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// Copyright © 2016 Zellyn Hunter <zellyn@gmail.com>
package cmd
import (
// ApplesoftCmd is the kong `applesoft` command.
type ApplesoftCmd struct {
Decode DecodeCmd `kong:"cmd,help='Convert a binary Applesoft program to a text LISTing.'"`
// DecodeCmd is the kong `decode` command.
type DecodeCmd struct {
Filename string `kong:"arg,default='-',type='existingfile',help='Binary Applesoft file to read, or “-” for stdin.'"`
Location uint16 `kong:"type='anybaseuint16',default='0x801',help='Starting program location in memory.'"`
Raw bool `kong:"short='r',help='Print raw control codes (no escaping)'"`
// Help displays extended help and examples.
func (d DecodeCmd) Help() string {
return `Examples:
# Dump the contents of HELLO and then decode it.
diskii dump dos33master.dsk HELLO | diskii applesoft decode -`
// Run the `decode` command.
func (d *DecodeCmd) Run(globals *types.Globals) error {
contents, err := helpers.FileContentsOrStdIn(d.Filename)
if err != nil {
return err
listing, err := applesoft.Decode(contents, d.Location)
if err != nil {
return err
if d.Raw {
_, _ = os.Stdout.WriteString(listing.String())
} else {
_, _ = os.Stdout.WriteString(basic.ChevronControlCodes(listing.String()))
return nil