
253 lines
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2020-02-11 07:29:55 +00:00
package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.wizardry;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.applefile.AppleFileSource;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.applefile.DefaultAppleFile;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.disk.DefaultAppleFileSource;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.disk.DiskAddress;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.disk.FormattedDisk;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.HexFormatter;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
class Header
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
static String[] typeText = { "header", "maze", "monsters", "rewards", "items",
"characters", "images", "char levels" };
static String[] scenarioNames =
static final int MAZE_AREA = 1;
static final int MONSTER_AREA = 2;
static final int TREASURE_TABLE_AREA = 3;
static final int ITEM_AREA = 4;
static final int CHARACTER_AREA = 5;
static final int IMAGE_AREA = 6;
static final int EXPERIENCE_AREA = 7;
String scenarioTitle;
public int scenarioID;
List<ScenarioData> data = new ArrayList<> (8);
FormattedDisk owner;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
Header (DefaultMutableTreeNode dataNode, FormattedDisk owner)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
this.owner = owner;
AppleFileSource afs = (AppleFileSource) dataNode.getUserObject ();
List<DiskAddress> sectors = afs.getSectors ();
DefaultAppleFile daf = (DefaultAppleFile) afs.getDataSource ();
scenarioTitle = HexFormatter.getPascalString (daf.buffer, 0);
while (scenarioID < scenarioNames.length)
if (scenarioNames[scenarioID++].equals (scenarioTitle))
if (scenarioID > scenarioNames.length)
System.out.println ("Invalid scenario ID : " + scenarioID + " " + scenarioTitle);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
data.add (new ScenarioData (daf.buffer, i, sectors));
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ("Data type Offset Size Units ???\n"
+ "------------ ------ ----- ----- -----\n");
for (ScenarioData sd : data)
text.append (sd + "\n");
daf.setText (text.toString ());
text = new StringBuilder (scenarioTitle + "\n\n");
int ptr = 106;
while (daf.buffer[ptr] != -1)
text.append (HexFormatter.getPascalString (daf.buffer, ptr) + "\n");
ptr += 10;
DefaultAppleFileSource dafs =
new DefaultAppleFileSource ("Header", text.toString (), owner);
dafs.setSectors (data.get (0).sectors);
DefaultMutableTreeNode headerNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode (dafs);
dataNode.add (headerNode);
if (scenarioID > 3)
int totalBlocks = data.get (0).sectors.size ();
linkText ("Text", data.get (0).sectors.get (0), headerNode);
if (scenarioID < 3)
linkPictures ("Alphabet", data.get (0).sectors.get (1), headerNode);
linkPictures ("Graphics", data.get (0).sectors.get (2), headerNode);
linkPictures ("Unknown", data.get (0).sectors.get (3), headerNode);
linkSpells ("Mage spells", data.get (0).sectors.get (totalBlocks - 2), headerNode);
linkSpells ("Priest spells", data.get (0).sectors.get (totalBlocks - 1), headerNode);
if (false && scenarioID <= 2)
System.out.println (printChars (daf.buffer, 1));
System.out.println (printChars (daf.buffer, 2));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void linkText (String title, DiskAddress da, DefaultMutableTreeNode headerNode)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
List<DiskAddress> blocks = new ArrayList<> ();
blocks.add (da);
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (scenarioTitle + "\n\n");
int ptr = 106;
byte[] buffer = owner.getDisk ().readSector (da);
while (buffer[ptr] != -1)
text.append (HexFormatter.getPascalString (buffer, ptr) + "\n");
ptr += 10;
ptr += 2;
text.append ("\n");
while (ptr < 512)
int value = HexFormatter.intValue (buffer[ptr], buffer[ptr + 1]);
text.append (String.format ("%04X %,6d%n", value, value));
ptr += 2;
DefaultAppleFileSource dafs =
new DefaultAppleFileSource (title, text.toString (), owner);
dafs.setSectors (blocks);
DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode (dafs);
node.setAllowsChildren (false);
headerNode.add (node);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void linkPictures (String title, DiskAddress da,
DefaultMutableTreeNode headerNode)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
List<DiskAddress> blocks = new ArrayList<> ();
blocks.add (da);
byte[] buffer = owner.getDisk ().readSector (da);
String text = printChars (buffer, 0);
DefaultAppleFileSource dafs = new DefaultAppleFileSource (title, text, owner);
dafs.setSectors (blocks);
DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode (dafs);
node.setAllowsChildren (false);
headerNode.add (node);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void linkSpells (String title, DiskAddress da,
DefaultMutableTreeNode headerNode)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
List<DiskAddress> blocks = new ArrayList<> ();
blocks.add (da);
int level = 1;
StringBuilder list = new StringBuilder ("Level " + level + ":\n");
byte[] buffer = owner.getDisk ().readSector (da);
String text = HexFormatter.getString (buffer, 0, 512);
String[] spells = text.split ("\n");
for (String s : spells)
if (s.length () == 0)
if (s.startsWith ("*"))
s = s.substring (1);
list.append ("\nLevel " + level + ":\n");
list.append (" " + s + "\n");
DefaultAppleFileSource dafs =
new DefaultAppleFileSource (title, list.toString (), owner);
dafs.setSectors (blocks);
DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode (dafs);
node.setAllowsChildren (false);
headerNode.add (node);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private String printChars (byte[] buffer, int block)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();
for (int i = block * 512; i < (block + 1) * 512; i += 64)
for (int line = 0; line < 8; line++)
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
int value = buffer[i + line + j * 8] & 0xFF;
for (int bit = 0; bit < 7; bit++)
if ((value & 0x01) == 1)
text.append ("O");
text.append (".");
value >>= 1;
text.append (" ");
text.append ("\n");
text.append ("\n");
return text.toString ();
// this could be the base factory class for all Wizardry types
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
class ScenarioData
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int dunno;
int total;
int totalBlocks;
int dataOffset;
int type;
List<DiskAddress> sectors;
public ScenarioData (byte[] buffer, int seq, List<DiskAddress> sectors)
int offset = 42 + seq * 2;
dunno = buffer[offset] & 0xFF;
total = buffer[offset + 16] & 0xFF;
totalBlocks = buffer[offset + 32] & 0xFF;
dataOffset = buffer[offset + 48] & 0xFF;
type = seq;
this.sectors = new ArrayList<> (totalBlocks);
for (int i = dataOffset, max = dataOffset + totalBlocks; i < max; i++)
if (i < sectors.size ())
this.sectors.add (sectors.get (i));
public String toString ()
return String.format ("%-15s %3d %3d %3d %3d", typeText[type], dataOffset,
totalBlocks, total, dunno);
2015-06-01 09:35:51 +00:00