Available Commands


If you've used other file archive software, such as WinZip or WinRAR, then you already know most of what you need to know to use CiderPress.  There are some differences, mainly because CiderPress is optimized for use with Apple II files.


Things you can do:


Selecting the command you want.

Opening, closing, and creating archives and disk images.

Opening raw disk volumes.

Getting information about an archive.

Working with the file list.

Printing the file list.

Viewing the contents of files in an archive or disk image.

Adding files and disk images to an archive.

Creating new subdirectories.

Extracting files and disk images.

Copying and pasting files.

Testing entries in an archive.

Renaming entries.

Renaming disk volumes.

Deleting entries.

Editing archive comments.

Editing attributes of archived files.

Convert disk image to file archive.

Convert file archive to disk image.

Import files from Apple II cassette tapes.

Import BASIC programs from text files.


CiderPress has some additional tools that you may find useful:


Disk sector viewer.

Disk image converter.

Bulk disk image converter.

SST image merge.

Volume copier.

2MG properties editor.

End-Of-Line scanner.


There are several screens of preferences:


General preferences.

Disk Image preferences.

Default compression selection.

File viewer settings.

File and folder locations.