fix(disk/atokens.go): handle partial keywords, improve detokenization/tokenization

This commit is contained in:
April Ayres-Griffiths 2024-05-25 08:09:29 -07:00
parent 2a5efddea2
commit 8f395e8360

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@ -120,6 +120,14 @@ var ApplesoftTokens = map[int]string{
0xEA: "MID$",
var ASPartials = map[string]bool{
"COLOR": true,
"HCOLOR": true,
"SPEED": true,
"SCALE": true,
"-": true,
var ApplesoftReverse map[string]int
var IntegerReverse map[string]int
@ -128,6 +136,9 @@ func init() {
IntegerReverse = make(map[string]int)
for k, v := range ApplesoftTokens {
ApplesoftReverse[v] = k
if v == "PRINT" {
ApplesoftReverse["?"] = k
for k, v := range IntegerTokens {
IntegerReverse[v] = k
@ -334,6 +345,8 @@ func ApplesoftDetoks(data []byte) []byte {
// var lineStart = len(out)
nextAddr = Read16(&srcptr, &length, data)
if nextAddr == 0 {
@ -349,7 +362,7 @@ func ApplesoftDetoks(data []byte) []byte {
lineNum = Read16(&srcptr, &length, data)
ln := fmt.Sprintf("%d", lineNum)
out = append(out, []byte(" "+ln+" ")...)
out = append(out, []byte(ln+" ")...)
if length == 0 {
@ -393,7 +406,9 @@ func ApplesoftDetoks(data []byte) []byte {
t = Read8(&srcptr, &length, data)
out = append(out, []byte("\r\n")...)
out = append(out, []byte("\n")...)
// log.Printf("Line bytes: %+v", out[lineStart:])
inQuote, inRem = false, false
@ -428,6 +443,8 @@ func IntegerDetoks(data []byte) []byte {
var trailingSpace bool
var newTrailingSpace bool = false
// var lineStart = len(out)
// read the line length
lineLen = Read8(&srcptr, &length, data)
@ -548,7 +565,7 @@ func ApplesoftTokenize(lines []string) []byte {
for _, l := range lines {
l = strings.Trim(l, "\r")
l = strings.Trim(l, " \r\n\t")
if l == "" {
@ -556,8 +573,16 @@ func ApplesoftTokenize(lines []string) []byte {
chunk := ""
inqq := false
tmp := strings.SplitN(l, " ", 2)
ln, _ := strconv.Atoi(tmp[0])
rest := strings.Trim(tmp[1], " ")
var rest string
var ln int
if len(tmp) == 1 {
ln = 0
rest = ""
} else {
ln, _ = strconv.Atoi(tmp[0])
rest = strings.Trim(tmp[1], " ")
// lastIsTok := false
linebuffer := make([]byte, 4)
@ -567,31 +592,101 @@ func ApplesoftTokenize(lines []string) []byte {
var lastKeyword string
var inREM bool
for _, ch := range rest {
// case for a single character token, not in string
if codech, ok := ApplesoftReverse[strings.ToUpper(string(ch))]; ok && !inREM && !inqq {
// log.Printf("'%s' (%.2x) is a token... (lastKW=%s, chunk=%s)", string(ch), ch, lastKeyword, chunk)
// 1st - is chunk + string a token?
if chunk != "" {
code, ok := ApplesoftReverse[strings.ToUpper(chunk+string(ch))]
if ok {
if strings.ToUpper(chunk+string(ch)) == "REM" || strings.ToUpper(chunk+string(ch)) == "DATA" {
inREM = true
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, byte(code))
lastKeyword = chunk + string(ch)
chunk = ""
// lastIsTok = true
continue // we absorbed it ... eg. COLOR=
} else {
// chunk wasn't so treat as a string
// log.Printf("output (%s) by itself...", chunk)
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, []byte(chunk)...)
// lastIsTok = false
// lastKeyword = chunk
chunk = ""
// just the symbol
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, byte(codech))
lastKeyword = string(ch)
chunk = ""
// lastIsTok = true
switch {
case ch < 32 || ch > 127:
case inREM && ch != ':':
chunk += string(ch)
case inREM && ch == ':':
if chunk != "" {
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, []byte(chunk)...)
chunk = ""
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, byte(ch))
inREM = false
case inqq && ch != '"':
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, byte(ch))
lastKeyword = ""
// lastIsTok = false
case ch == '"':
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, byte(ch))
lastKeyword = ""
inqq = !inqq
// lastIsTok = false
case !inqq && breakingChar(ch):
case !inqq && breakingChar(ch) && !ASPartials[chunk]:
if chunk != "" {
code, ok := ApplesoftReverse[strings.ToUpper(chunk+string(ch))]
if ok {
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, byte(code))
lastKeyword = strings.ToUpper(chunk + string(ch))
chunk = ""
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, []byte(chunk)...)
chunk = ""
if ch != ' ' {
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, byte(ch))
lastKeyword = ""
if ch != ' ' {
chunk += string(ch)
if lastKeyword != "" {
code, ok := ApplesoftReverse[strings.ToUpper(lastKeyword+chunk)]
if ok {
if strings.ToUpper(lastKeyword+chunk) == "REM" || strings.ToUpper(lastKeyword+chunk) == "DATA" {
inREM = true
linebuffer[len(linebuffer)-1] = byte(code)
lastKeyword = lastKeyword + chunk
chunk = ""
@ -601,6 +696,9 @@ func ApplesoftTokenize(lines []string) []byte {
code, ok := ApplesoftReverse[strings.ToUpper(chunk)]
if ok {
if strings.ToUpper(lastKeyword+chunk) == "REM" || strings.ToUpper(lastKeyword+chunk) == "DATA" {
inREM = true
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, byte(code))
lastKeyword = chunk
chunk = ""
@ -610,6 +708,24 @@ func ApplesoftTokenize(lines []string) []byte {
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, []byte(chunk)...)
//~ for i := 5; i < len(linebuffer)-1; i++ {
//~ if linebuffer[i] == 0xc9 {
//~ log.Printf("Found 0xC9 (-) in linebuffer...")
//~ // minus token...
//~ before := rune(linebuffer[i-1])
//~ after := rune(linebuffer[i+1])
//~ log.Printf("Before = %s, After = %s", string(before), string(after))
//~ if after == '.' || (after >= '0' && after <= '9') {
//~ // number part
//~ if before > 128 || before == ',' || before == 0xD0 {
//~ log.Printf("changing - token at %d to symbol", i)
//~ linebuffer[i] = byte('-')
//~ }
//~ }
//~ }
//~ }
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, 0x00)