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2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* libhfs - library for reading and writing Macintosh HFS volumes
* Copyright (C) 1996-1998 Robert Leslie
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* $Id$
typedef signed char Char;
typedef unsigned char UChar;
typedef signed char SignedByte;
typedef signed short Integer;
typedef unsigned short UInteger;
typedef signed long LongInt;
typedef unsigned long ULongInt;
typedef char Str15[16];
typedef char Str31[32];
typedef long OSType;
typedef struct {
Integer sbSig; /* device signature (should be 0x4552) */
Integer sbBlkSize; /* block size of the device (in bytes) */
LongInt sbBlkCount; /* number of blocks on the device */
Integer sbDevType; /* reserved */
Integer sbDevId; /* reserved */
LongInt sbData; /* reserved */
Integer sbDrvrCount; /* number of driver descriptor entries */
LongInt ddBlock; /* first driver's starting block */
Integer ddSize; /* size of the driver, in 512-byte blocks */
Integer ddType; /* driver operating system type (MacOS = 1) */
Integer ddPad[243]; /* additional drivers, if any */
} Block0;
typedef struct {
Integer pmSig; /* partition signature (0x504d or 0x5453) */
Integer pmSigPad; /* reserved */
LongInt pmMapBlkCnt; /* number of blocks in partition map */
LongInt pmPyPartStart; /* first physical block of partition */
LongInt pmPartBlkCnt; /* number of blocks in partition */
Char pmPartName[33]; /* partition name */
Char pmParType[33]; /* partition type */
LongInt pmLgDataStart; /* first logical block of data area */
LongInt pmDataCnt; /* number of blocks in data area */
LongInt pmPartStatus; /* partition status information */
LongInt pmLgBootStart; /* first logical block of boot code */
LongInt pmBootSize; /* size of boot code, in bytes */
LongInt pmBootAddr; /* boot code load address */
LongInt pmBootAddr2; /* reserved */
LongInt pmBootEntry; /* boot code entry point */
LongInt pmBootEntry2; /* reserved */
LongInt pmBootCksum; /* boot code checksum */
Char pmProcessor[17];/* processor type */
Integer pmPad[188]; /* reserved */
} Partition;
typedef struct {
Integer bbID; /* boot blocks signature */
LongInt bbEntry; /* entry point to boot code */
Integer bbVersion; /* boot blocks version number */
Integer bbPageFlags; /* used internally */
Str15 bbSysName; /* System filename */
Str15 bbShellName; /* Finder filename */
Str15 bbDbg1Name; /* debugger filename */
Str15 bbDbg2Name; /* debugger filename */
Str15 bbScreenName; /* name of startup screen */
Str15 bbHelloName; /* name of startup program */
Str15 bbScrapName; /* name of system scrap file */
Integer bbCntFCBs; /* number of FCBs to allocate */
Integer bbCntEvts; /* number of event queue elements */
LongInt bb128KSHeap; /* system heap size on 128K Mac */
LongInt bb256KSHeap; /* used internally */
LongInt bbSysHeapSize; /* system heap size on all machines */
Integer filler; /* reserved */
LongInt bbSysHeapExtra; /* additional system heap space */
LongInt bbSysHeapFract; /* fraction of RAM for system heap */
} BootBlkHdr;
typedef struct {
UInteger xdrStABN; /* first allocation block */
UInteger xdrNumABlks; /* number of allocation blocks */
} ExtDescriptor;
typedef ExtDescriptor ExtDataRec[3];
typedef struct {
SignedByte xkrKeyLen; /* key length */
SignedByte xkrFkType; /* fork type (0x00/0xff == data/resource */
ULongInt xkrFNum; /* file number */
UInteger xkrFABN; /* starting file allocation block */
} ExtKeyRec;
typedef struct {
SignedByte ckrKeyLen; /* key length */
SignedByte ckrResrv1; /* reserved */
ULongInt ckrParID; /* parent directory ID */
Str31 ckrCName; /* catalog node name */
} CatKeyRec;
typedef struct {
Integer v; /* vertical coordinate */
Integer h; /* horizontal coordinate */
} Point;
typedef struct {
Integer top; /* top edge of rectangle */
Integer left; /* left edge */
Integer bottom; /* bottom edge */
Integer right; /* right edge */
} Rect;
typedef struct {
Rect frRect; /* folder's rectangle */
Integer frFlags; /* flags */
Point frLocation; /* folder's location */
Integer frView; /* folder's view */
} DInfo;
typedef struct {
Point frScroll; /* scroll position */
LongInt frOpenChain; /* directory ID chain of open folders */
Integer frUnused; /* reserved */
Integer frComment; /* comment ID */
LongInt frPutAway; /* directory ID */
} DXInfo;
typedef struct {
OSType fdType; /* file type */
OSType fdCreator; /* file's creator */
Integer fdFlags; /* flags */
Point fdLocation; /* file's location */
Integer fdFldr; /* file's window */
} FInfo;
typedef struct {
Integer fdIconID; /* icon ID */
Integer fdUnused[4]; /* reserved */
Integer fdComment; /* comment ID */
LongInt fdPutAway; /* home directory ID */
} FXInfo;
typedef struct {
Integer drSigWord; /* volume signature (0x4244 for HFS) */
LongInt drCrDate; /* date and time of volume creation */
LongInt drLsMod; /* date and time of last modification */
Integer drAtrb; /* volume attributes */
UInteger drNmFls; /* number of files in root directory */
UInteger drVBMSt; /* first block of volume bit map (always 3) */
UInteger drAllocPtr; /* start of next allocation search */
UInteger drNmAlBlks; /* number of allocation blocks in volume */
ULongInt drAlBlkSiz; /* size (in bytes) of allocation blocks */
ULongInt drClpSiz; /* default clump size */
UInteger drAlBlSt; /* first allocation block in volume */
LongInt drNxtCNID; /* next unused catalog node ID (dir/file ID) */
UInteger drFreeBks; /* number of unused allocation blocks */
char drVN[28]; /* volume name (1-27 chars) */
LongInt drVolBkUp; /* date and time of last backup */
Integer drVSeqNum; /* volume backup sequence number */
ULongInt drWrCnt; /* volume write count */
ULongInt drXTClpSiz; /* clump size for extents overflow file */
ULongInt drCTClpSiz; /* clump size for catalog file */
UInteger drNmRtDirs; /* number of directories in root directory */
ULongInt drFilCnt; /* number of files in volume */
ULongInt drDirCnt; /* number of directories in volume */
LongInt drFndrInfo[8]; /* information used by the Finder */
UInteger drEmbedSigWord; /* type of embedded volume */
ExtDescriptor drEmbedExtent; /* location of embedded volume */
ULongInt drXTFlSize; /* size (in bytes) of extents overflow file */
ExtDataRec drXTExtRec; /* first extent record for extents file */
ULongInt drCTFlSize; /* size (in bytes) of catalog file */
ExtDataRec drCTExtRec; /* first extent record for catalog file */
} MDB;
typedef enum {
cdrDirRec = 1,
cdrFilRec = 2,
cdrThdRec = 3,
cdrFThdRec = 4
} CatDataType;
typedef struct {
SignedByte cdrType; /* record type */
SignedByte cdrResrv2; /* reserved */
union {
struct { /* cdrDirRec */
Integer dirFlags; /* directory flags */
UInteger dirVal; /* directory valence */
ULongInt dirDirID; /* directory ID */
LongInt dirCrDat; /* date and time of creation */
LongInt dirMdDat; /* date and time of last modification */
LongInt dirBkDat; /* date and time of last backup */
DInfo dirUsrInfo; /* Finder information */
DXInfo dirFndrInfo; /* additional Finder information */
LongInt dirResrv[4]; /* reserved */
} dir;
struct { /* cdrFilRec */
filFlags; /* file flags */
filTyp; /* file type */
FInfo filUsrWds; /* Finder information */
ULongInt filFlNum; /* file ID */
UInteger filStBlk; /* first alloc block of data fork */
ULongInt filLgLen; /* logical EOF of data fork */
ULongInt filPyLen; /* physical EOF of data fork */
UInteger filRStBlk; /* first alloc block of resource fork */
ULongInt filRLgLen; /* logical EOF of resource fork */
ULongInt filRPyLen; /* physical EOF of resource fork */
LongInt filCrDat; /* date and time of creation */
LongInt filMdDat; /* date and time of last modification */
LongInt filBkDat; /* date and time of last backup */
FXInfo filFndrInfo; /* additional Finder information */
UInteger filClpSize; /* file clump size */
filExtRec; /* first data fork extent record */
filRExtRec; /* first resource fork extent record */
LongInt filResrv; /* reserved */
} fil;
struct { /* cdrThdRec */
LongInt thdResrv[2]; /* reserved */
ULongInt thdParID; /* parent ID for this directory */
Str31 thdCName; /* name of this directory */
} dthd;
struct { /* cdrFThdRec */
LongInt fthdResrv[2]; /* reserved */
ULongInt fthdParID; /* parent ID for this file */
Str31 fthdCName; /* name of this file */
} fthd;
} u;
} CatDataRec;
typedef struct {
ULongInt ndFLink; /* forward link */
ULongInt ndBLink; /* backward link */
SignedByte ndType; /* node type */
SignedByte ndNHeight; /* node level */
UInteger ndNRecs; /* number of records in node */
Integer ndResv2; /* reserved */
} NodeDescriptor;
enum {
ndIndxNode = (SignedByte) 0x00,
ndHdrNode = (SignedByte) 0x01,
ndMapNode = (SignedByte) 0x02,
ndLeafNode = (SignedByte) 0xff
typedef struct {
UInteger bthDepth; /* current depth of tree */
ULongInt bthRoot; /* number of root node */
ULongInt bthNRecs; /* number of leaf records in tree */
ULongInt bthFNode; /* number of first leaf node */
ULongInt bthLNode; /* number of last leaf node */
UInteger bthNodeSize; /* size of a node */
UInteger bthKeyLen; /* maximum length of a key */
ULongInt bthNNodes; /* total number of nodes in tree */
ULongInt bthFree; /* number of free nodes */
SignedByte bthResv[76]; /* reserved */
} BTHdrRec;