/* * CiderPress * Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved. * See the file LICENSE for distribution terms. */ #ifndef APP_OPENVOLUMEDIALOG_H #define APP_OPENVOLUMEDIALOG_H #include #include "resource.h" /* * A dialog with a list control that we populate with the names of the * volumes in the system. */ class OpenVolumeDialog : public CDialog { public: OpenVolumeDialog(CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL) : CDialog(IDD_OPENVOLUMEDLG, pParentWnd), fChosenDrive(L""), fAllowROChange(true) { Preferences* pPreferences = GET_PREFERENCES_WR(); fReadOnly = pPreferences->GetPrefBool(kPrOpenVolumeRO); } // Result: drive to open (e.g. "A:\" or "80:\") CString fChosenDrive; // Did the user check "read only"? (sets default and holds return val) BOOL fReadOnly; // Set before calling DoModal to disable "read only" checkbox bool fAllowROChange; protected: virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(void) override; virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) override; virtual void OnOK(void) override; /* * Something changed in the list. Update the "OK" button. */ afx_msg void OnListChange(NMHDR* pNotifyStruct, LRESULT* pResult); /* * The volume filter drop-down box has changed. */ afx_msg void OnVolumeFilterSelChange(void); afx_msg void OnHelp(void); afx_msg void OnListDblClick(NMHDR* pNotifyStruct, LRESULT* pResult); // 0 is default; numbers must match up with pop-up menu order // order also matters for range test in OnInitDialog enum { kBoth=0, kLogical=1, kPhysical=2 }; // common constants enum { kMaxLogicalDrives = 26, kMaxPhysicalDrives = 8 }; /* * Load the set of logical and physical drives. */ void LoadDriveList(void); /* * Determine the logical volumes available in the system and stuff them into * the list. */ bool LoadLogicalDriveList(CListCtrl* pListView, int* pItemIndex); /* * Add a list of physical drives to the list control. */ bool LoadPhysicalDriveList(CListCtrl* pListView, int* pItemIndex); /* * Determine whether physical device N exists. * * Pass in the Int13 unit number, i.e. 0x00 for the first floppy drive. Win9x * makes direct access to the hard drive very difficult, so we don't even try. * * TODO: remove this entirely? */ bool HasPhysicalDriveWin9x(int unit, CString* pRemark); /* * Determine whether physical device N exists. * * Pass in the Int13 unit number, i.e. 0x80 for the first hard drive. This * should not be called with units for floppy drives (e.g. 0x00). */ bool HasPhysicalDriveWin2K(int unit, CString* pRemark); /* * Set the state of the "read only" checkbox in the dialog. */ void ForceReadOnly(bool readOnly) const; struct { unsigned int driveType; } fVolumeInfo[kMaxLogicalDrives]; DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() }; #endif /*APP_OPENVOLUMEDIALOG_H*/