/* * CiderPress * Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved. * See the file LICENSE for distribution terms. */ /* * ShellTree, a TreeCtrl derivative for displaying the Windows shell namespace. */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "ShellTree.h" #include "Pidl.h" #include "PathName.h" /* * ========================================================================== * ShellTree * ========================================================================== */ BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(ShellTree, CTreeCtrl) ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT(TVN_ITEMEXPANDING, OnFolderExpanding) ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT(TVN_DELETEITEM, OnDeleteShellItem) ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT_EX(TVN_SELCHANGED, OnSelectionChange) END_MESSAGE_MAP() /* * Replace a CTreeCtrl in a dialog box with us. All of the styles are * copied from the original dialog window. * * Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ BOOL ShellTree::ReplaceDlgCtrl(CDialog* pDialog, int treeID) { CWnd* pWnd = pDialog->GetDlgItem(treeID); if (pWnd == nil) return FALSE; #if 0 DWORD styles = pWnd->GetStyle(); DWORD stylesEx = pWnd->GetExStyle(); CRect rect; pWnd->GetWindowRect(&rect); pDialog->ScreenToClient(&rect); pWnd->DestroyWindow(); CreateEx(stylesEx, WC_TREEVIEW, NULL, styles, rect, pDialog, treeID); #endif /* latch on to their window handle */ Attach(pWnd->m_hWnd); return TRUE; } /* * Populate the tree, starting from "nFolder". * * Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ BOOL ShellTree::PopulateTree(int nFolder) { LPSHELLFOLDER lpsf = nil, lpsf2 = nil; LPITEMIDLIST lpi = nil; TV_SORTCB tvscb; LPMALLOC lpMalloc = nil; HRESULT hr; BOOL retval = FALSE; // Grab a malloc handle. hr = ::SHGetMalloc(&lpMalloc); if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE; // Get a pointer to the desktop folder. hr = SHGetDesktopFolder(&lpsf); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; // Initialize the tree view to be empty. DeleteAllItems(); if (nFolder == CSIDL_DESKTOP) { // already done lpsf2 = lpsf; lpsf = nil; ASSERT(lpi == nil); } else { // find the desired special folder hr = SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(m_hWnd, nFolder, &lpi); if (FAILED(hr)) { WMSG0("BUG: could not find requested special folder\n"); goto bail; } // bind a ShellFolder to the PIDL. hr = lpsf->BindToObject(lpi, 0, IID_IShellFolder, (LPVOID *)&lpsf2); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; } // fill in the tree starting from this point FillTreeView(lpsf2, lpi, TVI_ROOT); // Sort the items in the tree view tvscb.hParent = TVI_ROOT; tvscb.lParam = 0; tvscb.lpfnCompare = TreeViewCompareProc; SortChildrenCB(&tvscb); bail: if (lpsf != nil) lpsf->Release(); if (lpsf != nil) lpsf2->Release(); lpMalloc->Free(lpi); return retval; } /* * Open up and select My Computer. */ void ShellTree::ExpandMyComputer(void) { HTREEITEM hItem; hItem = FindMyComputer(); if (hItem == nil) hItem = GetRootItem(); Expand(hItem, TVE_EXPAND); Select(hItem, TVGN_CARET); } /* * Fills a branch of the TreeView control. Given the shell folder (both as * a shell folder and the fully-qualified item ID list to it) and the parent * item in the tree (TVI_ROOT to start off), add all the kids to the tree. * * Does not try to add the current entry, as a result of which we don't * have a root "Desktop" node that everything is a child of. This is okay. */ void ShellTree::FillTreeView(LPSHELLFOLDER lpsf, LPITEMIDLIST lpifq, HTREEITEM hParent) { CWaitCursor wait; HTREEITEM hPrev = NULL; // Previous Item Added. LPENUMIDLIST lpe=NULL; LPITEMIDLIST lpi=NULL; LPMALLOC lpMalloc=NULL; ULONG ulFetched; HRESULT hr; HWND hwnd=::GetParent(m_hWnd); bool gotOne = false; // Allocate a shell memory object. hr = ::SHGetMalloc(&lpMalloc); if (FAILED(hr)) return; // Get the IEnumIDList object for the given folder. hr = lpsf->EnumObjects(hwnd, SHCONTF_FOLDERS | SHCONTF_NONFOLDERS | SHCONTF_INCLUDEHIDDEN, &lpe); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Enumerate throught the list of folder and non-folder objects. while (S_OK == lpe->Next(1, &lpi, &ulFetched)) { //Create a fully qualified path to the current item //The SH* shell api's take a fully qualified path pidl, //(see GetIcon above where I call SHGetFileInfo) whereas the //interface methods take a relative path pidl. ULONG ulAttrs = SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER | SFGAO_FOLDER | SFGAO_FILESYSANCESTOR | SFGAO_DROPTARGET | SFGAO_HIDDEN; bool goodOne; // Determine what type of object we have. lpsf->GetAttributesOf(1, (const struct _ITEMIDLIST **)&lpi, &ulAttrs); #if 1 { /* DEBUG */ CString name; if (Pidl::GetName(lpsf, lpi, SHGDN_NORMAL, &name)) { WMSG2(" Checking '%ls' 0x%08lx\n", name, ulAttrs); } else { WMSG1(" Checking 0x%08lx\n", ulAttrs); } } #endif /* * (This should be converted to a table and automatically * scanned when assertions are enabled.) * * Win2K folders to show: * 'My Computer' 0xb0000100 [at root] * 'My Network Places' 0xb0000100 [at root] * 'My Documents' 0xb0000100 [at root] * 'WIN (C:)' 0xb0000100 * 'Compact Disc (H:)' 0xb0000100 <-- SFGAO_REMOVABLE not set * 'Removable Disk (L:)' 0xb0000100 * 'Documents and Settings' 0xf0400177 * 'Entire Network' 0xb0000000 * 'Microsoft Windows Network' 0xb0000000 * 'Computers Near Me' 0xa0000100 * 'ftp.apple.asimov.net' 0xa0000100 * 'QA-C-Recv on QA' 0xa0000100 * 'BACKUP' 0xf0400177 * 'dudley' 0x70400177 * * Win2K files, folders, etc. to hide: * 'gVim 6.1' 0x00000100 * 'Internet Explorer' 0x20000000 * 'Recycle Bin' 0x20000100 (folder + droptarget) * 'Control Panel' 0xa0000000 * 'Scheduled Tasks on Shiny' 0x20000000 * 'Add Network Place' 0x00000000 * 'ColorBars.jpg' 0x40400177 * * Win98 folders to show: * 'My Computer' 0xb0000100 [at root] * 'My Documents' 0xb0000100 [at root] * 'Network Neighborhood' 0xb0000100 [at root] * 'WIN98 (C:)' 0xb0000100 * [C:\]'My Documents' 0xf8000177 * 'Entire Network' 0xb0000000 * 'cpt' 0xe0000177 * 'My eBooks' 0x60000177 * * Win98 folders and stuff to hide: * 'Control Panel' 0x20000000 * 'Printers' 0x20000100 (folder + droptarget) * 'Web Folders' 0xa0000000 * 'BOOTLOG.TXT' 0x40080177 * * Note that Win98 folders on disk don't have FILESYSANCESTOR * set. If we check FOLDER && FILESYSTEM (0x60000000), we get * anything starting with 6/7/E/F, which appears safe. We * need to do additional tests to pick up some of the A/B items * that we want while hiding the A items we don't want. * * FILESYSANCESTOR is 0x10000000, so that plus FOLDER allows * 3/7/b/f. These appear to be entirely okay. * * DROPTARGET is 0x00000100, and HASSUBFOLDER is 0x80000000. * Combining with FOLDER yields 0xa00000100, allowing A/B/E/F. * The only at-risk is A, but combined with DROPTARGET we * seem to screen out all the bad ones. */ if (lpifq == nil) { /* dealing with stuff at the root level */ goodOne = ( (ulAttrs & SFGAO_FOLDER) && (ulAttrs & SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER) && (ulAttrs & SFGAO_FILESYSANCESTOR) ); } else { /* deeper down, we're picky in different ways */ bool isFolder = (ulAttrs & SFGAO_FOLDER) != 0; bool fileSys = (ulAttrs & SFGAO_FILESYSTEM) != 0; bool hasFSAncestor = (ulAttrs & SFGAO_FILESYSANCESTOR) != 0; bool dropAndSub = (ulAttrs & SFGAO_DROPTARGET) != 0 && (ulAttrs & SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER) != 0; goodOne = isFolder && (fileSys || hasFSAncestor || dropAndSub); } if (goodOne) { gotOne = true; if (!AddNode(lpsf, lpi, lpifq, ulAttrs, hParent, &hPrev)) { WMSG0("AddNode failed!\n"); goto Done; } } lpMalloc->Free(lpi); //Free the pidl that the shell gave us. lpi=0; } } // Sometimes SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDERS lies, notably in Network Neighborhood. // When we actually scan the directory we can update the parent node // if it turns out there's nothing underneath. if (!gotOne) { TVITEM tvi; CString name = GetItemText(hParent); tvi.hItem = hParent; tvi.mask = TVIF_CHILDREN; if (!GetItem(&tvi)) { WMSG1("Could not get TV '%ls'\n", name); ASSERT(false); } else if (tvi.cChildren) { WMSG2("Removing child count (%d) from '%ls'\n", tvi.cChildren, name); tvi.cChildren = 0; if (!SetItem(&tvi)) { WMSG1("Could not set TV '%ls'\n", name); ASSERT(false); } } } Done: if (lpe) lpe->Release(); //The following 2 if statements will only be TRUE if we got here on an //error condition from the "goto" statement. Otherwise, we free this memory //at the end of the while loop above. if (lpi && lpMalloc) lpMalloc->Free(lpi); if (lpMalloc) lpMalloc->Release(); //WMSG0("FillTreeView DONE\n"); } /* * Add a node to the tree. * * Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ BOOL ShellTree::AddNode(LPSHELLFOLDER lpsf, LPITEMIDLIST lpi, LPITEMIDLIST lpifq, unsigned long ulAttrs, HTREEITEM hParent, HTREEITEM* phPrev) { TVITEM tvi; TVINSERTSTRUCT tvins; LPITEMIDLIST lpifqThisItem = nil; TVItemData* lptvid = nil; WCHAR szBuff[MAX_PATH]; CString name; LPMALLOC lpMalloc = nil; HRESULT hr; BOOL result = FALSE; hr = ::SHGetMalloc(&lpMalloc); if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE; //Now get the friendly name that we'll put in the treeview. if (!Pidl::GetName(lpsf, lpi, SHGDN_NORMAL, &name)) { WMSG0("HEY: failed getting friendly name\n"); goto bail; // Error - could not get friendly name. } wcscpy_s(szBuff, name); //WMSG2("AddNode '%ls' ATTR=0x%08lx\n", szBuff, ulAttrs); lptvid = (TVItemData*)lpMalloc->Alloc(sizeof(TVItemData)); if (!lptvid) goto bail; tvi.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE | TVIF_PARAM; if (ulAttrs & SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER) { //This item has sub-folders, so let's put the + in the TreeView. //The first time the user clicks on the item, we'll populate the //sub-folders. tvi.mask |= TVIF_CHILDREN; tvi.cChildren = 1; } tvi.pszText = szBuff; tvi.cchTextMax = MAX_PATH; // (not needed for InsertItem) // Allocate a fully-qualified PIDL and stuff it in. lpifqThisItem = Pidl::ConcatPidls(lpifq, lpi); // Add the icons. GetNormalAndSelectedIcons(lpifqThisItem, &tvi); // Done with lipfqThisItem. lptvid->lpifq = lpifqThisItem; lpifqThisItem = nil; // Put in a copy of the relative PIDL. lptvid->lpi = Pidl::CopyITEMID(lpMalloc, lpi); // Stuff the parent folder's lpsf in. lptvid->lpsfParent = lpsf; lpsf->AddRef(); // Done with lptvid. tvi.lParam = (LPARAM)lptvid; lptvid = nil; // Populate the TreeView Insert Struct // The item is the one filled above. // Insert it after the last item inserted at this level. // And indicate this is a root entry. tvins.item = tvi; tvins.hInsertAfter = *phPrev; tvins.hParent = hParent; // Add the item to the tree *phPrev = InsertItem(&tvins); result = TRUE; bail: lpMalloc->Release(); return result; } /* * Set the TreeView normal and selected icons for the specified entry. * * "lpifq" is the fully-qualified PIDL, LPTV_ITEM is an item in the tree. */ void ShellTree::GetNormalAndSelectedIcons(LPITEMIDLIST lpifq, LPTV_ITEM lptvitem) { //Note that we don't check the return value here because if GetIcon() //fails, then we're in big trouble... lptvitem->iImage = Pidl::GetItemIcon(lpifq, SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX | SHGFI_SMALLICON); lptvitem->iSelectedImage = Pidl::GetItemIcon(lpifq, SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX | SHGFI_SMALLICON | SHGFI_OPENICON); return; } /* * Sort function callback for TreeView SortChildrenCB. */ int CALLBACK ShellTree::TreeViewCompareProc(LPARAM lparam1, LPARAM lparam2, LPARAM) { TVItemData* lptvid1 = (TVItemData*)lparam1; TVItemData* lptvid2 = (TVItemData*)lparam2; HRESULT hr; hr = lptvid1->lpsfParent->CompareIDs(0, lptvid1->lpi, lptvid2->lpi); if (FAILED(hr)) { ASSERT(false); return 0; } #if 0 if (lptvid1->alphaSort && lptvid2->alphaSort) { char buf1[MAX_PATH], buf2[MAX_PATH]; if (Pidl::GetName(lptvid1->lpsfParent, lptvid1->lpi, SHGDN_NORMAL, buf1) && Pidl::GetName(lptvid2->lpsfParent, lptvid2->lpi, SHGDN_NORMAL, buf2)) { WMSG3("COMPARING '%s' to '%s' (res=%d)\n", buf1, buf2, (short) HRESULT_CODE(hr)); return stricmp(buf1, buf2); } else { ASSERT(false); return 0; } } #endif return (short) HRESULT_CODE(hr); } /* * Add a new folder to the tree at the currently-selected node. This may * not actually add a folder if the new folder is at a point in the tree * below where we have already expanded. * * Returns TRUE on success, or FALSE on failure. */ BOOL ShellTree::AddFolderAtSelection(const CString& name) { LPSHELLFOLDER lpsf = nil; LPITEMIDLIST lpi = nil; HTREEITEM hParent; LPMALLOC lpMalloc = nil; LPENUMIDLIST lpe = nil; const TVItemData* parentTvid; TVItemData* newTvid = nil; HWND hwnd = ::GetParent(m_hWnd); HTREEITEM hPrev = nil; BOOL result = false; CString debugName; HRESULT hr; WMSG1("AddFolderAtSelection '%ls'\n", name); // Allocate a shell memory object. hr = ::SHGetMalloc(&lpMalloc); if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE; hParent = GetSelectedItem(); if (hParent == nil) { WMSG0("Nothing selected!\n"); goto bail; } /* * Now we either need to create a new node in an existing tree, or if * we haven't expanded the current node yet then we can just let the * usual FillTree mechanism do it for us. * * If the current node is marked as having children, but has no * child structures, then it's a folder with sub-folders that hasn't * been filled in yet. We don't need to do anything. * * If the current node doesn't have children, then this is a leaf * node that has just become a branch. We update its "#of kids" state * and again let the usual mechanisms do their work. * * If the current node has expanded children, then we need to do the * work ourselves. (It's that, or invalidate the entire subtree, * which has some UI consequences.) */ TVITEM tvi; debugName = GetItemText(hParent); tvi.hItem = hParent; tvi.mask = TVIF_CHILDREN; if (!GetItem(&tvi)) { WMSG1("Could not get TV '%ls'\n", debugName); ASSERT(false); } else { HTREEITEM child = GetChildItem(hParent); if (child == nil && tvi.cChildren) { WMSG1(" Found unexpanded node, not adding %ls\n", name); result = TRUE; goto bail; } else if (child == nil && !tvi.cChildren) { WMSG1(" Found former leaf node, updating kids in %ls\n", debugName); tvi.cChildren = 1; if (!SetItem(&tvi)) { WMSG1("Could not set TV '%ls'\n", debugName); ASSERT(false); } result = TRUE; goto bail; } else { ASSERT(child != nil && tvi.cChildren != 0); WMSG2(" Found expanded branch node '%ls', adding new '%ls'\n", debugName, name); } } parentTvid = (TVItemData*)GetItemData(hParent); ASSERT(parentTvid != nil); // Get a handle to the ShellFolder for the currently selected node. hr = parentTvid->lpsfParent->BindToObject(parentTvid->lpi, 0, IID_IShellFolder, (LPVOID *)&lpsf); if (FAILED(hr)) { WMSG0("Glitch: unable to get ShellFolder for selected folder\n"); goto bail; } // Get an enumerator for the selected node. hr = lpsf->EnumObjects(hwnd, SHCONTF_FOLDERS | SHCONTF_INCLUDEHIDDEN, &lpe); if (FAILED(hr)) { WMSG0("Glitch: unable to get enumerator for selected folder\n"); goto bail; } // Enumerate throught the list of folder and non-folder objects. while (S_OK == lpe->Next(1, &lpi, nil)) { CString pidlName; if (Pidl::GetName(lpsf, lpi, SHGDN_NORMAL, &pidlName)) { if (name.CompareNoCase(pidlName) == 0) { /* match! */ if (!AddNode(lpsf, lpi, parentTvid->lpifq, 0, hParent, &hPrev)) { WMSG0("AddNode failed!\n"); goto bail; } result = TRUE; break; } } lpMalloc->Free(lpi); //Free the pidl that the shell gave us. lpi = nil; } bail: if (lpi != nil) lpMalloc->Free(lpi); if (lpsf != nil) lpsf->Release(); if (lpe != nil) lpe->Release(); lpMalloc->Release(); return result; } /* * Respond to TVN_ITEMEXPANDING message. * * If the subtree hasn't been expanded yet, dig in. */ void ShellTree::OnFolderExpanding(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { TVItemData* lptvid; //Long pointer to TreeView item data HRESULT hr; LPSHELLFOLDER lpsf2=NULL; TV_SORTCB tvscb; NM_TREEVIEW* pnmtv = (NM_TREEVIEW*)pNMHDR; if (pnmtv->itemNew.state & TVIS_EXPANDEDONCE) { WMSG0("Already expanded!\n"); return; } lptvid = (TVItemData*)pnmtv->itemNew.lParam; if (lptvid) { hr = lptvid->lpsfParent->BindToObject(lptvid->lpi, 0, IID_IShellFolder,(LPVOID *)&lpsf2); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { FillTreeView(lpsf2, lptvid->lpifq, pnmtv->itemNew.hItem); } tvscb.hParent = pnmtv->itemNew.hItem; tvscb.lParam = 0; tvscb.lpfnCompare = TreeViewCompareProc; SortChildrenCB(&tvscb); } *pResult = 0; } #if 0 /**************************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: GetContextMenu(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) * * PURPOSE: Diplays a popup menu for the folder selected. Pass the * parameters from Rclick() to this function. * * MESSAGEMAP: NM_RCLICK; * ****************************************************************************/ void ShellTree::GetContextMenu(NMHDR*, LRESULT* pResult) { POINT pt; TVItemData* lptvid; //Long pointer to TreeView item data TV_HITTESTINFO tvhti; TV_ITEM tvi; ::GetCursorPos((LPPOINT)&pt); ScreenToClient(&pt); tvhti.pt=pt; HitTest(&tvhti); SelectItem(tvhti.hItem); if (tvhti.flags & (TVHT_ONITEMLABEL|TVHT_ONITEMICON)) { ClientToScreen(&pt); tvi.mask=TVIF_PARAM; tvi.hItem=tvhti.hItem; if (!GetItem(&tvi)){ return; } lptvid = (TVItemData*)tvi.lParam; Pidl::DoTheMenuThing(::GetParent(m_hWnd), lptvid->lpsfParent, lptvid->lpi, &pt); } *pResult = 0; } #endif /* * Respond to TVN_SELCHANGED notification. */ BOOL ShellTree::OnSelectionChange(NMHDR* pnmh, LRESULT* pResult) { fFolderPathValid = OnFolderSelected(pnmh, pResult, fFolderPath); *pResult = 0; return FALSE; // allow window parent to handle notification } /* * This does the bulk of the work when the selection changes. * * The filesystem path (if any) to the object is placed in "szFolderPath". */ BOOL ShellTree::OnFolderSelected(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult, CString &szFolderPath) { TVItemData* lptvid; LPSHELLFOLDER lpsf2=NULL; WCHAR szBuff[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hr; BOOL bRet=false; HTREEITEM hItem=NULL; hItem = GetSelectedItem(); if (hItem) { lptvid = (TVItemData*)GetItemData(hItem); if (lptvid && lptvid->lpsfParent && lptvid->lpi) { hr = lptvid->lpsfParent->BindToObject(lptvid->lpi, 0, IID_IShellFolder, (LPVOID *)&lpsf2); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ULONG ulAttrs = SFGAO_FILESYSTEM; // Determine what type of object we have. lptvid->lpsfParent->GetAttributesOf(1, (const struct _ITEMIDLIST **)&lptvid->lpi, &ulAttrs); if (ulAttrs & (SFGAO_FILESYSTEM)) { if (SHGetPathFromIDList(lptvid->lpifq, szBuff)){ szFolderPath = szBuff; bRet = true; } } if (bRet) { WMSG1("Now selected: '%ls'\n", szBuff); } else { WMSG0("Now selected: \n"); } #if 0 // If we're expanding into new territory, load the // sub-tree. [This makes it expand things that aren't // necessarily going to be opened, which is very bad for // empty floppy and CD-ROM drives. Makes little sense.] TV_SORTCB tvscb; NM_TREEVIEW* pnmtv = (NM_TREEVIEW*)pNMHDR; if ((pnmtv->itemNew.cChildren == 1) && !(pnmtv->itemNew.state & TVIS_EXPANDEDONCE)) { FillTreeView(lpsf2, lptvid->lpifq, pnmtv->itemNew.hItem); tvscb.hParent = pnmtv->itemNew.hItem; tvscb.lParam = 0; tvscb.lpfnCompare = TreeViewCompareProc; SortChildrenCB(&tvscb); pnmtv->itemNew.state |= TVIS_EXPANDEDONCE; pnmtv->itemNew.stateMask |= TVIS_EXPANDEDONCE; pnmtv->itemNew.mask |= TVIF_STATE; SetItem(&pnmtv->itemNew); } #endif } } if(lpsf2) lpsf2->Release(); } *pResult = 0; return bRet; } /* * Handle TVN_DELETEITEM notification by cleaning up our stuff. */ void ShellTree::OnDeleteShellItem(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { TVItemData* lptvid=NULL; HRESULT hr; LPMALLOC lpMalloc; //WMSG0("TVN_DELETEITEM\n"); NM_TREEVIEW* pNMTreeView = (NM_TREEVIEW*)pNMHDR; //Let's free the memory for the TreeView item data... hr = SHGetMalloc(&lpMalloc); if (FAILED(hr)) return; lptvid = (TVItemData*)pNMTreeView->itemOld.lParam; lptvid->lpsfParent->Release(); lpMalloc->Free(lptvid->lpi); lpMalloc->Free(lptvid->lpifq); lpMalloc->Free(lptvid); lpMalloc->Release(); *pResult = 0; } /* * Gets a handle to the system image list (by just grabbing whatever is * in place for C:\) and makes it available to the tree control. * * The image list should NOT be deleted. */ void ShellTree::EnableImages() { // Get the handle to the system image list, for our icons HIMAGELIST hImageList; SHFILEINFO sfi; hImageList = (HIMAGELIST)SHGetFileInfo(L"C:\\", 0, &sfi, sizeof(SHFILEINFO), SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX | SHGFI_SMALLICON); // Attach ImageList to TreeView if (hImageList) ::SendMessage(m_hWnd, TVM_SETIMAGELIST, (WPARAM) TVSIL_NORMAL, (LPARAM)hImageList); } /**************************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: GetSelectedFolderPath(CString &szFolderPath) * * PURPOSE: Retrieves the path of the currently selected string. * Pass a CString object that will hold the folder path. * If the path is not in the filesystem(eg MyComputer) * or none is selected it returns false. * * MESSAGEMAP: NONE * ****************************************************************************/ BOOL ShellTree::GetSelectedFolderPath(CString &szFolderPath) { TVItemData* lptvid; //Long pointer to TreeView item data LPSHELLFOLDER lpsf2=NULL; WCHAR szBuff[MAX_PATH]; HTREEITEM hItem=NULL; HRESULT hr; BOOL bRet=false; hItem = GetSelectedItem(); if(hItem) { lptvid = (TVItemData*)GetItemData(hItem); if (lptvid && lptvid->lpsfParent && lptvid->lpi) { hr = lptvid->lpsfParent->BindToObject(lptvid->lpi, 0, IID_IShellFolder,(LPVOID *)&lpsf2); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ULONG ulAttrs = SFGAO_FILESYSTEM; // Determine what type of object we have. lptvid->lpsfParent->GetAttributesOf(1, (const struct _ITEMIDLIST **)&lptvid->lpi, &ulAttrs); if (ulAttrs & (SFGAO_FILESYSTEM)) { if(SHGetPathFromIDList(lptvid->lpifq, szBuff)){ szFolderPath = szBuff; bRet = true; } } } } if(lpsf2) lpsf2->Release(); } return bRet; } /**************************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: GetParentShellFolder(HTREEITEM folderNode) * * PURPOSE: Retrieves the pointer to the ISHELLFOLDER interface * of the tree node passed as the paramter. * * MESSAGEMAP: NONE * ****************************************************************************/ LPSHELLFOLDER ShellTree::GetParentShellFolder(HTREEITEM folderNode) { TVItemData* lptvid; //Long pointer to TreeView item data lptvid = (TVItemData*)GetItemData(folderNode); if (lptvid) return lptvid->lpsfParent; else return NULL; } /**************************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: GetRelativeIDLIST(HTREEITEM folderNode) * * PURPOSE: Retrieves the Pointer to an ITEMIDLIST structure that * identifies the subfolder relative to its parent folder. * see GetParentShellFolder(); * * MESSAGEMAP: NONE * ****************************************************************************/ LPITEMIDLIST ShellTree::GetRelativeIDLIST(HTREEITEM folderNode) { TVItemData* lptvid; //Long pointer to TreeView item data lptvid = (TVItemData*)GetItemData(folderNode); if (lptvid) return lptvid->lpifq; else return NULL; } /**************************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: GetFullyQualifiedIDLIST(HTREEITEM folderNode) * * PURPOSE: Retrieves the Pointer to an ITEMIDLIST * structure that identifies the subfolder relative to the * desktop. This is a fully qualified Item Identifier * * MESSAGEMAP: NONE * ****************************************************************************/ LPITEMIDLIST ShellTree::GetFullyQualifiedID(HTREEITEM folderNode) { TVItemData* lptvid; //Long pointer to TreeView item data lptvid = (TVItemData*)GetItemData(folderNode); if (lptvid) return lptvid->lpifq; else return NULL; } /* * Tunnel into the tree, finding the node that corresponds to the * requested pathname. * * Sets "resultMsg" to a non-empty string on error. */ void ShellTree::TunnelTree(CString path, CString* pResultStr) { const WCHAR* str = path; int len; if (str[0] == '\\' && str[1] == '\\') { *pResultStr = "Can't expand network locations directly."; return; } len = path.GetLength(); if (len < 1) { *pResultStr = "You must enter a folder name."; return; } /* make sure it ends in \ so splitpath knows it's a directory */ if (path[len-1] != '\\') path += '\\'; /* if it doesn't exist, there's not much point in searching for it */ PathName pathName(path); if (!pathName.Exists()) { *pResultStr = L"Folder not found."; return; } /* * Find the folder that corresponds to "My Computer", and then scan * it for the drive letter. */ HTREEITEM myComputer = FindMyComputer(); if (myComputer == nil) { *pResultStr = L"Unable to locate My Computer in tree."; return; } CString drive = pathName.GetDriveOnly(); WMSG1("Searching for drive='%ls'\n", drive); HTREEITEM node = FindDrive(myComputer, drive); if (node == nil) { /* unexpected -- couldn't find the drive */ pResultStr->Format(L"Unable to find drive %ls.", drive); return; } /* * We've got the node for the drive. Now we just need to walk * through the tree one level at a time, comparing the name in * the tree against our pathname component. */ node = SearchTree(node, pathName.GetPathOnly()); if (node == nil) { /* unexpected -- file doesn't exist */ pResultStr->Format(L"Unable to find file '%ls'.", (LPCWSTR) pathName.GetPathOnly()); } else { Select(node, TVGN_CARET); EnsureVisible(node); } } /* * Find the tree entry that corresponds to "My Computer". * * This is hampered somewhat by the absence of a way to compare two * shell folders for equality. The PIDL compare function is meant for * sorting only (at least as far as it has been documented), and the My * Computer "folder" has no path to examine. * * It helps greatly to assume that My Computer is right under Desktop. * If it moved, or if we started the tree somewhere other than right at * the desktop, we'd have to recursively search the tree. * * Returns a handle to the tree item, or nil if My Computer wasn't found * or didn't have any children. */ HTREEITEM ShellTree::FindMyComputer(void) { LPSHELLFOLDER desktop = nil; LPITEMIDLIST myComputerPidl = nil; LPMALLOC lpMalloc = nil; HTREEITEM node; HTREEITEM result = nil; HRESULT hr; hr = ::SHGetMalloc(&lpMalloc); if (FAILED(hr)) return nil; hr = SHGetDesktopFolder(&desktop); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; hr = SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(nil, CSIDL_DRIVES, &myComputerPidl); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; node = GetRootItem(); while (node != nil) { CString itemText = GetItemText(node); TVItemData* pData = (TVItemData*) GetItemData(node); ASSERT(pData != nil); hr = desktop->CompareIDs(0, myComputerPidl, pData->lpi); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && HRESULT_CODE(hr) == 0) { WMSG1("MATCHED on '%ls'\n", itemText); result = node; break; } node = GetNextSiblingItem(node); } if (result != nil && !ItemHasChildren(result)) { WMSG0("Glitch: My Computer has no children\n"); result = nil; } bail: if (desktop != nil) desktop->Release(); lpMalloc->Free(myComputerPidl); lpMalloc->Release(); return result; } /* * Given a pointer to the My Computer node in the tree, find the node * corresponding to the requested drive (which should be of the form * "C:"). * * Returns a pointer to the drive's node on success, or nil on failure. */ HTREEITEM ShellTree::FindDrive(HTREEITEM myComputer, const CString& drive) { CString udrive; /* expand & scan */ Expand(myComputer, TVE_EXPAND); HTREEITEM node; node = GetChildItem(myComputer); if (node == nil) { ASSERT(false); // we verified My Computer has kids earlier return nil; } /* * Look for the drive letter. It's buried amongst other fluff, so * we have to rely on Windows preventing the use of a ":" anywhere * else in the string to avoid false-positives. * * We *might* be able to assume it looks like "(C:)", but that's * probably unwise. */ udrive = drive; udrive.MakeUpper(); while (node != nil) { CString itemText = GetItemText(node); itemText.MakeUpper(); //WMSG2("COMPARING '%ls' vs '%ls'\n", (LPCWSTR) udrive, (LPCWSTR) itemText); if (itemText.Find(udrive) != -1) { WMSG2("MATCHED '%ls' in '%ls'\n", (LPCWSTR) udrive, (LPCWSTR) itemText); break; } node = GetNextSiblingItem(node); } return node; } /* * Given a path, search a subtree following the components. * * Pass in the tree's root (it's children will be searched for a * match with the first path component) and the path to look for * (which must start and end with '\\'). */ HTREEITEM ShellTree::SearchTree(HTREEITEM treeNode, const CString& path) { WMSG2("SearchTree node=0x%08lx path='%ls'\n", treeNode, (LPCTSTR) path); HTREEITEM node; CString mangle(path); WCHAR* start; WCHAR* end; /* make a copy of "path" that we can mess with */ start = mangle.GetBuffer(0); if (start == nil || *start != '\\' || *(start + wcslen(start)-1) != '\\') return nil; start++; node = treeNode; while (*start != '\0') { /* grab first node in next level down */ Expand(node, TVE_EXPAND); // need to fill in the tree node = GetChildItem(node); end = wcschr(start, '\\'); if (end == nil) { ASSERT(false); return nil; } *end = '\0'; while (node != nil) { CString itemText = GetItemText(node); //WMSG2("COMPARE '%s' '%s'\n", start, itemText); if (itemText.CompareNoCase(start) == 0) { //WMSG2("MATCHED '%s' '%s'\n", itemText, start); break; } node = GetNextSiblingItem(node); } if (node == nil) { WMSG2("NOT FOUND '%ls' '%ls'\n", (LPCTSTR) path, start); break; } start = end+1; } return node; } #ifdef USE_OLD /**************************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: SearchTree( HTREEITEM treeNode, * CString szSearchName ) * * PURPOSE: Too crude to explain, just use it * * WARNING: Only works if you use the default PopulateTree() * Not guaranteed to work on any future or existing * version of windows. Use with caution. Pretty much * ok if you're using on local drives * ****************************************************************************/ bool ShellTree::SearchTree(HTREEITEM treeNode, CString szSearchName, FindAttribs attr) { TVItemData* lptvid; //Long pointer to TreeView item data LPSHELLFOLDER lpsf2=NULL; char drive[_MAX_DRIVE]; char dir[_MAX_DIR]; char fname[_MAX_FNAME]; char ext[_MAX_EXT]; bool bRet=false; HRESULT hr; CString szCompare; szSearchName.MakeUpper(); while(treeNode && bRet==false) { lptvid=(TVItemData*)GetItemData(treeNode); if (lptvid && lptvid->lpsfParent && lptvid->lpi) { hr=lptvid->lpsfParent->BindToObject(lptvid->lpi, 0,IID_IShellFolder,(LPVOID *)&lpsf2); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ULONG ulAttrs = SFGAO_FILESYSTEM; lptvid->lpsfParent->GetAttributesOf(1, (const struct _ITEMIDLIST **)&lptvid->lpi, &ulAttrs); if (ulAttrs & (SFGAO_FILESYSTEM)) { if(SHGetPathFromIDList(lptvid->lpifq, szCompare.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH))) { switch(attr) { case type_drive: _splitpath(szCompare,drive,dir,fname,ext); szCompare=drive; break; case type_folder: szCompare = GetItemText(treeNode); break; } szCompare.MakeUpper(); if(szCompare == szSearchName) { EnsureVisible(treeNode); SelectItem(treeNode); bRet=true; } } } lpsf2->Release(); } } treeNode = GetNextSiblingItem(treeNode); } return bRet; } /**************************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: TunnelTree(CString szFindPath) * * PURPOSE: Too crude to explain, just use it * * WARNING: Only works if you use the default PopulateTree() * Not guaranteed to work on any future or existing * version of windows. Use with caution. Pretty much * ok if you're using on local drives * ****************************************************************************/ void ShellTree::TunnelTree(CString szFindPath) { HTREEITEM subNode = GetRootItem(); CString szPathHop; char drive[_MAX_DRIVE]; char dir[_MAX_DIR]; char fname[_MAX_FNAME]; char ext[_MAX_EXT]; char delimiter[]="\\"; PathName checkPath(szFindPath); if(!checkPath.Exists()) { MessageBox(szFindPath,"Folder not found",MB_ICONERROR); return; } if(szFindPath.ReverseFind('\\') != szFindPath.GetLength()-1) { szFindPath += "\\"; } _splitpath(szFindPath,drive,dir,fname,ext); //search the drive first szPathHop=drive; subNode=GetChildItem(subNode); if(subNode) { if(SearchTree(subNode,szPathHop, ShellTree::type_drive)) { //break down subfolders and search char *p=strtok(dir,delimiter); while(p) { subNode = GetSelectedItem(); subNode = GetChildItem(subNode); if(SearchTree(subNode,p,ShellTree::type_folder)) p=strtok(NULL,delimiter); else p=NULL; } } } } #endif #ifdef USE_NEW // new version for Win2K /**************************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: SearchTree( HTREEITEM treeNode, * CString szSearchName ) * * PURPOSE: Too crude to explain, just use it * * WARNING: Only works if you use the default PopulateTree() * Not guaranteed to work on any future or existing * version of windows. Use with caution. Pretty much * ok if you're using on local drives * ****************************************************************************/ bool ShellTree::SearchTree(HTREEITEM treeNode, CString szSearchName, FindAttribs attr) { TVItemData* lptvid; //Long pointer to TreeView item data LPSHELLFOLDER lpsf2=NULL; char drive[_MAX_DRIVE]; char dir[_MAX_DIR]; char fname[_MAX_FNAME]; char ext[_MAX_EXT]; bool bRet=false; HRESULT hr; CString szCompare; szSearchName.MakeUpper(); while(treeNode && bRet==false) { lptvid=(TVItemData*)GetItemData(treeNode); if (lptvid && lptvid->lpsfParent && lptvid->lpi) { hr=lptvid->lpsfParent->BindToObject(lptvid->lpi, 0,IID_IShellFolder,(LPVOID *)&lpsf2); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ULONG ulAttrs = SFGAO_FILESYSTEM; lptvid->lpsfParent->GetAttributesOf(1, (const struct _ITEMIDLIST **)&lptvid->lpi, &ulAttrs); if (ulAttrs & (SFGAO_FILESYSTEM)) { if(SHGetPathFromIDList(lptvid->lpifq, szCompare.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH))) { CString folder; SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL, folder.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY, FALSE); if( szCompare.Find( folder ) != -1 ) if( szSearchName.Find( szCompare ) == -1 ) { WMSG1("Magic match on '%s'\n", szCompare); return false; } SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL, folder.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY, FALSE ); if( szCompare.Find( folder ) != -1 ) if( szSearchName.Find( szCompare ) == -1 ) { WMSG4("MAGIC '%s'='%s' and '%s'='%s'\n", szCompare, folder, szSearchName, szCompare); return false; } SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL, folder.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), CSIDL_PERSONAL, FALSE ); if( szCompare.Find( folder ) != -1 ) if( szSearchName.Find( szCompare ) == -1 ) { WMSG1("Magic match on '%s'\n", szCompare); return false; } switch(attr) { case type_drive: _splitpath(szCompare,drive,dir,fname,ext); szCompare = drive; break; case type_folder: szCompare = GetItemText(treeNode); break; } szCompare.MakeUpper(); if(szCompare == szSearchName) { EnsureVisible(treeNode); SelectItem(treeNode); bRet=true; } } } lpsf2->Release(); } } treeNode = GetNextSiblingItem(treeNode); } return bRet; } /**************************************************************************** * * FUNCTION: TunnelTree(CString szFindPath) * * PURPOSE: Too crude to explain, just use it * * WARNING: Only works if you use the default PopulateTree() * Not guaranteed to work on any future or existing * version of windows. Use with caution. Pretty much * ok if you're using on local drives * ****************************************************************************/ void ShellTree::TunnelTree(CString szFindPath) { HTREEITEM subNode = GetRootItem(); CString szPathHop; char drive[_MAX_DRIVE]; char dir[_MAX_DIR]; char fname[_MAX_FNAME]; char ext[_MAX_EXT]; char delimiter[]="\\"; PathName checkPath(szFindPath); if(!checkPath.Exists()) { MessageBox(szFindPath,"Folder not found",MB_ICONERROR); return; } if(szFindPath.ReverseFind('\\') != szFindPath.GetLength()-1) { szFindPath += "\\"; } _splitpath(szFindPath, drive, dir, fname, ext); HTREEITEM root = subNode; //search the drive first szPathHop=drive; do { CString currItem = GetItemText( root ); WMSG2("Scanning '%s' for drive '%s'\n", currItem, szPathHop); if (ItemHasChildren(root)) { Expand(root, TVE_EXPAND); subNode = GetChildItem(root); if(subNode) { if(SearchTree(subNode, szPathHop, ShellTree::type_drive)) { // we have a match on the drive; SearchTree will have // left it as the selected item WMSG1("Tunnel match '%s' in subnode\n", szPathHop); // break down subfolders and search char* p = strtok(dir, delimiter); while (p) { subNode = GetSelectedItem(); subNode = GetChildItem(subNode); if(SearchTree(subNode, p, ShellTree::type_folder)) p=strtok(NULL,delimiter); else p=NULL; } return; } } Expand(root, TVE_COLLAPSE); } root = GetNextSiblingItem( root ); } while( root ); } #endif #if 0 // quick test LPMALLOC g_pMalloc = nil; // Main_OnBrowse - browses for a program folder. // hwnd - handle to the application's main window. // // Uses the global variable g_pMalloc, which is assumed to point // to the shell's IMalloc interface. void Main_OnBrowse(HWND hwnd) { BROWSEINFO bi; LPSTR lpBuffer; LPITEMIDLIST pidlPrograms; // PIDL for Programs folder LPITEMIDLIST pidlBrowse; // PIDL selected by user if (g_pMalloc == nil) ::SHGetMalloc(&g_pMalloc); // Allocate a buffer to receive browse information. if ((lpBuffer = (LPSTR) g_pMalloc->Alloc( MAX_PATH)) == NULL) return; // Get the PIDL for the Programs folder. if (!SUCCEEDED(SHGetSpecialFolderLocation( hwnd, CSIDL_PROGRAMS, &pidlPrograms))) { g_pMalloc->Free(lpBuffer); return; } // Fill in the BROWSEINFO structure. bi.hwndOwner = hwnd; bi.pidlRoot = pidlPrograms; bi.pszDisplayName = lpBuffer; bi.lpszTitle = "Choose a Program Group"; bi.ulFlags = 0; bi.lpfn = NULL; bi.lParam = 0; // Browse for a folder and return its PIDL. pidlBrowse = SHBrowseForFolder(&bi); if (pidlBrowse != NULL) { // Show the display name, title, and file system path. MessageBox(hwnd, lpBuffer, "Display name", MB_OK); if (SHGetPathFromIDList(pidlBrowse, lpBuffer)) SetWindowText(hwnd, lpBuffer); // Free the PIDL returned by SHBrowseForFolder. g_pMalloc->Free(pidlBrowse); } // Clean up. g_pMalloc->Free(pidlPrograms); g_pMalloc->Free(lpBuffer); } #endif