/* * CiderPress * Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved. * See the file LICENSE for distribution terms. */ /* * Application UI classes. */ #ifndef APP_MAIN_H #define APP_MAIN_H #include "ContentList.h" #include "GenericArchive.h" #include "PrefsDialog.h" #include "ActionProgressDialog.h" #include "ProgressCounterDialog.h" #include "AddFilesDialog.h" #include "ExtractOptionsDialog.h" #include "ConvFileOptionsDialog.h" #include "DiskConvertDialog.h" #include "FileNameConv.h" //#include "ProgressCancelDialog.h" /* user-defined window messages */ #define WMU_LATE_INIT (WM_USER+0) #define WMU_START (WM_USER+1) // used by ActionProgressDialog typedef enum { kFilterIndexNuFX = 1, kFilterIndexBinaryII = 2, kFilterIndexACU = 3, kFilterIndexDiskImage = 4, kFilterIndexGeneric = 5, // *.* filter used } FilterIndex; struct FileCollectionEntry; // fwd /* * The main UI window. */ class MainWindow : public CFrameWnd { public: MainWindow(void); ~MainWindow(void); // Overridden functions BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs); //BOOL OnCreateClient( LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext ); void GetClientRect(LPRECT lpRect) const; // get a pointer to the preferences const Preferences* GetPreferences(void) const { return &fPreferences; } Preferences* GetPreferencesWr(void) { return &fPreferences; } // apply an update from the Preferences pages void ApplyNow(PrefsSheet*); // get the text of the next file in the selection list int GetPrevFileText(ReformatHolder* pHolder, CString* pTitle); int GetNextFileText(ReformatHolder* pHolder, CString* pTitle); // update the progress meter void SetProgressBegin(void); int SetProgressUpdate(int percent, const WCHAR* oldName, const WCHAR* newName); void SetProgressEnd(void); // update the progress counter bool SetProgressCounter(const WCHAR* fmt, long val); // handle a double-click in the content view void HandleDoubleClick(void); // do some idle processing void DoIdle(void); // return the title to put at the top of a printout CString GetPrintTitle(void); // raise flag to abort the current print job void SetAbortPrinting(bool val) { fAbortPrinting = val; } bool GetAbortPrinting(void) const { return fAbortPrinting; } static BOOL CALLBACK PrintAbortProc(HDC hDC, int nCode); bool fAbortPrinting; // track printer choice HANDLE fhDevMode; HANDLE fhDevNames; // set flag to abort current operation //void SetAbortOperation(bool val) { fAbortOperation = val; } //bool fAbortOperation; // pause, for debugging void EventPause(int duration); ContentList* GetContentList(void) const { return fpContentList; } void SetActionProgressDialog(ActionProgressDialog* pActionProgress) { fpActionProgress = pActionProgress; } void SetProgressCounterDialog(ProgressCounterDialog* pProgressCounter) { fpProgressCounter = pProgressCounter; } GenericArchive* GetOpenArchive(void) const { return fpOpenArchive; } int GetFileParts(const GenericEntry* pEntry, ReformatHolder** ppHolder) const; // force processing of pending messages BOOL PeekAndPump(); // make a happy noise after successful execution of a command void SuccessBeep(void); // make a not-so-happy noise void FailureBeep(void); // remove a file, returning a helpful message on failure CString RemoveFile(const WCHAR* fileName); // choose the place to put a file bool ChooseAddTarget(DiskImgLib::A2File** ppTargetSubdir, DiskImgLib::DiskFS** ppDiskFS); // try a disk image override dialog int TryDiskImgOverride(DiskImg* pImg, const WCHAR* fileSource, DiskImg::FSFormat defaultFormat, int* pDisplayFormat, bool allowUnknown, CString* pErrMsg); // copy all blocks from one disk image to another DIError CopyDiskImage(DiskImg* pDstImg, DiskImg* pSrcImg, bool bulk, bool partial, ProgressCancelDialog* pPCDialog); // does the currently open archive pathname match? bool IsOpenPathName(const WCHAR* path); // raise a flag to cause a full reload of the open file void SetReopenFlag(void) { fNeedReopen = true; } static void ConfigureReformatFromPreferences(ReformatHolder* pReformat); static ReformatHolder::SourceFormat ReformatterSourceFormat(DiskImg::FSFormat format); // save a buffer of data as a file in a disk image or file archive static bool SaveToArchive(GenericArchive::FileDetails* pDetails, const BYTE* dataBuf, long dataLen, const BYTE* rsrcBuf, long rsrcLen, CString& errMsg, CWnd* pDialog); static const WCHAR kOpenNuFX[]; static const WCHAR kOpenBinaryII[]; static const WCHAR kOpenACU[]; static const WCHAR kOpenDiskImage[]; static const WCHAR kOpenAll[]; static const WCHAR kOpenEnd[]; private: static const WCHAR kModeNuFX[]; static const WCHAR kModeBinaryII[]; static const WCHAR kModeACU[]; static const WCHAR kModeDiskImage[]; // Command handlers afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs); afx_msg LONG OnLateInit(UINT, LONG); //afx_msg LONG OnCloseMainDialog(UINT, LONG); afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy); afx_msg void OnGetMinMaxInfo(MINMAXINFO* pMMI); afx_msg void OnPaint(void); //afx_msg BOOL OnMouseWheel(UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint pt); afx_msg void OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd); afx_msg BOOL OnHelpInfo(HELPINFO* lpHelpInfo); afx_msg BOOL OnQueryEndSession(void); afx_msg void OnEndSession(BOOL bEnding); afx_msg LRESULT OnFindDialogMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); //afx_msg LONG OnHelp(UINT wParam, LONG lParam); afx_msg void OnFileNewArchive(void); afx_msg void OnFileOpen(void); afx_msg void OnFileOpenVolume(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateFileOpenVolume(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnFileReopen(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateFileReopen(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnFileSave(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateFileSave(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnFileClose(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateFileClose(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnFileArchiveInfo(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateFileArchiveInfo(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnFilePrint(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateFilePrint(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnFileExit(void); afx_msg void OnEditCopy(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateEditCopy(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnEditPaste(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateEditPaste(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnEditPasteSpecial(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateEditPasteSpecial(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnEditFind(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateEditFind(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnEditSelectAll(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateEditSelectAll(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnEditInvertSelection(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateEditInvertSelection(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnEditPreferences(void); afx_msg void OnEditSort(UINT id); afx_msg void OnUpdateEditSort(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnActionsView(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsView(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnActionsOpenAsDisk(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsOpenAsDisk(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnActionsAddFiles(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsAddFiles(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnActionsAddDisks(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsAddDisks(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnActionsCreateSubdir(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsCreateSubdir(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnActionsExtract(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsExtract(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnActionsTest(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsTest(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnActionsDelete(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsDelete(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnActionsRename(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsRename(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnActionsEditComment(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsEditComment(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnActionsEditProps(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsEditProps(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnActionsRenameVolume(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsRenameVolume(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnActionsRecompress(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsRecompress(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnActionsConvDisk(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsConvDisk(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnActionsConvFile(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsConvFile(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnActionsConvToWav(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsConvToWav(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnActionsConvFromWav(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsConvFromWav(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnActionsImportBAS(void); afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsImportBAS(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnToolsDiskEdit(void); afx_msg void OnToolsDiskConv(void); afx_msg void OnToolsBulkDiskConv(void); afx_msg void OnToolsSSTMerge(void); afx_msg void OnToolsVolumeCopierVolume(void); afx_msg void OnToolsVolumeCopierFile(void); afx_msg void OnToolsEOLScanner(void); afx_msg void OnToolsTwoImgProps(void); afx_msg void OnToolsDiskImageCreator(void); afx_msg void OnHelpContents(void); afx_msg void OnHelpWebSite(void); afx_msg void OnHelpOrdering(void); afx_msg void OnHelpAbout(void); afx_msg void OnRtClkDefault(void); void ProcessCommandLine(void); void ResizeClientArea(void); void DrawEmptyClientArea(CDC* pDC, const CRect& clientRect); int TmpExtractAndOpen(GenericEntry* pEntry, int threadKind, const WCHAR* modeStr); int TmpExtractForExternal(GenericEntry* pEntry); void DoOpenArchive(const WCHAR* pathName, const WCHAR* ext, int filterIndex, bool readOnly); int LoadArchive(const WCHAR* filename, const WCHAR* extension, int filterIndex, bool readOnly, bool createFile); int DoOpenVolume(CString drive, bool readOnly); void SwitchContentList(GenericArchive* pOpenArchive); void CloseArchiveWOControls(void); void CloseArchive(void); void SetCPTitle(const WCHAR* pathname, GenericArchive* pArchive); void SetCPTitle(void); GenericEntry* GetSelectedItem(ContentList* pContentList); void HandleView(void); void DeleteFileOnExit(const WCHAR* name); void ReopenArchive(void); /* some stuff from Actions.cpp */ //int GetFileText(SelectionEntry* pSelEntry, ReformatHolder* pHolder, // CString* pTitle); void GetFilePart(const GenericEntry* pEntry, int whichThread, ReformatHolder* pHolder) const; /** * this is a test * of whatever the hell this does * whee. */ void DoBulkExtract(SelectionSet* pSelSet, const ExtractOptionsDialog* pExtOpts); bool ExtractEntry(GenericEntry* pEntry, int thread, ReformatHolder* pHolder, const ExtractOptionsDialog* pExtOpts, bool* pOverwriteExisting, bool* pOvwrForAll); int OpenOutputFile(CString* pOutputPath, const PathProposal& pathProp, time_t arcFileModWhen, bool* pOverwriteExisting, bool* pOvwrForAll, FILE** pFp); bool DoBulkRecompress(ActionProgressDialog* pActionProgress, SelectionSet* pSelSet, const RecompressOptionsDialog* pRecompOpts); void CalcTotalSize(LONGLONG* pUncomp, LONGLONG* pComp) const; /* some stuff from Clipboard.cpp */ CString CreateFileList(SelectionSet* pSelSet); static CString DblDblQuote(const WCHAR* str); long GetClipboardContentLen(void); HGLOBAL CreateFileCollection(SelectionSet* pSelSet); CString CopyToCollection(GenericEntry* pEntry, void** pBuf, long* pBufLen); void DoPaste(bool pasteJunkPaths); CString ProcessClipboard(const void* vbuf, long bufLen, bool pasteJunkPaths); CString ProcessClipboardEntry(const FileCollectionEntry* pCollEnt, const WCHAR* pathName, const unsigned char* buf, long remLen); /* some stuff from Tools.cpp */ int DetermineImageSettings(int convertIdx, bool addGzip, DiskImg::OuterFormat* pOuterFormat, DiskImg::FileFormat* pFileFormat, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat* pPhysicalFormat, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pSectorOrder); void BulkConvertImage(const WCHAR* pathName, const WCHAR* targetDir, const DiskConvertDialog& convDlg, CString* pErrMsg); int SSTOpenImage(int seqNum, DiskImg* pDiskImg); int SSTLoadData(int seqNum, DiskImg* pDiskImg, BYTE* trackBuf, long* pBadCount); long SSTGetBufOffset(int track); long SSTCountBadBytes(const BYTE* sctBuf, int count); void SSTProcessTrackData(BYTE* trackBuf); void VolumeCopier(bool openFile); bool EditTwoImgProps(const WCHAR* fileName); void PrintListing(const ContentList* pContentList); // set when one of the tools modifies the file we have open bool fNeedReopen; CToolBar fToolBar; CStatusBar fStatusBar; // currently-open archive, if any GenericArchive* fpOpenArchive; // name of open archive, for display only -- if this is a temporary // file launched from another instance of CP, this won't be the name // of an actual file on disk. CString fOpenArchivePathName; // for display only // archive viewer, open when file is open // NOTE: make a super-class for a tree-structured display or other // kinds of display, so we can avoid the if/then/else. Rename // ContentList to DetailList or FlatList or something. ContentList* fpContentList; // currently selected set of goodies; used when viewing, extracting, etc. //SelectionSet* fpSelSet; // action progress meter, if any ActionProgressDialog* fpActionProgress; // progress counter meter, if any ProgressCounterDialog* fpProgressCounter; // modeless standard "find" dialog CFindReplaceDialog* fpFindDialog; CString fFindLastStr; bool fFindDown; bool fFindMatchCase; bool fFindMatchWholeWord; // our preferences Preferences fPreferences; /* * Manage a list of files that must be deleted before we exit. */ class DeleteList { private: class DeleteListNode { public: DeleteListNode(const CString& name) : fName(name), fPrev(NULL), fNext(NULL) {} ~DeleteListNode(void) {} DeleteListNode* fPrev; DeleteListNode* fNext; CString fName; }; public: DeleteList(void) { fHead = NULL; } ~DeleteList(void) { LOGI("Processing DeleteList (head=0x%08lx)", fHead); DeleteListNode* pNode = fHead; DeleteListNode* pNext; while (pNode != NULL) { pNext = pNode->fNext; if (_wunlink(pNode->fName) != 0) { LOGI(" WARNING: delete of '%ls' failed, err=%d", pNode->fName, errno); } else { LOGI(" Deleted '%ls'", pNode->fName); } delete pNode; pNode = pNext; } LOGI("Processing DeleteList completed"); } void Add(const CString& name) { DeleteListNode* pNode = new DeleteListNode(name); if (fHead != NULL) { fHead->fPrev = pNode; pNode->fNext = fHead; } fHead = pNode; LOGI("Delete-on-exit '%ls'", (LPCWSTR) name); } DeleteListNode* fHead; }; DeleteList fDeleteList; DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() }; #define GET_MAIN_WINDOW() ((MainWindow*)::AfxGetMainWnd()) #define SET_PROGRESS_BEGIN() ((MainWindow*)::AfxGetMainWnd())->SetProgressBegin() #define SET_PROGRESS_UPDATE(perc) \ ((MainWindow*)::AfxGetMainWnd())->SetProgressUpdate(perc, NULL, NULL) #define SET_PROGRESS_UPDATE2(perc, oldName, newName) \ ((MainWindow*)::AfxGetMainWnd())->SetProgressUpdate(perc, oldName, newName) #define SET_PROGRESS_END() ((MainWindow*)::AfxGetMainWnd())->SetProgressEnd() #define SET_PROGRESS_COUNTER(val) \ ((MainWindow*)::AfxGetMainWnd())->SetProgressCounter(NULL, val) #define SET_PROGRESS_COUNTER_2(fmt, val) \ ((MainWindow*)::AfxGetMainWnd())->SetProgressCounter(fmt, val) #define GET_PREFERENCES() ((MainWindow*)::AfxGetMainWnd())->GetPreferences() #define GET_PREFERENCES_WR() ((MainWindow*)::AfxGetMainWnd())->GetPreferencesWr() #endif /*APP_MAIN_H*/