More source code shuffling

Moved comments and return types, switched to uint types, added
"override" keyword.
This commit is contained in:
Andy McFadden 2014-11-25 14:34:14 -08:00
parent aa3145856c
commit c78017b1d2
72 changed files with 1211 additions and 1619 deletions

View File

@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ void ContentList::OnGetDispInfo(NMHDR* pnmh, LRESULT* pResult)
CString modDate;
FormatDate(pEntry->GetModWhen(), &modDate);
::lstrcpy(plvdi->item.pszText, (LPCTSTR) modDate);
::lstrcpy(plvdi->item.pszText, (LPCWSTR) modDate);
case 4: // format

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ BOOL ExtractOptionsDialog::OnInitDialog(void)
} else {
selStr.Format((LPCTSTR) countFmt, fSelectedCount);
selStr.Format((LPCWSTR) countFmt, fSelectedCount);
if (fSelectedCount == 0)

View File

@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ void MyRegistry::ConfigureAppID(const WCHAR* appID, const WCHAR* descr,
iconStr.Format(L"%ls,%d", exeName, iconIdx);
if (RegSetValueEx(hIconKey, L"", 0, REG_SZ,
(const BYTE*)(LPCTSTR) iconStr,
(const BYTE*)(LPCWSTR) iconStr,
wcslen(iconStr) * sizeof(WCHAR)) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
LOGI(" Set icon for '%ls' to '%ls'", appID,

View File

@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ private:
int OwnExtension(const WCHAR* ext, const WCHAR* appID) const;
DWORD RegDeleteKeyNT(HKEY hStartKey, LPCTSTR pKeyName) const;
DWORD RegDeleteKeyNT(HKEY hStartKey, LPCWSTR pKeyName) const;
/* key validation */
//static uint16_t CalcCRC16(uint16_t seed,

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ BOOL UseSelectionDialog::OnInitDialog(void)
} else {
selStr.Format((LPCTSTR) str, fSelectedCount);
selStr.Format((LPCWSTR) str, fSelectedCount);
if (fSelectedCount == 0)

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ BOOL AboutDlg::OnInitDialog()
newText.Format(fmt, kAppMajorVersion, kAppMinorVersion, kAppBugVersion);
LOGI("STR is '%ls'", (LPCWSTR) newText);
LOGD("STR is '%ls'", (LPCWSTR) newText);
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE

View File

@ -10,14 +10,7 @@
#include "ChooseFilesDlg.h"
* Override base class version so we can move our stuff around.
* It's important that the base class be called last, because it calls
* Invalidate to redraw the dialog.
ChooseFilesDlg::ShiftControls(int deltaX, int deltaY)
void ChooseFilesDlg::ShiftControls(int deltaX, int deltaY)
* These only need to be here so that the initial move puts them

View File

@ -24,14 +24,13 @@ public:
virtual ~ChooseFilesDlg(void) {}
//virtual bool MyDataExchange(bool saveAndValidate);
virtual void ShiftControls(int deltaX, int deltaY);
//virtual UINT MyOnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
//void OnIDHelp(void);
//int GetButtonCheck(int id);
//void SetButtonCheck(int id, int checkVal);
* Override base class version so we can move our stuff around.
* It's important that the base class be called last, because it calls
* Invalidate to redraw the dialog.
virtual void ShiftControls(int deltaX, int deltaY) override;

View File

@ -27,10 +27,6 @@ BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(MainWindow, CFrameWnd)
* MainWindow constructor. Creates the main window and sets
* its properties.
static const WCHAR* kAppName = L"MDC";
@ -61,11 +57,6 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow()
fCancelFlag = false;
* MainWindow destructor. Close the archive if one is open, but don't try
* to shut down any controls in child windows. By this point, Windows has
* already snuffed them.
// int cc;
@ -75,21 +66,15 @@ MainWindow::~MainWindow()
* Handle Exit item by sending a close request.
void MainWindow::OnFileExit(void)
// Handle Exit item by sending a close request.
SendMessage(WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
* Go to the faddenSoft web site.
void MainWindow::OnHelpWebSite(void)
// Go to the faddenSoft web site.
int err;
err = (int) ::ShellExecute(m_hWnd, L"open", kWebSiteURL, NULL, NULL,
@ -101,11 +86,7 @@ MainWindow::OnHelpWebSite(void)
* Pop up the About box.
void MainWindow::OnHelpAbout(void)
int result;
@ -116,11 +97,7 @@ MainWindow::OnHelpAbout(void)
* Handle "scan" item.
void MainWindow::OnFileScan(void)
if (0) {
CString msg;
@ -131,19 +108,7 @@ MainWindow::OnFileScan(void)
* Allow events to flow through the message queue whenever the
* progress meter gets updated. This will allow us to redraw with
* reasonable frequency.
* Calling this can result in other code being called, such as Windows
* message handlers, which can lead to reentrancy problems. Make sure
* you're adequately semaphored before calling here.
* Returns TRUE if all is well, FALSE if we're trying to quit.
BOOL MainWindow::PeekAndPump(void)
MSG msg;
@ -167,9 +132,6 @@ MainWindow::PeekAndPump(void)
* ==========================================================================
* Handle a debug message from the DiskImg library.
/*static*/ void
MainWindow::DebugMsgHandler(const char* file, int line, const char* msg)
@ -179,11 +141,9 @@ MainWindow::DebugMsgHandler(const char* file, int line, const char* msg)
LOG_BASE(DebugLog::LOG_INFO, file, line, "<diskimg> %hs", msg);
* Handle a global error message from the NufxLib library.
/*static*/ NuResult
MainWindow::NufxErrorMsgHandler(NuArchive* /*pArchive*/, void* vErrorMessage)
/*static*/ NuResult MainWindow::NufxErrorMsgHandler(NuArchive* /*pArchive*/,
void* vErrorMessage)
const NuErrorMessage* pErrorMessage = (const NuErrorMessage*) vErrorMessage;
@ -201,11 +161,7 @@ typedef struct ScanOpts {
ProgressDlg* pProgress;
} ScanOpts;
* Scan a set of files.
void MainWindow::ScanFiles(void)
ChooseFilesDlg chooseFiles;
ScanOpts scanOpts;
@ -361,13 +317,7 @@ typedef struct Win32dirent {
static const WCHAR kWildMatchAll[] = L"*.*";
* Prepare a directory for reading.
* Allocates a Win32dirent struct that must be freed by the caller.
MainWindow::OpenDir(const WCHAR* name)
Win32dirent* MainWindow::OpenDir(const WCHAR* name)
Win32dirent* dir = NULL;
WCHAR* tmpStr = NULL;
@ -411,13 +361,7 @@ failed:
goto bail;
* Get an entry from an open directory.
* Returns a NULL pointer after the last entry has been read.
MainWindow::ReadDir(Win32dirent* dir)
Win32dirent* MainWindow::ReadDir(Win32dirent* dir)
if (dir->d_first)
dir->d_first = 0;
@ -433,11 +377,7 @@ MainWindow::ReadDir(Win32dirent* dir)
return dir;
* Close a directory.
MainWindow::CloseDir(Win32dirent* dir)
void MainWindow::CloseDir(Win32dirent* dir)
if (dir == NULL)
@ -446,14 +386,7 @@ MainWindow::CloseDir(Win32dirent* dir)
* Process a file or directory. These are expected to be names of files in
* the current directory.
* Returns 0 on success, nonzero on error with a message in "*pErrMsg".
MainWindow::Process(const WCHAR* pathname, ScanOpts* pScanOpts,
int MainWindow::Process(const WCHAR* pathname, ScanOpts* pScanOpts,
CString* pErrMsg)
bool exists, isDir, isReadable;
@ -498,13 +431,7 @@ bail:
return result;
* Win32 recursive directory descent. Scan the contents of a directory.
* If a subdirectory is found, follow it; otherwise, call Win32AddFile to
* add the file.
MainWindow::ProcessDirectory(const WCHAR* dirName, ScanOpts* pScanOpts,
int MainWindow::ProcessDirectory(const WCHAR* dirName, ScanOpts* pScanOpts,
CString* pErrMsg)
Win32dirent* dirp = NULL;
@ -560,14 +487,7 @@ bail:
return result;
* Open a disk image and dump the contents.
* Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
MainWindow::ScanDiskImage(const WCHAR* pathName, ScanOpts* pScanOpts)
int MainWindow::ScanDiskImage(const WCHAR* pathName, ScanOpts* pScanOpts)
ASSERT(pathName != NULL);
ASSERT(pScanOpts != NULL);
@ -677,11 +597,7 @@ bail:
* Analyze a file's characteristics.
MainWindow::AnalyzeFile(const A2File* pFile, RecordKind* pRecordKind,
void MainWindow::AnalyzeFile(const A2File* pFile, RecordKind* pRecordKind,
LONGLONG* pTotalLen, LONGLONG* pTotalCompLen)
if (pFile->IsVolumeDirectory()) {
@ -710,14 +626,7 @@ MainWindow::AnalyzeFile(const A2File* pFile, RecordKind* pRecordKind,
* Determine whether the access bits on the record make it a read-only
* file or not.
* Uses a simplified view of the access flags.
MainWindow::IsRecordReadOnly(int access)
bool MainWindow::IsRecordReadOnly(int access)
if (access == 0x21L || access == 0x01L)
return true;
@ -761,13 +670,7 @@ static const char gFileTypeNames[256][4] = {
"$F8", "OS ", "INT", "IVR", "BAS", "VAR", "REL", "SYS"
* Return a pointer to the three-letter representation of the file type name.
* Note to self: code down below tests first char for '?'.
/*static*/ const char*
MainWindow::GetFileTypeString(unsigned long fileType)
/*static*/ const char* MainWindow::GetFileTypeString(unsigned long fileType)
if (fileType < NELEM(gFileTypeNames))
return gFileTypeNames[fileType];
@ -778,9 +681,10 @@ MainWindow::GetFileTypeString(unsigned long fileType)
* Sanitize a string. The Mac likes to stick control characters into
* things, e.g. ^C and ^M, and uses high ASCII for special characters.
* TODO: use Mac Roman unicode translation instead
static void
MacSanitize(char* str)
static void MacSanitize(char* str)
while (*str != '\0') {
*str = DiskImg::MacToASCII(*str);
@ -788,13 +692,7 @@ MacSanitize(char* str)
* Load the contents of a DiskFS.
* Recursively handle sub-volumes.
MainWindow::LoadDiskFSContents(DiskFS* pDiskFS, const char* volName,
int MainWindow::LoadDiskFSContents(DiskFS* pDiskFS, const char* volName,
ScanOpts* pScanOpts)
static const char* kBlankFileName = "<blank filename>";

View File

@ -31,7 +31,17 @@ typedef enum RecordKind {
class MainWindow : public CFrameWnd {
* MainWindow constructor. Creates the main window and sets
* its properties.
* MainWindow destructor. Close the archive if one is open, but don't try
* to shut down any controls in child windows. By this point, Windows has
* already snuffed them.
@ -40,29 +50,104 @@ private:
afx_msg void OnHelpWebSite(void);
afx_msg void OnHelpAbout(void);
* Allow events to flow through the message queue whenever the
* progress meter gets updated. This will allow us to redraw with
* reasonable frequency.
* Calling this can result in other code being called, such as Windows
* message handlers, which can lead to reentrancy problems. Make sure
* you're adequately semaphored before calling here.
* Returns TRUE if all is well, FALSE if we're trying to quit.
BOOL PeekAndPump(void);
* Handle a debug message from the DiskImg library.
static void DebugMsgHandler(const char* file, int line,
const char* msg);
static NuResult NufxErrorMsgHandler(NuArchive* /*pArchive*/,
void* vErrorMessage);
* Scan a set of files.
void ScanFiles(void);
* Prepare a directory for reading.
* Allocates a Win32dirent struct that must be freed by the caller.
Win32dirent* OpenDir(const WCHAR* name);
* Get an entry from an open directory.
* Returns a NULL pointer after the last entry has been read.
Win32dirent* ReadDir(Win32dirent* dir);
* Close a directory.
void CloseDir(Win32dirent* dir);
* Process a file or directory. These are expected to be names of files in
* the current directory.
* Returns 0 on success, nonzero on error with a message in "*pErrMsg".
int Process(const WCHAR* pathname, ScanOpts* pScanOpts,
CString* pErrMsg);
* Win32 recursive directory descent. Scan the contents of a directory.
* If a subdirectory is found, follow it; otherwise, call Win32AddFile to
* add the file.
int ProcessDirectory(const WCHAR* dirName, ScanOpts* pScanOpts,
CString* pErrMsg);
* Open a disk image and dump the contents.
* Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
int ScanDiskImage(const WCHAR* pathName, ScanOpts* pScanOpts);
int LoadDiskFSContents(DiskFS* pDiskFS, const char* volName,
ScanOpts* pScanOpts);
* Analyze a file's characteristics.
void AnalyzeFile(const A2File* pFile, RecordKind* pRecordKind,
LONGLONG* pTotalLen, LONGLONG* pTotalCompLen);
* Determine whether the access bits on the record make it a read-only
* file or not.
* Uses a simplified view of the access flags.
bool IsRecordReadOnly(int access);
* Return a pointer to the three-letter representation of the file type name.
* Note to self: code down below tests first char for '?'.
static const char* GetFileTypeString(unsigned long fileType);
* Load the contents of a DiskFS.
* Recursively handle sub-volumes.
int LoadDiskFSContents(DiskFS* pDiskFS, const char* volName,
ScanOpts* pScanOpts);
bool fCancelFlag;
//int fTitleAnimation;

View File

@ -12,8 +12,7 @@
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
ReformatAWGS_WP::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatAWGS_WP::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
@ -27,8 +26,7 @@ ReformatAWGS_WP::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Convert AWGS into formatted text.
ReformatAWGS_WP::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatAWGS_WP::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -148,8 +146,7 @@ ReformatAWGS_WP::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
* Read one of the chunks of the file.
ReformatAWGS_WP::ReadChunk(const uint8_t** pSrcBuf, long* pSrcLen,
bool ReformatAWGS_WP::ReadChunk(const uint8_t** pSrcBuf, long* pSrcLen,
Chunk* pChunk)
/* starts with the saveArray count */
@ -205,8 +202,7 @@ ReformatAWGS_WP::ReadChunk(const uint8_t** pSrcBuf, long* pSrcLen,
* Output a single chunk. We do this by walking down the saveArray.
ReformatAWGS_WP::PrintChunk(const Chunk* pChunk)
void ReformatAWGS_WP::PrintChunk(const Chunk* pChunk)
const int kDefaultStatusBits = kAWGSJustifyLeft | kAWGSSingleSpace;
SaveArrayEntry sae;
@ -291,8 +287,7 @@ ReformatAWGS_WP::PrintChunk(const Chunk* pChunk)
* skip through them earlier. We don't really need to worry about running
* off the end due to a bad file.
const uint8_t*
ReformatAWGS_WP::FindTextBlock(const Chunk* pChunk, int blockNum)
const uint8_t* ReformatAWGS_WP::FindTextBlock(const Chunk* pChunk, int blockNum)
const uint8_t* blockPtr = pChunk->textBlocks;
uint32_t blockSize;
@ -313,8 +308,7 @@ ReformatAWGS_WP::FindTextBlock(const Chunk* pChunk, int blockNum)
* Returns the #of bytes consumed.
ReformatAWGS_WP::PrintParagraph(const uint8_t* ptr, long maxLen)
int ReformatAWGS_WP::PrintParagraph(const uint8_t* ptr, long maxLen)
const uint8_t* startPtr = ptr;
uint16_t firstFont;
@ -407,8 +401,7 @@ ReformatAWGS_WP::PrintParagraph(const uint8_t* ptr, long maxLen)
* Run through the SaveArray and find the highest-numbered ruler index.
ReformatAWGS_WP::GetNumRulers(const uint8_t* pSaveArray,
uint16_t ReformatAWGS_WP::GetNumRulers(const uint8_t* pSaveArray,
uint16_t saveArrayCount)
SaveArrayEntry sa;
@ -438,8 +431,7 @@ ReformatAWGS_WP::GetNumRulers(const uint8_t* pSaveArray,
* These are stored linearly, so we just need to look at the last entry.
ReformatAWGS_WP::GetNumTextBlocks(const uint8_t* pSaveArray,
uint16_t ReformatAWGS_WP::GetNumTextBlocks(const uint8_t* pSaveArray,
uint16_t saveArrayCount)
SaveArrayEntry sa;
@ -480,8 +472,7 @@ ReformatAWGS_WP::GetNumTextBlocks(const uint8_t* pSaveArray,
* Unpack a SaveArray entry.
ReformatAWGS_WP::UnpackSaveArrayEntry(const uint8_t* pSaveArray,
void ReformatAWGS_WP::UnpackSaveArrayEntry(const uint8_t* pSaveArray,
SaveArrayEntry* pSAE)
pSAE->textBlock = Get16LE(pSaveArray + 0);
@ -501,8 +492,7 @@ ReformatAWGS_WP::UnpackSaveArrayEntry(const uint8_t* pSaveArray,
* Returns "true" on success, "false" on failure.
ReformatAWGS_WP::SkipTextBlocks(const uint8_t** pSrcBuf,
bool ReformatAWGS_WP::SkipTextBlocks(const uint8_t** pSrcBuf,
long* pSrcLen, int textBlockCount)
uint32_t blockSize;

View File

@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ public:
ReformatAWGS_WP(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatAWGS_WP(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;

View File

@ -29,8 +29,7 @@
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
ReformatAWP::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatAWP::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
@ -44,8 +43,7 @@ ReformatAWP::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Reformat an AppleWorks WP document.
ReformatAWP::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatAWP::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -157,8 +155,7 @@ bail:
* Initialize the DocState structure.
void ReformatAWP::InitDocState(void)
memset(&fDocState, 0, sizeof(fDocState));
fDocState.line = 1;
@ -167,8 +164,7 @@ ReformatAWP::InitDocState(void)
* Process a line record.
ReformatAWP::ProcessLineRecord(uint8_t lineRecData, uint8_t lineRecCode,
int ReformatAWP::ProcessLineRecord(uint8_t lineRecData, uint8_t lineRecCode,
const uint8_t** pSrcPtr, long* pLength)
int err = 0;
@ -304,8 +300,7 @@ ReformatAWP::ProcessLineRecord(uint8_t lineRecData, uint8_t lineRecCode,
* "lineRecData" has the number of bytes of input that we have yet to read.
ReformatAWP::HandleTextRecord(uint8_t lineRecData,
int ReformatAWP::HandleTextRecord(uint8_t lineRecData,
const uint8_t** pSrcPtr, long* pLength)
int err = 0;
@ -473,8 +468,7 @@ bail:
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
ReformatADB::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatADB::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
@ -488,8 +482,7 @@ ReformatADB::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Reformat an AppleWorks DB document.
ReformatADB::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatADB::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -731,8 +724,7 @@ bail:
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
ReformatASP::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatASP::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
@ -746,8 +738,7 @@ ReformatASP::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Reformat an AppleWorks SS document.
ReformatASP::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatASP::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -842,8 +833,7 @@ bail:
* Process one row of spreadsheet data.
ReformatASP::ProcessRow(int rowNum, const uint8_t** pSrcPtr, long* pLength)
int ReformatASP::ProcessRow(int rowNum, const uint8_t** pSrcPtr, long* pLength)
uint8_t ctrl;
bool first = true;
@ -898,8 +888,7 @@ ReformatASP::ProcessRow(int rowNum, const uint8_t** pSrcPtr, long* pLength)
* Process the contents of a single cell.
ReformatASP::ProcessCell(const uint8_t* srcPtr, long cellLength)
void ReformatASP::ProcessCell(const uint8_t* srcPtr, long cellLength)
uint8_t flag1, flag2;
double dval;
@ -969,8 +958,7 @@ ReformatASP::ProcessCell(const uint8_t* srcPtr, long cellLength)
* Print the AppleWorks SS token pointed to by srcPtr. Some tokens require
* several bytes to express.
ReformatASP::PrintToken(const uint8_t** pSrcPtr, long* pLength)
void ReformatASP::PrintToken(const uint8_t** pSrcPtr, long* pLength)
/* string constants; note these must NOT contain '"' chars */
const int kTokenStart = 0xc0;
@ -1048,8 +1036,7 @@ ReformatASP::PrintToken(const uint8_t** pSrcPtr, long* pLength)
* Format the current column number into something like 'A' or 'BA'. This
* stores the value in fPrintColBuf and returns a pointer to it.
const char*
ReformatASP::PrintCol(int col)
const char* ReformatASP::PrintCol(int col)
if (col < 0 || col >= 702) {
LOGI(" ASP can't PrintCol(%d)", col);
@ -1100,8 +1087,7 @@ ReformatASP::PrintCol(int col)
* 3F847AE147AE147A
* -----
ReformatASP::ConvertSANEDouble(const uint8_t* srcPtr)
double ReformatASP::ConvertSANEDouble(const uint8_t* srcPtr)
double newVal;
uint8_t* dptr;

View File

@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ public:
ReformatAWP(void) { fShowEmbeds = true; }
virtual ~ReformatAWP(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
@ -156,10 +156,10 @@ public:
ReformatADB(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatADB(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
enum {
@ -179,10 +179,10 @@ public:
ReformatASP(void) { fCurrentRow = fCurrentCol = 1; }
virtual ~ReformatASP(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
enum {

View File

@ -45,8 +45,7 @@
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
ReformatSCAssem::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatSCAssem::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
if (pHolder->GetFileType() == kTypeINT && pHolder->GetAuxType() == 0) {
if (ReformatSCAssem::IsSCAssem(pHolder)) {
@ -76,8 +75,7 @@ ReformatSCAssem::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* for marking the end of a line, and have different sets of valid chars. We
* don't need to fully validate the file, just test the first line.
/*static*/ bool
ReformatSCAssem::IsSCAssem(const ReformatHolder* pHolder)
/*static*/ bool ReformatSCAssem::IsSCAssem(const ReformatHolder* pHolder)
const uint8_t* ptr = pHolder->GetSourceBuf(ReformatHolder::kPartData);
long srcLen = pHolder->GetSourceLen(ReformatHolder::kPartData);
@ -103,8 +101,7 @@ ReformatSCAssem::IsSCAssem(const ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Reformat an S-C Assembler listing into text. I don't know exactly what the
* original listings looked like, so I'm just doing what A2FID.C does.
ReformatSCAssem::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatSCAssem::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -222,8 +219,7 @@ done:
* since the text file contents will match. However, it's probably useful
* to support DOS ED/ASM sources with this.
ReformatMerlin::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatMerlin::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
if (pHolder->GetFileType() == kTypeTXT) {
bool isAsm = ReformatMerlin::IsMerlin(pHolder);
@ -271,8 +267,7 @@ ReformatMerlin::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* This will also return "true" for DOS ED/ASM files.
/*static*/ bool
ReformatMerlin::IsMerlin(const ReformatHolder* pHolder)
/*static*/ bool ReformatMerlin::IsMerlin(const ReformatHolder* pHolder)
const uint8_t* ptr = pHolder->GetSourceBuf(ReformatHolder::kPartData);
long srcLen = pHolder->GetSourceLen(ReformatHolder::kPartData);
@ -329,8 +324,7 @@ ReformatMerlin::IsMerlin(const ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* has been "washed" through a converter or if this is actually a DOS ED/ASM
* file, tracking quotes is almost always beneficial.
ReformatMerlin::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatMerlin::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -430,8 +424,7 @@ ReformatMerlin::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
ReformatLISA2::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatLISA2::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
if (pHolder->GetSourceFormat() == ReformatHolder::kSourceFormatDOS &&
pHolder->GetFileType() == kTypeDOS_B)
@ -458,8 +451,7 @@ ReformatLISA2::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Quick sanity check on the file contents.
ReformatLISA2::IsLISA(const ReformatHolder* pHolder)
bool ReformatLISA2::IsLISA(const ReformatHolder* pHolder)
const uint8_t* srcPtr = pHolder->GetSourceBuf(ReformatHolder::kPartData);
long srcLen = pHolder->GetSourceLen(ReformatHolder::kPartData);
@ -518,8 +510,7 @@ static const char gOpcodes[] =
* Parse a file.
ReformatLISA2::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatLISA2::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -579,8 +570,7 @@ bail:
return retval;
ReformatLISA2::ProcessLine(const uint8_t* buf)
void ReformatLISA2::ProcessLine(const uint8_t* buf)
int len = *buf;
uint8_t uch;
@ -663,7 +653,7 @@ ReformatLISA2::ProcessLine(const uint8_t* buf)
* ===========================================================================
* LISA Assembler - v4 and v5
* LISA Assembler - v3
* ===========================================================================
@ -747,8 +737,7 @@ static const char gMnemonics3[256*3 +1] =
* Determine whether this is one of our files.
ReformatLISA3::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatLISA3::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Note we cannot false-positive on an INT file on a DOS disk, because
@ -780,8 +769,7 @@ ReformatLISA3::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Decide if this is one of ours or perhaps an Integer BASIC or S-C
* assembler source.
/*static*/ bool
ReformatLISA3::IsLISA(const ReformatHolder* pHolder)
/*static*/ bool ReformatLISA3::IsLISA(const ReformatHolder* pHolder)
bool dosStructure = (pHolder->GetSourceFormat() == ReformatHolder::kSourceFormatDOS);
const uint8_t* srcPtr = pHolder->GetSourceBuf(ReformatHolder::kPartData);
@ -817,8 +805,7 @@ ReformatLISA3::IsLISA(const ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Parse a file.
ReformatLISA3::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatLISA3::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -966,8 +953,7 @@ bail:
ReformatLISA3::ProcessLine(const uint8_t* codePtr, int len)
void ReformatLISA3::ProcessLine(const uint8_t* codePtr, int len)
uint8_t mnemonic = 0;
@ -1054,8 +1040,7 @@ bail:
ReformatLISA3::ConvertOperand(uint8_t mnemonic,
void ReformatLISA3::ConvertOperand(uint8_t mnemonic,
const uint8_t** pCodePtr, int* pLen)
static const char kOPRTRST1[] = "+-*/&|^=<>%<><";
@ -1163,8 +1148,7 @@ bail:
* Output a single byte as a binary string.
ReformatLISA3::PrintBin(uint8_t val)
void ReformatLISA3::PrintBin(uint8_t val)
char buf[9];
buf[8] = '\0';
@ -1177,9 +1161,8 @@ ReformatLISA3::PrintBin(uint8_t val)
ReformatLISA3::PrintNum(int adrsMode, uint8_t val,
const uint8_t** pCodePtr, int* pLen)
ReformatLISA3::OperandResult ReformatLISA3::PrintNum(int adrsMode, uint8_t val,
const uint8_t** pCodePtr, int* pLen)
const uint8_t* codePtr = *pCodePtr;
int len = *pLen;
@ -1315,8 +1298,7 @@ bail:
* Print symbol table entry. Each entry is an 8-byte label packed into
* 6 bytes.
ReformatLISA3::PrintSymEntry(int ent)
void ReformatLISA3::PrintSymEntry(int ent)
if (ent < 0 || ent >= fSymCount) {
Output("!BAD SYM!");
@ -1349,8 +1331,7 @@ ReformatLISA3::PrintSymEntry(int ent)
ReformatLISA3::PrintMnemonic(uint8_t val)
void ReformatLISA3::PrintMnemonic(uint8_t val)
const char* ptr = &gMnemonics3[val * 3];
@ -1363,8 +1344,7 @@ ReformatLISA3::PrintMnemonic(uint8_t val)
* Prints the comment. Finishes off the operand if necessary.
ReformatLISA3::PrintComment(int adrsMode, const uint8_t* codePtr, int len)
void ReformatLISA3::PrintComment(int adrsMode, const uint8_t* codePtr, int len)
assert(len >= 0);
@ -1411,8 +1391,7 @@ ReformatLISA3::PrintComment(int adrsMode, const uint8_t* codePtr, int len)
* Determine whether this is one of our files.
ReformatLISA4::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatLISA4::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Note we cannot false-positive on an INT file on a DOS disk, because
@ -1444,8 +1423,7 @@ ReformatLISA4::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Decide if this is one of ours or perhaps an Integer BASIC or S-C
* assembler source.
/*static*/ bool
ReformatLISA4::IsLISA(const ReformatHolder* pHolder)
/*static*/ bool ReformatLISA4::IsLISA(const ReformatHolder* pHolder)
bool dosStructure = (pHolder->GetSourceFormat() == ReformatHolder::kSourceFormatDOS);
const uint8_t* srcPtr = pHolder->GetSourceBuf(ReformatHolder::kPartData);
@ -1558,8 +1536,7 @@ static const char* gMnemonics4[] = {
* Parse a file.
ReformatLISA4::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatLISA4::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -1585,9 +1562,9 @@ ReformatLISA4::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
fComTab = srcPtr[0x08];
fCpuType = srcPtr[0x09];
LOGI(" LISA4 version = 0x%04x symEnd=%d symCount=%d",
LOGD(" LISA4 version = 0x%04x symEnd=%d symCount=%d",
version, symEnd, fSymCount);
LOGI(" LISA4 opTab=%d adTab=%d comTab=%d cpuType=%d",
LOGD(" LISA4 opTab=%d adTab=%d comTab=%d cpuType=%d",
fOpTab, fAdTab, fComTab, fCpuType);
if (symEnd > srcLen) {
@ -1731,8 +1708,7 @@ bail:
return retval;
ReformatLISA4::ProcessLine(const uint8_t* codePtr, int len)
void ReformatLISA4::ProcessLine(const uint8_t* codePtr, int len)
uint8_t mnemonic = 0;
@ -1835,8 +1811,7 @@ bail:
* ConvtOperand
ReformatLISA4::ConvertOperand(uint8_t mnemonic,
void ReformatLISA4::ConvertOperand(uint8_t mnemonic,
const uint8_t** pCodePtr, int* pLen)
@ -2095,8 +2070,7 @@ not_operator:
* CnvrtDec - convert to decimal output.
ReformatLISA4::PrintDec(int count, const uint8_t** pCodePtr,
void ReformatLISA4::PrintDec(int count, const uint8_t** pCodePtr,
int* pLen)
const uint8_t* codePtr = *pCodePtr;
@ -2118,8 +2092,7 @@ ReformatLISA4::PrintDec(int count, const uint8_t** pCodePtr,
* CnvrtHex - convert to hex output.
ReformatLISA4::PrintHex(int count, const uint8_t** pCodePtr,
void ReformatLISA4::PrintHex(int count, const uint8_t** pCodePtr,
int* pLen)
const uint8_t* codePtr = *pCodePtr;
@ -2142,8 +2115,7 @@ ReformatLISA4::PrintHex(int count, const uint8_t** pCodePtr,
* CnvrtBin - convert to binary output.
ReformatLISA4::PrintBin(int count, const uint8_t** pCodePtr,
void ReformatLISA4::PrintBin(int count, const uint8_t** pCodePtr,
int* pLen)
const uint8_t* codePtr = *pCodePtr;
@ -2171,9 +2143,8 @@ ReformatLISA4::PrintBin(int count, const uint8_t** pCodePtr,
ReformatLISA4::PrintNum(uint8_t opr, const uint8_t** pCodePtr,
int* pLen)
ReformatLISA4::OperandResult ReformatLISA4::PrintNum(uint8_t opr,
const uint8_t** pCodePtr, int* pLen)
OperandResult result = kResultUnknown;
const uint8_t* codePtr = *pCodePtr;
@ -2295,9 +2266,8 @@ ReformatLISA4::PrintNum(uint8_t opr, const uint8_t** pCodePtr,
* OutOprComp
ReformatLISA4::PrintComplexOperand(uint8_t opr,
const uint8_t** pCodePtr, int* pLen)
ReformatLISA4::OperandResult ReformatLISA4::PrintComplexOperand(uint8_t opr,
const uint8_t** pCodePtr, int* pLen)
if (opr != kBign_tkn)
return PrintNum(opr, pCodePtr, pLen);
@ -2360,8 +2330,7 @@ const uint8_t** pCodePtr, int* pLen)
* Print symbol table entry.
ReformatLISA4::PrintSymEntry(int ent)
void ReformatLISA4::PrintSymEntry(int ent)
if (ent < 0 || ent >= fSymCount) {
Output("!BAD SYM!");

View File

@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ public:
ReformatSCAssem(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatSCAssem(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
/* this gets called by Integer BASIC converter */
static bool IsSCAssem(const ReformatHolder* pHolder);
@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ public:
ReformatMerlin(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatMerlin(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
static bool IsMerlin(const ReformatHolder* pHolder);
@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ public:
ReformatLISA2(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatLISA2(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
bool IsLISA(const ReformatHolder* pHolder);
@ -132,10 +132,10 @@ public:
ReformatLISA3(void) : fSymTab(NULL) {}
virtual ~ReformatLISA3(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
static bool IsLISA(const ReformatHolder* pHolder);
@ -200,10 +200,10 @@ public:
ReformatLISA4(void) : fSymTab(NULL) {}
virtual ~ReformatLISA4(void) { delete[] fSymTab; }
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
static bool IsLISA(const ReformatHolder* pHolder);

View File

@ -44,8 +44,7 @@ const ReformatText::TextColor kColonColor = ReformatText::kColorRed;
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
ReformatApplesoft::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatApplesoft::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
@ -101,8 +100,7 @@ static const char gApplesoftTokens[128 * ReformatApplesoft::kTokenLen] = {
* Reformat an Applesoft BASIC program into a text format that mimics the
* output of the "LIST" command (with POKE 33,73 to suppress CRs).
ReformatApplesoft::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatApplesoft::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -306,8 +304,7 @@ static const char* const gIntegerTokens[128] = {
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
ReformatInteger::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatInteger::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies apply = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
if (pHolder->GetFileType() == kTypeINT) {
@ -346,8 +343,7 @@ ReformatInteger::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Reformat an Integer BASIC program into a text format that mimics the
* output of the "LIST" command.
ReformatInteger::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatInteger::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -550,8 +546,7 @@ bail:
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
ReformatBusiness::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatBusiness::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
@ -574,7 +569,7 @@ ReformatBusiness::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* show up as error messages. The goal here is to produce values that are
* human-readable and/or EXECable, so no attempt has been made to display
* the error values.
* TODO: replace this with something accurate -- looks like copy & paste leftover
* TODO: verify this comment -- looks like copy & paste from BAS token table
static const char gBusinessTokens[128*10] = {
/* 0x80 */ "END\0 FOR\0 NEXT\0 INPUT\0 OUTPUT\0 DIM\0 READ\0 WRITE\0 "
@ -618,8 +613,7 @@ static const char gExtendedBusinessTokens[128*10] = {
* Reformat an Apple /// Business BASIC program into a text format that
* mimics the output of the "LIST" command.
ReformatBusiness::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatBusiness::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)

View File

@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ public:
ReformatApplesoft(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatApplesoft(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
/* share our token list with others */
// TODO: this is a hack; find a better way to do this
@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ public:
ReformatInteger(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatInteger(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ public:
ReformatBusiness(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatBusiness(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;

View File

@ -58,8 +58,7 @@ static const char gIsBinary[256] = {
* End-of-file is at the first Ctrl-Z, but we can't stop there because it
* could be a binary file with a leading Ctrl-Z (e.g. PNG).
ReformatCPMText::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatCPMText::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
const uint8_t* ptr = pHolder->GetSourceBuf(ReformatHolder::kPartData);
@ -118,8 +117,7 @@ done:
* Generally speaking, CP/M text files should already be in CRLF format, so
* this will go quickly.
ReformatCPMText::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatCPMText::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)

View File

@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ public:
ReformatCPMText(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatCPMText(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;

View File

@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ using namespace DiskImgLib;
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
ReformatDirectory::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatDirectory::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
@ -33,8 +32,7 @@ ReformatDirectory::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Convert a ProDOS directory into a format resembling BASIC.System's
* 80-column "catalog" command.
ReformatDirectory::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatDirectory::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -70,8 +68,7 @@ ReformatDirectory::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
* The "showDeleted" flag determines whether we show active entries or
* deleted entries.
ReformatDirectory::PrintDirEntries(const uint8_t* srcBuf,
void ReformatDirectory::PrintDirEntries(const uint8_t* srcBuf,
long srcLen, bool showDeleted)
const int kEntriesPerBlock = 0x0d; // expected value for entries per blk

View File

@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ public:
ReformatDirectory(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatDirectory(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
void PrintDirEntries(const uint8_t* srcBuf,

View File

@ -42,8 +42,7 @@
* Width is always > 0. This guarantees that we don't loop forever even if
* we hit stuff we don't recognize.
ReformatDisasm65xxx::GetOpWidth(OpCode opCode, AddrMode addrMode, CPU cpu,
int ReformatDisasm65xxx::GetOpWidth(OpCode opCode, AddrMode addrMode, CPU cpu,
bool emul, bool shortM, bool shortX)
int width = 0;
@ -148,8 +147,7 @@ ReformatDisasm65xxx::GetOpWidth(OpCode opCode, AddrMode addrMode, CPU cpu,
* The caller is expected to check to see if we're in bank 0.
ReformatDisasm65xxx::IsP8Call(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen)
bool ReformatDisasm65xxx::IsP8Call(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen)
if (srcLen >= 6 &&
srcBuf[0] == 0x20 && srcBuf[1] == 0x00 && srcBuf[2] == 0xbf)
@ -162,8 +160,7 @@ ReformatDisasm65xxx::IsP8Call(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen)
* Returns "true" if it looks like we're pointing at a IIgs toolbox call.
ReformatDisasm65xxx::IsToolboxCall(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
bool ReformatDisasm65xxx::IsToolboxCall(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
long backState)
if (srcLen >= 4 && backState >= 3 &&
@ -178,8 +175,7 @@ ReformatDisasm65xxx::IsToolboxCall(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
* Returns "true" if it looks like we're pointing at an inline GS/OS call.
ReformatDisasm65xxx::IsInlineGSOS(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen)
bool ReformatDisasm65xxx::IsInlineGSOS(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen)
if (srcLen >= 10 &&
srcBuf[0] == 0x22 && srcBuf[1] == 0xa8 && srcBuf[2] == 0x00 &&
@ -193,8 +189,7 @@ ReformatDisasm65xxx::IsInlineGSOS(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen)
* Returns "true" if it looks like we're pointing at a stack GS/OS call.
ReformatDisasm65xxx::IsStackGSOS(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
bool ReformatDisasm65xxx::IsStackGSOS(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
long backState)
if (srcLen >= 4 && backState >= 3 &&
@ -213,8 +208,7 @@ ReformatDisasm65xxx::IsStackGSOS(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
* Returns the number of bytes consumed.
ReformatDisasm65xxx::OutputMonitor8(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
int ReformatDisasm65xxx::OutputMonitor8(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
long backState, uint16_t addr)
const CPU kCPU = kCPU65C02; // 6502 or 65C02
@ -265,10 +259,8 @@ ReformatDisasm65xxx::OutputMonitor8(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
* Output one line of 8-bit monitor stuff.
ReformatDisasm65xxx::PrintMonitor8Line(OpCode opCode, AddrMode addrMode,
uint16_t addr, const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
const char* comment)
void ReformatDisasm65xxx::PrintMonitor8Line(OpCode opCode, AddrMode addrMode,
uint16_t addr, const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen, const char* comment)
char lineBuf[64]; // actual length is about 30 -- does not hold comment
char* cp;
@ -393,15 +385,13 @@ ReformatDisasm65xxx::PrintMonitor8Line(OpCode opCode, AddrMode addrMode,
* Output one or more lines of text similar to what the monitor would output
* on an 8-bit Apple II.
* Returns the number of bytes consumed.
ReformatDisasm65xxx::OutputMonitor16(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
int ReformatDisasm65xxx::OutputMonitor16(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
long backState, uint32_t addr, bool shortRegs)
const CPU kCPU = kCPU65816;
@ -472,10 +462,8 @@ ReformatDisasm65xxx::OutputMonitor16(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
* Output one line of 16-bit monitor stuff.
ReformatDisasm65xxx::PrintMonitor16Line(OpCode opCode, AddrMode addrMode,
uint32_t addr, const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
const char* comment)
void ReformatDisasm65xxx::PrintMonitor16Line(OpCode opCode, AddrMode addrMode,
uint32_t addr, const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen, const char* comment)
char lineBuf[64]; // actual length is about 30 -- does not hold comment
char* cp;
@ -671,8 +659,7 @@ ReformatDisasm65xxx::PrintMonitor16Line(OpCode opCode, AddrMode addrMode,
* file is code or, say, a hi-res graphic. We use "maybe" level to put
* disassembly below other formats.
ReformatDisasm8::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatDisasm8::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
int fileType = pHolder->GetFileType();
@ -703,8 +690,7 @@ ReformatDisasm8::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Create a monitor listing or disassembly of a file.
ReformatDisasm8::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatDisasm8::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -757,8 +743,7 @@ ReformatDisasm8::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
* want to keep 16-bit disassembly available but prioritized below "raw" for
* BIN files.
ReformatDisasm16::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatDisasm16::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
long fileType = pHolder->GetFileType();
@ -812,8 +797,7 @@ ReformatDisasm16::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Disassemble or show monitor listing for 16-bit code.
ReformatDisasm16::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatDisasm16::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -861,8 +845,7 @@ ReformatDisasm16::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
* Output one section of a file.
ReformatDisasm16::OutputSection(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
void ReformatDisasm16::OutputSection(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
uint32_t addr, bool shortRegs)
long backState = 0;
@ -882,8 +865,7 @@ ReformatDisasm16::OutputSection(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
* Break an OMF file into sections, and output each individually.
ReformatDisasm16::OutputOMF(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
bool ReformatDisasm16::OutputOMF(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
long fileType, bool shortRegs)
const uint8_t* origBuf = srcBuf;
@ -948,8 +930,7 @@ ReformatDisasm16::OutputOMF(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
* Print the interesting bits of the header.
ReformatDisasm16::PrintHeader(const OMFSegmentHeader* pSegHdr,
void ReformatDisasm16::PrintHeader(const OMFSegmentHeader* pSegHdr,
int segmentNumber, bool longFmt)
@ -1004,8 +985,7 @@ ReformatDisasm16::PrintHeader(const OMFSegmentHeader* pSegHdr,
* Print the contents of the segment.
ReformatDisasm16::PrintSegment(const OMFSegmentHeader* pSegHdr,
void ReformatDisasm16::PrintSegment(const OMFSegmentHeader* pSegHdr,
const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen, bool shortRegs)
uint32_t subLen;
@ -1065,9 +1045,7 @@ ReformatDisasm16::PrintSegment(const OMFSegmentHeader* pSegHdr,
* Returns "true" on success, "false" on failure.
OMFSegmentHeader::Unpack(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
int fileType)
bool OMFSegmentHeader::Unpack(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen, int fileType)
if (srcLen < kHdrMinSize) {
LOGI("OMF: Too short to be segment (%ld)", srcLen);
@ -1238,8 +1216,7 @@ OMFSegmentHeader::Unpack(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
* Pry the segment type out of the "type" or "kind" field.
OMFSegmentHeader::GetSegmentType(void) const
OMFSegmentHeader::SegmentType OMFSegmentHeader::GetSegmentType(void) const
@ -1252,8 +1229,7 @@ OMFSegmentHeader::GetSegmentType(void) const
* Return the value of one of the segment header flags.
OMFSegmentHeader::GetSegmentFlag(SegmentFlag flag) const
bool OMFSegmentHeader::GetSegmentFlag(SegmentFlag flag) const
if (fVersion < 2) {
switch (flag) {
@ -1291,12 +1267,10 @@ OMFSegmentHeader::GetSegmentFlag(SegmentFlag flag) const
* Dump the contents of the segment header struct.
OMFSegmentHeader::Dump(void) const
void OMFSegmentHeader::Dump(void) const
LOGI("OMF segment header:");
LOGI(" segNum=%d loadName='%hs' segName='%hs'",

View File

@ -202,10 +202,10 @@ public:
ReformatDisasm8(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatDisasm8(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
@ -434,10 +434,10 @@ public:
ReformatDisasm16(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatDisasm16(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
void OutputSection(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,

View File

@ -598,8 +598,7 @@ const int kOpXCE_Implied = OPMODE(kOpXCE, kAddrImplied); // 0
* Returns "true" on success, "false" on failure.
bool ReformatDisasm65xxx::ValidateOpMap(void)
if (NELEM(kOpMap) != 256) {
@ -754,8 +753,7 @@ ReformatDisasm65xxx::ValidateOpMap(void)
* Returns "true" on success, "false" on failure.
bool ReformatDisasm65xxx::ValidateOpCodeDetails(void)
if (NELEM(kOpCodeDetails) != kOpCodeMAX) {
LOGI("Found %d entries in details, max=%d",

View File

@ -26,8 +26,7 @@
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
ReformatDHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatDHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
long fileLen = pHolder->GetSourceLen(ReformatHolder::kPartData);
@ -86,8 +85,7 @@ ReformatDHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Convert a Double-Hi-Res image to a bitmap.
ReformatDHR::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatDHR::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -139,8 +137,7 @@ bail:
* Initialize the 4-bit-window color lookup table.
void ReformatDHR::InitColorLookup(void)
for (int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++) {
for (int jj = 0; jj < kNumDHRColors; jj++) {
@ -161,8 +158,7 @@ ReformatDHR::InitColorLookup(void)
* Convert a buffer of double-hires data to a 16-color DIB.
ReformatDHR::DHRScreenToBitmap(const uint8_t* buf)
MyDIBitmap* ReformatDHR::DHRScreenToBitmap(const uint8_t* buf)
MyDIBitmap* pDib = new MyDIBitmap;
uint8_t* outBuf;

View File

@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ public:
ReformatDHR(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatDHR(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
enum {
kPixelsPerLine = 560,

View File

@ -21,8 +21,7 @@
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
ReformatDG256SHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatDG256SHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
@ -36,8 +35,7 @@ ReformatDG256SHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Convert a 256-color DreamGrafix Super Hi-Res Image.
ReformatDG256SHR::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatDG256SHR::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -66,8 +64,7 @@ ReformatDG256SHR::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
ReformatDG3200SHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatDG3200SHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
@ -81,8 +78,7 @@ ReformatDG3200SHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Convert a 3200-color DreamGrafix Super Hi-Res Image.
ReformatDG3200SHR::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatDG3200SHR::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -102,8 +98,6 @@ ReformatDG3200SHR::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
* ==========================================================================
* ReformatDreamGrafix
@ -114,8 +108,7 @@ ReformatDG3200SHR::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
* Examine a DreamGrafix file. This figures out if its any of the
* DreamGrafix formats, i.e. 256-color, 3200-color, packed, or unpacked.
DreamGrafix::ScanDreamGrafix(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
bool DreamGrafix::ScanDreamGrafix(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
long fileType = pHolder->GetFileType();
long auxType = pHolder->GetAuxType();
@ -163,8 +156,7 @@ DreamGrafix::ScanDreamGrafix(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Returns true on success, false if the uncompress step failed to produce
* exactly 32768+32*200 bytes.
DreamGrafix::UnpackDG(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
bool DreamGrafix::UnpackDG(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
ReformatSHR::SHRScreen* pScreen, uint8_t* extColorTable)
int expectedLen;
@ -195,7 +187,7 @@ ReformatSHR::SHRScreen* pScreen, uint8_t* extColorTable)
actual = UnpackLZW(srcBuf, srcLen, tmpBuf, expectedLen);
if (actual != expectedLen && actual != (expectedLen-512)) {
LOGI("UnpackLZW expected %d, got %d", expectedLen, actual);
LOGW("UnpackLZW expected %d, got %d", expectedLen, actual);
delete[] tmpBuf;
return false;
@ -266,8 +258,7 @@ static const unsigned int bitMasks[] = {
bitOffset += nBitMod1; \
/*static*/ int
DreamGrafix::UnpackLZW(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
/*static*/ int DreamGrafix::UnpackLZW(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
uint8_t* dstBuf, long dstLen)
uint16_t finChar, oldCode, inCode, freeCode, maxCode, k;

View File

@ -174,8 +174,7 @@ The Apple values seem to be good.
* $4001 is a compressed DHR image. In practice, nobody uses these, so
* any FOT file with a correct-looking length is treated as hi-res.
ReformatHiRes::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatHiRes::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
long fileLen = pHolder->GetSourceLen(ReformatHolder::kPartData);
@ -222,8 +221,7 @@ ReformatHiRes::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Convert a Hi-Res image to a bitmap.
ReformatHiRes::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatHiRes::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -259,8 +257,7 @@ bail:
* Table must be able to hold kNumLines values.
/*static*/ void
ReformatHiRes::InitLineOffset(int* pOffsetBuf)
/*static*/ void ReformatHiRes::InitLineOffset(int* pOffsetBuf)
long offset;
int line;
@ -275,12 +272,10 @@ ReformatHiRes::InitLineOffset(int* pOffsetBuf)
* Convert a buffer of hires data to a 16-color DIB.
ReformatHiRes::HiResScreenToBitmap(const uint8_t* buf)
MyDIBitmap* ReformatHiRes::HiResScreenToBitmap(const uint8_t* buf)
MyDIBitmap* pDib = new MyDIBitmap;
uint8_t* outBuf;

View File

@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ public:
ReformatHiRes(void) { fBlackWhite = false; }
virtual ~ReformatHiRes(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
enum {
kPixelsPerLine = 280,

View File

@ -39,8 +39,7 @@
* If the file ends in ".mac", we accept it if it has a MacBinary header or
* if it begins with 00000002 and exceeds the minimum size required.
ReformatMacPaint::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatMacPaint::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
const uint8_t* ptr = pHolder->GetSourceBuf(ReformatHolder::kPartData);
@ -78,8 +77,7 @@ done:
* Convert the image to a monochrome bitmap.
ReformatMacPaint::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatMacPaint::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -110,8 +108,7 @@ bail:
* 576 pixels per line == 72 bytes per line, which is a multiple of 4 bytes
* (required for windows BMP).
ReformatMacPaint::ConvertMacPaint(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long length)
MyDIBitmap* ReformatMacPaint::ConvertMacPaint(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long length)
MyDIBitmap* pDib = NULL;
uint8_t* outBuf;

View File

@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ public:
ReformatMacPaint(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatMacPaint(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
MyDIBitmap* ConvertMacPaint(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long length);

View File

@ -50,8 +50,7 @@
* Load the NiftyList data file.
/*static*/ bool
NiftyList::AppInit(const WCHAR* fileName)
/*static*/ bool NiftyList::AppInit(const WCHAR* fileName)
FILE* fp = NULL;
long fileLen;
@ -124,8 +123,7 @@ bail:
* Discard all allocated storage.
/*static*/ bool
/*static*/ bool NiftyList::AppCleanup(void)
delete[] fP8MLI.pEntries;
delete[] fGSOS.pEntries;
@ -148,9 +146,8 @@ NiftyList::AppCleanup(void)
* Leaves "*ppData" pointing at the start of the next section. "*pRemLen"
* is updated appropriately.
/*static*/ bool
NiftyList::ReadSection(char** ppData, long* pRemLen, DataSet* pSet,
LoadMode mode)
/*static*/ bool NiftyList::ReadSection(char** ppData, long* pRemLen,
DataSet* pSet, LoadMode mode)
assert(ppData != NULL);
assert(pRemLen != NULL);
@ -265,8 +262,7 @@ NiftyList::ReadSection(char** ppData, long* pRemLen, DataSet* pSet,
* Returns 0 if there's no data, which can only happen if "remLen" is zero
* (i.e. we hit EOF).
/*static*/ int
NiftyList::ScanLine(const char* pData, long remLen)
/*static*/ int NiftyList::ScanLine(const char* pData, long remLen)
bool atEOL = false;
int lineLen = 0;
@ -286,8 +282,7 @@ NiftyList::ScanLine(const char* pData, long remLen)
* qsort() sort function.
/*static*/ int
NiftyList::SortNameValue(const void* v1, const void* v2)
/*static*/ int NiftyList::SortNameValue(const void* v1, const void* v2)
const NameValue* pnv1 = (const NameValue*) v1;
const NameValue* pnv2 = (const NameValue*) v2;
@ -305,8 +300,7 @@ NiftyList::SortNameValue(const void* v1, const void* v2)
* Hex digit converter.
static inline int
HexValue(char ch)
static inline int HexValue(char ch)
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
return ch - '0';
@ -321,8 +315,7 @@ HexValue(char ch)
* Convert a 4-char hexadecimal value to an unsigned 16-bit value.
/*static*/ uint16_t
NiftyList::ConvHexFour(const char* data)
/*static*/ uint16_t NiftyList::ConvHexFour(const char* data)
return HexValue(data[0]) << 12 |
HexValue(data[1]) << 8 |
@ -333,8 +326,7 @@ NiftyList::ConvHexFour(const char* data)
* Dump the contents of a section.
/*static*/ void
NiftyList::DumpSection(const DataSet& dataSet)
/*static*/ void NiftyList::DumpSection(const DataSet& dataSet)
long ent;
@ -346,15 +338,13 @@ NiftyList::DumpSection(const DataSet& dataSet)
* Look up a value in the specified table. Returns the name, or NULL if
* not found.
* This uses a binary search, so the entries must be in sorted order.
/*static*/ const char*
NiftyList::Lookup(const DataSet& dataSet, uint16_t key)
/*static*/ const char* NiftyList::Lookup(const DataSet& dataSet, uint16_t key)
if (!fDataReady) {
return NULL;

View File

@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
* See the file LICENSE for distribution terms.
* Process UCSD Pascal text and code files.
* Process UCSD Pascal text and code files. Files with this format, but
* usually containing 6502 assembly rather than p-code, can appear on
* Apple /// SOS disks.
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "PascalFiles.h"
@ -18,8 +20,7 @@
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
ReformatPascalCode::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatPascalCode::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
@ -40,8 +41,7 @@ ReformatPascalCode::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Rather than dump the header and follow it with bits and pieces, we gather
* up all the header data and present it with the contents of the block.
ReformatPascalCode::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatPascalCode::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -141,8 +141,7 @@ bail:
* Print information about and the contents of one segment.
ReformatPascalCode::PrintSegment(PCDSegment* pSegment, int segNum,
void ReformatPascalCode::PrintSegment(PCDSegment* pSegment, int segNum,
const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen)
const char* segKindStr;
@ -210,8 +209,7 @@ ReformatPascalCode::PrintSegment(PCDSegment* pSegment, int segNum,
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
ReformatPascalText::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatPascalText::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
@ -231,8 +229,7 @@ ReformatPascalText::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* that the next value is 32+indent. Lines end with a CR. If the next line
* won't fit in the block, the remainder of the block is filled with zeroes.
ReformatPascalText::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatPascalText::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -277,8 +274,7 @@ bail:
* I'm not sure if the format mandates full 1024-byte blocks -- it
* appears to -- but I'm not going to assume it.
ReformatPascalText::ProcessBlock(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long length)
void ReformatPascalText::ProcessBlock(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long length)
ASSERT(srcBuf != NULL);
ASSERT(length > 0 && length <= kPTXBlockSize);

View File

@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ public:
ReformatPascalCode(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatPascalCode(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
enum {
// VC++6.0 demands this be public, probably because it's used to
@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ public:
ReformatPascalText(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatPascalText(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
enum {

View File

@ -18,8 +18,7 @@
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
ReformatPrintShop::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatPrintShop::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
long fileType = pHolder->GetFileType();
@ -58,8 +57,7 @@ ReformatPrintShop::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Convert Print Shop clip art into a DIB.
ReformatPrintShop::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatPrintShop::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -94,8 +92,7 @@ ReformatPrintShop::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
* The file is a linear 1-bit 88x52 image, with four extra bytes of data
* at the end.
ReformatPrintShop::ConvertBW(const uint8_t* srcBuf)
MyDIBitmap* ReformatPrintShop::ConvertBW(const uint8_t* srcBuf)
MyDIBitmap* pDib = new MyDIBitmap;
uint8_t* outBuf;
@ -145,8 +142,7 @@ bail:
* is actually 100% blue and "magenta" is 100% red. The values in the color
* table below come from a screen capture of KEGS.
ReformatPrintShop::ConvertColor(const uint8_t* srcBuf)
MyDIBitmap* ReformatPrintShop::ConvertColor(const uint8_t* srcBuf)
MyDIBitmap* pDib = new MyDIBitmap;
uint8_t* outBuf;

View File

@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ public:
ReformatPrintShop(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatPrintShop(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
enum { kWidth=88, kHeight=52 };

View File

@ -31,8 +31,7 @@
* Create an instance of the class identified by "id".
/*static*/ Reformat*
ReformatHolder::GetReformatInstance(ReformatID id)
/*static*/ Reformat* ReformatHolder::GetReformatInstance(ReformatID id)
Reformat* pReformat = NULL;
@ -102,8 +101,7 @@ ReformatHolder::GetReformatInstance(ReformatID id)
* Would have been nice to embed these in the individual classes, but that's
* harder to maintain.
/*static*/ const WCHAR*
ReformatHolder::GetReformatName(ReformatID id)
/*static*/ const WCHAR* ReformatHolder::GetReformatName(ReformatID id)
const WCHAR* descr = NULL;
@ -266,13 +264,11 @@ ReformatHolder::GetReformatName(ReformatID id)
return descr;
* Set the file attributes. These are used by TestApplicability tests to
* decide what it is we're looking at.
ReformatHolder::SetSourceAttributes(long fileType, long auxType,
void ReformatHolder::SetSourceAttributes(long fileType, long auxType,
SourceFormat sourceFormat, const char* nameExt)
fFileType = fileType;
@ -300,8 +296,7 @@ ReformatHolder::SetSourceAttributes(long fileType, long auxType,
* Before calling here, the file data and file attributes (e.g. file type)
* should be stored in "ReformatHolder".
void ReformatHolder::TestApplicability(void)
Reformat* pReformat;
int i;
@ -344,8 +339,8 @@ ReformatHolder::TestApplicability(void)
* Return the appropriate applicability level.
ReformatHolder::GetApplic(ReformatPart part, ReformatID id) const
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies ReformatHolder::GetApplic(ReformatPart part,
ReformatID id) const
if (id < kReformatUnknown || id >= kReformatMAX) {
@ -362,8 +357,7 @@ ReformatHolder::GetApplic(ReformatPart part, ReformatID id) const
* Set the appropriate applicability level.
ReformatHolder::SetApplic(ReformatID id, ReformatApplies applyData,
void ReformatHolder::SetApplic(ReformatID id, ReformatApplies applyData,
ReformatApplies applyRsrc, ReformatApplies applyCmmt)
if (id <= kReformatUnknown || id >= kReformatMAX) {
@ -385,8 +379,7 @@ ReformatHolder::SetApplic(ReformatID id, ReformatApplies applyData,
* a BASIC program or choosing a double-hi-res algorithm. The preference
* indicates the default choice, but does not exclude others.
ReformatHolder::SetApplicPreferred(ReformatID id, ReformatPart part)
void ReformatHolder::SetApplicPreferred(ReformatID id, ReformatPart part)
for (int i = 0; i < kPartMAX; i++) {
if (i == kPartUnknown)
@ -403,13 +396,11 @@ ReformatHolder::SetApplicPreferred(ReformatID id, ReformatPart part)
* Returns <0, 0, or >0 depending on whether app1 is worse, equal to,
* or better than app2.
ReformatHolder::CompareApplies(ReformatApplies app1, ReformatApplies app2)
int ReformatHolder::CompareApplies(ReformatApplies app1, ReformatApplies app2)
if ((app1 & kApplicPrefMask) < (app2 & kApplicPrefMask))
return -1;
@ -421,8 +412,7 @@ ReformatHolder::CompareApplies(ReformatApplies app1, ReformatApplies app2)
* Find the best reformatter for the specified part of the loaded file.
ReformatHolder::FindBest(ReformatPart part)
ReformatHolder::ReformatID ReformatHolder::FindBest(ReformatPart part)
ReformatID bestID = kReformatUnknown;
ReformatApplies bestApply = kApplicNot;
@ -446,7 +436,7 @@ ReformatHolder::FindBest(ReformatPart part)
if (bestID == kReformatUnknown || bestApply == kApplicNot) {
LOGI("Did you forget to call TestApplicability?");
LOGW("Did you forget to call TestApplicability?");
return kReformatRaw;
@ -459,8 +449,7 @@ ReformatHolder::FindBest(ReformatPart part)
* Apply the requested formatter to the specified part.
ReformatHolder::Apply(ReformatPart part, ReformatID id)
ReformatOutput* ReformatHolder::Apply(ReformatPart part, ReformatID id)
ReformatOutput* pOutput;
Reformat* pReformat;
@ -469,7 +458,7 @@ ReformatHolder::Apply(ReformatPart part, ReformatID id)
if (id <= kReformatUnknown || id >= kReformatMAX ||
part <= kPartUnknown || part >= kPartMAX)
LOGI("Invalid reformat request (part=%d id=%d)", part, id);
LOGW("Invalid reformat request (part=%d id=%d)", part, id);
return NULL;
@ -524,12 +513,10 @@ ReformatHolder::Apply(ReformatPart part, ReformatID id)
return pOutput;
* Get the appropriate input buffer.
const uint8_t*
ReformatHolder::GetSourceBuf(ReformatPart part) const
const uint8_t* ReformatHolder::GetSourceBuf(ReformatPart part) const
if (part <= kPartUnknown || part >= kPartMAX) {
@ -542,8 +529,7 @@ ReformatHolder::GetSourceBuf(ReformatPart part) const
* Get the length of the appropriate input buffer.
ReformatHolder::GetSourceLen(ReformatPart part) const
long ReformatHolder::GetSourceLen(ReformatPart part) const
if (part <= kPartUnknown || part >= kPartMAX) {
@ -562,9 +548,7 @@ ReformatHolder::GetSourceLen(ReformatPart part) const
* The ReformatHolder "owns" the buffer afterward, so the caller should
* discard its pointer.
ReformatHolder::SetSourceBuf(ReformatPart part, uint8_t* buf,
long len)
void ReformatHolder::SetSourceBuf(ReformatPart part, uint8_t* buf, long len)
if (part <= kPartUnknown || part >= kPartMAX) {
@ -577,13 +561,11 @@ ReformatHolder::SetSourceBuf(ReformatPart part, uint8_t* buf,
fSourceLen[part] = len;
* Specify an error message to return instead of reformatted text for a
* given part.
ReformatHolder::SetErrorMsg(ReformatPart part, const char* msg)
void ReformatHolder::SetErrorMsg(ReformatPart part, const char* msg)
assert(msg != NULL && *msg != '\0');
assert(part > kPartUnknown && part < kPartMAX);
@ -593,8 +575,7 @@ ReformatHolder::SetErrorMsg(ReformatPart part, const char* msg)
LOGI("+++ set error message for part %d to '%hs'", part, msg);
ReformatHolder::SetErrorMsg(ReformatPart part, const CString& str)
void ReformatHolder::SetErrorMsg(ReformatPart part, const CString& str)
CStringA stra(str);
SetErrorMsg(part, (LPCSTR) stra);

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include "../util/UtilLib.h"
#include <stdint.h>
class Reformat;
class ReformatOutput;

View File

@ -166,8 +166,7 @@ const int kUnk = 0x3f; // for unmappable chars, use '?'
* if we want to have a reversible transformation someday, it'll make our
* lives easier then.
void ReformatText::CheckGSCharConv(void)
#ifdef _DEBUG
bool test[256];
@ -185,14 +184,12 @@ ReformatText::CheckGSCharConv(void)
* Set the output format and buffer.
* Clears our work buffer pointer so we don't free it.
ReformatText::SetResultBuffer(ReformatOutput* pOutput, bool multiFont)
void ReformatText::SetResultBuffer(ReformatOutput* pOutput, bool multiFont)
char* buf;
long len;
@ -225,7 +222,6 @@ ReformatText::SetResultBuffer(ReformatOutput* pOutput, bool multiFont)
* Output the RTF header.
@ -235,8 +231,7 @@ ReformatText::SetResultBuffer(ReformatOutput* pOutput, bool multiFont)
* The default font is Courier New (\f0) at 10 points (\fs20).
ReformatText::RTFBegin(int flags)
void ReformatText::RTFBegin(int flags)
// static const char* rtfHdr =
//"{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang1033{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fmodern\\fprq1\\fcharset0 Courier New;}}\r\n"
@ -274,15 +269,16 @@ ReformatText::RTFBegin(int flags)
* Output the RTF footer.
ReformatText::RTFEnd(void) { if (fUseRTF) BufPrintf("}\r\n%c", '\0'); }
void ReformatText::RTFEnd(void)
if (fUseRTF) BufPrintf("}\r\n%c", '\0');
* Output RTF paragraph definition marker. Do this every time we change some
* aspect of paragraph formatting, such as margins or justification.
void ReformatText::RTFSetPara(void)
if (!fUseRTF)
@ -320,8 +316,7 @@ ReformatText::RTFSetPara(void)
* If you're producing RTF output, this is the right way to output an
* end-of-line character.
void ReformatText::RTFNewPara(void)
if (fUseRTF)
@ -335,8 +330,7 @@ ReformatText::RTFNewPara(void)
* so it won't appear in CiderPress or WordPad, but it will come out in
* Microsoft Word if you extract to a file.
void ReformatText::RTFPageBreak(void)
if (fUseRTF)
BufPrintf("\\page ");
@ -345,8 +339,7 @@ ReformatText::RTFPageBreak(void)
* RTF tab character.
void ReformatText::RTFTab(void)
if (fUseRTF)
BufPrintf("\\tab ");
@ -355,8 +348,7 @@ ReformatText::RTFTab(void)
* Minor formatting.
void ReformatText::RTFBoldOn(void)
if (fBoldEnabled)
@ -365,8 +357,8 @@ ReformatText::RTFBoldOn(void)
fBoldEnabled = true;
void ReformatText::RTFBoldOff(void)
if (!fBoldEnabled)
@ -375,8 +367,8 @@ ReformatText::RTFBoldOff(void)
fBoldEnabled = false;
void ReformatText::RTFItalicOn(void)
if (fItalicEnabled)
@ -385,8 +377,8 @@ ReformatText::RTFItalicOn(void)
fItalicEnabled = true;
void ReformatText::RTFItalicOff(void)
if (!fItalicEnabled)
@ -395,8 +387,8 @@ ReformatText::RTFItalicOff(void)
fItalicEnabled = false;
void ReformatText::RTFUnderlineOn(void)
if (fUnderlineEnabled)
@ -405,8 +397,8 @@ ReformatText::RTFUnderlineOn(void)
fUnderlineEnabled = true;
void ReformatText::RTFUnderlineOff(void)
if (!fUnderlineEnabled)
@ -415,8 +407,8 @@ ReformatText::RTFUnderlineOff(void)
fUnderlineEnabled = false;
void ReformatText::RTFSubscriptOn(void)
if (fSubscriptEnabled)
@ -425,8 +417,8 @@ ReformatText::RTFSubscriptOn(void)
fSubscriptEnabled = true;
void ReformatText::RTFSubscriptOff(void)
if (!fSubscriptEnabled)
@ -435,8 +427,8 @@ ReformatText::RTFSubscriptOff(void)
fSubscriptEnabled = false;
void ReformatText::RTFSuperscriptOn(void)
if (fSuperscriptEnabled)
@ -445,8 +437,8 @@ ReformatText::RTFSuperscriptOn(void)
fSuperscriptEnabled = true;
void ReformatText::RTFSuperscriptOff(void)
if (!fSuperscriptEnabled)
@ -455,8 +447,8 @@ ReformatText::RTFSuperscriptOff(void)
fSuperscriptEnabled = false;
ReformatText::RTFSetColor(TextColor color)
void ReformatText::RTFSetColor(TextColor color)
if (color == fTextColor)
@ -469,32 +461,31 @@ ReformatText::RTFSetColor(TextColor color)
* Change paragraph formatting.
void ReformatText::RTFParaLeft(void)
if (fJustified != kJustifyLeft) {
fJustified = kJustifyLeft;
void ReformatText::RTFParaRight(void)
if (fJustified != kJustifyRight) {
fJustified = kJustifyRight;
void ReformatText::RTFParaCenter(void)
if (fJustified != kJustifyCenter) {
fJustified = kJustifyCenter;
void ReformatText::RTFParaJustify(void)
if (fJustified != kJustifyFull) {
fJustified = kJustifyFull;
@ -505,27 +496,24 @@ ReformatText::RTFParaJustify(void)
* Page margins, in 1/10th inches.
ReformatText::RTFLeftMargin(int margin)
void ReformatText::RTFLeftMargin(int margin)
//LOGI("+++ Left margin now %d", margin);
fLeftMargin = margin;
ReformatText::RTFRightMargin(int margin)
void ReformatText::RTFRightMargin(int margin)
//LOGI("+++ Right margin now %d", margin);
fRightMargin = margin;
* Switch to a different font size.
ReformatText::RTFSetFontSize(int points)
void ReformatText::RTFSetFontSize(int points)
if (fUseRTF && fPointSize != points)
BufPrintf("\\fs%d ", points * 2);
@ -534,8 +522,7 @@ ReformatText::RTFSetFontSize(int points)
* Switch to a different font.
ReformatText::RTFSetFont(RTFFont font)
void ReformatText::RTFSetFont(RTFFont font)
if (fUseRTF)
BufPrintf("\\f%d ", font);
@ -544,8 +531,7 @@ ReformatText::RTFSetFont(RTFFont font)
* Set the font by specifying a IIgs QuickDraw II font family number.
ReformatText::RTFSetGSFont(uint16_t family)
void ReformatText::RTFSetGSFont(uint16_t family)
float newMult;
@ -629,8 +615,7 @@ ReformatText::RTFSetGSFont(uint16_t family)
* BUG: we should track the state of the "underline" mode, and turn it
* on and off based on the font size (8-point fonts aren't underlined).
ReformatText::RTFSetGSFontSize(int points)
void ReformatText::RTFSetGSFontSize(int points)
RTFSetFontSize((int) roundf(points * fGSFontSizeMult));
@ -650,8 +635,7 @@ ReformatText::RTFSetGSFontSize(int points)
* bold as they do in plain. This doesn't hold true for Windows
* fonts, so we're going to look different in some circumstances.
ReformatText::RTFSetGSFontStyle(uint8_t qdStyle)
void ReformatText::RTFSetGSFontStyle(uint8_t qdStyle)
if (!fUseRTF)
@ -701,8 +685,7 @@ ReformatText::RTFProportionalOff(void) {
* If "stripHiBits" is set, the high bit of each character is cleared before
* the value is considered.
ReformatText::ConvertEOL(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
void ReformatText::ConvertEOL(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
bool stripHiBits)
/* Compatibility - assume we're not stripping nulls */
@ -715,11 +698,10 @@ ReformatText::ConvertEOL(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
* If "stripHiBits" is set, the high bit of each character is cleared before
* the value is considered.
* If "stripNulls" is true, no null values will make it through.
ReformatText::ConvertEOL(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
void ReformatText::ConvertEOL(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
bool stripHiBits, bool stripNulls)
uint8_t ch;
@ -760,8 +742,7 @@ ReformatText::ConvertEOL(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
* Write a hex dump into the buffer.
ReformatText::BufHexDump(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen)
void ReformatText::BufHexDump(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen)
const uint8_t* origSrcBuf = srcBuf;
char chBuf[17];
@ -863,8 +844,7 @@ ReformatText::BufHexDump(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen)
* Initialize the Apple II color palette, used for Hi-Res and DHR
* conversions. Could also be used for lo-res mode.
void ReformatGraphics::InitPalette(void)
ASSERT(kPaletteSize == 16);
@ -894,8 +874,7 @@ ReformatGraphics::InitPalette(void)
* Stuff out DIB into the output fields, and set the appropriate flags.
ReformatGraphics::SetResultBuffer(ReformatOutput* pOutput, MyDIBitmap* pDib)
void ReformatGraphics::SetResultBuffer(ReformatOutput* pOutput, MyDIBitmap* pDib)
ASSERT(pOutput != NULL);
@ -903,7 +882,6 @@ ReformatGraphics::SetResultBuffer(ReformatOutput* pOutput, MyDIBitmap* pDib)
* Unpack the Apple PackBytes format.
@ -922,8 +900,7 @@ ReformatGraphics::SetResultBuffer(ReformatOutput* pOutput, MyDIBitmap* pDib)
* Returns 0 on success, nonzero if the buffer is overfilled or underfilled.
ReformatGraphics::UnpackBytes(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* src,
int ReformatGraphics::UnpackBytes(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* src,
long dstRem, long srcLen)
while (srcLen > 0) {
@ -1028,7 +1005,6 @@ ReformatGraphics::UnpackBytes(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* src,
return 0;
* Unpack Macintosh PackBits format. See Technical Note TN1023.
@ -1047,8 +1023,7 @@ ReformatGraphics::UnpackBytes(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* src,
* We have to watch for underruns on the input and overruns on the output.
ReformatGraphics::UnPackBits(const uint8_t** pSrcBuf, long* pSrcLen,
void ReformatGraphics::UnPackBits(const uint8_t** pSrcBuf, long* pSrcLen,
uint8_t** pOutPtr, long dstLen, uint8_t xorVal)
const uint8_t* srcBuf = *pSrcBuf;

View File

@ -55,8 +55,7 @@ static const char* kRsrcC000[0x04] = {
* We handle all files, but only the resource fork.
ReformatResourceFork::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatResourceFork::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
@ -66,8 +65,7 @@ ReformatResourceFork::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Split a resource fork into its individual resources, and display them.
ReformatResourceFork::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatResourceFork::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -166,9 +164,8 @@ done:
* Extract and verify the header of a resource fork.
/*static*/ bool
ReformatResourceFork::ReadHeader(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
long* pFileVersion, long* pFileToMap, long* pFileMapSize,
/*static*/ bool ReformatResourceFork::ReadHeader(const uint8_t* srcBuf,
long srcLen, long* pFileVersion, long* pFileToMap, long* pFileMapSize,
bool* pLittleEndian)
if (srcLen < 128) {
@ -197,15 +194,13 @@ ReformatResourceFork::ReadHeader(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
return true;
* For use by other reformatters: find a specific resource.
* Returns "true" on success, "false" on failure.
/*static*/ bool
ReformatResourceFork::GetResource(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
uint16_t resourceType, uint32_t resourceID,
/*static*/ bool ReformatResourceFork::GetResource(const uint8_t* srcBuf,
long srcLen, uint16_t resourceType, uint32_t resourceID,
const uint8_t** pResource, long* pResourceLen)
/* read the file header */

View File

@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ public:
ReformatResourceFork(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatResourceFork(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
static bool GetResource(const uint8_t* srcBuf, long srcLen,
uint16_t resourceType, uint32_t resourceID,

View File

@ -13,8 +13,7 @@
* Indicate that we handle all parts of all files.
ReformatRaw::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatRaw::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
@ -37,20 +36,17 @@ ReformatRaw::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* This should inspire whoever is calling us to present the data without
* reformatting it first.
ReformatRaw::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatRaw::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
return -1;
* Indicate that we handle all parts of all files.
ReformatHexDump::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatHexDump::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
@ -60,8 +56,7 @@ ReformatHexDump::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Convert a file to a hex dump.
ReformatHexDump::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatHexDump::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -91,12 +86,10 @@ ReformatHexDump::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
return 0;
* Indicate that we handle all parts of all files.
ReformatEOL_HA::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatEOL_HA::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
@ -109,8 +102,7 @@ ReformatEOL_HA::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Sadly, this most likely requires expanding the original.
ReformatEOL_HA::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatEOL_HA::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)

View File

@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ public:
ReformatEOL_HA(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatEOL_HA(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ public:
ReformatRaw(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatRaw(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ public:
ReformatHexDump(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatHexDump(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;

View File

@ -46,16 +46,14 @@
* This is a reasonably generic routine shared by SHR functions.
ReformatSHR::SHRScreenToBitmap8(const SHRScreen* pScreen)
MyDIBitmap* ReformatSHR::SHRScreenToBitmap8(const SHRScreen* pScreen)
return SHRDataToBitmap8(pScreen->pixels, pScreen->scb,
pScreen->colorTable, kPixelBytesPerLine, kNumLines,
kOutputWidth, kOutputHeight);
ReformatSHR::SHRDataToBitmap8(const uint8_t* pPixels,
MyDIBitmap* ReformatSHR::SHRDataToBitmap8(const uint8_t* pPixels,
const uint8_t* pSCB, const uint8_t* pColorTable,
int pixelBytesPerLine, int numScanLines,
int outputWidth, int outputHeight)
@ -223,8 +221,7 @@ bail:
* Occasionally somebody slaps the wrong aux type on, so if we're in
* "relaxed" mode we accept just about anything that's the right size.
ReformatUnpackedSHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatUnpackedSHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
long fileType = pHolder->GetFileType();
@ -255,8 +252,7 @@ ReformatUnpackedSHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Convert an unpacked Super Hi-Res image.
ReformatUnpackedSHR::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatUnpackedSHR::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -283,6 +279,7 @@ bail:
return retval;
* ==========================================================================
* ReformatAppSHR
@ -295,8 +292,7 @@ bail:
* This file type seems exclusive to the IIgs version of "John Elway
* Quarterback".
ReformatJEQSHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatJEQSHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
long fileType = pHolder->GetFileType();
@ -324,8 +320,7 @@ ReformatJEQSHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* and only one color table is stored. Total savings of 480 bytes -- less
* than a ProDOS block. Sorta dumb.
ReformatJEQSHR::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatJEQSHR::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -366,8 +361,7 @@ bail:
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
ReformatPaintworksSHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatPaintworksSHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
long fileType = pHolder->GetFileType();
@ -386,7 +380,6 @@ ReformatPaintworksSHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::kApplicNot, ReformatHolder::kApplicNot);
* Convert a PaintWorks format Super Hi-Res image.
@ -405,8 +398,7 @@ ReformatPaintworksSHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Sometimes it runs a few bytes over. If it runs significantly under, it's
* probably a generic packed image (PNT/0001) with the wrong auxtype.
ReformatPaintworksSHR::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatPaintworksSHR::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -493,8 +485,7 @@ bail:
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
ReformatPackedSHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatPackedSHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
long fileType = pHolder->GetFileType();
@ -516,8 +507,7 @@ ReformatPackedSHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Convert a packed Super Hi-Res image (PNT/$0001).
ReformatPackedSHR::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatPackedSHR::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -560,8 +550,7 @@ bail:
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
ReformatAPFSHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatAPFSHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
long fileType = pHolder->GetFileType();
@ -590,8 +579,7 @@ ReformatAPFSHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* All we're really interested in is the "MAIN" block, though we need
* to handle MULTIPAL as well for 3200-color images.
ReformatAPFSHR::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatAPFSHR::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -707,8 +695,7 @@ bail:
* that happens to be 640 pixels wide? Did all //gs applications set this
* correctly? Can the format be different on every line?
ReformatAPFSHR::UnpackMain(const uint8_t* srcPtr, long srcLen)
int ReformatAPFSHR::UnpackMain(const uint8_t* srcPtr, long srcLen)
const int kColorTableSize = kNumEntriesPerColorTable * kColorTableEntrySize;
uint16_t masterMode;
@ -733,7 +720,7 @@ ReformatAPFSHR::UnpackMain(const uint8_t* srcPtr, long srcLen)
goto bail;
LOGI(" APFSHR masterMode=0x%04x, ppsl=%d, nct=%d",
LOGD(" APFSHR masterMode=0x%04x, ppsl=%d, nct=%d",
masterMode, fPixelsPerScanLine, numColorTables);
if (numColorTables <= 0 || numColorTables > kNumColorTables) {
LOGI(" APFSHR unexpected numColorTables %d", numColorTables);
@ -773,7 +760,7 @@ ReformatAPFSHR::UnpackMain(const uint8_t* srcPtr, long srcLen)
/* standard-sized image, use fScreen */
LOGI(" Assuming this is a standard, full-width SHR image");
LOGD(" Assuming this is a standard, full-width SHR image");
fPixelBytesPerLine = kPixelBytesPerLine; // 160
fPixelStore = fScreen.pixels;
fSCBStore =;
@ -820,7 +807,7 @@ ReformatAPFSHR::UnpackMain(const uint8_t* srcPtr, long srcLen)
goto bail;
LOGI(" APFSHR numScanLines=%d, outputWidth=%d, pixelBytesPerLine=%d",
LOGD(" APFSHR numScanLines=%d, outputWidth=%d, pixelBytesPerLine=%d",
fNumScanLines, fOutputWidth, fPixelBytesPerLine);
@ -881,8 +868,7 @@ bail:
* Brooks format by stuffing them into the file the wrong way. We could
* fix it here, but we can't reliably detect the files.
ReformatAPFSHR::UnpackMultipal(uint8_t* dstPtr,
int ReformatAPFSHR::UnpackMultipal(uint8_t* dstPtr,
const uint8_t* srcPtr, long srcLen)
const int kMultipalSize = kNumLines *
@ -934,8 +920,7 @@ ReformatAPFSHR::UnpackMultipal(uint8_t* dstPtr,
* Unpack a "NOTE" chunk. This seems to be a 16-bit count followed by
* ASCII data.
ReformatAPFSHR::UnpackNote(const uint8_t* srcPtr, long srcLen)
void ReformatAPFSHR::UnpackNote(const uint8_t* srcPtr, long srcLen)
int numChars;
@ -965,8 +950,7 @@ ReformatAPFSHR::UnpackNote(const uint8_t* srcPtr, long srcLen)
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
Reformat3200SHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void Reformat3200SHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
long fileType = pHolder->GetFileType();
@ -997,8 +981,7 @@ Reformat3200SHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Convert a 3200-color Super Hi-Res Image.
Reformat3200SHR::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int Reformat3200SHR::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -1049,8 +1032,7 @@ bail:
* This is shared among the 3200-color SHR formats.
MyDIBitmap* Reformat3200SHR::SHR3200ToBitmap24(void)
MyDIBitmap* pDib = new MyDIBitmap;
RGBTRIPLE colorLookup[kExtNumColorTables][kNumEntriesPerColorTable];
@ -1139,8 +1121,7 @@ bail:
* This *might* also be $c0/0004, but there's no file type note
* for that.
Reformat3201SHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void Reformat3201SHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
long fileType = pHolder->GetFileType();
@ -1159,12 +1140,10 @@ Reformat3201SHR::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::kApplicNot, ReformatHolder::kApplicNot);
* Convert a 3201-format packed 3200-color Super Hi-Res Image.
Reformat3201SHR::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int Reformat3201SHR::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)

View File

@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ public:
ReformatUnpackedSHR(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatUnpackedSHR(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
SHRScreen fScreen;
@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ public:
ReformatJEQSHR(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatJEQSHR(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
enum { kExpectedLen = 32288 };
@ -121,10 +121,10 @@ public:
ReformatPaintworksSHR(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatPaintworksSHR(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
enum { kMinSize = 223 };
@ -140,10 +140,10 @@ public:
ReformatPackedSHR(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatPackedSHR(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
SHRScreen fScreen;
@ -166,10 +166,10 @@ public:
delete[] fSCBStore;
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
int UnpackMain(const uint8_t* srcPtr, long srcLen);
@ -206,10 +206,10 @@ public:
memcpy(fExtColorTable, multiPal, sizeof(fExtColorTable));
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
MyDIBitmap* SHR3200ToBitmap24(void);
@ -234,10 +234,10 @@ public:
Reformat3201SHR(void) {}
virtual ~Reformat3201SHR(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
@ -279,10 +279,10 @@ public:
ReformatDG256SHR(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatDG256SHR(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
DreamGrafix fDG;
@ -297,10 +297,10 @@ public:
ReformatDG3200SHR(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatDG3200SHR(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
DreamGrafix fDG;

View File

@ -22,8 +22,7 @@
* document. Possibly useful for converting the special characters. We'll
* activate it for any GWP file other than the two known types.
ReformatGWP::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatGWP::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
@ -40,8 +39,7 @@ ReformatGWP::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Convert GWP into formatted text.
ReformatGWP::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatGWP::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -89,8 +87,7 @@ ReformatGWP::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
ReformatTeach::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatTeach::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot;
@ -106,8 +103,7 @@ ReformatTeach::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* The text is in the data fork and the formatting is in the resource fork.
ReformatTeach::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatTeach::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -238,8 +234,7 @@ ReformatTeach::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
* Unpack an rStyleBlock resource.
RStyleBlock::Create(const uint8_t* buf, long len)
bool RStyleBlock::Create(const uint8_t* buf, long len)
uint16_t version;
uint32_t partLen;
@ -326,14 +321,12 @@ RStyleBlock::Create(const uint8_t* buf, long len)
return true;
* Construct a TERuler from a chunk of data.
* Returns the #of bytes consumed, or -1 on failure.
RStyleBlock::TERuler::Create(const uint8_t* buf, long len)
int RStyleBlock::TERuler::Create(const uint8_t* buf, long len)
long origLen = len;
@ -395,8 +388,7 @@ RStyleBlock::TERuler::Create(const uint8_t* buf, long len)
* Extract a TEStyle object from the buffer.
RStyleBlock::TEStyle::Create(const uint8_t* buf)
void RStyleBlock::TEStyle::Create(const uint8_t* buf)
fFontID = Reformat::Get32LE(buf);
fForeColor = Reformat::Get16LE(buf + 4);
@ -410,8 +402,7 @@ RStyleBlock::TEStyle::Create(const uint8_t* buf)
* Extract a StyleItem object from the buffer.
RStyleBlock::StyleItem::Create(const uint8_t* buf)
void RStyleBlock::StyleItem::Create(const uint8_t* buf)
fLength = Reformat::Get32LE(buf);
fOffset = Reformat::Get32LE(buf + 4);

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "ReformatBase.h"
#include <assert.h>
* Reformat a generic IIgs text file.
@ -19,10 +20,10 @@ public:
ReformatGWP(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatGWP(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
@ -33,10 +34,10 @@ public:
ReformatTeach(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatTeach(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
@ -207,5 +208,4 @@ private:
StyleItem* fpStyleItems;

View File

@ -37,8 +37,7 @@
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
ReformatMagicWindow::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatMagicWindow::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
if (pHolder->GetFileType() == kTypeBIN) {
bool isMW = ReformatMagicWindow::IsFormatted(pHolder);
@ -79,8 +78,7 @@ ReformatMagicWindow::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* I don't know much about the format, so this is based on the similarities
* observed between half a dozen documents from different sources.
/*static*/ bool
ReformatMagicWindow::IsFormatted(const ReformatHolder* pHolder)
/*static*/ bool ReformatMagicWindow::IsFormatted(const ReformatHolder* pHolder)
const uint8_t* ptr = pHolder->GetSourceBuf(ReformatHolder::kPartData);
long srcLen = pHolder->GetSourceLen(ReformatHolder::kPartData);
@ -145,8 +143,7 @@ ReformatMagicWindow::IsFormatted(const ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Skip the header and text-convert the rest.
ReformatMagicWindow::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatMagicWindow::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)
@ -184,10 +181,9 @@ bail:
* Decide whether or not we want to handle this file.
ReformatGutenberg::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
void ReformatGutenberg::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
if ((pHolder->GetFileType() == kTypeTXT) &&
if ((pHolder->GetFileType() == kTypeTXT) &&
(pHolder->GetSourceFormat() == ReformatHolder::kSourceFormatGutenberg)) {
@ -196,12 +192,10 @@ ReformatGutenberg::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder)
* Convert the text.
ReformatGutenberg::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
int ReformatGutenberg::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput)

View File

@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ public:
ReformatMagicWindow(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatMagicWindow(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;
static bool IsFormatted(const ReformatHolder* pHolder);
@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ public:
ReformatGutenberg(void) {}
virtual ~ReformatGutenberg(void) {}
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder);
virtual void Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) override;
virtual int Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder,
ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part,
ReformatOutput* pOutput);
ReformatOutput* pOutput) override;

View File

@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ protected:
/* override Cancel button to just raise the flag */
virtual void OnCancel(void) {
virtual void OnCancel(void) override {
/* "cancel" button or escape hit */
*fpCancelFlag = true;
//void PostNcDestroy(void) { delete this; }
//void PostNcDestroy(void) override { delete this; }

View File

@ -135,4 +135,4 @@ IOleObject *CImageDataObject::GetOleObject(IOleClientSite *pOleClientSite, IStor
if (sc != S_OK)
return pOleObject;

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public:
* OK button clicked. Must override to prevent standard EndDialog
* behavior.
virtual void OnOK(void) {
virtual void OnOK(void) override {
if (UpdateData() != FALSE) // try the DDX/DDV stuff, if any
@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ public:
* ESC key hit or Cancel button clicked. Must override to prevent
* standard EndDialog behavior.
virtual void OnCancel(void) {
virtual void OnCancel(void) override {
void PostNcDestroy(void) {
void PostNcDestroy(void) override {
// this may not arrive immediately
fOkayToDelete = true;
delete this;
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public:
/* enable the parent window before we're destroyed */
virtual BOOL DestroyWindow(void) {
virtual BOOL DestroyWindow(void) override {
if (fpParentWnd != NULL)
return ModelessDialog::DestroyWindow();

View File

@ -15,13 +15,7 @@ BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(MyBitmapButton, CButton)
* Replace a button control in a dialog with ourselves.
* Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
MyBitmapButton::ReplaceDlgCtrl(CDialog* pDialog, int buttonID)
BOOL MyBitmapButton::ReplaceDlgCtrl(CDialog* pDialog, int buttonID)
CWnd* pWnd = pDialog->GetDlgItem(buttonID);
if (pWnd == NULL)
@ -50,27 +44,19 @@ MyBitmapButton::ReplaceDlgCtrl(CDialog* pDialog, int buttonID)
return TRUE;
* Set the bitmap ID, and update the button appropriately.
MyBitmapButton::SetBitmapID(int id)
BOOL MyBitmapButton::SetBitmapID(int id)
fBitmapID = id;
return TRUE;
* (Re-)load the bitmap and attach it to the button.
void MyBitmapButton::UpdateBitmap(void)
if (fBitmapID == -1) {
LOGI("ERROR: UpdateBitmap called before bitmap set");
LOGE("ERROR: UpdateBitmap called before bitmap set");
@ -78,7 +64,7 @@ MyBitmapButton::UpdateBitmap(void)
hNewBits = (HBITMAP) ::LoadImage(AfxGetInstanceHandle(),
if (hNewBits == NULL) {
LOGI("WARNING: LoadImage failed (bitID=%d)", fBitmapID);
LOGW("WARNING: LoadImage failed (bitID=%d)", fBitmapID);
@ -89,11 +75,7 @@ MyBitmapButton::UpdateBitmap(void)
fhBitmap = hNewBits;
* If the system colors have changed, reload the bitmap.
void MyBitmapButton::OnSysColorChange(void)
LOGD("MyBitmapButton 0x%p tracking color change", this);

View File

@ -34,13 +34,29 @@ public:
return FALSE;
virtual BOOL SetBitmapID(int id);
* Replace a button control in a dialog with ourselves.
* Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
virtual BOOL ReplaceDlgCtrl(CDialog* pDialog, int buttonID);
* Set the bitmap ID, and update the button appropriately.
virtual BOOL SetBitmapID(int id);
virtual void UpdateBitmap(void);
* If the system colors have changed, reload the bitmap.
afx_msg void OnSysColorChange(void);
* (Re-)load the bitmap and attach it to the button.
virtual void UpdateBitmap(void);
HBITMAP fhBitmap;
int fBitmapID;

View File

@ -30,9 +30,6 @@
//using namespace libfadden;
* Destroy allocated memory and delete the DIB object.
if (mhBitmap != NULL)
@ -43,18 +40,12 @@ MyDIBitmap::~MyDIBitmap(void)
/* fpPixels point to system-allocated memory inside fhBitmap */
* Create a blank DIB with the requested dimensions.
* We probably don't need to allocate DIB storage here. We can do most
* operations ourselves, in local memory, and only convert when needed.
* Returns a pointer to the pixel storage on success, or NULL on failure.
MyDIBitmap::Create(int width, int height, int bitsPerPixel, int colorsUsed,
void* MyDIBitmap::Create(int width, int height, int bitsPerPixel, int colorsUsed,
bool dibSection /*=false*/)
// We probably don't need to allocate DIB storage here. We can do most
// operations ourselves, in local memory, and only convert when needed.
if (mhBitmap != NULL || mpPixels != NULL || mpFileBuffer != NULL) {
LOGI(" DIB GLITCH: already created");
@ -146,11 +137,7 @@ MyDIBitmap::Create(int width, int height, int bitsPerPixel, int colorsUsed,
return mpPixels;
* Open the file and call the FILE* version.
MyDIBitmap::CreateFromFile(const WCHAR* fileName)
int MyDIBitmap::CreateFromFile(const WCHAR* fileName)
FILE* fp = NULL;
int err;
@ -173,11 +160,7 @@ MyDIBitmap::CreateFromFile(const WCHAR* fileName)
return err;
* Create a DIB by reading a BMP or TGA file into memory.
MyDIBitmap::CreateFromFile(FILE* fp, long len)
int MyDIBitmap::CreateFromFile(FILE* fp, long len)
void* buf = NULL;
int err = -1;
@ -198,14 +181,7 @@ bail:
return err;
* Create object from a copy of the file in memory.
* We want to hang on to the data buffer, but if we don't own it then we
* have to make a copy.
MyDIBitmap::CreateFromBuffer(void* buf, long len, bool doDelete)
int MyDIBitmap::CreateFromBuffer(void* buf, long len, bool doDelete)
assert(len > 0);
@ -221,18 +197,7 @@ MyDIBitmap::CreateFromBuffer(void* buf, long len, bool doDelete)
* Create object from a buffer of new[]-created memory that we own.
* The memory will be discarded if this function fails.
* We don't want to create a DIB section if the eventual user of this data
* doesn't need it (e.g. it's just getting converted into a 3D texture
* without using any GDI calls), so we just leave the pixels in the file
* buffer for now.
MyDIBitmap::CreateFromNewBuffer(void* vbuf, long len)
int MyDIBitmap::CreateFromNewBuffer(void* vbuf, long len)
unsigned char* buf = (unsigned char*) vbuf;
@ -256,13 +221,7 @@ MyDIBitmap::CreateFromNewBuffer(void* vbuf, long len)
* Set up internal structures for the BMP file.
* On error, "vbuf" is discarded.
MyDIBitmap::ImportBMP(void* vbuf, long len)
int MyDIBitmap::ImportBMP(void* vbuf, long len)
@ -328,18 +287,7 @@ bail:
return err;
* Set up internal structures for the TGA file.
* We handle 16-, 24-, and 32-bit .TGA files only. They happen to use the
* same byte layout as BMP files, so we do very little work here. If we
* tried to write the raw data to a BMP file we could end up in trouble,
* because we don't force the "pitch must be multiple of 4 bytes" rule.
* On error, "vbuf" is discarded.
MyDIBitmap::ImportTGA(void* vbuf, long len)
int MyDIBitmap::ImportTGA(void* vbuf, long len)
TargaHeader targaHdr;
unsigned char* hdr = (unsigned char*) vbuf;
@ -422,15 +370,7 @@ MyDIBitmap::ImportTGA(void* vbuf, long len)
return err;
* If the bitmap wasn't initially created as a DIB section, transform it now
* so the application can use it in GDI calls.
* Returns 0 on success, -1 on error.
int MyDIBitmap::ConvertBufToDIBSection(void)
void* oldPixels = mpPixels;
@ -478,13 +418,7 @@ MyDIBitmap::ConvertBufToDIBSection(void)
return 0;
* Create the object from a resource embedded in the application.
* Use MAKEINTRESOURCE to load a resource by ordinal.
MyDIBitmap::CreateFromResource(HINSTANCE hInstance, const WCHAR* rsrc)
void* MyDIBitmap::CreateFromResource(HINSTANCE hInstance, const WCHAR* rsrc)
mhBitmap = (HBITMAP) ::LoadImage(hInstance, rsrc, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0,
@ -539,7 +473,7 @@ MyDIBitmap::CreateFromResource(HINSTANCE hInstance, const WCHAR* rsrc)
DWORD err = ::GetLastError();
CString buf;
GetWin32ErrorString(err, &buf);
LOGI(" DIB GetDIBColorTable failed (err=0x%x '%ls')",
LOGW(" DIB GetDIBColorTable failed (err=0x%x '%ls')",
err, (LPCWSTR) buf);
SelectObject(memDC, oldBits);
@ -587,12 +521,7 @@ bail:
memcpy( m_pResourceBuffer, pvRes, dwSize );
* Zero out a bitmap's pixels. Does not touch the color table.
void MyDIBitmap::ClearPixels(void)
assert(mpPixels != NULL);
@ -600,12 +529,7 @@ MyDIBitmap::ClearPixels(void)
memset(mpPixels, 0, mPitchBytes * mHeight);
* Set the values in the color table.
MyDIBitmap::SetColorTable(const RGBQUAD* pColorTable)
void MyDIBitmap::SetColorTable(const RGBQUAD* pColorTable)
assert(pColorTable != NULL);
@ -627,14 +551,7 @@ MyDIBitmap::SetColorTable(const RGBQUAD* pColorTable)
mColorTableInitialized = true;
* Retrieve the transparency color key, if any.
* Returns "false" if no color key has been set.
MyDIBitmap::GetTransparentColor(RGBQUAD* pColor) const
bool MyDIBitmap::GetTransparentColor(RGBQUAD* pColor) const
if (mAlphaType != kAlphaTransparency)
return false;
@ -642,11 +559,7 @@ MyDIBitmap::GetTransparentColor(RGBQUAD* pColor) const
return true;
* Set the transparent color. Changes the alpha mode to kAlphaTransparency.
MyDIBitmap::SetTransparentColor(const RGBQUAD* pColor)
void MyDIBitmap::SetTransparentColor(const RGBQUAD* pColor)
if (mAlphaType == kAlphaFull) {
LOGI(" NOTE: switching from full alpha to transparent-color alpha");
@ -656,15 +569,7 @@ MyDIBitmap::SetTransparentColor(const RGBQUAD* pColor)
mAlphaType = kAlphaTransparency;
* Look up an RGB color in an indexed color table.
* Returns the index of the color, or -1 if not found (-2 on error, e.g. this
* isn't an indexed-color bitmap or the color table hasn't been created).
MyDIBitmap::LookupColor(const RGBQUAD* pRgbQuad)
int MyDIBitmap::LookupColor(const RGBQUAD* pRgbQuad)
if (mBpp > 8) {
LOGI(" DIB LookupColor on %d-bit image", mBpp);
@ -688,14 +593,12 @@ MyDIBitmap::LookupColor(const RGBQUAD* pRgbQuad)
return -1;
* Return the RGB value of a single pixel in a bitmap.
* "rgbReserved" is always set to zero.
MyDIBitmap::GetPixelRGB(int x, int y, RGBQUAD* pRgbQuad) const
void MyDIBitmap::GetPixelRGB(int x, int y, RGBQUAD* pRgbQuad) const
GetPixelRGBA(x, y, pRgbQuad);
pRgbQuad->rgbReserved = 0;
@ -706,8 +609,7 @@ MyDIBitmap::GetPixelRGB(int x, int y, RGBQUAD* pRgbQuad) const
* This sets rgbReserved appropriately for the current alpha mode.
MyDIBitmap::GetPixelRGBA(int x, int y, RGBQUAD* pRgbQuad) const
void MyDIBitmap::GetPixelRGBA(int x, int y, RGBQUAD* pRgbQuad) const
assert(x >= 0 && x < mWidth && y >= 0 && y < mHeight);
y = mHeight - y -1; // upside-down
@ -799,8 +701,7 @@ MyDIBitmap::GetPixelRGBA(int x, int y, RGBQUAD* pRgbQuad) const
* The "rgbReserved" channel is forced to zero.
MyDIBitmap::SetPixelRGB(int x, int y, const RGBQUAD* pRgbQuad)
void MyDIBitmap::SetPixelRGB(int x, int y, const RGBQUAD* pRgbQuad)
if (pRgbQuad->rgbReserved == 0) {
SetPixelRGBA(x, y, pRgbQuad);
@ -816,8 +717,7 @@ MyDIBitmap::SetPixelRGB(int x, int y, const RGBQUAD* pRgbQuad)
* For index-color bitmaps, this requires a (slow) table lookup.
MyDIBitmap::SetPixelRGBA(int x, int y, const RGBQUAD* pRgbQuad)
void MyDIBitmap::SetPixelRGBA(int x, int y, const RGBQUAD* pRgbQuad)
assert(x >= 0 && x < mWidth && y >= 0 && y < mHeight);
y = mHeight - y -1; // upside-down
@ -854,8 +754,7 @@ MyDIBitmap::SetPixelRGBA(int x, int y, const RGBQUAD* pRgbQuad)
* Only works on indexed-color formats (8bpp or less).
MyDIBitmap::GetPixelIndex(int x, int y, int* pIdx) const
void MyDIBitmap::GetPixelIndex(int x, int y, int* pIdx) const
assert(x >= 0 && x < mWidth && y >= 0 && y < mHeight);
y = mHeight - y -1; // upside-down
@ -881,8 +780,7 @@ MyDIBitmap::GetPixelIndex(int x, int y, int* pIdx) const
* Set the index value of a pixel in an indexed-color bitmap (8bpp or less).
MyDIBitmap::SetPixelIndex(int x, int y, int idx)
void MyDIBitmap::SetPixelIndex(int x, int y, int idx)
if (x < 0 || x >= mWidth || y < 0 || y >= mHeight) {
LOGI("BAD x=%d y=%d idx=%d", x, y, idx);
@ -911,38 +809,29 @@ MyDIBitmap::SetPixelIndex(int x, int y, int idx)
* Blit a block of pixels from one bitmap to another.
* The bitmaps must share a common format, and the rectangles must be the
* same size. We could implement color conversion and resizing here, but
* for now let's not.
/*static*/ bool
MyDIBitmap::Blit(MyDIBitmap* pDstBits, const RECT* pDstRect,
/*static*/ bool MyDIBitmap::Blit(MyDIBitmap* pDstBits, const RECT* pDstRect,
const MyDIBitmap* pSrcBits, const RECT* pSrcRect)
if (pDstRect->right - pDstRect->left !=
pSrcRect->right - pSrcRect->left)
LOGI("DIB blit: widths differ");
LOGW("DIB blit: widths differ");
return false;
if (pDstRect->bottom - pDstRect->top !=
pSrcRect->bottom - pSrcRect->top)
LOGI("DIB blit: heights differ");
LOGW("DIB blit: heights differ");
return false;
if (pSrcBits->mBpp != pDstBits->mBpp) {
LOGI("DIB blit: different formats");
LOGW("DIB blit: different formats");
return false;
if (pDstRect->right <= pDstRect->left ||
pDstRect->bottom <= pDstRect->top)
LOGI("DIB blit: poorly formed rect");
LOGW("DIB blit: poorly formed rect");
return false;
@ -988,18 +877,7 @@ MyDIBitmap::Blit(MyDIBitmap* pDstBits, const RECT* pDstRect,
return true;
* Create a DDB from the current bitmap in the specified DC, and return its
* handle. The returned handle must eventually be disposed with DeleteObject.
* Since we're just supplying pointers to various pieces of data, there's no
* need for us to have a DIB section.
* Returns NULL on failure.
MyDIBitmap::ConvertToDDB(HDC dc) const
HBITMAP MyDIBitmap::ConvertToDDB(HDC dc) const
@ -1079,13 +957,7 @@ MyDIBitmap::ConvertToDDB(HDC dc) const
return hBitmap;
* Write the bitmap to the named file. Opens the file and calls the FILE*
* function.
MyDIBitmap::WriteToFile(const WCHAR* fileName) const
int MyDIBitmap::WriteToFile(const WCHAR* fileName) const
FILE* fp = NULL;
int err;
@ -1104,15 +976,7 @@ MyDIBitmap::WriteToFile(const WCHAR* fileName) const
return err;
* Write the bitmap to a file.
* Pass in an open, seeked file pointer (make sure to use "wb" mode).
* Returns 0 on success, or nonzero (errno) on failure.
MyDIBitmap::WriteToFile(FILE* fp) const
int MyDIBitmap::WriteToFile(FILE* fp) const
long pixelBufSize;

View File

@ -58,33 +58,84 @@ public:
memset(&mBitmapInfoHdr, 0, sizeof(mBitmapInfoHdr));
* Destroys allocated memory and delete the DIB object.
virtual ~MyDIBitmap(void);
// create an empty bitmap with the specified characteristics; returns a
// pointer to the pixel storage
* Creates a blank DIB with the requested dimensions.
* Returns a pointer to the pixel storage on success, or NULL on failure.
void* Create(int width, int height, int bitsPerPixel, int colorsUsed,
bool dibSection = false);
* Set the values in the color table.
void SetColorTable(const RGBQUAD* pColorTable);
const RGBQUAD* GetColorTable(void) const { return mpColorTable; }
// zero out the pixels
* Zero out a bitmap's pixels. Does not touch the color table.
void ClearPixels(void);
* Create a DDB from the current bitmap in the specified DC, and return its
* handle. The returned handle must eventually be disposed with DeleteObject.
* Since we're just supplying pointers to various pieces of data, there's no
* need for us to have a DIB section.
* Returns NULL on failure.
HBITMAP ConvertToDDB(HDC dc) const;
// create a DIB from a file on disk
* Opens the file and call the FILE* version.
int CreateFromFile(const WCHAR* fileName);
* Create a DIB by reading a BMP or TGA file into memory.
int CreateFromFile(FILE* fp, long len);
// create from memory buffer; set "doDelete" if object should own mem
// (if "doDelete" is set, memory will be deleted if function fails)
// contents of buffer will be analyzed to determine file type
* Creates object from a copy of the file in memory. Set "doDelete" to
* transfer ownership of object.
* We want to hang on to the data buffer, but if we don't own it then we
* have to make a copy.
* If "doDelete" is set, memory will be deleted if function fails.
int CreateFromBuffer(void* buffer, long len, bool doDelete);
// create a DIB from an embedded resource
* Creates the object from a resource embedded in the application.
* Use MAKEINTRESOURCE to load a resource by ordinal.
void* CreateFromResource(HINSTANCE hInstance, const WCHAR* rsrc);
// write bitmap to file (for FILE*, make sure it's open in "wb" mode)
* Write the bitmap to the named file. Opens the file and calls the FILE*
* function.
int WriteToFile(const WCHAR* fileName) const;
* Write the bitmap to a file.
* Pass in an open, seeked file pointer (make sure to use "wb" mode).
* Returns 0 on success, or nonzero (errno) on failure.
int WriteToFile(FILE* fp) const;
// simple getters
@ -95,16 +146,30 @@ public:
// retrieve current alpha mode
AlphaType GetAlphaType(void) const { return mAlphaType; }
// get transparent color; returns "false" if none has been set
* Retrieve the transparency color key, if any.
* Returns "false" if no color key has been set.
bool GetTransparentColor(RGBQUAD* pColor) const;
// set transparent color and change alpha to kAlphaTransparency
* Set the transparent color. Changes the alpha mode to kAlphaTransparency.
void SetTransparentColor(const RGBQUAD* pColor);
// return the index of the specified color (-1 if not found, -2 on err)
* Look up an RGB color in an indexed color table.
* Returns the index of the color, or -1 if not found (-2 on error, e.g. this
* isn't an indexed-color bitmap or the color table hasn't been created).
int LookupColor(const RGBQUAD* pRgbQuad);
// set/get individual pixel values; the "RGB" functions always set
// alpha to zero, while "RGBA" follow the current alpha mode
void FASTCALL GetPixelRGB(int x, int y, RGBQUAD* pRgbQuad) const;
void FASTCALL SetPixelRGB(int x, int y, const RGBQUAD* pRgbQuad);
void FASTCALL GetPixelRGBA(int x, int y, RGBQUAD* pRgbQuad) const;
@ -125,7 +190,13 @@ public:
int GetPitch(void) const { return mPitchBytes; }
// Blit pixels from one bitmap to another.
* Blit a block of pixels from one bitmap to another.
* The bitmaps must share a common format, and the rectangles must be the
* same size. We could implement color conversion and resizing here, but
* for now let's not.
static bool Blit(MyDIBitmap* pDstBits, const RECT* pDstRect,
const MyDIBitmap* pSrcBits, const RECT* pSrcRect);
@ -152,9 +223,43 @@ private:
kTargaUnmappedRGB = 2, // for imageType field
* Set up internal structures for the BMP file.
* On error, "vbuf" is discarded.
int ImportBMP(void* vbuf, long len);
* Set up internal structures for the TGA file.
* We handle 16-, 24-, and 32-bit .TGA files only. They happen to use the
* same byte layout as BMP files, so we do very little work here. If we
* tried to write the raw data to a BMP file we could end up in trouble,
* because we don't force the "pitch must be multiple of 4 bytes" rule.
* On error, "vbuf" is discarded.
int ImportTGA(void* vbuf, long len);
* If the bitmap wasn't initially created as a DIB section, transform it now
* so the application can use it in GDI calls.
* Returns 0 on success, -1 on error.
int ConvertBufToDIBSection(void);
* Create object from a buffer of new[]-created memory that we own.
* The memory will be discarded if this function fails.
* We don't want to create a DIB section if the eventual user of this data
* doesn't need it (e.g. it's just getting converted into a 3D texture
* without using any GDI calls), so we just leave the pixels in the file
* buffer for now.
int CreateFromNewBuffer(void* vbuf, long len);

View File

@ -18,8 +18,7 @@
* Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
MyEdit::ReplaceDlgCtrl(CDialog* pDialog, int editID)
BOOL MyEdit::ReplaceDlgCtrl(CDialog* pDialog, int editID)
CWnd* pWnd = pDialog->GetDlgItem(editID);
if (pWnd == NULL)
@ -34,20 +33,17 @@ MyEdit::ReplaceDlgCtrl(CDialog* pDialog, int editID)
* Set the properties that make us special.
MyEdit::SetProperties(int props)
void MyEdit::SetProperties(int props)
fCapsOnly = (props & kCapsOnly) != 0;
fHexOnly = (props & kHexOnly) != 0;
fNoWhiteSpace = (props & kNoWhiteSpace) != 0;
* Special keypress handling.
MyEdit::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
BOOL MyEdit::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
if (pMsg->message == WM_CHAR) {
if (fCapsOnly)

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public:
virtual BOOL ReplaceDlgCtrl(CDialog* pDialog, int editID);
virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg);
virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) override;
bool fCapsOnly;
bool fHexOnly;

View File

@ -37,13 +37,7 @@ void MySpinCtrl::PreSubclassWindow()
* Convert a decimal or hex string to a long.
* Returns "true" on success, "false" on error.
MySpinCtrl::ConvLong(const WCHAR* str, long* pVal) const
bool MySpinCtrl::ConvLong(const WCHAR* str, long* pVal) const
WCHAR* endp;
@ -57,8 +51,7 @@ MySpinCtrl::ConvLong(const WCHAR* str, long* pVal) const
* Handle UDN_DELTAPOS notification.
MySpinCtrl::OnDeltaPos(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
void MySpinCtrl::OnDeltaPos(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
_ASSERTE(! (UDS_SETBUDDYINT & GetStyle()) && "'Auto Buddy Int' style *MUST* be unchecked");
// _ASSERTE( (UDS_AUTOBUDDY & GetStyle()) && "'Auto Buddy' style *MUST* be checked");
@ -101,8 +94,7 @@ bail:
* Returns the previous position.
MySpinCtrl::SetPos(int nPos)
int MySpinCtrl::SetPos(int nPos)
_ASSERTE(! (UDS_SETBUDDYINT & GetStyle()) && "'Auto Buddy Int' style *MUST* be unchecked");
// _ASSERTE( (UDS_AUTOBUDDY & GetStyle()) && "'Auto Buddy' style *MUST* be checked");
@ -129,8 +121,7 @@ MySpinCtrl::SetPos(int nPos)
* Returns -1 on error. Yes, that's bogus, but it's good enough for now.
MySpinCtrl::GetPos() const
int MySpinCtrl::GetPos() const
_ASSERTE(! (UDS_SETBUDDYINT & GetStyle()) && "'Auto Buddy Int' style *MUST* be unchecked");
// _ASSERTE( (UDS_AUTOBUDDY & GetStyle()) && "'Auto Buddy' style *MUST* be checked");
@ -158,8 +149,7 @@ MySpinCtrl::GetPos() const
return val;
MySpinCtrl::GetRange(void) const
DWORD MySpinCtrl::GetRange(void) const
_ASSERTE(! "Do NOT use this method!");
return 0;
@ -168,8 +158,7 @@ MySpinCtrl::GetRange(void) const
* Get 32-bit ranges.
MySpinCtrl::GetRange32(int& lower, int& upper) const
void MySpinCtrl::GetRange32(int& lower, int& upper) const
lower = fLow;
upper = fHigh;
@ -179,8 +168,7 @@ MySpinCtrl::GetRange32(int& lower, int& upper) const
* Set 32-bit ranges.
MySpinCtrl::SetRange32(int nLo, int nHi)
void MySpinCtrl::SetRange32(int nLo, int nHi)
_ASSERTE(! (UDS_SETBUDDYINT & GetStyle()) && "'Auto Buddy Int' style *MUST* be unchecked");
// _ASSERTE( (UDS_AUTOBUDDY & GetStyle()) && "'Auto Buddy' style *MUST* be checked");

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public:
MySpinCtrl(void) : fLow(0), fHigh(100) {}
virtual ~MySpinCtrl(void) {}
// override original methods (AFXCMN.H)
// replacements for superclass methods (AFXCMN.H)
int SetPos(int nPos);
int GetPos() const;
void SetRange(int nLower, int nUpper) { SetRange32(nLower, nUpper); }
@ -42,6 +42,11 @@ protected:
int fLow, fHigh;
* Convert a decimal or hex string to a long.
* Returns "true" on success, "false" on error.
bool ConvLong(const WCHAR* str, long* pVal) const;

View File

@ -38,15 +38,7 @@
#define kFilenameExtDelim '.' /* separates extension from filename */
* Find the filename component of a local pathname. Uses the fssep passed
* in. If the fssep is '\0' (as is the case for DOS 3.3), then the entire
* pathname is returned.
* Always returns a pointer to a string; never returns NULL.
const WCHAR*
PathName::FilenameOnly(const WCHAR* pathname, WCHAR fssep)
const WCHAR* PathName::FilenameOnly(const WCHAR* pathname, WCHAR fssep)
const WCHAR* retstr;
const WCHAR* pSlash;
@ -99,19 +91,7 @@ bail:
return retstr;
* Return the filename extension found in a full pathname.
* An extension is the stuff following the last '.' in the filename. If
* there is nothing following the last '.', then there is no extension.
* Returns a pointer to the '.' preceding the extension, or NULL if no
* extension was found.
* We guarantee that there is at least one character after the '.'.
const WCHAR*
PathName::FindExtension(const WCHAR* pathname, WCHAR fssep)
const WCHAR* PathName::FindExtension(const WCHAR* pathname, WCHAR fssep)
const WCHAR* pFilename;
const WCHAR* pExt;
@ -131,13 +111,7 @@ PathName::FindExtension(const WCHAR* pathname, WCHAR fssep)
return NULL;
* Get just the file name.
CString PathName::GetFileName(void)
CString str;
@ -157,22 +131,14 @@ PathName::GetFileName(void)
return str;
* Get just the drive name.
CString PathName::GetDriveOnly(void)
return fDrive;
* Get directory names, prefixed with the drive.
CString PathName::GetDriveAndPath(void)
CString str;
@ -183,22 +149,14 @@ PathName::GetDriveAndPath(void)
return str;
* Get just the directory names.
CString PathName::GetPathOnly(void)
return fDir;
* Get just the extension.
CString PathName::GetExtension(void)
@ -216,13 +174,7 @@ PathName::GetExtension(void)
return fExt;
* Expand the short file name of an existing file into its long form.
* Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
int PathName::SFNToLFN(void)
WIN32_FIND_DATA findFileData;
@ -310,11 +262,7 @@ PathName::SFNToLFN(void)
return 0;
* Return the description of the file type.
CString PathName::GetDescription()
CString szTypeName;
SHFILEINFO sfi = { 0 };
@ -326,21 +274,14 @@ PathName::GetDescription()
return szTypeName;
* Check to see if the file exists.
* If we use something simple like access(), we will catch all files including
* the ones in Network Neighborhood. Using the FindFirstFile stuff avoids
* the problem, but raises the difficulty of being unable to find simple
* things like "D:\".
bool PathName::Exists(void)
// if (strncmp(fPathName, "\\\\", 2) == 0) {
// LOGI("Refusing to check for network path '%ls'", fPathName);
// return false;
// }
* If we use something simple like access(), we will catch all files including
* the ones in Network Neighborhood. Using the FindFirstFile stuff avoids
* the problem, but raises the difficulty of being unable to find simple
* things like "D:\".
return (::_waccess(fPathName, 0) != -1);
@ -409,11 +350,7 @@ with
* Invoke the system-dependent directory creation function.
PathName::Mkdir(const WCHAR* dir)
int PathName::Mkdir(const WCHAR* dir)
int err = 0;
@ -425,16 +362,7 @@ PathName::Mkdir(const WCHAR* dir)
return err;
* Determine if a file exists, and if so whether or not it's a directory.
* Set fields you're not interested in to NULL.
* On success, returns 0 and fields are set appropriately. On failure,
* returns nonzero and result values are undefined.
PathName::GetFileInfo(const WCHAR* pathname, struct _stat* psb,
int PathName::GetFileInfo(const WCHAR* pathname, struct _stat* psb,
time_t* pModWhen, bool* pExists, bool* pIsReadable, bool* pIsDirectory)
struct _stat sbuf;
@ -494,21 +422,13 @@ PathName::GetFileInfo(const WCHAR* pathname, struct _stat* psb,
return 0;
* Check the status of a file.
PathName::CheckFileStatus(struct _stat* psb, bool* pExists, bool* pIsReadable,
int PathName::CheckFileStatus(struct _stat* psb, bool* pExists, bool* pIsReadable,
bool* pIsDir)
return GetFileInfo(fPathName, psb, NULL, pExists, pIsReadable, pIsDir);
* Get the modification date of a file.
time_t PathName::GetModWhen(void)
time_t when;
@ -518,11 +438,7 @@ PathName::GetModWhen(void)
return when;
* Set the modification date on a file.
PathName::SetModWhen(time_t when)
int PathName::SetModWhen(time_t when)
struct _utimbuf utbuf;
@ -539,16 +455,7 @@ PathName::SetModWhen(time_t when)
return 0;
* Create a single subdirectory if it doesn't exist. If the next-highest
* subdirectory level doesn't exist either, cut down the pathname and
* recurse.
* "pathEnd" points at the last valid character. The length of the valid
* path component is therefore (pathEnd-pathStart+1).
PathName::CreateSubdirIFN(const WCHAR* pathStart, const WCHAR* pathEnd,
int PathName::CreateSubdirIFN(const WCHAR* pathStart, const WCHAR* pathEnd,
WCHAR fssep)
int err = 0;
@ -597,17 +504,7 @@ bail:
return err;
* Create subdirectories, if needed. The paths leading up to the filename
* in "pathname" will be created.
* If "pathname" is just a filename, or the set of directories matches
* the last directory we created, we don't do anything.
* Returns 0 on success, or a Windows error code on failure.
int PathName::CreatePathIFN(void)
int err = 0;
CString pathName(fPathName);

View File

@ -72,12 +72,13 @@ public:
CString GetDriveAndPath(void);
CString GetPathOnly(void);
// try to normalize a short name into a long name
* Expand the short file name of an existing file into its long form.
* Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
int SFNToLFN(void);
* File manipulations.
// returns the description of the file type (as seen in explorer)
CString GetDescription(void);
@ -93,12 +94,38 @@ public:
// set the modification date
int SetModWhen(time_t when);
// create the path, if necessary
* Create subdirectories, if needed. The paths leading up to the filename
* in "pathname" will be created.
* If "pathname" is just a filename, or the set of directories matches
* the last directory we created, we don't do anything.
* Returns 0 on success, or a Windows error code on failure.
int CreatePathIFN(void);
* Return the filename extension found in a full pathname.
* An extension is the stuff following the last '.' in the filename. If
* there is nothing following the last '.', then there is no extension.
* Returns a pointer to the '.' preceding the extension, or NULL if no
* extension was found.
* We guarantee that there is at least one character after the '.'.
static const WCHAR* FindExtension(const WCHAR* pathname, WCHAR fssep);
* Find the filename component of a local pathname. Uses the fssep passed
* in. If the fssep is '\0' (as is the case for DOS 3.3), then the entire
* pathname is returned.
* Always returns a pointer to a string; never returns NULL.
static const WCHAR* FilenameOnly(const WCHAR* pathname, WCHAR fssep);
//int SFNToLFN(const char* sfn, CString* pLfn);
void SplitIFN(void) {
@ -107,9 +134,31 @@ private:
fSplit = true;
* Invoke the system-dependent directory creation function.
int Mkdir(const WCHAR* dir);
* Determine if a file exists, and if so whether or not it's a directory.
* Set fields you're not interested in to NULL.
* On success, returns 0 and fields are set appropriately. On failure,
* returns nonzero and result values are undefined.
int GetFileInfo(const WCHAR* pathname, struct _stat* psb, time_t* pModWhen,
bool* pExists, bool* pIsReadable, bool* pIsDirectory);
* Create a single subdirectory if it doesn't exist. If the next-highest
* subdirectory level doesn't exist either, cut down the pathname and
* recurse.
* "pathEnd" points at the last valid character. The length of the valid
* path component is therefore (pathEnd-pathStart+1).
int CreateSubdirIFN(const WCHAR* pathStart, const WCHAR* pathEnd,
WCHAR fssep);

View File

@ -15,13 +15,7 @@
* ==========================================================================
* Return the next item in the PIDL.
* "pidl->mkid.cb" will be zero at the end of the list.
Pidl::Next(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl)
LPSTR lpMem = (LPSTR)pidl;
@ -30,11 +24,7 @@ Pidl::Next(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl)
return (LPITEMIDLIST)lpMem;
* Compute the size in bytes of a PIDL.
Pidl::GetSize(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl)
UINT cbTotal = 0;
@ -49,11 +39,7 @@ Pidl::GetSize(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl)
return cbTotal;
* Allocate a PIDL of the specified size.
Pidl::CreatePidl(UINT cbSize)
LPITEMIDLIST Pidl::CreatePidl(UINT cbSize)
LPMALLOC lpMalloc;
@ -74,13 +60,7 @@ Pidl::CreatePidl(UINT cbSize)
return pidl;
* Concatenates two PIDLs. The PIDL returned is newly-allocated storage.
* "pidl1" may be NULL.
Pidl::ConcatPidls(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl1, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl2)
UINT cb1;
@ -102,13 +82,7 @@ Pidl::ConcatPidls(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl1, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl2)
return pidlNew;
* Make a copy of a PIDL.
* The PIDL returned is newly-allocated storage.
@ -119,16 +93,7 @@ Pidl::CopyITEMID(LPMALLOC lpMalloc, LPITEMIDLIST lpi)
return lpiTemp;
* Get the display name of a file in a ShellFolder.
* "lpsf" is the ShellFolder that contains the file, "lpi" is the PIDL for
* the file, "dwFlags" is passed to GetDisplayNameOf and affects which
* name is returned, and "lpFriendlyName" is a buffer of at least MAX_PATH
* bytes.
CString* pFriendlyName)
BOOL bSuccess=TRUE;
@ -176,20 +141,7 @@ Pidl::GetName(LPSHELLFOLDER lpsf, LPITEMIDLIST lpi, DWORD dwFlags,
return bSuccess;
* Get a fully qualified PIDL for a ShellFolder.
* This is a rather roundabout way of doing things (converting to a full
* display name and then converting that to a PIDL). However, there doesn't
* seem to be a way to just ask a ShellFolder for its fully qualified PIDL.
* TODO: see if there's a better way now.
* Pass in the parent ShellFolder and the item's partial PIDL.
Pidl::GetFullyQualPidl(LPSHELLFOLDER lpsf, LPITEMIDLIST lpi)
//char szBuff[MAX_PATH];
@ -223,13 +175,7 @@ Pidl::GetFullyQualPidl(LPSHELLFOLDER lpsf, LPITEMIDLIST lpi)
return lpifq;
* Convert a PIDL to a filesystem path.
* Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
Pidl::GetPath(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, CString* pPath)
BOOL Pidl::GetPath(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, CString* pPath)
BOOL result;
@ -336,14 +282,7 @@ Pidl::DoTheMenuThing(HWND hwnd, LPSHELLFOLDER lpsfParent,
* Get the index for an icon for a ShellFolder object.
* "lpi" is the fully-qualified PIDL for the object in question. "uFlags"
* specifies which of the object's icons to retrieve.
Pidl::GetItemIcon(LPITEMIDLIST lpi, UINT uFlags)
int Pidl::GetItemIcon(LPITEMIDLIST lpi, UINT uFlags)
SHFILEINFO sfi = { 0 };

View File

@ -15,20 +15,73 @@
class Pidl {
// Functions that deal with PIDLs
* Concatenates two PIDLs. The PIDL returned is newly-allocated storage.
* "pidl1" may be NULL.
* Get a fully qualified PIDL for a ShellFolder.
* This is a rather roundabout way of doing things (converting to a full
* display name and then converting that to a PIDL). However, there doesn't
* seem to be a way to just ask a ShellFolder for its fully qualified PIDL.
* TODO: see if there's a better way now.
* Pass in the parent ShellFolder and the item's partial PIDL.
* Make a copy of a PIDL.
* The PIDL returned is newly-allocated storage.
* Get the display name of a file in a ShellFolder.
* "lpsf" is the ShellFolder that contains the file, "lpi" is the PIDL for
* the file, "dwFlags" is passed to GetDisplayNameOf and affects which
* name is returned, and "lpFriendlyName" is a buffer of at least MAX_PATH
* bytes.
CString* pFriendlyName);
* Allocate a PIDL of the specified size.
static LPITEMIDLIST CreatePidl(UINT cbSize);
* Compute the size in bytes of a PIDL.
static UINT GetSize(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl);
* Return the next item in the PIDL.
* "pidl->mkid.cb" will be zero at the end of the list.
* Convert a PIDL to a filesystem path.
* Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
static BOOL GetPath(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, CString* pPath);
// Utility Functions
//static BOOL DoTheMenuThing(HWND hwnd, LPSHELLFOLDER lpsfParent,
* Get the index for an icon for a ShellFolder object.
* "lpi" is the fully-qualified PIDL for the object in question. "uFlags"
* specifies which of the object's icons to retrieve.
static int GetItemIcon(LPITEMIDLIST lpi, UINT uFlags);

View File

@ -69,9 +69,8 @@
* Return zero to enable standard processing, nonzero to claim ownership of
* the message.
/*static*/ UINT CALLBACK
SelectFilesDialog::OFNHookProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uiMsg, WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam)
/*static*/ UINT CALLBACK SelectFilesDialog::OFNHookProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uiMsg,
WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
SelectFilesDialog* pSFD = NULL;
@ -117,8 +116,7 @@ SelectFilesDialog::OFNHookProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uiMsg, WPARAM wParam,
* You can indicate displeasure with the CDN_* messages by using SetWindowLong
* to alter the DWL_MSGRESULT value.
SelectFilesDialog::HandleNotify(HWND hDlg, LPOFNOTIFY pofn)
UINT SelectFilesDialog::HandleNotify(HWND hDlg, LPOFNOTIFY pofn)
// int count;
@ -173,8 +171,7 @@ SelectFilesDialog::HandleNotify(HWND hDlg, LPOFNOTIFY pofn)
* Handle WM_COMMAND messages.
SelectFilesDialog::HandleCommand(HWND hDlg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
UINT SelectFilesDialog::HandleCommand(HWND hDlg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
LOGI(" HandleCommand wParam=%d lParam=0x%08lx", wParam, lParam);
@ -192,8 +189,7 @@ SelectFilesDialog::HandleCommand(HWND hDlg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
* Handle WM_SIZE.
SelectFilesDialog::HandleSize(HWND hDlg, UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
UINT SelectFilesDialog::HandleSize(HWND hDlg, UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
//LOGI("Dialog: old size %d,%d (ready=%d)",
// fLastWinSize.Width(), fLastWinSize.Height(), fReady);
@ -219,8 +215,7 @@ SelectFilesDialog::HandleSize(HWND hDlg, UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
* User hit F1 or applied the '?' button to something. Our heritage is
* dubious, so use global functions to access the help file.
SelectFilesDialog::HandleHelp(HWND hDlg, LPHELPINFO lpHelpInfo)
UINT SelectFilesDialog::HandleHelp(HWND hDlg, LPHELPINFO lpHelpInfo)
CWnd* pWndMain = ::AfxGetMainWnd();
CWinApp* pAppMain = ::AfxGetApp();
@ -243,8 +238,7 @@ SelectFilesDialog::HandleHelp(HWND hDlg, LPHELPINFO lpHelpInfo)
* We need to shift everything up by the difference between the IDOK button
* and our "accept" button.
void SelectFilesDialog::MyOnInitDone(void)
CWnd* pParent = GetParent();
@ -293,8 +287,7 @@ SelectFilesDialog::MyOnInitDone(void)
* because the CFileDialog is also moving the controls, though it doesn't
* move them in quite the way we want.
SelectFilesDialog::ShiftControls(int deltaX, int deltaY)
void SelectFilesDialog::ShiftControls(int deltaX, int deltaY)
if (deltaX == 0 && deltaY == 0) {
LOGI("SFD OnSize: no meaningful change");
@ -316,8 +309,7 @@ SelectFilesDialog::ShiftControls(int deltaX, int deltaY)
* Returns "NULL" if it can't find it.
CWnd* SelectFilesDialog::GetListCtrl(void)
CWnd* pItem;
CWnd* pList;
@ -338,8 +330,7 @@ SelectFilesDialog::GetListCtrl(void)
* When the selection changes, update our dialog.
void SelectFilesDialog::MyOnFileNameChange(void)
@ -364,8 +355,7 @@ SelectFilesDialog::MyOnFileNameChange(void)
* The user hit the "Accept" button. Package up the file selection.
void SelectFilesDialog::MyOnAccept(void)
@ -378,8 +368,7 @@ SelectFilesDialog::MyOnAccept(void)
* Returns "true" if all went well, "false" if it failed (e.g. because the
* user hasn't selected any files).
bool SelectFilesDialog::PrepEndDialog(void)
CListCtrl* pList;
int nextSpot = 0;
@ -569,8 +558,7 @@ SelectFilesDialog::PrepEndDialog(void)
* User hit our cancel button.
void SelectFilesDialog::MyOnCancel(void)
fExitStatus = IDCANCEL;
CDialog* pDialog = (CDialog*) GetParent();
@ -580,8 +568,7 @@ SelectFilesDialog::MyOnCancel(void)
* Clear the filename field.
void SelectFilesDialog::ClearFileName(void)
CWnd* pWnd = GetParent()->GetDlgItem(edt1);
if (pWnd != NULL)

View File

@ -25,14 +25,7 @@ BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(ShellTree, CTreeCtrl)
* Replace a CTreeCtrl in a dialog box with us. All of the styles are
* copied from the original dialog window.
* Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
ShellTree::ReplaceDlgCtrl(CDialog* pDialog, int treeID)
BOOL ShellTree::ReplaceDlgCtrl(CDialog* pDialog, int treeID)
CWnd* pWnd = pDialog->GetDlgItem(treeID);
if (pWnd == NULL)
@ -55,13 +48,7 @@ ShellTree::ReplaceDlgCtrl(CDialog* pDialog, int treeID)
return TRUE;
* Populate the tree, starting from "nFolder".
* Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
ShellTree::PopulateTree(int nFolder)
BOOL ShellTree::PopulateTree(int nFolder)
@ -121,11 +108,7 @@ bail:
return retval;
* Open up and select My Computer.
void ShellTree::ExpandMyComputer(void)
hItem = FindMyComputer();
@ -135,17 +118,7 @@ ShellTree::ExpandMyComputer(void)
Select(hItem, TVGN_CARET);
* Fills a branch of the TreeView control. Given the shell folder (both as
* a shell folder and the fully-qualified item ID list to it) and the parent
* item in the tree (TVI_ROOT to start off), add all the kids to the tree.
* Does not try to add the current entry, as a result of which we don't
* have a root "Desktop" node that everything is a child of. This is okay.
ShellTree::FillTreeView(LPSHELLFOLDER lpsf, LPITEMIDLIST lpifq,
void ShellTree::FillTreeView(LPSHELLFOLDER lpsf, LPITEMIDLIST lpifq,
CWaitCursor wait;
@ -323,13 +296,7 @@ Done:
//LOGI("FillTreeView DONE");
* Add a node to the tree.
* Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
unsigned long ulAttrs, HTREEITEM hParent, HTREEITEM* phPrev)
@ -411,14 +378,7 @@ bail:
return result;
* Set the TreeView normal and selected icons for the specified entry.
* "lpifq" is the fully-qualified PIDL, LPTV_ITEM is an item in the tree.
ShellTree::GetNormalAndSelectedIcons(LPITEMIDLIST lpifq,
LPTV_ITEM lptvitem)
void ShellTree::GetNormalAndSelectedIcons(LPITEMIDLIST lpifq, LPTV_ITEM lptvitem)
//Note that we don't check the return value here because if GetIcon()
//fails, then we're in big trouble...
@ -435,13 +395,8 @@ ShellTree::GetNormalAndSelectedIcons(LPITEMIDLIST lpifq,
* Sort function callback for TreeView SortChildrenCB.
ShellTree::TreeViewCompareProc(LPARAM lparam1, LPARAM lparam2, LPARAM)
/*static*/ int CALLBACK ShellTree::TreeViewCompareProc(LPARAM lparam1,
TVItemData* lptvid1 = (TVItemData*)lparam1;
TVItemData* lptvid2 = (TVItemData*)lparam2;
@ -473,16 +428,7 @@ ShellTree::TreeViewCompareProc(LPARAM lparam1, LPARAM lparam2, LPARAM)
return (short) HRESULT_CODE(hr);
* Add a new folder to the tree at the currently-selected node. This may
* not actually add a folder if the new folder is at a point in the tree
* below where we have already expanded.
* Returns TRUE on success, or FALSE on failure.
ShellTree::AddFolderAtSelection(const CString& name)
BOOL ShellTree::AddFolderAtSelection(const CString& name)
@ -607,12 +553,6 @@ bail:
return result;
* Respond to TVN_ITEMEXPANDING message.
* If the subtree hasn't been expanded yet, dig in.
void ShellTree::OnFolderExpanding(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
TVItemData* lptvid; //Long pointer to TreeView item data
@ -691,24 +631,14 @@ void ShellTree::GetContextMenu(NMHDR*, LRESULT* pResult)
* Respond to TVN_SELCHANGED notification.
ShellTree::OnSelectionChange(NMHDR* pnmh, LRESULT* pResult)
BOOL ShellTree::OnSelectionChange(NMHDR* pnmh, LRESULT* pResult)
fFolderPathValid = OnFolderSelected(pnmh, pResult, fFolderPath);
*pResult = 0;
return FALSE; // allow window parent to handle notification
* This does the bulk of the work when the selection changes.
* The filesystem path (if any) to the object is placed in "szFolderPath".
ShellTree::OnFolderSelected(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult,
BOOL ShellTree::OnFolderSelected(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult,
CString &szFolderPath)
TVItemData* lptvid;
@ -780,11 +710,7 @@ ShellTree::OnFolderSelected(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult,
return bRet;
* Handle TVN_DELETEITEM notification by cleaning up our stuff.
ShellTree::OnDeleteShellItem(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
void ShellTree::OnDeleteShellItem(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
TVItemData* lptvid=NULL;
@ -809,14 +735,7 @@ ShellTree::OnDeleteShellItem(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
*pResult = 0;
* Gets a handle to the system image list (by just grabbing whatever is
* in place for C:\) and makes it available to the tree control.
* The image list should NOT be deleted.
void ShellTree::EnableImages()
// Get the handle to the system image list, for our icons
@ -832,18 +751,6 @@ ShellTree::EnableImages()
* FUNCTION: GetSelectedFolderPath(CString &szFolderPath)
* PURPOSE: Retrieves the path of the currently selected string.
* Pass a CString object that will hold the folder path.
* If the path is not in the filesystem(eg MyComputer)
* or none is selected it returns false.
BOOL ShellTree::GetSelectedFolderPath(CString &szFolderPath)
TVItemData* lptvid; //Long pointer to TreeView item data
@ -887,16 +794,6 @@ BOOL ShellTree::GetSelectedFolderPath(CString &szFolderPath)
return bRet;
* FUNCTION: GetParentShellFolder(HTREEITEM folderNode)
* PURPOSE: Retrieves the pointer to the ISHELLFOLDER interface
* of the tree node passed as the paramter.
LPSHELLFOLDER ShellTree::GetParentShellFolder(HTREEITEM folderNode)
TVItemData* lptvid; //Long pointer to TreeView item data
@ -908,17 +805,6 @@ LPSHELLFOLDER ShellTree::GetParentShellFolder(HTREEITEM folderNode)
return NULL;
* PURPOSE: Retrieves the Pointer to an ITEMIDLIST structure that
* identifies the subfolder relative to its parent folder.
* see GetParentShellFolder();
TVItemData* lptvid; //Long pointer to TreeView item data
@ -930,17 +816,6 @@ LPITEMIDLIST ShellTree::GetRelativeIDLIST(HTREEITEM folderNode)
return NULL;
* FUNCTION: GetFullyQualifiedIDLIST(HTREEITEM folderNode)
* PURPOSE: Retrieves the Pointer to an ITEMIDLIST
* structure that identifies the subfolder relative to the
* desktop. This is a fully qualified Item Identifier
LPITEMIDLIST ShellTree::GetFullyQualifiedID(HTREEITEM folderNode)
TVItemData* lptvid; //Long pointer to TreeView item data
@ -952,26 +827,18 @@ LPITEMIDLIST ShellTree::GetFullyQualifiedID(HTREEITEM folderNode)
return NULL;
* Tunnel into the tree, finding the node that corresponds to the
* requested pathname.
* Sets "resultMsg" to a non-empty string on error.
ShellTree::TunnelTree(CString path, CString* pResultStr)
void ShellTree::TunnelTree(CString path, CString* pResultStr)
const WCHAR* str = path;
int len;
if (str[0] == '\\' && str[1] == '\\') {
*pResultStr = "Can't expand network locations directly.";
*pResultStr = L"Can't expand network locations directly.";
len = path.GetLength();
if (len < 1) {
*pResultStr = "You must enter a folder name.";
*pResultStr = L"You must enter a folder name.";
@ -1023,24 +890,21 @@ ShellTree::TunnelTree(CString path, CString* pResultStr)
* Find the tree entry that corresponds to "My Computer".
* This is hampered somewhat by the absence of a way to compare two
* shell folders for equality. The PIDL compare function is meant for
* sorting only (at least as far as it has been documented), and the My
* Computer "folder" has no path to examine.
* It helps greatly to assume that My Computer is right under Desktop.
* If it moved, or if we started the tree somewhere other than right at
* the desktop, we'd have to recursively search the tree.
* Returns a handle to the tree item, or NULL if My Computer wasn't found
* or didn't have any children.
HTREEITEM ShellTree::FindMyComputer(void)
* Find the tree entry that corresponds to "My Computer".
* This is hampered somewhat by the absence of a way to compare two
* shell folders for equality. The PIDL compare function is meant for
* sorting only (at least as far as it has been documented), and the My
* Computer "folder" has no path to examine.
* It helps greatly to assume that My Computer is right under Desktop.
* If it moved, or if we started the tree somewhere other than right at
* the desktop, we'd have to recursively search the tree.
@ -1088,15 +952,7 @@ bail:
return result;
* Given a pointer to the My Computer node in the tree, find the node
* corresponding to the requested drive (which should be of the form
* "C:").
* Returns a pointer to the drive's node on success, or NULL on failure.
ShellTree::FindDrive(HTREEITEM myComputer, const CString& drive)
HTREEITEM ShellTree::FindDrive(HTREEITEM myComputer, const CString& drive)
CString udrive;
@ -1135,17 +991,9 @@ ShellTree::FindDrive(HTREEITEM myComputer, const CString& drive)
return node;
* Given a path, search a subtree following the components.
* Pass in the tree's root (it's children will be searched for a
* match with the first path component) and the path to look for
* (which must start and end with '\\').
ShellTree::SearchTree(HTREEITEM treeNode, const CString& path)
HTREEITEM ShellTree::SearchTree(HTREEITEM treeNode, const CString& path)
LOGI("SearchTree node=0x%p path='%ls'", treeNode, (LPCWSTR) path);
LOGD("SearchTree node=0x%p path='%ls'", treeNode, (LPCWSTR) path);
CString mangle(path);

View File

@ -28,17 +28,80 @@ public:
Detach(); // we don't own the window handle
* Replace a CTreeCtrl in a dialog box with us. All of the styles are
* copied from the original dialog window.
* Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL ReplaceDlgCtrl(CDialog* pDialog, int treeID);
* Populate the tree, starting from "nFolder".
* Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL PopulateTree(int nFolder = CSIDL_DESKTOP);
* Open up and select My Computer.
void ExpandMyComputer(void);
* Add a new folder to the tree at the currently-selected node. This may
* not actually add a folder if the new folder is at a point in the tree
* below where we have already expanded.
* Returns TRUE on success, or FALSE on failure.
BOOL AddFolderAtSelection(const CString& name);
void GetContextMenu(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
* Gets a handle to the system image list (by just grabbing whatever is
* in place for C:\) and makes it available to the tree control.
* The image list should NOT be deleted.
void EnableImages();
* Retrieves the path of the currently selected string.
* Pass a CString object that will hold the folder path.
* If the path is not in the filesystem(eg MyComputer)
* or none is selected it returns false.
BOOL GetSelectedFolderPath(CString &szFolderPath);
* Retrieves the pointer to the ISHELLFOLDER interface
* of the tree node passed as the parameter.
LPSHELLFOLDER GetParentShellFolder(HTREEITEM folderNode);
* Retrieves the Pointer to an ITEMIDLIST structure that
* identifies the subfolder relative to its parent folder.
* see GetParentShellFolder();
* Retrieves the Pointer to an ITEMIDLIST
* structure that identifies the subfolder relative to the
* desktop. This is a fully qualified Item Identifier
LPITEMIDLIST GetFullyQualifiedID(HTREEITEM folderNode);
* Tunnel into the tree, finding the node that corresponds to the
* requested pathname.
* Sets "resultMsg" to a non-empty string on error.
void TunnelTree(CString path, CString* pResultStr);
LPSHELLFOLDER GetParentShellFolder(HTREEITEM folderNode);
LPITEMIDLIST GetFullyQualifiedID(HTREEITEM folderNode);
// Get the most-recently-set folder path. This will be updated on
// every TVN_SELCHANGED, so add an ON_NOTIFY handler to the parent.
@ -48,19 +111,85 @@ public:
* Respond to TVN_ITEMEXPANDING message.
* If the subtree hasn't been expanded yet, dig in.
void OnFolderExpanding(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
* Handle TVN_DELETEITEM notification by cleaning up our stuff.
void OnDeleteShellItem(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
BOOL OnFolderSelected(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult,
CString& szFolderPath);
* Respond to TVN_SELCHANGED notification.
BOOL OnSelectionChange(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
* This does the bulk of the work when the selection changes.
* The filesystem path (if any) to the object is placed in "szFolderPath".
BOOL OnFolderSelected(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult,
CString& szFolderPath);
* Fills a branch of the TreeView control. Given the shell folder (both as
* a shell folder and the fully-qualified item ID list to it) and the parent
* item in the tree (TVI_ROOT to start off), add all the kids to the tree.
* Does not try to add the current entry, as a result of which we don't
* have a root "Desktop" node that everything is a child of. This is okay.
void FillTreeView(LPSHELLFOLDER lpsf,LPITEMIDLIST lpifq, HTREEITEM hParent);
* Add a node to the tree.
* Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
unsigned long ulAttrs, HTREEITEM hParent, HTREEITEM* phPrev);
* Sort function callback for TreeView SortChildrenCB.
static int CALLBACK TreeViewCompareProc(LPARAM, LPARAM, LPARAM);
* Set the TreeView normal and selected icons for the specified entry.
* "lpifq" is the fully-qualified PIDL, LPTV_ITEM is an item in the tree.
void GetNormalAndSelectedIcons(LPITEMIDLIST lpifq, LPTV_ITEM lptvitem);
* Find the tree entry that corresponds to "My Computer".
* Returns a handle to the tree item, or NULL if My Computer wasn't found
* or didn't have any children.
HTREEITEM FindMyComputer(void);
* Given a pointer to the My Computer node in the tree, find the node
* corresponding to the requested drive (which should be of the form
* "C:").
* Returns a pointer to the drive's node on success, or NULL on failure.
HTREEITEM FindDrive(HTREEITEM myComputer, const CString& drive);
* Given a path, search a subtree following the components.
* Pass in the tree's root (it's children will be searched for a
* match with the first path component) and the path to look for
* (which must start and end with '\\').
HTREEITEM SearchTree(HTREEITEM treeNode, const CString& path);

View File

@ -21,13 +21,12 @@
* The constant is expected to match 4-character values read from a binary
* file, so the value is endian-dependent.
static inline unsigned long
MakeFourCC(unsigned char c0, unsigned char c1, unsigned char c2,
unsigned char c3)
static inline uint32_t MakeFourCC(uint8_t c0, uint8_t c1, uint8_t c2,
uint8_t c3)
/* little-endian */
return ((unsigned long)c0) | ((unsigned long)c1 << 8) |
((unsigned long)c2 << 16) | ((unsigned long)c3 << 24);
return ((uint32_t)c0) | ((uint32_t)c1 << 8) |
((uint32_t)c2 << 16) | ((uint32_t)c3 << 24);
@ -35,8 +34,7 @@ MakeFourCC(unsigned char c0, unsigned char c1, unsigned char c2,
* Returns 0 on success.
SoundFile::Create(const WCHAR* fileName, CString* pErrMsg)
int SoundFile::Create(const WCHAR* fileName, CString* pErrMsg)
FILE* fp = NULL;
long fileLen;
@ -61,19 +59,18 @@ SoundFile::Create(const WCHAR* fileName, CString* pErrMsg)
* Returns 0 on success.
SoundFile::Create(FILE* fp, long len, bool doClose, CString* pErrMsg)
int SoundFile::Create(FILE* fp, long len, bool doClose, CString* pErrMsg)
struct {
unsigned long riff;
unsigned long fileLen;
unsigned long wav;
uint32_t riff;
uint32_t fileLen;
uint32_t wav;
} fileHeader;
unsigned long chunkLen;
uint32_t chunkLen;
int err = 0;
if (mFP != NULL) {
LOGI("SoundFile object already created");
LOGW("SoundFile object already created");
return -1;
@ -99,7 +96,7 @@ SoundFile::Create(FILE* fp, long len, bool doClose, CString* pErrMsg)
if (fileHeader.riff != MakeFourCC('R','I','F','F') ||
fileHeader.wav != MakeFourCC('W','A','V','E') ||
fileHeader.fileLen > (unsigned long) len)
fileHeader.fileLen > (uint32_t) len)
*pErrMsg = L"File is not a WAV file";
LOGI("Not a valid WAV header (0x%08lx %d 0x%08lx)",
@ -154,10 +151,10 @@ SoundFile::Create(FILE* fp, long len, bool doClose, CString* pErrMsg)
mSampleStart = ftell(mFP);
mSampleLen = chunkLen;
LOGI("WAV: chan=%d samples/sec=%d avgBPS=%d block=%d",
LOGD("WAV: chan=%d samples/sec=%d avgBPS=%d block=%d",
mFormat.nChannels, mFormat.nSamplesPerSec, mFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec,
LOGI(" bits/sample=%d [start=%d len=%d]", mFormat.wBitsPerSample,
LOGD(" bits/sample=%d [start=%d len=%d]", mFormat.wBitsPerSample,
mSampleStart, mSampleLen);
@ -168,12 +165,11 @@ bail:
* Skip forward until we find the named chunk. The file should be
* positioned immediately before the first chunk.
SoundFile::SkipToHeader(unsigned long hdrID, unsigned long* pChunkLen)
int SoundFile::SkipToHeader(uint32_t hdrID, uint32_t* pChunkLen)
struct {
unsigned long fourcc;
unsigned long chunkLen;
uint32_t fourcc;
uint32_t chunkLen;
} chunkHeader;
int err = 0;
@ -205,10 +201,9 @@ SoundFile::SkipToHeader(unsigned long hdrID, unsigned long* pChunkLen)
* Read a block of data from the specified offset.
SoundFile::ReadData(void* buf, long sampleOffset, long len) const
int SoundFile::ReadData(void* buf, long sampleOffset, long len) const
if ((unsigned long)(sampleOffset+len) > mSampleLen) {
if ((uint32_t)(sampleOffset+len) > mSampleLen) {
LOGI("ERROR: invalid read request (%d bytes, %d into %d)",
len, sampleOffset, mSampleLen);
return -1;

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
* Class providing read-only access to uncompressed sound samples and
* associated meta-data. The sound is assumed to fit in main memory.
* associated meta-data. The sound file is assumed to fit in main memory.
* Because game sound effects are generally loaded into "secondary sound
* buffers" allocated by DirectX, this class doesn't load the sound data
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public:
int SeekAbs(long offset) { return fseek(mFP, offset, SEEK_SET); }
long GetDataOffset(void) const { return mSampleStart; }
unsigned long GetDataLen(void) const { return mSampleLen; }
uint32_t GetDataLen(void) const { return mSampleLen; }
const WAVEFORMATEX* GetWaveFormat(void) { return &mFormat; }
/* returns the #of bytes per sample (all channels) */
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public:
int SkipToHeader(unsigned long hdrID, unsigned long* pChunkLen);
int SkipToHeader(uint32_t hdrID, uint32_t* pChunkLen);
enum { kWAVMinSize = 40 };
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ private:
long mFileStart; // so we can rewind the sound file
long mSampleStart; // offset in mem or file to sound samples
unsigned long mSampleLen; // length in bytes of audio sample section
uint32_t mSampleLen; // length in bytes of audio sample section
WAVEFORMATEX mFormat; // WAV parameters (from mmsystem.h/mmreg.h)

View File

@ -25,8 +25,7 @@ BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CGripper, CScrollBar)
CGripper::OnNcHitTest(CPoint point)
LRESULT CGripper::OnNcHitTest(CPoint point)
UINT ht = CScrollBar::OnNcHitTest(point);
if (ht == HTCLIENT) {
@ -50,8 +49,8 @@ CGripper::OnNcHitTest(CPoint point)
* Returns 0 on success, nonzero on error.
RichEditXfer::EditStreamCallback(DWORD dwCookie, LPBYTE pbBuff, LONG cb, LONG* pcb)
DWORD RichEditXfer::EditStreamCallback(DWORD dwCookie, LPBYTE pbBuff,
LONG cb, LONG* pcb)
RichEditXfer* pThis = (RichEditXfer*) dwCookie;
@ -87,11 +86,7 @@ bail:
* ===========================================================================
* Allocate the initial buffer.
int ExpandBuffer::CreateWorkBuf(void)
if (fWorkBuf != NULL) {
ASSERT(fWorkMax > 0);
@ -110,36 +105,24 @@ ExpandBuffer::CreateWorkBuf(void)
return 0;
* Let the caller seize control of our buffer. We throw away our pointer to
* the buffer so we don't free it.
ExpandBuffer::SeizeBuffer(char** ppBuf, long* pLen)
void ExpandBuffer::SeizeBuffer(char** ppBuf, long* pLen)
*ppBuf = fWorkBuf;
*pLen = fWorkCount;
fWorkBuf = NULL;
fWorkBuf = NULL; // discard pointer so we don't free it
fWorkCount = 0;
fWorkMax = 0;
* Grow the buffer to the next incremental size. We keep doubling it until
* we reach out maximum rate of expansion.
* Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
int ExpandBuffer::GrowWorkBuf(void)
int newIncr = fWorkMax;
if (newIncr > kWorkBufMaxIncrement)
newIncr = kWorkBufMaxIncrement;
//LOGI("Extending buffer by %d (count=%d, max=%d)",
// newIncr, fWorkCount, fWorkMax);
LOGV("Extending buffer by %d (count=%d, max=%d)",
newIncr, fWorkCount, fWorkMax);
fWorkMax += newIncr;
@ -148,7 +131,7 @@ ExpandBuffer::GrowWorkBuf(void)
char* newBuf = new char[fWorkMax];
if (newBuf == NULL) {
LOGI("ALLOC FAILURE (%ld)", fWorkMax);
LOGE("ALLOC FAILURE (%ld)", fWorkMax);
fWorkMax -= newIncr; // put it back so we don't overrun
return -1;
@ -161,11 +144,7 @@ ExpandBuffer::GrowWorkBuf(void)
return 0;
* Write binary data to the buffer.
ExpandBuffer::Write(const unsigned char* buf, long len)
void ExpandBuffer::Write(const unsigned char* buf, long len)
if (fWorkBuf == NULL)
@ -178,20 +157,12 @@ ExpandBuffer::Write(const unsigned char* buf, long len)
fWorkCount += len;
* Write one character into the buffer.
ExpandBuffer::Putc(char ch)
void ExpandBuffer::Putc(char ch)
Write((const unsigned char*) &ch, 1);
* Print a formatted string into the buffer.
ExpandBuffer::Printf(const char* format, ...)
void ExpandBuffer::Printf(_Printf_format_string_ const char* format, ...)
va_list args;
@ -232,11 +203,7 @@ ExpandBuffer::Printf(const char* format, ...)
* ===========================================================================
* Enable or disable a control.
EnableControl(CDialog* pDlg, int id, bool enable)
void EnableControl(CDialog* pDlg, int id, bool enable)
CWnd* pWnd = pDlg->GetDlgItem(id);
if (pWnd == NULL) {
@ -247,12 +214,7 @@ EnableControl(CDialog* pDlg, int id, bool enable)
* Move a control so it maintains its same position relative to the bottom
* and right edges.
MoveControl(CDialog* pDlg, int id, int deltaX, int deltaY, bool redraw)
void MoveControl(CDialog* pDlg, int id, int deltaX, int deltaY, bool redraw)
CWnd* pWnd;
CRect rect;
@ -271,11 +233,7 @@ MoveControl(CDialog* pDlg, int id, int deltaX, int deltaY, bool redraw)
pWnd->MoveWindow(&rect, redraw);
* Make a control larger by the same delta as the parent window.
StretchControl(CDialog* pDlg, int id, int deltaX, int deltaY, bool redraw)
void StretchControl(CDialog* pDlg, int id, int deltaX, int deltaY, bool redraw)
CWnd* pWnd;
CRect rect;
@ -292,9 +250,6 @@ StretchControl(CDialog* pDlg, int id, int deltaX, int deltaY, bool redraw)
pWnd->MoveWindow(&rect, redraw);
* Stretch and move a control.
MoveStretchControl(CDialog* pDlg, int id, int moveX, int moveY,
int stretchX, int stretchY, bool redraw)
@ -303,12 +258,7 @@ MoveStretchControl(CDialog* pDlg, int id, int moveX, int moveY,
StretchControl(pDlg, id, stretchX, stretchY, redraw);
* Move a control so it maintains its same position relative to the bottom
* and right edges.
MoveControl(HDWP hdwp, CDialog* pDlg, int id, int deltaX, int deltaY,
HDWP MoveControl(HDWP hdwp, CDialog* pDlg, int id, int deltaX, int deltaY,
bool redraw)
CWnd* pWnd;
@ -331,11 +281,7 @@ MoveControl(HDWP hdwp, CDialog* pDlg, int id, int deltaX, int deltaY,
return hdwp;
* Make a control larger by the same delta as the parent window.
StretchControl(HDWP hdwp, CDialog* pDlg, int id, int deltaX, int deltaY,
HDWP StretchControl(HDWP hdwp, CDialog* pDlg, int id, int deltaX, int deltaY,
bool redraw)
CWnd* pWnd;
@ -356,11 +302,7 @@ StretchControl(HDWP hdwp, CDialog* pDlg, int id, int deltaX, int deltaY,
return hdwp;
* Stretch and move a control.
MoveStretchControl(HDWP hdwp, CDialog* pDlg, int id, int moveX, int moveY,
HDWP MoveStretchControl(HDWP hdwp, CDialog* pDlg, int id, int moveX, int moveY,
int stretchX, int stretchY, bool redraw)
CWnd* pWnd;
@ -385,11 +327,7 @@ MoveStretchControl(HDWP hdwp, CDialog* pDlg, int id, int moveX, int moveY,
return hdwp;
* Get/set the check state of a button in a dialog.
GetDlgButtonCheck(CWnd* pWnd, int id)
int GetDlgButtonCheck(CWnd* pWnd, int id)
CButton* pButton;
pButton = (CButton*) pWnd->GetDlgItem(id);
@ -398,8 +336,8 @@ GetDlgButtonCheck(CWnd* pWnd, int id)
return -1;
return pButton->GetCheck();
SetDlgButtonCheck(CWnd* pWnd, int id, int checkVal)
void SetDlgButtonCheck(CWnd* pWnd, int id, int checkVal)
CButton* pButton;
pButton = (CButton*) pWnd->GetDlgItem(id);
@ -409,12 +347,7 @@ SetDlgButtonCheck(CWnd* pWnd, int id, int checkVal)
* Create a font, using defaults for most things.
CreateSimpleFont(CFont* pFont, CWnd* pWnd, const WCHAR* typeFace,
void CreateSimpleFont(CFont* pFont, CWnd* pWnd, const WCHAR* typeFace,
int pointSize)
CClientDC dc(pWnd);
@ -426,11 +359,7 @@ CreateSimpleFont(CFont* pFont, CWnd* pWnd, const WCHAR* typeFace,
* Get a Win32 error string for an error code returned by GetLastError.
GetWin32ErrorString(DWORD err, CString* pStr)
void GetWin32ErrorString(DWORD err, CString* pStr)
DWORD count;
LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
@ -457,11 +386,7 @@ GetWin32ErrorString(DWORD err, CString* pStr)
* Post a failure message.
ShowFailureMsg(CWnd* pWnd, const CString& msg, int titleStrID)
void ShowFailureMsg(CWnd* pWnd, const CString& msg, int titleStrID)
CString failed;
@ -469,22 +394,13 @@ ShowFailureMsg(CWnd* pWnd, const CString& msg, int titleStrID)
pWnd->MessageBox(msg, failed, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
* Show context help, based on the control ID.
ShowContextHelp(CWnd* pWnd, HELPINFO* lpHelpInfo)
BOOL ShowContextHelp(CWnd* pWnd, HELPINFO* lpHelpInfo)
pWnd->WinHelp((DWORD) lpHelpInfo->iCtrlId, HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP);
return TRUE;
* Returns "true" if we're running on Win9x (Win95, Win98, WinME), "false"
* if not (could be WinNT/2K/XP or even Win31 with Win32s).
bool IsWin9x(void)
BOOL result;
@ -506,13 +422,7 @@ IsWin9x(void)
* ===========================================================================
* Pull a pascal string out of a buffer and stuff it into "*pStr".
* Returns the length of the string found, or -1 on error.
GetPascalString(const uint8_t* buf, long maxLen, CString* pStr)
int GetPascalString(const uint8_t* buf, long maxLen, CString* pStr)
int len = *buf++;
int retLen = len;
@ -537,11 +447,7 @@ GetPascalString(const uint8_t* buf, long maxLen, CString* pStr)
return retLen;
* Dump a block of stuff to the log file.
LogHexDump(const void* vbuf, long len)
void LogHexDump(const void* vbuf, long len)
const unsigned char* buf = (const unsigned char*) vbuf;
char outBuf[10 + 16*3 +1 +8]; // addr: 00 11 22 ... + 8 bytes slop
@ -586,11 +492,7 @@ LogHexDump(const void* vbuf, long len)
LOGI(" %hs", outBuf);
* Compute a percentage.
ComputePercent(LONGLONG part, LONGLONG full)
int ComputePercent(LONGLONG part, LONGLONG full)
@ -609,14 +511,7 @@ ComputePercent(LONGLONG part, LONGLONG full)
return (int) perc;
* Format a time_t into a string.
* (Should take format as an argument, so we can use global format set by
* user preferences.)
FormatDate(time_t when, CString* pStr)
void FormatDate(time_t when, CString* pStr)
if (when == kDateNone) {
*pStr = L"[No Date]";
@ -628,15 +523,7 @@ FormatDate(time_t when, CString* pStr)
* Case-insensitive version of strstr(), pulled from the MSDN stuff that
* comes with VC++6.0.
* The isalpha() stuff is an optimization, so they can skip the tolower()
* in the outer loop comparison.
const WCHAR*
Stristr(const WCHAR* string1, const WCHAR* string2)
const WCHAR* Stristr(const WCHAR* string1, const WCHAR* string2)
WCHAR *cp1 = (WCHAR*)string1, *cp2, *cp1a;
WCHAR first; // get the first char in string to find
@ -679,20 +566,7 @@ Stristr(const WCHAR* string1, const WCHAR* string2)
return NULL;
* Break a string down into its component parts.
* "mangle" will be mangled (various bits stomped by '\0'), "argv" will
* receive pointers to the strings, and "*pArgc" will hold the number of
* arguments in the vector. The initial value of "*pArgc" should hold the
* maximum "argv" capacity (including program name in argv[0]).
* The argv pointers will point into "mangle"; no new storage will be
* allocated.
VectorizeString(WCHAR* mangle, WCHAR** argv, int* pArgc)
void VectorizeString(WCHAR* mangle, WCHAR** argv, int* pArgc)
bool inWhiteSpace = true;
bool inQuote = false;
@ -737,13 +611,11 @@ VectorizeString(WCHAR* mangle, WCHAR** argv, int* pArgc)
*pArgc = idx;
* Convert a sub-string to lower case according to rules for English book
* titles. Assumes the initial string is in all caps.
static void
DowncaseSubstring(CString* pStr, int startPos, int endPos,
static void DowncaseSubstring(CString* pStr, int startPos, int endPos,
bool prevWasSpace)
static const WCHAR* shortWords[] = {
@ -806,13 +678,7 @@ DowncaseSubstring(CString* pStr, int startPos, int endPos,
* Convert parts of the filename to lower case.
* If the name already has lowercase characters, do nothing.
InjectLowercase(CString* pStr)
void InjectLowercase(CString* pStr)
int len = pStr->GetLength();
static const WCHAR* kGapChars = L" .:&-+/\\()<>@*";
@ -865,13 +731,7 @@ InjectLowercase(CString* pStr)
* Test to see if a sub-string matches a value in a set of strings. The set
* comes from a semicolon-delimited string.
MatchSemicolonList(const CString set, const CString match)
bool MatchSemicolonList(const CString set, const CString match)
const WCHAR* cp;
CString mangle(set);
@ -899,14 +759,7 @@ MatchSemicolonList(const CString set, const CString match)
return false;
* Like strcpy(), but allocate with new[] instead.
* If "str" is NULL, or "new" fails, this returns NULL.
StrcpyNew(const char* str)
char* StrcpyNew(const char* str)
char* newStr;

View File

@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
#ifndef UTIL_UTIL_H
#define UTIL_UTIL_H
#include <sal.h>
* Gripper for a resizable window.
@ -53,6 +55,10 @@ public:
delete[] fWorkBuf;
* Allocate the initial buffer.
virtual int CreateWorkBuf(void);
void Reset(void) {
@ -62,7 +68,7 @@ public:
// Copy printf-formatted output into the output buffer.
void Printf(const char* format, ...);
void Printf(_Printf_format_string_ const char* format, ...);
// Write binary data to the buffer.
void Write(const unsigned char* buf, long len);
@ -75,6 +81,12 @@ public:
virtual void SeizeBuffer(char** ppBuf, long* pLen);
* Grow the buffer to the next incremental size. We keep doubling it until
* we reach out maximum rate of expansion.
* Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
virtual int GrowWorkBuf(void);
enum {
@ -89,41 +101,165 @@ protected:
* Windows helpers.
* ====================================
* Windows helpers
* ====================================
void EnableControl(CDialog* pDlg, int id, bool enable=true);
void MoveControl(CDialog* pDlg, int id, int deltaX, int deltaY,
bool redraw = true);
void StretchControl(CDialog* pDlg, int id, int deltaX, int deltaY,
bool redraw = true);
void MoveStretchControl(CDialog* pDlg, int id, int moveX, int moveY,
int stretchX, int stretchY, bool redraw = true);
HDWP MoveControl(HDWP hdwp, CDialog* pDlg, int id, int deltaX, int deltaY,
bool redraw = true);
HDWP StretchControl(HDWP hdwp, CDialog* pDlg, int id, int deltaX, int deltaY,
bool redraw = true);
HDWP MoveStretchControl(HDWP hdwp, CDialog* pDlg, int id, int moveX, int moveY,
int stretchX, int stretchY, bool redraw = true);
int GetDlgButtonCheck(CWnd* pWnd, int id);
void SetDlgButtonCheck(CWnd* pWnd, int id, int checkVal);
void CreateSimpleFont(CFont* pFont, CWnd* pWnd, const WCHAR* typeFace,
int pointSize);
void GetWin32ErrorString(DWORD err, CString* pStr);
void ShowFailureMsg(CWnd* pWnd, const CString& msg, int titleStrID);
BOOL ShowContextHelp(CWnd* pWnd, HELPINFO* lpHelpInfo);
bool IsWin9x(void);
* Miscellaneous functions.
* Enable or disable a control.
void EnableControl(CDialog* pDlg, int id, bool enable=true);
* Move a control so it maintains its same position relative to the bottom
* and right edges.
void MoveControl(CDialog* pDlg, int id, int deltaX, int deltaY,
bool redraw = true);
* Make a control larger by the same delta as the parent window.
void StretchControl(CDialog* pDlg, int id, int deltaX, int deltaY,
bool redraw = true);
* Stretch and move a control.
void MoveStretchControl(CDialog* pDlg, int id, int moveX, int moveY,
int stretchX, int stretchY, bool redraw = true);
* Move a control so it maintains its same position relative to the bottom
* and right edges.
HDWP MoveControl(HDWP hdwp, CDialog* pDlg, int id, int deltaX, int deltaY,
bool redraw = true);
* Make a control larger by the same delta as the parent window.
HDWP StretchControl(HDWP hdwp, CDialog* pDlg, int id, int deltaX, int deltaY,
bool redraw = true);
* Stretch and move a control.
HDWP MoveStretchControl(HDWP hdwp, CDialog* pDlg, int id, int moveX, int moveY,
int stretchX, int stretchY, bool redraw = true);
* Get the check state of a button in a dialog.
int GetDlgButtonCheck(CWnd* pWnd, int id);
* Set the check state of a button in a dialog.
void SetDlgButtonCheck(CWnd* pWnd, int id, int checkVal);
* Create a font, using defaults for most things.
void CreateSimpleFont(CFont* pFont, CWnd* pWnd, const WCHAR* typeFace,
int pointSize);
* Get a Win32 error string for an error code returned by GetLastError.
void GetWin32ErrorString(DWORD err, CString* pStr);
* Post a failure message in a message box.
void ShowFailureMsg(CWnd* pWnd, const CString& msg, int titleStrID);
* Show context help, based on the control ID.
BOOL ShowContextHelp(CWnd* pWnd, HELPINFO* lpHelpInfo);
* Returns "true" if we're running on Win9x (Win95, Win98, WinME), "false"
* if not (could be WinNT/2K/XP or even Win31 with Win32s).
bool IsWin9x(void);
* ====================================
* Miscellaneous functions
* ====================================
* Pull a pascal string out of a buffer and stuff it into "*pStr".
* Returns the length of the string found, or -1 on error.
int GetPascalString(const uint8_t* buf, long maxLen, CString* pStr);
* Dump a block of stuff to the log file.
void LogHexDump(const void* buf, long len);
* Compute a percentage.
int ComputePercent(LONGLONG part, LONGLONG full);
* Format a time_t into a string.
* (Should take format as an argument, so we can use global format set by
* user preferences.)
void FormatDate(time_t when, CString* pStr);
* Case-insensitive version of strstr(), pulled from the MSDN stuff that
* comes with VC++6.0.
* The isalpha() stuff is an optimization, so they can skip the tolower()
* in the outer loop comparison.
const WCHAR* Stristr(const WCHAR* string1, const WCHAR* string2);
* Break a string down into its component parts.
* "mangle" will be mangled (various bits stomped by '\0'), "argv" will
* receive pointers to the strings, and "*pArgc" will hold the number of
* arguments in the vector. The initial value of "*pArgc" should hold the
* maximum "argv" capacity (including program name in argv[0]).
* The argv pointers will point into "mangle"; no new storage will be
* allocated.
void VectorizeString(WCHAR* mangle, WCHAR** argv, int* pArgc);
* Convert parts of the filename to lower case.
* If the name already has lowercase characters, do nothing.
void InjectLowercase(CString* pStr);
* Test to see if a sub-string matches a value in a set of strings. The set
* comes from a semicolon-delimited string.
bool MatchSemicolonList(const CString set, const CString match);
* Like strcpy(), but allocate with new[] instead.
* If "str" is NULL, or "new" fails, this returns NULL.
* TODO: this should be "StrdupNew()".
char* StrcpyNew(const char* str);
/* time_t values for bad dates */