mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 21:35:27 +00:00
774 lines
14 KiB
774 lines
14 KiB
package disk
import (
//import "strings"
var ApplesoftTokens = map[int]string{
0x80: "END",
0x81: "FOR",
0x82: "NEXT",
0x83: "DATA",
0x84: "INPUT",
0x85: "DEL",
0x86: "DIM",
0x87: "READ",
0x88: "GR",
0x89: "TEXT",
0x8A: "PR#",
0x8B: "IN#",
0x8C: "CALL",
0x8D: "PLOT",
0x8E: "HLIN",
0x8F: "VLIN",
0x90: "HGR2",
0x91: "HGR",
0x92: "HCOLOR=",
0x93: "HPLOT",
0x94: "DRAW",
0x95: "XDRAW",
0x96: "HTAB",
0x97: "HOME",
0x98: "ROT=",
0x99: "SCALE=",
0x9A: "SHLOAD",
0x9B: "TRACE",
0x9C: "NOTRACE",
0x9D: "NORMAL",
0x9E: "INVERSE",
0x9F: "FLASH",
0xA0: "COLOR=",
0xA1: "POP",
0xA2: "VTAB",
0xA3: "HIMEM:",
0xA4: "LOMEM:",
0xA5: "ONERR",
0xA6: "RESUME",
0xA7: "RECALL",
0xA8: "STORE",
0xA9: "SPEED=",
0xAA: "LET",
0xAB: "GOTO",
0xAC: "RUN",
0xAD: "IF",
0xAF: "&",
0xB0: "GOSUB",
0xB1: "RETURN",
0xB2: "REM",
0xB3: "STOP",
0xB4: "ON",
0xB5: "WAIT",
0xB6: "LOAD",
0xB7: "SAVE",
0xB8: "DEF",
0xB9: "POKE",
0xBA: "PRINT",
0xBB: "CONT",
0xBC: "LIST",
0xBD: "CLEAR",
0xBE: "GET",
0xBF: "NEW",
0xC0: "TAB(",
0xC1: "TO",
0xC2: "FN",
0xC3: "SPC(",
0xC4: "THEN",
0xC5: "AT",
0xC6: "NOT",
0xC7: "STEP",
0xC8: "+",
0xC9: "-",
0xCA: "*",
0xCB: "/",
0xCC: "^",
0xCD: "AND",
0xCE: "OR",
0xCF: ">",
0xD0: "=",
0xD1: "<",
0xD2: "SGN",
0xD3: "INT",
0xD4: "ABS",
0xD5: "USR",
0xD6: "FRE",
0xD7: "SCRN(",
0xD8: "PDL",
0xD9: "POS",
0xDA: "SQR",
0xDB: "RND",
0xDC: "LOG",
0xDD: "EXP",
0xDE: "COS",
0xDF: "SIN",
0xE0: "TAN",
0xE1: "ATN",
0xE2: "PEEK",
0xE3: "LEN",
0xE4: "STR$",
0xE5: "VAL",
0xE6: "ASC",
0xE7: "CHR$",
0xE8: "LEFT$",
0xE9: "RIGHT$",
0xEA: "MID$",
var ApplesoftReverse map[string]int
var IntegerReverse map[string]int
func init() {
ApplesoftReverse = make(map[string]int)
IntegerReverse = make(map[string]int)
for k, v := range ApplesoftTokens {
ApplesoftReverse[v] = k
for k, v := range IntegerTokens {
IntegerReverse[v] = k
var IntegerTokens = map[int]string{
0x00: "HIMEM:",
0x02: "_",
0x03: ":",
0x04: "LOAD",
0x05: "SAVE",
0x06: "CON",
0x07: "RUN",
0x08: "RUN",
0x09: "DEL",
0x0A: ",",
0x0B: "NEW",
0x0C: "CLR",
0x0D: "AUTO",
0x0E: ",",
0x0F: "MAN",
0x10: "HIMEM:",
0x11: "LOMEM:",
0x12: "+",
0x13: "-",
0x14: "*",
0x15: "/",
0x16: "=",
0x17: "#",
0x18: ">=",
0x19: ">",
0x1A: "<=",
0x1B: "<>",
0x1C: "<",
0x1D: "AND",
0x1E: "OR",
0x1F: "MOD",
0x20: "^",
0x21: "+",
0x22: "(",
0x23: ",",
0x24: "THEN",
0x25: "THEN",
0x26: ",",
0x27: ",",
0x28: "\"",
0x29: "\"",
0x2A: "(",
0x2B: "!",
0x2C: "!",
0x2D: "(",
0x2E: "PEEK",
0x2F: "RND",
0x30: "SGN",
0x31: "ABS",
0x32: "PDL",
0x33: "RNDX",
0x34: "(",
0x35: "+",
0x36: "-",
0x37: "NOT",
0x38: "(",
0x39: "=",
0x3A: "#",
0x3B: "LEN(",
0x3C: "ASC(",
0x3D: "SCRN(",
0x3E: ",",
0x3F: "(",
0x40: "$",
0x41: "$",
0x42: "(",
0x43: ",",
0x44: ",",
0x45: ";",
0x46: ";",
0x47: ";",
0x48: ",",
0x49: ",",
0x4A: ",",
0x4B: "TEXT",
0x4C: "GR",
0x4D: "CALL",
0x4E: "DIM",
0x4F: "DIM",
0x50: "TAB",
0x51: "END",
0x52: "INPUT",
0x53: "INPUT",
0x54: "INPUT",
0x55: "FOR",
0x56: "=",
0x57: "TO",
0x58: "STEP",
0x59: "NEXT",
0x5A: ",",
0x5B: "RETURN",
0x5C: "GOSUB",
0x5D: "REM",
0x5E: "LET",
0x5F: "GOTO",
0x60: "IF",
0x61: "PRINT",
0x62: "PRINT",
0x63: "PRINT",
0x64: "POKE",
0x65: ",",
0x66: "COLOR=",
0x67: "PLOT",
0x68: ",",
0x69: "HLIN",
0x6A: ",",
0x6B: "AT",
0x6C: "VLIN",
0x6D: ",",
0x6E: "AT",
0x6F: "VTAB",
0x70: "=",
0x71: "=",
0x72: ")",
0x73: ")",
0x74: "LIST",
0x75: ",",
0x76: "LIST",
0x77: "POP",
0x78: "NODSP",
0x79: "DSP",
0x7A: "NOTRACE",
0x7B: "DSP",
0x7C: "DSP",
0x7D: "TRACE",
0x7E: "PR#",
0x7F: "IN#",
func Read16(srcptr, length *int, buffer []byte) int {
// if *length < 2 {
// *srcptr += *length
// *length = 0
// return 0
// }
//fmt.Printf("-- srcptr=%d, length=%d, len(buffer)=%d\n", *srcptr, *length, len(buffer))
v := int(buffer[*srcptr]) + 256*int(buffer[*srcptr+1])
*srcptr += 2
*length -= 2
return v
func Read8(srcptr, length *int, buffer []byte) byte {
// if *length < 1 {
// *srcptr += *length
// *length = 0
// return 0
// }
//fmt.Printf("-- srcptr=%d, length=%d, len(buffer)=%d\n", *srcptr, *length, len(buffer))
v := buffer[*srcptr]
*srcptr += 1
*length -= 1
return v
func StripText(b []byte) []byte {
c := make([]byte, len(b))
for i, v := range b {
c[i] = v & 127
return c
func ApplesoftDetoks(data []byte) []byte {
//var baseaddr int = 0x801
var srcptr int = 0x00
var length int = len(data)
var out []byte = make([]byte, 0)
if length < 2 {
// not enough here
return []byte("\r\n")
for length > 0 {
var nextAddr int
var lineNum int
var inQuote bool = false
var inRem bool = false
if length < 2 {
nextAddr = Read16(&srcptr, &length, data)
if nextAddr == 0 {
/* output line number */
if length < 2 {
lineNum = Read16(&srcptr, &length, data)
ln := fmt.Sprintf("%d", lineNum)
out = append(out, []byte(" "+ln+" ")...)
if length == 0 {
var t byte = Read8(&srcptr, &length, data)
for t != 0 && length > 0 {
// process token
if t&0x80 != 0 {
/* token */
tokstr, ok := ApplesoftTokens[int(t)]
if ok {
out = append(out, []byte(" "+tokstr+" ")...)
} else {
out = append(out, []byte(" ERROR ")...)
if t == 0xb2 {
inRem = true
} else {
/* simple character */
r := rune(t)
if r == '"' && !inRem {
if !inQuote {
out = append(out, t)
} else {
out = append(out, t)
inQuote = !inQuote
} else if r == ':' && !inRem && !inQuote {
out = append(out, t)
} else if inRem && (r == '\r' || r == '\n') {
out = append(out, []byte("*")...)
} else {
out = append(out, t)
// Advance
t = Read8(&srcptr, &length, data)
out = append(out, []byte("\r\n")...)
inQuote, inRem = false, false
if length == 0 {
return out
func IntegerDetoks(data []byte) []byte {
var srcptr int = 0x00
var length int = len(data)
var out []byte = make([]byte, 0)
if length < 2 {
// not enough here
return []byte("\r\n")
for length > 0 {
// starting state for line
var lineLen byte
var lineNum int
var trailingSpace bool
var newTrailingSpace bool = false
// read the line length
lineLen = Read8(&srcptr, &length, data)
if lineLen == 0 {
break // zero length line found
// read line number
lineNum = Read16(&srcptr, &length, data)
out = append(out, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d ", lineNum))...)
// now process line
var t byte
t = Read8(&srcptr, &length, data)
for t != 0x01 && length > 0 {
if t == 0x03 {
out = append(out, []byte(" :")...)
t = Read8(&srcptr, &length, data)
} else if t == 0x28 {
/* start of quoted text */
out = append(out, 34)
t = Read8(&srcptr, &length, data)
for t != 0x29 && length > 0 {
out = append(out, t&0x7f)
t = Read8(&srcptr, &length, data)
if t != 0x29 {
out = append(out, 34)
t = Read8(&srcptr, &length, data)
} else if t == 0x5d {
/* start of REM statement, run to EOL */
if trailingSpace {
out = append(out, 32)
out = append(out, []byte("REM ")...)
t = Read8(&srcptr, &length, data)
for t != 0x01 && length > 0 {
out = append(out, t&0x7f)
t = Read8(&srcptr, &length, data)
if t != 0x01 {
} else if t >= 0xb0 && t <= 0xb9 {
/* start of integer constant */
if length < 2 {
val := Read16(&srcptr, &length, data)
out = append(out, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d", val))...)
t = Read8(&srcptr, &length, data)
} else if t >= 0xc1 && t <= 0xda {
/* start of variable name */
for (t >= 0xc1 && t <= 0xda) || (t >= 0xb0 && t <= 0xb9) {
/* note no RTF-escaped chars in this range */
out = append(out, t&0x7f)
t = Read8(&srcptr, &length, data)
} else if t < 0x80 {
/* found a token; try to get the whitespace right */
/* (maybe should've left whitespace on the ends of tokens
that are always followed by whitespace...?) */
token, _ := IntegerTokens[int(t)]
if token[0] >= 0x21 && token[0] <= 0x3f || t < 0x12 {
/* does not need leading space */
out = append(out, []byte(token)...)
} else {
/* needs leading space; combine with prev if it exists */
if trailingSpace {
out = append(out, []byte(token)...)
} else {
out = append(out, []byte(" "+token)...)
out = append(out, 32)
if token[len(token)-1] == 32 {
newTrailingSpace = true
t = Read8(&srcptr, &length, data)
} else {
/* should not happen */
t = Read8(&srcptr, &length, data)
trailingSpace = newTrailingSpace
newTrailingSpace = false
if t != 0x01 && length > 0 {
break // must have failed
// ok, new line
out = append(out, []byte("\r\n")...)
return out
func breakingChar(ch rune) bool {
return ch == '(' || ch == ')' || ch == '.' || ch == ',' || ch == ';' || ch == ':' || ch == ' '
func ApplesoftTokenize(lines []string) []byte {
start := 0x801
currAddr := start
buffer := make([]byte, 0)
for _, l := range lines {
l = strings.Trim(l, "\r")
if l == "" {
chunk := ""
inqq := false
tmp := strings.SplitN(l, " ", 2)
ln, _ := strconv.Atoi(tmp[0])
rest := strings.Trim(tmp[1], " ")
linebuffer := make([]byte, 4)
linebuffer[0x02] = byte(ln & 0xff)
linebuffer[0x03] = byte(ln / 0x100)
var lastKeyword string
for _, ch := range rest {
switch {
case inqq && ch != '"':
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, byte(ch))
lastKeyword = ""
case ch == '"':
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, byte(ch))
lastKeyword = ""
inqq = !inqq
case !inqq && breakingChar(ch):
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, []byte(chunk)...)
chunk = ""
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, byte(ch))
lastKeyword = ""
chunk += string(ch)
if lastKeyword != "" {
code, ok := ApplesoftReverse[strings.ToUpper(lastKeyword+chunk)]
if ok {
linebuffer[len(linebuffer)-1] = byte(code)
lastKeyword = lastKeyword + chunk
chunk = ""
code, ok := ApplesoftReverse[strings.ToUpper(chunk)]
if ok {
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, byte(code))
lastKeyword = chunk
chunk = ""
if chunk != "" {
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, []byte(chunk)...)
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, 0x00)
nextAddr := currAddr + len(linebuffer)
linebuffer[0x00] = byte(nextAddr & 0xff)
linebuffer[0x01] = byte(nextAddr / 0x100)
currAddr = nextAddr
buffer = append(buffer, linebuffer...)
buffer = append(buffer, 0x00, 0x00)
return buffer
var reInt = regexp.MustCompile("^(-?[0-9]+)$")
func isInt(s string) (bool, [3]byte) {
if reInt.MatchString(s) {
m := reInt.FindAllStringSubmatch(s, -1)
i, _ := strconv.ParseInt(m[0][1], 10, 32)
return true, [3]byte{0xb9, byte(i % 256), byte(i / 256)}
} else {
return false, [3]byte{0x00, 0x00, 0x00}
func IntegerTokenize(lines []string) []byte {
start := 0x801
currAddr := start
buffer := make([]byte, 0)
var linebuffer []byte
add := func(chunk string) {
if chunk != "" {
if ok, ival := isInt(chunk); ok {
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, ival[:]...)
//fmt.Printf("TOK Integer(%d)\n", int(ival[1])+256*int(ival[2]))
} else {
// Encode strings with high bit (0x80) set
//fmt.Printf("TOK String(%s)\n", strings.ToUpper(chunk))
data := []byte(strings.ToUpper(chunk))
for i, v := range data {
data[i] = v | 0x80
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, data...)
for _, l := range lines {
l = strings.Trim(l, "\r")
if l == "" {
chunk := ""
inqq := false
tmp := strings.SplitN(l, " ", 2)
ln, _ := strconv.Atoi(tmp[0])
rest := strings.Trim(tmp[1], " ")
linebuffer = make([]byte, 3)
linebuffer[0x01] = byte(ln & 0xff)
linebuffer[0x02] = byte(ln / 0x100)
for _, ch := range rest {
switch {
case inqq && ch != '"':
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, byte(ch|0x80))
case ch == ':' && !inqq:
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, 0x03)
case ch == ',' && !inqq:
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, 0x0A)
case ch == ';' && !inqq:
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, 0x45)
case ch == '(' && !inqq:
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, 0x22)
case ch == ')' && !inqq:
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, 0x72)
case ch == '+' && !inqq:
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, 0x12)
case ch == '"':
inqq = !inqq
if inqq {
ch = 0x28
} else {
ch = 0x29
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, byte(ch))
case !inqq && breakingChar(ch):
chunk = ""
//linebuffer = append(linebuffer, byte(ch|0x80))
chunk += string(ch)
code, ok := IntegerReverse[strings.ToUpper(chunk)]
if ok {
//fmt.Printf("TOK Token(%s)\n", chunk)
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, byte(code))
chunk = ""
if chunk != "" {
linebuffer = append(linebuffer, 0x01) // EOL token
nextAddr := currAddr + len(linebuffer)
linebuffer[0x00] = byte(len(linebuffer))
currAddr = nextAddr
buffer = append(buffer, linebuffer...)
// Encode file length
// buffer[0] = byte((len(buffer) - 2) % 256)
// buffer[1] = byte((len(buffer) - 2) / 256)
return buffer
func tst() {
// lines := []string{
// "10 PRINT \"HELLO WORLD!\"",
// "20 GOTO 10",
// }
// b := IntegerTokenize(lines)
// Dump(b)
// os.Exit(1)