/* * CiderPress * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved. * See the file LICENSE for distribution terms. */ /* * Classes to support the Preferences property pages. */ #ifndef APP_PREFSDIALOG_H #define APP_PREFSDIALOG_H #include "Preferences.h" #include "../util/UtilLib.h" #include "resource.h" /* * The "general" page, which controls how we display information to the user. */ class PrefsGeneralPage : public CPropertyPage { public: PrefsGeneralPage(void) : CPropertyPage(IDD_PREF_GENERAL), fReady(false), fMimicShrinkIt(FALSE), fBadMacSHK(FALSE), fReduceSHKErrorChecks(FALSE), fCoerceDOSFilenames(FALSE), fSpacesToUnder(FALSE), fDefaultsPushed(FALSE), fOurAssociations(NULL) {} virtual ~PrefsGeneralPage(void) { delete[] fOurAssociations; } bool fReady; // fields on this page BOOL fColumn[kNumVisibleColumns]; BOOL fMimicShrinkIt; BOOL fBadMacSHK; BOOL fReduceSHKErrorChecks; BOOL fCoerceDOSFilenames; BOOL fSpacesToUnder; BOOL fPasteJunkPaths; BOOL fBeepOnSuccess; BOOL fDefaultsPushed; // initialized if we opened the file associations edit page bool* fOurAssociations; protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) override; afx_msg void OnChange(void); afx_msg void OnChangeRange(UINT); afx_msg void OnDefaults(void); afx_msg void OnAssociations(void); afx_msg LONG OnHelp(UINT wParam, LONG lParam); afx_msg LONG OnCommandHelp(UINT wParam, LONG lParam); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() }; /* * The "disk image" page, for selecting disk image preferences. */ class PrefsDiskImagePage : public CPropertyPage { public: PrefsDiskImagePage(void) : CPropertyPage(IDD_PREF_DISKIMAGE), fReady(false), fQueryImageFormat(FALSE), fOpenVolumeRO(FALSE), fProDOSAllowLower(FALSE), fProDOSUseSparse(FALSE) {} bool fReady; BOOL fQueryImageFormat; BOOL fOpenVolumeRO; BOOL fOpenVolumePhys0; BOOL fProDOSAllowLower; BOOL fProDOSUseSparse; protected: virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(void) override; virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) override; afx_msg void OnChange(void); //afx_msg void OnChangeRange(UINT); afx_msg LONG OnHelp(UINT wParam, LONG lParam); afx_msg LONG OnCommandHelp(UINT wParam, LONG lParam); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() }; /* * The "compression" page, which lets the user choose a default compression * method. */ class PrefsCompressionPage : public CPropertyPage { public: PrefsCompressionPage(void) : CPropertyPage(IDD_PREF_COMPRESSION), fReady(false) {} bool fReady; int fCompressType; // radio button index protected: /* * Disable compression types not supported by the NufxLib DLL. */ virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(void) override; virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) override; afx_msg void OnChangeRange(UINT); afx_msg LONG OnHelp(UINT wParam, LONG lParam); afx_msg LONG OnCommandHelp(UINT wParam, LONG lParam); private: /* * Disable a window in our dialog. */ void DisableWnd(int id); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() }; /* * The "fview" page, for selecting preferences for the internal file viewer. */ class PrefsFviewPage : public CPropertyPage { public: PrefsFviewPage(void) : CPropertyPage(IDD_PREF_FVIEW), fReady(false) {} bool fReady; BOOL fEOLConvRaw; BOOL fNoWrapText; BOOL fHighlightHexDump; BOOL fHighlightBASIC; BOOL fConvDisasmOneByteBrkCop; BOOL fConvHiResBlackWhite; int fConvDHRAlgorithm; // drop list BOOL fConvTextEOL_HA; BOOL fConvCPMText; BOOL fConvPascalText; BOOL fConvPascalCode; BOOL fConvApplesoft; BOOL fConvInteger; BOOL fConvBusiness; BOOL fConvGWP; BOOL fConvText8; BOOL fConvAWP; BOOL fConvADB; BOOL fConvASP; BOOL fConvSCAssem; BOOL fConvDisasm; BOOL fConvHiRes; BOOL fConvDHR; BOOL fConvSHR; BOOL fConvPrintShop; BOOL fConvMacPaint; BOOL fConvProDOSFolder; BOOL fConvResources; BOOL fRelaxGfxTypeCheck; UINT fMaxViewFileSizeKB; protected: virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(void) override; virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) override; afx_msg void OnChange(void); afx_msg void OnChangeRange(UINT); afx_msg LONG OnHelp(UINT wParam, LONG lParam); afx_msg LONG OnCommandHelp(UINT wParam, LONG lParam); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() }; /* * The "compression" page, which lets the user choose a default compression * method for NuFX archives. */ class PrefsFilesPage : public CPropertyPage { public: PrefsFilesPage(void) : CPropertyPage(IDD_PREF_FILES), fReady(false) {} bool fReady; CString fTempPath; CString fExtViewerExts; protected: virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(void) override; virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) override; afx_msg void OnChange(void); afx_msg void OnChooseFolder(void); afx_msg LONG OnHelp(UINT wParam, LONG lParam); afx_msg LONG OnCommandHelp(UINT wParam, LONG lParam); MyBitmapButton fChooseFolderButton; DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() }; /* * Property sheet that wraps around the preferences pages. */ class PrefsSheet : public CPropertySheet { public: /* * Construct the preferences dialog from the individual pages. */ PrefsSheet(CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL); PrefsGeneralPage fGeneralPage; PrefsDiskImagePage fDiskImagePage; PrefsCompressionPage fCompressionPage; PrefsFviewPage fFviewPage; PrefsFilesPage fFilesPage; protected: /* * Enables the context help button. * * We don't seem to get a PreCreateWindow or OnInitDialog, but we can * intercept the WM_NCCREATE message and override the default behavior. */ afx_msg BOOL OnNcCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT cs); /* * Handle the "apply" button. We only want to process updates for property * pages that have been constructed, and they only get constructed when * the user clicks on them. * * We also have to watch out for DDV tests that should prevent the "apply" * from succeeding, e.g. the file viewer size limit. */ afx_msg void OnApplyNow(); /* * Handle a press of the "Help" button by redirecting it back to ourselves * as a WM_COMMANDHELP message. If we don't do this, the main window ends * up getting our WM_COMMAND(ID_HELP) message. * * We still need to define an ID_HELP WM_COMMAND handler in the main window, * or the CPropertySheet code refuses to believe that help is enabled for * the application as a whole. * * The PropertySheet object handles the WM_COMMANDHELP message and redirects * it to the active PropertyPage. Each page must handle WM_COMMANDHELP by * opening an appropriate chapter in the help file. */ afx_msg LONG OnHelp(UINT wParam, LONG lParam); /* * Context help request (question mark button) on something outside of the * property page, most likely the Apply or Cancel button. */ afx_msg void OnIDHelp(void); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() }; #endif /*APP_PREFSDIALOG_H*/