mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 04:29:02 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ public class BasicProgram extends AbstractFile
text.append (lineText);
// Check for a wrappable PRINT statement
// Check for a wrappable PRINT statement
if (wrapPrintAt > 0 && (subline.is (TOKEN_PRINT) || subline.is (TOKEN_INPUT))
&& countChars (text, ASCII_QUOTE) == 2 // just start and end quotes
@ -414,12 +414,8 @@ public class BasicProgram extends AbstractFile
private void addHeader (StringBuilder pgm)
pgm.append ("Name : " + name + "\n");
pgm.append ("Length : $" + HexFormatter.format4 (buffer.length));
pgm.append (" (" + buffer.length + ")\n");
int programLoadAddress = getLoadAddress ();
pgm.append ("Load at : $" + HexFormatter.format4 (programLoadAddress));
pgm.append (" (" + programLoadAddress + ")\n\n");
pgm.append (String.format ("Length : $%04X (%<,d)%n", buffer.length));
pgm.append (String.format ("Load at : $%04X (%<,d)%n%n", getLoadAddress ()));
private int getLoadAddress ()
@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ public class IntegerBasicProgram extends AbstractFile
StringBuilder pgm = new StringBuilder ();
pgm.append ("Name : " + name + "\n");
pgm.append ("Length : $" + HexFormatter.format4 (buffer.length) + " ("
+ buffer.length + ")\n\n");
pgm.append (String.format ("Length : $%04X (%<,d)%n%n", buffer.length));
int ptr = 0;
boolean looksLikeAssembler = checkForAssembler (); // this can probably go
@ -260,20 +259,20 @@ INPUT comands - change comma to semi-colon
remove all DIM of a string variable (not needed)
change string variables to use MID$ - i.e. A$(1,1)(in INT) is MID$(A$,1,1)(in AS basic)
change GOTO or GOSUB with a variable to ON GOTO
change IF statements to ON GOTO where possible and convert to multiple lines.
All statements that follow an IF on the same line are executed whether the statement
change IF statements to ON GOTO where possible and convert to multiple lines.
All statements that follow an IF on the same line are executed whether the statement
is true or not.
change MOD function to X=Y-(INT(Y/Z)*Z)
change "#" to "<>"
change TAB to HTAB
change RND(X) to INT(RND(1)*X)
relocate ML programs and change CALL'S and POKE'S. Since INT programs go from
relocate ML programs and change CALL'S and POKE'S. Since INT programs go from
HIMEM down, binary code is usually in low memory.
These few are not necessary but make for compact code.
change CALL -384 to INVERSE
change CALL -380 to NORMAL
change CALL -936 to HOME
change CALL -936 to HOME
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.applefile.AppleFileSource;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.nib.NibFile;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.nib.V2dFile;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.nib.WozFile;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.nib.WozFile.Sector;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.nib.WozFileOld;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.FileFormatException;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.HexFormatter;
@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ public class AppleDisk implements Disk
// DFB 06,04,02,15 ;12->06,13->04,14->02,15->15
private boolean[] hasData;
private boolean[] isMissing;
// private boolean[] isMissing;
private byte emptyByte = 0;
private ActionListener actionListenerList;
@ -196,7 +195,7 @@ public class AppleDisk implements Disk
diskBuffer = new byte[blocks * sectorSize];
hasData = new boolean[blocks];
isMissing = new boolean[blocks];
// isMissing = new boolean[blocks];
if (debug)
@ -232,7 +231,7 @@ public class AppleDisk implements Disk
sectorSize = trackSize / sectors;
blocks = tracks * sectors;
hasData = new boolean[blocks];
isMissing = new boolean[blocks];
// isMissing = new boolean[blocks];
checkSectorsForData ();
@ -265,7 +264,7 @@ public class AppleDisk implements Disk
blocks = tracks * sectors;
hasData = new boolean[blocks];
isMissing = new boolean[blocks];
// isMissing = new boolean[blocks];
checkSectorsForData ();
@ -290,12 +289,12 @@ public class AppleDisk implements Disk
blocks = tracks * sectors;
hasData = new boolean[blocks];
isMissing = new boolean[blocks];
// isMissing = new boolean[blocks];
checkSectorsForData ();
for (Sector sector : wozFile.getBadSectors ())
isMissing[sector.trackNo * sectors + sector.sectorNo] = true;
// for (Sector sector : wozFile.getBadSectors ())
// isMissing[sector.trackNo * sectors + sector.sectorNo] = true;
private byte[] getPrefix (File path)
@ -420,23 +419,23 @@ public class AppleDisk implements Disk
return !hasData[getDiskAddress (track, sector).getBlock ()];
public boolean isSectorMissing (DiskAddress da)
return isMissing[da.getBlock ()];
public boolean isSectorMissing (int block)
return isMissing[block];
public boolean isSectorMissing (int track, int sector)
return isMissing[getDiskAddress (track, sector).getBlock ()];
// @Override
// public boolean isSectorMissing (DiskAddress da)
// {
// return isMissing[da.getBlock ()];
// }
// @Override
// public boolean isSectorMissing (int block)
// {
// return isMissing[block];
// }
// @Override
// public boolean isSectorMissing (int track, int sector)
// {
// return isMissing[getDiskAddress (track, sector).getBlock ()];
// }
public File getFile ()
@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ public interface Disk extends Iterable<DiskAddress>
public boolean isSectorEmpty (DiskAddress da);
public boolean isSectorMissing (int block);
// public boolean isSectorMissing (int block);
public boolean isSectorMissing (int track, int sector);
// public boolean isSectorMissing (int track, int sector);
public boolean isSectorMissing (DiskAddress da);
// public boolean isSectorMissing (DiskAddress da);
public boolean isValidAddress (int block);
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ abstract class AbstractCatalogEntry implements AppleFileSource
// CATALOG command only formats the LO byte - see Beneath Apple DOS pp4-6
String base = String.format ("%s%s %03d ", (locked) ? "*" : " ", getFileType (),
(entryBuffer[33] & 0xFF));
catalogName = getName (base, entryBuffer);
catalogName = getName (base, entryBuffer).replace ("^", "");
private String getName (String base, byte[] buffer)
@ -126,15 +126,15 @@ class DiskLayoutImage extends DiskPanel implements Scrollable, RedoListener
DiskAddress da = d.getDiskAddress (blockNo);
boolean free = showFreeSectors && formattedDisk.isSectorFree (da);
boolean selected = selectionHandler.isSelected (da);
boolean missing = d.isSectorMissing (da);
drawBlock ((Graphics2D) g, type, x, y, free, selected, missing);
// boolean missing = d.isSectorMissing (da);
drawBlock ((Graphics2D) g, type, x, y, free, selected);
private void drawBlock (Graphics2D g, SectorType type, int x, int y, boolean flagFree,
boolean selected, boolean missing)
boolean selected)
g.setColor (type.colour);
g.fillRect (x + 1, y + 1, blockWidth - 1, blockHeight - 1);
@ -150,13 +150,13 @@ class DiskLayoutImage extends DiskPanel implements Scrollable, RedoListener
g.fillOval (x + centerOffset, y + 6, 3, 3);
if (missing)
g.setColor (Color.black);
g.setStroke (missingStroke);
g.drawLine (x + 5, y + 5, x + 11, y + 11);
g.drawLine (x + 5, y + 11, x + 11, y + 5);
// if (missing)
// {
// g.setColor (Color.darkGray);
// g.setStroke (missingStroke);
// g.drawLine (x + 5, y + 5, x + 11, y + 11);
// g.drawLine (x + 5, y + 11, x + 11, y + 5);
// }
private Color getContrastColor (SectorType type)
@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ class MC3470
List<RawDiskSector> readTrack (byte[] buffer, int offset, int bytesUsed, int bitCount)
throws DiskNibbleException
assert false : "Not used";
int totalBits = 0;
int totalBytes = 0;
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ public class NibbleTrack
public NibbleTrack (byte[] buffer, int length, int bitsUsed)
assert false : "Not used";
this.bitsUsed = bitsUsed;
this.buffer = new byte[length];
System.arraycopy (buffer, 0, this.buffer, 0, length);
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ public class RawDiskSector
RawDiskSector (DiskAddressField addressField)
assert false : "Not used";
this.addressField = addressField;
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.Utility;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public class WozFile
private static final byte[] address16prologue =
{ (byte) 0xD5, (byte) 0xAA, (byte) 0x96 };
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ public class WozFile
{ (byte) 0xD5, (byte) 0xAA, (byte) 0xB5 };
private static final byte[] dataPrologue = { (byte) 0xD5, (byte) 0xAA, (byte) 0xAD };
private static final byte[] epilogue = { (byte) 0xDE, (byte) 0xAA, (byte) 0xEB };
// apparently it can be DE AA Ex
private static final int BLOCK_SIZE = 512;
private static final int SECTOR_SIZE = 256;
@ -34,11 +36,13 @@ public class WozFile
public final File file;
private int diskSectors;
private int diskType;
private int wozVersion;
private byte[] addressPrologue;
private final byte[] diskBuffer;
private final boolean debug = false;
private final boolean debug1 = false;
private final boolean debug2 = false;
List<Sector> badSectors = new ArrayList<> ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
@ -68,7 +72,7 @@ public class WozFile
String chunkId = new String (buffer, ptr, 4);
int size = val32 (buffer, ptr + 4);
if (debug)
if (debug1)
System.out.printf ("%n%s %,9d%n", chunkId, size);
switch (chunkId)
@ -97,11 +101,12 @@ public class WozFile
diskBuffer = new byte[35 * diskSectors * 256];
int ndx = diskSectors == 13 ? 0 : 1;
for (Track track : tracks)
for (Sector sector : track)
if (sector.dataOffset > 0)
sector.pack (diskReader, diskBuffer, SECTOR_SIZE
* (sector.trackNo * diskSectors + interleave[ndx][sector.sectorNo]));
if (diskType == 1)
for (Track track : tracks)
for (Sector sector : track)
if (sector.dataOffset > 0)
sector.pack (diskReader, diskBuffer, SECTOR_SIZE
* (sector.trackNo * diskSectors + interleave[ndx][sector.sectorNo]));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
@ -131,13 +136,13 @@ public class WozFile
wozVersion = val8 (buffer, ptr + 8);
int diskType = val8 (buffer, ptr + 9);
diskType = val8 (buffer, ptr + 9);
int writeProtected = val8 (buffer, ptr + 10);
int synchronised = val8 (buffer, ptr + 11);
int cleaned = val8 (buffer, ptr + 12);
String creator = new String (buffer, ptr + 13, 32);
if (debug)
if (debug1)
String diskTypeText = diskType == 1 ? "5.25" : "3.5";
@ -160,7 +165,7 @@ public class WozFile
setGlobals (bootSectorFormat == 2 ? 13 : 16);
if (debug)
if (debug1)
String bootSectorFormatText =
bootSectorFormat == 0 ? "Unknown" : bootSectorFormat == 1 ? "16 sector"
@ -198,7 +203,7 @@ public class WozFile
ptr += 8;
if (debug)
if (debug1)
String metaData = new String (buffer, ptr, length);
String[] chunks = metaData.split ("\n");
@ -231,7 +236,7 @@ public class WozFile
if (trk.bitCount == 0)
tracks.add (trk);
if (debug)
if (debug2)
System.out.printf ("%n$%02X %s%n", i, trk);
catch (DiskNibbleException e)
@ -299,12 +304,14 @@ public class WozFile
String home = "/Users/denismolony/";
String wozBase1 = home + "Dropbox/Examples/woz test images/WOZ 1.0/";
String wozBase2 = home + "Dropbox/Examples/woz test images/WOZ 2.0/";
String wozBase3 = home + "Dropbox/Examples/woz test images/WOZ 2.0/3.5/";
File[] files = { new File (home + "code/python/wozardry-2.0/bill.woz"),
new File (wozBase2 + "DOS 3.3 System Master.woz"),
new File (wozBase1 + "DOS 3.3 System Master.woz") };
new File (wozBase1 + "DOS 3.3 System Master.woz"),
new File (wozBase3 + "Apple IIgs System Disk 1.1.woz") };
new WozFile (files[2]);
new WozFile (files[3]);
catch (Exception e)
@ -339,15 +346,15 @@ public class WozFile
this.rawBuffer = rawBuffer;
this.trackNo = trackNo;
if (debug)
System.out.println (HexFormatter.format (rawBuffer, ptr, 512, ptr));
if (debug1)
System.out.println (HexFormatter.format (rawBuffer, ptr, 1024, ptr));
if (wozVersion == 1)
bytesUsed = val16 (rawBuffer, ptr + DATA_SIZE);
bitCount = val16 (rawBuffer, ptr + DATA_SIZE + 2);
if (debug)
if (debug1)
System.out.println (
(String.format ("Bytes: %2d, Bits: %,8d%n%n", bytesUsed, bitCount)));
@ -357,8 +364,8 @@ public class WozFile
blockCount = val16 (rawBuffer, ptr + 2);
bitCount = val32 (rawBuffer, ptr + 4);
if (debug)
System.out.println ((String.format ("Start: %4d, Blocks: %2d, Bits: %,8d%n%n",
if (debug1)
System.out.println ((String.format ("%nStart: %4d, Blocks: %2d, Bits: %,8d%n",
startingBlock, blockCount, bitCount)));
@ -384,7 +391,7 @@ public class WozFile
Sector sector = new Sector (this, offset);
if (sectors.size () > 0)
if (debug1 && sectors.size () > 0)
checkDuplicates (sector);
sectors.add (sector);
@ -399,7 +406,7 @@ public class WozFile
for (Sector sector : sectors)
if (sector.isDuplicate (newSector))
System.out.println ("\n*** duplicate ***\n");
System.out.printf ("Duplicate: %s%n", newSector);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
Reference in New Issue
Block a user