies are included for the benefit of the Linux utilities, which are currently broken (don't build). * Replace symbols used for include guards Symbols with a leading "__" are reserved.
2014-11-10 23:32:55 +00:00
str.Format(L"%ls", ReformatHolder::GetReformatName(
(ReformatHolder::ReformatID) idIdx));
comboIdx = pCombo->AddString(str);
pCombo->SetItemData(comboIdx, idIdx);
/* define initial selection as best item */
if (comboIdx == 0)
//if (idIdx == (int) prevID &&
// applyIdx == ReformatHolder::kApplicAlways)
// LOGI(" Found 'always' prevID, selecting");
// pCombo->SetCurSel(comboIdx);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
if (!preferred)
preferred = !preferred;
/* return whatever we now have selected */
int sel = pCombo->GetCurSel();
LOGI(" At end, sel is %d", sel);
if (sel != CB_ERR)
returnID = (ReformatHolder::ReformatID) pCombo->GetItemData(sel);
return returnID;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* The user has changed entries in the format selection drop box.
* Also called from the "quick change" buttons.
CComboBox* pCombo = (CComboBox*) GetDlgItem(IDC_FVIEW_FORMATSEL);
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
ASSERT(pCombo != NULL);
LOGI("+++ SELECTION IS NOW %d", pCombo->GetCurSel());
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
SelectionEntry* pSelEntry = fpSelSet->IterCurrent();
GenericEntry* pEntry = pSelEntry->GetEntry();
ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part;
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
part = GetSelectedPart();
id = (ReformatHolder::ReformatID) pCombo->GetItemData(pCombo->GetCurSel());
Reformat(pEntry, part, id);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Change the fork we're looking at.
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
ViewFilesDialog::ForkSelectCommon(ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part)
GenericEntry* pEntry;
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
LOGI("Switching to file part=%d", part);
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
ASSERT(fpHolder != NULL);
ASSERT(fpSelSet != NULL);
ASSERT(fpSelSet->IterCurrent() != NULL);
pEntry = fpSelSet->IterCurrent()->GetEntry();
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
ASSERT(pEntry != NULL);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
id = ConfigureFormatSel(part);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
Reformat(pEntry, part, id);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Switch to hex dump mode.
CComboBox* pCombo = (CComboBox*) GetDlgItem(IDC_FVIEW_FORMATSEL);
pCombo->SetCurSel(0); // best is always at the top
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Switch to hex dump mode.
CComboBox* pCombo = (CComboBox*) GetDlgItem(IDC_FVIEW_FORMATSEL);
int sel = FindByVal(pCombo, ReformatHolder::kReformatHexDump);
if (sel < 0)
sel = 0;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Switch to raw mode.
CComboBox* pCombo = (CComboBox*) GetDlgItem(IDC_FVIEW_FORMATSEL);
int sel = FindByVal(pCombo, ReformatHolder::kReformatRaw);
if (sel < 0)
sel = 0;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Enable or disable all of the format selection buttons.
ViewFilesDialog::EnableFormatSelection(BOOL enable)
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Return the combo box index for the entry whose "data" field matches "val".
* Returns -1 if the entry couldn't be found.
ViewFilesDialog::FindByVal(CComboBox* pCombo, DWORD val)
int count = pCombo->GetCount();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (pCombo->GetItemData(i) == val)
return i;
return -1;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Handle the "font" button. Choose a font, then apply the choice to
* all of the text in the box.
LOGFONT logFont;
CFont font;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Create a LOGFONT structure with the desired default characteristics,
* then use that to initialize the font dialog.
CreateSimpleFont(&font, this, fTypeFace, fPointSize);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
CFontDialog fontDlg(&logFont);
fontDlg.m_cf.Flags &= ~(CF_EFFECTS);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
if (fontDlg.DoModal() == IDOK) {
fTypeFace = fontDlg.GetFaceName();
fPointSize = fontDlg.GetSize() / 10;
LOGI("Now using %d-point '%ls'", fPointSize, (LPCWSTR) fTypeFace);
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Font selection has changed, update the richedit box.
ViewFilesDialog::NewFontSelected(bool resetBold)
CRichEditCtrl* pEdit = (CRichEditCtrl*) GetDlgItem(IDC_FVIEW_EDITBOX);
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
ASSERT(pEdit != NULL);
cf.cbSize = sizeof(CHARFORMAT);
cf.dwMask = CFM_FACE | CFM_SIZE;
if (resetBold) {
cf.dwMask |= CFM_BOLD;
cf.dwEffects = 0;
::lstrcpy(cf.szFaceName, fTypeFace);
cf.yHeight = fPointSize * 20; // in twips
pEdit->SetSel(0, -1); // select all
pEdit->SetSel(0, 0); // unselect
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Print a ContentList.
MainWindow* pMainWindow = GET_MAIN_WINDOW();
CPrintDialog dlg(FALSE); // use CPrintDialogEx for Win2K? CPageSetUpDialog?
PrintRichEdit pre;
CDC dc;
int numPages;
dlg.m_pd.nFromPage = dlg.m_pd.nMinPage = 1;
dlg.m_pd.nToPage = dlg.m_pd.nMaxPage = 1;
* Getting the expected number of pages requires a print test-run.
* However, if we use GetDefaults to get the DC, the call to DoModal
* returns immediately with IDCANCEL. So, we do our pre-flighting
* in a separate DC with a separate print dialog object.
CPrintDialog countDlg(FALSE);
CDC countDC;
dlg.m_pd.hDevMode = pMainWindow->fhDevMode;
dlg.m_pd.hDevNames = pMainWindow->fhDevNames;
if (countDlg.GetDefaults() == TRUE) {
CWaitCursor waitc;
if (countDC.Attach(countDlg.GetPrinterDC()) != TRUE) {
pre.Setup(&countDC, this);
pre.PrintPreflight(&fEditCtrl, &numPages);
LOGI("Default printer generated %d pages", numPages);
dlg.m_pd.nToPage = dlg.m_pd.nMaxPage = numPages;
pMainWindow->fhDevMode = dlg.m_pd.hDevMode;
pMainWindow->fhDevNames = dlg.m_pd.hDevNames;
long startChar, endChar;
fEditCtrl.GetSel(/*ref*/startChar, /*ref*/endChar);
if (endChar != startChar) {
LOGI("GetSel returned start=%ld end=%ld", startChar, endChar);
dlg.m_pd.Flags &= ~(PD_NOSELECTION);
dlg.m_pd.hDevMode = pMainWindow->fhDevMode;
dlg.m_pd.hDevNames = pMainWindow->fhDevNames;
dlg.m_pd.Flags &= ~(PD_NOPAGENUMS);
* Show them the print dialog.
if (dlg.DoModal() != IDOK)
* Grab the chosen printer and prep ourselves.
if (dc.Attach(dlg.GetPrinterDC()) != TRUE) {
CString msg;
ShowFailureMsg(this, msg, IDS_FAILED);
pre.Setup(&dc, this);
* Do the printing.
if (dlg.PrintRange())
pre.PrintPages(&fEditCtrl, fTitle, dlg.GetFromPage(), dlg.GetToPage());
else if (dlg.PrintSelection())
pre.PrintSelection(&fEditCtrl, fTitle, startChar, endChar);
else // dlg.PrintAll()
pre.PrintAll(&fEditCtrl, fTitle);
pMainWindow->fhDevMode = dlg.m_pd.hDevMode;
pMainWindow->fhDevNames = dlg.m_pd.hDevNames;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* User hit the "Find..." button. Open the modeless Find dialog.
DWORD flags = 0;
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
if (fpFindDialog != NULL)
if (fFindDown)
flags |= FR_DOWN;
if (fFindMatchCase)
flags |= FR_MATCHCASE;
if (fFindMatchWholeWord)
flags |= FR_WHOLEWORD;
* I can't get this to work with FindText(). There's a lot of questions
* about this on web sites. Probably safest to just disable it.
fpFindDialog = new CFindReplaceDialog;
fpFindDialog->Create(TRUE, // "find" only
fFindLastStr, // default string to search for
NULL, // default string to replace
flags, // flags
this); // parent
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Handle activity in the modeless "find" dialog.
ViewFilesDialog::OnFindDialogMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
assert(fpFindDialog != NULL);
fFindDown = (fpFindDialog->SearchDown() != 0);
fFindMatchCase = (fpFindDialog->MatchCase() != 0);
fFindMatchWholeWord = (fpFindDialog->MatchWholeWord() != 0);
if (fpFindDialog->IsTerminating()) {
LOGI("VFD find dialog closing");
2014-11-18 05:13:13 +00:00
fpFindDialog = NULL;
return 0;
if (fpFindDialog->FindNext()) {
fFindLastStr = fpFindDialog->GetFindString();
FindNext(fFindLastStr, fFindDown, fFindMatchCase, fFindMatchWholeWord);
} else {
LOGI("Unexpected find dialog activity");
return 0;
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* Find the next ocurrence of the specified string.
Large set of changes to restore CiderPress build. CiderPress and MDC now compile, and execute far enough to open their respective "about" boxes, but I doubt they'll do much more than that. * Switch from MBCS to UNICODE APIs Microsoft switched to UTF-16 (by way of UCS-2) a long time ago, and the support for MBCS seems to be getting phased out. So it's time to switch to wide strings. This is a bit awkward for CiderPress because it works with disk and file archives with 8-bit filenames, and I want NufxLib and DiskImgLib to continue to work on Linux (which has largely taken the UTF-8 approach to Unicode). The libraries will continue to work with 8-bit filenames, with CiderPress/MDC doing the conversion at the appropriate point. There were a couple of places where strings from a structure handed back by one of the libraries were used directly in the UI, or vice-versa, which is a problem because we have nowhere to store the result of the conversion. These currently have fixed place-holder "xyzzy" strings. All UI strings are now wide. Various format strings now use "%ls" and "%hs" to explicitly specify wide and narrow. This doesn't play well with gcc, so only the Windows-specific parts use those. * Various updates to vcxproj files The project-file conversion had some cruft that is now largely gone. The build now has a common output directory for the EXEs and libraries, avoiding the old post-build copy steps. * Added zlib 1.2.8 and nufxlib 2.2.2 source snapshots The old "prebuilts" directory is now gone. The libraries are now built as part of building the apps. I added a minimal set of files for zlib, and a full set for nufxlib. The Linux-specific nufxlib goodies are included for the benefit of the Linux utilities, which are currently broken (don't build). * Replace symbols used for include guards Symbols with a leading "__" are reserved.
2014-11-10 23:32:55 +00:00
ViewFilesDialog::FindNext(const WCHAR* str, bool down, bool matchCase,
bool wholeWord)
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
LOGI("FindText '%ls' d=%d c=%d w=%d", str, down, matchCase, wholeWord);
FINDTEXTEX findTextEx = { 0 };
DWORD flags = 0;
long start, result;
if (matchCase)
flags |= FR_MATCHCASE;
if (wholeWord)
flags |= FR_WHOLEWORD;
LOGI(" selection is %ld,%ld",
selChrg.cpMin, selChrg.cpMax);
if (selChrg.cpMin == selChrg.cpMax)
start = selChrg.cpMin; // start at caret
start = selChrg.cpMin +1; // start past selection
findTextEx.chrg.cpMin = start;
findTextEx.chrg.cpMax = -1;
Large set of changes to restore CiderPress build. CiderPress and MDC now compile, and execute far enough to open their respective "about" boxes, but I doubt they'll do much more than that. * Switch from MBCS to UNICODE APIs Microsoft switched to UTF-16 (by way of UCS-2) a long time ago, and the support for MBCS seems to be getting phased out. So it's time to switch to wide strings. This is a bit awkward for CiderPress because it works with disk and file archives with 8-bit filenames, and I want NufxLib and DiskImgLib to continue to work on Linux (which has largely taken the UTF-8 approach to Unicode). The libraries will continue to work with 8-bit filenames, with CiderPress/MDC doing the conversion at the appropriate point. There were a couple of places where strings from a structure handed back by one of the libraries were used directly in the UI, or vice-versa, which is a problem because we have nowhere to store the result of the conversion. These currently have fixed place-holder "xyzzy" strings. All UI strings are now wide. Various format strings now use "%ls" and "%hs" to explicitly specify wide and narrow. This doesn't play well with gcc, so only the Windows-specific parts use those. * Various updates to vcxproj files The project-file conversion had some cruft that is now largely gone. The build now has a common output directory for the EXEs and libraries, avoiding the old post-build copy steps. * Added zlib 1.2.8 and nufxlib 2.2.2 source snapshots The old "prebuilts" directory is now gone. The libraries are now built as part of building the apps. I added a minimal set of files for zlib, and a full set for nufxlib. The Linux-specific nufxlib goodies are included for the benefit of the Linux utilities, which are currently broken (don't build). * Replace symbols used for include guards Symbols with a leading "__" are reserved.
2014-11-10 23:32:55 +00:00
findTextEx.lpstrText = str;
/* MSVC++6 claims FindText doesn't exist, even though it's in the header */
//result = fEditCtrl.FindText(flags, &findTextEx);
result = fEditCtrl.SendMessage(EM_FINDTEXTEX, (WPARAM) flags,
(LPARAM) &findTextEx);
if (result == -1) {
/* didn't find it, wrap around to start */
findTextEx.chrg.cpMin = 0;
findTextEx.chrg.cpMax = -1;
Large set of changes to restore CiderPress build. CiderPress and MDC now compile, and execute far enough to open their respective "about" boxes, but I doubt they'll do much more than that. * Switch from MBCS to UNICODE APIs Microsoft switched to UTF-16 (by way of UCS-2) a long time ago, and the support for MBCS seems to be getting phased out. So it's time to switch to wide strings. This is a bit awkward for CiderPress because it works with disk and file archives with 8-bit filenames, and I want NufxLib and DiskImgLib to continue to work on Linux (which has largely taken the UTF-8 approach to Unicode). The libraries will continue to work with 8-bit filenames, with CiderPress/MDC doing the conversion at the appropriate point. There were a couple of places where strings from a structure handed back by one of the libraries were used directly in the UI, or vice-versa, which is a problem because we have nowhere to store the result of the conversion. These currently have fixed place-holder "xyzzy" strings. All UI strings are now wide. Various format strings now use "%ls" and "%hs" to explicitly specify wide and narrow. This doesn't play well with gcc, so only the Windows-specific parts use those. * Various updates to vcxproj files The project-file conversion had some cruft that is now largely gone. The build now has a common output directory for the EXEs and libraries, avoiding the old post-build copy steps. * Added zlib 1.2.8 and nufxlib 2.2.2 source snapshots The old "prebuilts" directory is now gone. The libraries are now built as part of building the apps. I added a minimal set of files for zlib, and a full set for nufxlib. The Linux-specific nufxlib goodies are included for the benefit of the Linux utilities, which are currently broken (don't build). * Replace symbols used for include guards Symbols with a leading "__" are reserved.
2014-11-10 23:32:55 +00:00
findTextEx.lpstrText = str;
result = fEditCtrl.SendMessage(EM_FINDTEXTEX, (WPARAM) flags,
(LPARAM) &findTextEx);
LOGI(" result=%ld min=%ld max=%ld", result,
findTextEx.chrgText.cpMin, findTextEx.chrgText.cpMax);
if (result != -1) {
/* select the text we found */
} else {
/* remove selection, leaving caret at start of sel */
selChrg.cpMax = selChrg.cpMin;
MainWindow* pMain = (MainWindow*)::AfxGetMainWnd();
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* User pressed the "Help" button.
2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00