 * NuFX archive manipulation library
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2007 by Andy McFadden, All Rights Reserved.
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
 * terms of the BSD License, see the file COPYING-LIB.
 * Compress data into an archive.
#include "NufxLibPriv.h"

/* for ShrinkIt-mimic mode, don't compress files under 512 bytes */
#define kNuSHKLZWThreshold  512

 * "Compress" an uncompressed thread.
static NuError Nu_CompressUncompressed(NuArchive* pArchive, NuStraw* pStraw,
    FILE* fp, uint32_t srcLen, uint32_t* pDstLen, uint16_t *pCrc)
    NuError err = kNuErrNone;
    /*uint8_t* buffer = NULL;*/
    uint32_t count, getsize;

    Assert(pArchive != NULL);
    Assert(pStraw != NULL);
    Assert(fp != NULL);
    Assert(srcLen > 0);

    *pDstLen = srcLen;  /* get this over with */

    err = Nu_AllocCompressionBufferIFN(pArchive);

    if (pCrc != NULL)
        *pCrc = kNuInitialThreadCRC;
    count = srcLen;

    while (count) {
        getsize = (count > kNuGenCompBufSize) ? kNuGenCompBufSize : count;

        err = Nu_StrawRead(pArchive, pStraw, pArchive->compBuf, getsize);
        if (pCrc != NULL)
            *pCrc = Nu_CalcCRC16(*pCrc, pArchive->compBuf, getsize);
        err = Nu_FWrite(fp, pArchive->compBuf, getsize);

        count -= getsize;

    /*Nu_Free(pArchive, buffer);*/
    return err;

 * Compress from a data source to an archive.
 * All archive-specified fields in "pThread" will be filled in, as will
 * "actualThreadEOF".  The "nuThreadIdx" and "fileOffset" fields will
 * not be modified, and must be specified before calling here.
 * If "sourceFormat" is uncompressed:
 *  "targetFormat" will be used to compress the data
 *  the data source length will be placed into pThread->thThreadEOF
 *  the compressed size will be placed into pThread->thCompThreadEOF
 *  the CRC is computed
 * If "sourceFormat" is compressed:
 *  the data will be copied without compression (targetFormat is ignored)
 *  the data source "otherLen" value will be placed into pThread->thThreadEOF
 *  the data source length will be placed into pThread->thCompThreadEOF
 *  the CRC is retrieved from Nu_DataSourceGetRawCrc
 * The actual format used will be placed in pThread->thThreadFormat, and
 * the CRC of the uncompressed data will be placed in pThread->thThreadCRC.
 * The remaining fields of "pThread", thThreadClass and thThreadKind, will
 * be set based on the fields in "pDataSource".
 * Data will be written to "dstFp", which must be positioned at the
 * correct point in the output.  The position is expected to match
 * pThread->fileOffset.
 * On exit, the output file will be positioned after the last byte of the
 * output.  (For a pre-sized buffer, this may not be the desired result.)
NuError Nu_CompressToArchive(NuArchive* pArchive, NuDataSource* pDataSource,
    NuThreadID threadID, NuThreadFormat sourceFormat,
    NuThreadFormat targetFormat, NuProgressData* pProgressData, FILE* dstFp,
    NuThread* pThread)
    NuError err;
    long origOffset;
    NuStraw* pStraw = NULL;
    NuDataSink* pDataSink = NULL;
    uint32_t srcLen = 0, dstLen = 0;
    uint16_t threadCrc;

    Assert(pArchive != NULL);
    Assert(pDataSource != NULL);
    /* okay if pProgressData is NULL */
    Assert(dstFp != NULL);
    Assert(pThread != NULL);

    /* remember file offset, so we can back up if compression fails */
    err = Nu_FTell(dstFp, &origOffset);
    Assert(origOffset == pThread->fileOffset);  /* can get rid of ftell? */

    /* fill in some thread fields */
    threadCrc = kNuInitialThreadCRC;

    pThread->thThreadClass = NuThreadIDGetClass(threadID);
    pThread->thThreadKind = NuThreadIDGetKind(threadID);
    pThread->actualThreadEOF = (uint32_t)-1;
    /* nuThreadIdx and fileOffset should already be set */

     * Get the input length.  For "buffer" and "fp" sources, this is just
     * a value passed in.  For "file" sources, this is the length of the
     * file on disk.  The file should already have been opened successfully
     * by the caller.
     * If the input file is zero bytes long, "store" it uncompressed and
     * bail immediately.
     * (Our desire to store uncompressible data without compression clashes
     * with a passing interest in doing CRLF conversions on input data.  We
     * want to know the length ahead of time, which potentially makes the
     * compression code simpler, but prevents us from doing the conversion
     * unless we pre-flight the conversion with a separate pass through the
     * input file. Of course, it's still possible for the application to
     * convert the file into a temp file and add from there, so all is
     * not lost.)
    srcLen = Nu_DataSourceGetDataLen(pDataSource);
    /*DBUG(("+++ input file length is %lu\n", srcLen));*/

     * Create a "Straw" to slurp the input through and track progress.
    err = Nu_StrawNew(pArchive, pDataSource, pProgressData, &pStraw);

    if (!srcLen) {
        /* empty file! */
        if (sourceFormat != kNuThreadFormatUncompressed) {
            DBUG(("ODD: empty source is compressed?\n"));
        pThread->thThreadFormat = kNuThreadFormatUncompressed;
        pThread->thThreadCRC = threadCrc;
        pThread->thThreadEOF = 0;
        pThread->thCompThreadEOF = 0;
        pThread->actualThreadEOF = 0;
        goto done;  /* send final progress message */

    if (sourceFormat == kNuThreadFormatUncompressed) {
         * Compress the input to the requested target format.

        /* for some reason, GSHK doesn't compress anything under 512 bytes */
        if (pArchive->valMimicSHK && srcLen < kNuSHKLZWThreshold)
            targetFormat = kNuThreadFormatUncompressed;

        if (pProgressData != NULL) {
            if (targetFormat != kNuThreadFormatUncompressed)
                Nu_StrawSetProgressState(pStraw, kNuProgressCompressing);
                Nu_StrawSetProgressState(pStraw, kNuProgressStoring);
        err = Nu_ProgressDataCompressPrep(pArchive, pStraw, targetFormat,

        switch (targetFormat) {
        case kNuThreadFormatUncompressed:
            err = Nu_CompressUncompressed(pArchive, pStraw, dstFp, srcLen,
                    &dstLen, &threadCrc);
        #ifdef ENABLE_SQ
        case kNuThreadFormatHuffmanSQ:
            err = Nu_CompressHuffmanSQ(pArchive, pStraw, dstFp, srcLen,
                    &dstLen, &threadCrc);
        #ifdef ENABLE_LZW
        case kNuThreadFormatLZW1:
            err = Nu_CompressLZW1(pArchive, pStraw, dstFp, srcLen, &dstLen,
        case kNuThreadFormatLZW2:
            err = Nu_CompressLZW2(pArchive, pStraw, dstFp, srcLen, &dstLen,
        #ifdef ENABLE_LZC
        case kNuThreadFormatLZC12:
            err = Nu_CompressLZC12(pArchive, pStraw, dstFp, srcLen, &dstLen,
        case kNuThreadFormatLZC16:
            err = Nu_CompressLZC16(pArchive, pStraw, dstFp, srcLen, &dstLen,
        #ifdef ENABLE_DEFLATE
        case kNuThreadFormatDeflate:
            err = Nu_CompressDeflate(pArchive, pStraw, dstFp, srcLen, &dstLen,
        #ifdef ENABLE_BZIP2
        case kNuThreadFormatBzip2:
            err = Nu_CompressBzip2(pArchive, pStraw, dstFp, srcLen, &dstLen,
            /* should've been blocked in Value.c */
            err = kNuErrInternal;
            goto bail;


        pThread->thThreadCRC = threadCrc;   /* CRC of uncompressed data */

        if (dstLen < srcLen ||
            (dstLen == srcLen && targetFormat == kNuThreadFormatUncompressed))
            /* got smaller, or we didn't try to compress it; keep it */
            pThread->thThreadEOF = srcLen;
            pThread->thCompThreadEOF = dstLen;
            pThread->thThreadFormat = targetFormat;
        } else {
            /* got bigger, store it uncompressed */
            err = Nu_FSeek(dstFp, origOffset, SEEK_SET);
            err = Nu_StrawRewind(pArchive, pStraw);
            if (pProgressData != NULL)
                Nu_StrawSetProgressState(pStraw, kNuProgressStoring);
            err = Nu_ProgressDataCompressPrep(pArchive, pStraw,
                    kNuThreadFormatUncompressed, srcLen);

            DBUG(("--- compression (%d) failed (%ld vs %ld), storing\n",
                targetFormat, dstLen, srcLen));
            err = Nu_CompressUncompressed(pArchive, pStraw, dstFp, srcLen,
                    &dstLen, &threadCrc);

             * This holds so long as the previous attempt at compressing
             * computed a CRC on the entire file (i.e. didn't stop early
             * when it noticed the output was larger than the input).  If
             * this is always the case, then we can change "&threadCrc"
             * a few lines back to "NULL" and avoid re-computing the CRC.
             * If this is not always the case, remove this assert.
            Assert(threadCrc == pThread->thThreadCRC);

            pThread->thThreadEOF = srcLen;
            pThread->thCompThreadEOF = dstLen;
            pThread->thThreadFormat = kNuThreadFormatUncompressed;

    } else {
         * Copy the already-compressed input.
        if (pProgressData != NULL)
            Nu_StrawSetProgressState(pStraw, kNuProgressCopying);
        err = Nu_ProgressDataCompressPrep(pArchive, pStraw,
                kNuThreadFormatUncompressed, srcLen);

        err = Nu_CompressUncompressed(pArchive, pStraw, dstFp, srcLen,
                &dstLen, NULL);

        pThread->thThreadEOF = Nu_DataSourceGetOtherLen(pDataSource);
        pThread->thCompThreadEOF = srcLen;
        pThread->thThreadFormat = sourceFormat;
        pThread->thThreadCRC = Nu_DataSourceGetRawCrc(pDataSource);
    pThread->actualThreadEOF = pThread->thThreadEOF;

    DBUG(("+++ srcLen=%ld, dstLen=%ld, actual=%ld\n",
        srcLen, dstLen, pThread->actualThreadEOF));

    /* make sure we send a final "success" progress message at 100% */
    if (pProgressData != NULL) {
        (void) Nu_StrawSetProgressState(pStraw, kNuProgressDone);
        err = Nu_StrawSendProgressUpdate(pArchive, pStraw);

    (void) Nu_StrawFree(pArchive, pStraw);
    (void) Nu_DataSinkFree(pDataSink);
    return err;

 * Copy pre-sized data into the archive at the current offset.
 * All archive-specified fields in "pThread" will be filled in, as will
 * "actualThreadEOF".  The "nuThreadIdx" and "fileOffset" fields will
 * not be modified.
 * Pre-sized data is always uncompressed, and doesn't have a CRC.  This
 * will copy the data, and then continue writing zeros to fill out the rest
 * of the pre-sized buffer.
NuError Nu_CopyPresizedToArchive(NuArchive* pArchive, NuDataSource* pDataSource,
    NuThreadID threadID, FILE* dstFp, NuThread* pThread, char** ppSavedCopy)
    NuError err = kNuErrNone;
    NuStraw* pStraw = NULL;
    uint32_t srcLen, bufferLen;
    uint32_t count, getsize;

    srcLen = Nu_DataSourceGetDataLen(pDataSource);
    bufferLen = Nu_DataSourceGetOtherLen(pDataSource);
    if (bufferLen < srcLen) {
        /* hey, this won't fit! */
        DBUG(("--- can't fit %lu into buffer of %lu!\n", srcLen, bufferLen));
        err = kNuErrPreSizeOverflow;
        goto bail;
    DBUG(("+++ copying %lu into buffer of %lu\n", srcLen, bufferLen));

    pThread->thThreadClass = NuThreadIDGetClass(threadID);
    pThread->thThreadFormat = kNuThreadFormatUncompressed;
    pThread->thThreadKind = NuThreadIDGetKind(threadID);
    pThread->thThreadCRC = 0;       /* no CRC on pre-sized stuff */
    pThread->thThreadEOF = srcLen;
    pThread->thCompThreadEOF = bufferLen;
    pThread->actualThreadEOF = srcLen;
    /* nuThreadIdx and fileOffset should already be set */

     * Prepare to copy the data through a buffer.  The "straw" thing
     * is a convenient way to deal with the dataSource, even though we
     * don't have a progress updater.
    err = Nu_StrawNew(pArchive, pDataSource, NULL, &pStraw);

    count = srcLen;
    err = Nu_AllocCompressionBufferIFN(pArchive);

    while (count) {
        getsize = (count > kNuGenCompBufSize) ? kNuGenCompBufSize : count;

        err = Nu_StrawRead(pArchive, pStraw, pArchive->compBuf, getsize);
        err = Nu_FWrite(dstFp, pArchive->compBuf, getsize);

        if (ppSavedCopy != NULL && *ppSavedCopy == NULL) {
             * Grab a copy of the filename for our own use.  This assumes
             * that the filename fits in kNuGenCompBufSize, which is a
             * pretty safe thing to assume.
            Assert(threadID == kNuThreadIDFilename);
            Assert(count == getsize);
            *ppSavedCopy = Nu_Malloc(pArchive, getsize+1);
            memcpy(*ppSavedCopy, pArchive->compBuf, getsize);
            (*ppSavedCopy)[getsize] = '\0'; /* make sure it's terminated */

        count -= getsize;

     * Pad out the rest of the buffer.  Could probably do this more
     * efficiently through the buffer we've allocated, but these regions
     * tend to be either 32 or 200 bytes.
    count = bufferLen - srcLen;
    while (count--)
        Nu_WriteOne(pArchive, dstFp, 0);

    (void) Nu_StrawFree(pArchive, pStraw);
    /*Nu_Free(pArchive, buffer);*/
    return err;