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synced 2025-02-19 11:30:46 +00:00
Make operator= and the copy constructor private in all of the classes in the utility library and the base classes in reformat.
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217 lines
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* CiderPress
* Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
* See the file LICENSE for distribution terms.
* TreeView control containing Windows shell folders.
* Originally based on MFCENUM from "Programming the Windows 95 User
* interface". Enhanced by Selom Ofori as "ShellTree" class. Modified
* extensively.
* ShellTree class.
class ShellTree : public CTreeCtrl {
//enum FindAttribs {type_drive, type_folder};
ShellTree(void) {
fFolderPathValid = false;
virtual ~ShellTree(void) {
Detach(); // we don't own the window handle
* Replace a CTreeCtrl in a dialog box with us. All of the styles are
* copied from the original dialog window.
* Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL ReplaceDlgCtrl(CDialog* pDialog, int treeID);
* Populate the tree, starting from "nFolder".
* Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL PopulateTree(int nFolder = CSIDL_DESKTOP);
* Open up and select My Computer.
void ExpandMyComputer(void);
* Add a new folder to the tree at the currently-selected node. This may
* not actually add a folder if the new folder is at a point in the tree
* below where we have already expanded.
* Returns TRUE on success, or FALSE on failure.
BOOL AddFolderAtSelection(const CString& name);
void GetContextMenu(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
* Gets a handle to the system image list (by just grabbing whatever is
* in place for C:\) and makes it available to the tree control.
* The image list should NOT be deleted.
void EnableImages();
* Retrieves the path of the currently selected string.
* Pass a CString object that will hold the folder path.
* If the path is not in the filesystem(eg MyComputer)
* or none is selected it returns false.
BOOL GetSelectedFolderPath(CString &szFolderPath);
* Retrieves the pointer to the ISHELLFOLDER interface
* of the tree node passed as the parameter.
LPSHELLFOLDER GetParentShellFolder(HTREEITEM folderNode);
* Retrieves the Pointer to an ITEMIDLIST structure that
* identifies the subfolder relative to its parent folder.
* see GetParentShellFolder();
* Retrieves the Pointer to an ITEMIDLIST
* structure that identifies the subfolder relative to the
* desktop. This is a fully qualified Item Identifier
LPITEMIDLIST GetFullyQualifiedID(HTREEITEM folderNode);
* Tunnel into the tree, finding the node that corresponds to the
* requested pathname.
* Sets "resultMsg" to a non-empty string on error.
void TunnelTree(CString path, CString* pResultStr);
// Get the most-recently-set folder path. This will be updated on
// every TVN_SELCHANGED, so add an ON_NOTIFY handler to the parent.
BOOL GetFolderPath(CString* pStr) {
*pStr = fFolderPath;
return fFolderPathValid;
* Respond to TVN_ITEMEXPANDING message.
* If the subtree hasn't been expanded yet, dig in.
void OnFolderExpanding(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
* Handle TVN_DELETEITEM notification by cleaning up our stuff.
void OnDeleteShellItem(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
* Respond to TVN_SELCHANGED notification.
BOOL OnSelectionChange(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
* This does the bulk of the work when the selection changes.
* The filesystem path (if any) to the object is placed in "szFolderPath".
BOOL OnFolderSelected(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult,
CString& szFolderPath);
* Fills a branch of the TreeView control. Given the shell folder (both as
* a shell folder and the fully-qualified item ID list to it) and the parent
* item in the tree (TVI_ROOT to start off), add all the kids to the tree.
* Does not try to add the current entry, as a result of which we don't
* have a root "Desktop" node that everything is a child of. This is okay.
void FillTreeView(LPSHELLFOLDER lpsf,LPITEMIDLIST lpifq, HTREEITEM hParent);
* Add a node to the tree.
* Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
unsigned long ulAttrs, HTREEITEM hParent, HTREEITEM* phPrev);
* Sort function callback for TreeView SortChildrenCB.
static int CALLBACK TreeViewCompareProc(LPARAM, LPARAM, LPARAM);
* Set the TreeView normal and selected icons for the specified entry.
* "lpifq" is the fully-qualified PIDL, LPTV_ITEM is an item in the tree.
void GetNormalAndSelectedIcons(LPITEMIDLIST lpifq, LPTV_ITEM lptvitem);
* Find the tree entry that corresponds to "My Computer".
* Returns a handle to the tree item, or NULL if My Computer wasn't found
* or didn't have any children.
HTREEITEM FindMyComputer(void);
* Given a pointer to the My Computer node in the tree, find the node
* corresponding to the requested drive (which should be of the form
* "C:").
* Returns a pointer to the drive's node on success, or NULL on failure.
HTREEITEM FindDrive(HTREEITEM myComputer, const CString& drive);
* Given a path, search a subtree following the components.
* Pass in the tree's root (it's children will be searched for a
* match with the first path component) and the path to look for
* (which must start and end with '\\').
HTREEITEM SearchTree(HTREEITEM treeNode, const CString& path);
* Tree view element. Each one holds a pointer to the ShellFolder
* object, a pointer to the ItemIDList for the item within the folder,
* and a pointer to the fully-qualified ItemIDList for the item.
typedef struct TVItemData {
//bool alphaSort;
} TVItemData;
CString fFolderPath;
BOOL fFolderPathValid;