Renaming a Volume


You can change the volume name of a ProDOS or Pascal disk image, or the volume number of a DOS 3.3 disk image, by selecting "Rename volume" from the Actions menu.


You will be presented with a tree of volumes to rename.  In most cases there will only be one possible, but if you're working with a disk image that has embedded DOS sub-volumes, or a partitioned image like a CFFA card, you will see multiple entries.  Click on the one you want to rename.


In the box at the bottom, enter the new volume name or number.  When you click "OK", CiderPress will update the volume name.


Volume names for ProDOS and Pascal are very similar to file names.  ProDOS volume names aren't allowed to have a space in them, even if "allow lower case" is enabled, but are otherwise identical.  Pascal volume names use the same set of characters as filenames, but are limited to 7 characters.


The volume "name" for a DOS 3.3 disk is its volume number, which can range from 1 to 254.  (Initializing a disk under DOS 3.3 with volume number 0 yields volume number 254.  Attempting to use volume number 255 results in a "range error".)


The DOS volume number is actually stored in up to three places:

1. If the file has a 2MG header, the volume number may be specified there.

2. If the file is a nibble image, a copy of the volume number is stored in the address header of every sector on the disk.

3. A copy is stored in the disk Volume Table of Contents (VTOC).


The "rename volume" function only updates #3.  The DOS "CATALOG" command uses #2, which means that changing the volume number with CiderPress may not have an impact on what you see in an emulator.  For non-nibble images, most emulators just generate the default volume number (254) into each sector.  CiderPress itself prefers #2 over #3, so changing the volume number on a nibble image may not have any noticeable impact within CiderPress itself.


Some emulators will obey the 2MG volume number (#1), so you may want to change it in both places.  You can set the value in the 2MG header with the 2MG Properties Editor.  All things considered, it's probably best to just leave it set to 254.