/* * CiderPress * Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved. * See the file LICENSE for distribution terms. */ /* * Functions and data to support the "new disk size" radio buttons. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "NewDiskSize.h" #include "resource.h" /* * Number of blocks in the disks we create. * * These must be in ascending order. */ /*static*/ const NewDiskSize::RadioCtrlMap NewDiskSize::kCtrlMap[] = { { IDC_CONVDISK_140K, 280 }, { IDC_CONVDISK_800K, 1600 }, { IDC_CONVDISK_1440K, 2880 }, { IDC_CONVDISK_5MB, 10240 }, { IDC_CONVDISK_16MB, 32768 }, { IDC_CONVDISK_20MB, 40960 }, { IDC_CONVDISK_32MB, 65535 }, { IDC_CONVDISK_SPECIFY, kSpecified }, }; static const int kEditBoxID = IDC_CONVDISK_SPECIFY_EDIT; /* * Return the #of entries in the table. */ /*static*/ unsigned int NewDiskSize::GetNumSizeEntries(void) { return NELEM(kCtrlMap); } /* * Return the "size" field from an array entry. */ /*static*/ long NewDiskSize::GetDiskSizeByIndex(int idx) { ASSERT(idx >= 0 && idx < NELEM(kCtrlMap)); return kCtrlMap[idx].blocks; } /*static*/ void NewDiskSize::EnableButtons(CDialog* pDialog, BOOL state /*=true*/) { CWnd* pWnd; for (int i = 0; i < NELEM(kCtrlMap); i++) { pWnd = pDialog->GetDlgItem(kCtrlMap[i].ctrlID); if (pWnd != NULL) pWnd->EnableWindow(state); } } /* * Run through the set of radio buttons, disabling any that don't have enough * space to hold the ProDOS volume with the specified parameters. * * The space required is equal to the blocks required for data plus the blocks * required for the free-space bitmap. Since the free-space bitmap size is * smaller for smaller volumes, we have to adjust it for each. * * Pass in the total blocks and #of blocks used on a particular ProDOS volume. * This will compute how much space would be required for larger and smaller * volumes, and enable or disable radio buttons as appropriate. (You can get * these values from DiskFS::GetFreeBlockCount()). */ /*static*/ void NewDiskSize::EnableButtons_ProDOS(CDialog* pDialog, long totalBlocks, long blocksUsed) { CButton* pButton; long usedWithoutBitmap = blocksUsed - GetNumBitmapBlocks_ProDOS(totalBlocks); bool first = true; LOGI("EnableButtons_ProDOS total=%ld used=%ld usedw/o=%ld", totalBlocks, blocksUsed, usedWithoutBitmap); for (int i = 0; i < NELEM(kCtrlMap); i++) { pButton = (CButton*) pDialog->GetDlgItem(kCtrlMap[i].ctrlID); if (pButton == NULL) { LOGI("WARNING: couldn't find ctrlID %d", kCtrlMap[i].ctrlID); continue; } if (kCtrlMap[i].blocks == kSpecified) { pButton->SetCheck(BST_UNCHECKED); pButton->EnableWindow(TRUE); CWnd* pWnd = pDialog->GetDlgItem(kEditBoxID); pWnd->EnableWindow(FALSE); continue; } if (usedWithoutBitmap + GetNumBitmapBlocks_ProDOS(kCtrlMap[i].blocks) <= kCtrlMap[i].blocks) { pButton->EnableWindow(TRUE); if (first) { pButton->SetCheck(BST_CHECKED); first = false; } else { pButton->SetCheck(BST_UNCHECKED); } } else { pButton->EnableWindow(FALSE); pButton->SetCheck(BST_UNCHECKED); } } UpdateSpecifyEdit(pDialog); } /* * Compute the #of blocks needed to hold the ProDOS block bitmap. */ /*static*/long NewDiskSize::GetNumBitmapBlocks_ProDOS(long totalBlocks) { ASSERT(totalBlocks > 0); const int kBitsPerBlock = 512 * 8; int numBlocks = (totalBlocks + kBitsPerBlock-1) / kBitsPerBlock; return numBlocks; } /* * Update the "specify size" edit box. */ /*static*/ void NewDiskSize::UpdateSpecifyEdit(CDialog* pDialog) { CEdit* pEdit = (CEdit*) pDialog->GetDlgItem(kEditBoxID); int i; if (pEdit == NULL) { ASSERT(false); return; } for (i = 0; i < NELEM(kCtrlMap); i++) { CButton* pButton = (CButton*) pDialog->GetDlgItem(kCtrlMap[i].ctrlID); if (pButton == NULL) { LOGI("WARNING: couldn't find ctrlID %d", kCtrlMap[i].ctrlID); continue; } if (pButton->GetCheck() == BST_CHECKED) { if (kCtrlMap[i].blocks == kSpecified) return; break; } } if (i == NELEM(kCtrlMap)) { LOGI("WARNING: couldn't find a checked radio button"); return; } CString fmt; fmt.Format(L"%ld", kCtrlMap[i].blocks); pEdit->SetWindowText(fmt); }