mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 11:30:39 +00:00
started combining CharacterV1 and CharacterV4
This commit is contained in:
Executable file → Normal file
Executable file → Normal file
@ -1,25 +1,11 @@
package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.wizardry;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.applefile.AbstractFile;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.Utility;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
class Character extends AbstractFile
public abstract class Character extends AbstractFile
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private static char[] awardsText = ">!$#&*<?BCPKODG@".toCharArray ();
private final Attributes attributes;
private final Statistics stats;
int scenario;
private final List<Spell> spellBook = new ArrayList<> ();
private final List<Baggage> baggageList = new ArrayList<> ();
static String[] races = { "No race", "Human", "Elf", "Dwarf", "Gnome", "Hobbit" };
static String[] alignments = { "Unalign", "Good", "Neutral", "Evil" };
static String[] types =
@ -27,338 +13,12 @@ class Character extends AbstractFile
static String[] statuses =
{ "OK", "Afraid", "Asleep", "Paralyze", "Stoned", "Dead", "Ashes", "Lost" };
int scenario;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
Character (String name, byte[] buffer, int scenario)
Character (String name, byte[] buffer)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
super (name, buffer);
this.scenario = scenario;
attributes = new Attributes ();
stats = new Statistics ();
stats.race = races[buffer[34] & 0xFF];
stats.typeInt = buffer[36] & 0xFF;
stats.type = types[stats.typeInt];
stats.ageInWeeks = Utility.getShort (buffer, 38);
stats.statusValue = buffer[40];
stats.status = statuses[stats.statusValue];
stats.alignment = alignments[buffer[42] & 0xFF];
stats.gold = Utility.getShort (buffer, 52) + Utility.getShort (buffer, 54) * 10000
+ Utility.getShort (buffer, 56) * 100000000L;
stats.experience = Utility.getShort (buffer, 124) + Utility.getShort (buffer, 126) * 10000;
stats.level = Utility.getShort (buffer, 132);
stats.hitsLeft = Utility.getShort (buffer, 134);
stats.hitsMax = Utility.getShort (buffer, 136);
stats.armourClass = buffer[176];
attributes.strength = (buffer[44] & 0xFF) % 16;
if (attributes.strength < 3)
attributes.strength += 16;
attributes.array[0] = attributes.strength;
int i1 = (buffer[44] & 0xFF) / 16;
int i2 = (buffer[45] & 0xFF) % 4;
attributes.intelligence = i1 / 2 + i2 * 8;
attributes.array[1] = attributes.intelligence;
attributes.piety = (buffer[45] & 0xFF) / 4;
attributes.array[2] = attributes.piety;
attributes.vitality = (buffer[46] & 0xFF) % 16;
if (attributes.vitality < 3)
attributes.vitality += 16;
attributes.array[3] = attributes.vitality;
int a1 = (buffer[46] & 0xFF) / 16;
int a2 = (buffer[47] & 0xFF) % 4;
attributes.agility = a1 / 2 + a2 * 8;
attributes.array[4] = attributes.agility;
attributes.luck = (buffer[47] & 0xFF) / 4;
attributes.array[5] = attributes.luck;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public void linkItems (List<Item> itemList)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
boolean equipped;
boolean identified;
int totItems = buffer[58];
stats.assetValue = 0;
for (int ptr = 60; totItems > 0; ptr += 8, totItems--)
int itemID = buffer[ptr + 6] & 0xFF;
if (scenario == 3)
itemID = (itemID + 24) % 256;
if (itemID >= 0 && itemID < itemList.size ())
Item item = itemList.get (itemID);
equipped = (buffer[ptr] == 1);
identified = (buffer[ptr + 4] == 1);
baggageList.add (new Baggage (item, equipped, identified));
stats.assetValue += item.getCost ();
System.out.println (
getName () + " ItemID : " + itemID + " is outside range 0:" + (itemList.size () - 1));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public void linkSpells (List<Spell> spellList)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int index = 0;
for (int i = 138; i < 145; i++)
for (int bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++)
if (((buffer[i] >>> bit) & 0x01) != 0)
spellBook.add (spellList.get (index));
System.out.println (spellList.get (index));
if (++index >= spellList.size ())
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public String getText ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();
text.append ("Character name ..... " + getName ());
text.append ("\n\nRace ............... " + stats.race);
text.append ("\nType ............... " + stats.type);
text.append ("\nAlignment .......... " + stats.alignment);
text.append ("\nStatus ............. " + stats.status);
// text.append ("\nType ............... " + stats.typeInt);
// text.append ("\nStatus ............. " + stats.statusValue);
text.append ("\nGold ............... " + String.format ("%,d", stats.gold));
text.append ("\nExperience ......... " + String.format ("%,d", stats.experience));
text.append ("\nNext level ......... " + String.format ("%,d", stats.nextLevel));
text.append ("\nLevel .............. " + stats.level);
text.append ("\nAge in weeks ....... "
+ String.format ("%,d (%d)", stats.ageInWeeks, (stats.ageInWeeks / 52)));
text.append ("\nHit points left .... " + stats.hitsLeft);
text.append ("\nMaximum hits ....... " + stats.hitsMax);
text.append ("\nArmour class ....... " + stats.armourClass);
text.append ("\nAsset value ........ " + String.format ("%,d", stats.assetValue));
text.append ("\nAwards ............. " + getAwardString ());
text.append ("\nOut ................ " + isOut ());
text.append ("\n\nStrength ........... " + attributes.strength);
text.append ("\nIntelligence ....... " + attributes.intelligence);
text.append ("\nPiety .............. " + attributes.piety);
text.append ("\nVitality ........... " + attributes.vitality);
text.append ("\nAgility ............ " + attributes.agility);
text.append ("\nLuck ............... " + attributes.luck);
int[] spellPoints = getMageSpellPoints ();
text.append ("\n\nMage spell points ..");
for (int i = 0; i < spellPoints.length; i++)
text.append (" " + spellPoints[i]);
spellPoints = getPriestSpellPoints ();
text.append ("\nPriest spell points ");
for (int i = 0; i < spellPoints.length; i++)
text.append (" " + spellPoints[i]);
text.append ("\n\nSpells :");
for (Spell s : spellBook)
text.append ("\n" + s);
text.append ("\n\nItems :");
for (Baggage b : baggageList)
text.append ("\n" + b);
return text.toString ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public void linkExperience (ExperienceLevel exp)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
stats.nextLevel = exp.getExperiencePoints (stats.level);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public int[] getMageSpellPoints ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int[] spells = new int[7];
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
spells[i] = buffer[146 + i * 2];
return spells;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public int[] getPriestSpellPoints ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int[] spells = new int[7];
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
spells[i] = buffer[160 + i * 2];
return spells;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public Long getNextLevel ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return stats.nextLevel;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public String getAwardString ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();
int awards = Utility.getShort (buffer, 206);
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if ((awards & 0x01) != 0)
text.append (awardsText[i]);
awards >>>= 1;
return text.toString ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public boolean isOut ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return (buffer[32] == 1);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public String getType ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return stats.type;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public String getRace ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return stats.race;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public String getAlignment ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return stats.alignment;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public Attributes getAttributes ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return attributes;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public Statistics getStatistics ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return stats;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public Iterator<Baggage> getBaggage ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return baggageList.iterator ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public Iterator<Spell> getSpells ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return spellBook.iterator ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public String toString ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return getName ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public class Baggage
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public Item item;
public boolean equipped;
public boolean identified;
public Baggage (Item item, boolean equipped, boolean identified)
this.item = item;
this.equipped = equipped;
this.identified = identified;
public String toString ()
return String.format ("%s%-15s %,10d", equipped ? "*" : " ", item.getName (),
item.getCost ());
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public class Statistics implements Cloneable
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public String race;
public String type;
public String alignment;
public String status;
public int typeInt;
public int statusValue;
public long gold;
public int experience;
public long nextLevel;
public int level;
public int ageInWeeks;
public int hitsLeft;
public int hitsMax;
public int armourClass;
public int assetValue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public class Attributes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public int strength;
public int intelligence;
public int piety;
public int vitality;
public int agility;
public int luck;
public int[] array = new int[6];
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.wizardry;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.Utility;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
class CharacterV1 extends Character
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private static char[] awardsText = ">!$#&*<?BCPKODG@".toCharArray ();
private final Attributes attributes;
private final Statistics stats;
private final List<Spell> spellBook = new ArrayList<> ();
private final List<Baggage> baggageList = new ArrayList<> ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
CharacterV1 (String name, byte[] buffer, int scenario)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
super (name, buffer);
this.scenario = scenario;
attributes = new Attributes ();
stats = new Statistics ();
stats.race = races[buffer[34] & 0xFF];
stats.typeInt = buffer[36] & 0xFF;
stats.type = types[stats.typeInt];
stats.ageInWeeks = Utility.getShort (buffer, 38);
stats.statusValue = buffer[40];
stats.status = statuses[stats.statusValue];
stats.alignment = alignments[buffer[42] & 0xFF];
stats.gold = Utility.getShort (buffer, 52) + Utility.getShort (buffer, 54) * 10000
+ Utility.getShort (buffer, 56) * 100000000L;
stats.experience = Utility.getShort (buffer, 124) + Utility.getShort (buffer, 126) * 10000;
stats.level = Utility.getShort (buffer, 132);
stats.hitsLeft = Utility.getShort (buffer, 134);
stats.hitsMax = Utility.getShort (buffer, 136);
stats.armourClass = buffer[176];
attributes.strength = (buffer[44] & 0xFF) % 16;
if (attributes.strength < 3)
attributes.strength += 16;
attributes.array[0] = attributes.strength;
int i1 = (buffer[44] & 0xFF) / 16;
int i2 = (buffer[45] & 0xFF) % 4;
attributes.intelligence = i1 / 2 + i2 * 8;
attributes.array[1] = attributes.intelligence;
attributes.piety = (buffer[45] & 0xFF) / 4;
attributes.array[2] = attributes.piety;
attributes.vitality = (buffer[46] & 0xFF) % 16;
if (attributes.vitality < 3)
attributes.vitality += 16;
attributes.array[3] = attributes.vitality;
int a1 = (buffer[46] & 0xFF) / 16;
int a2 = (buffer[47] & 0xFF) % 4;
attributes.agility = a1 / 2 + a2 * 8;
attributes.array[4] = attributes.agility;
attributes.luck = (buffer[47] & 0xFF) / 4;
attributes.array[5] = attributes.luck;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public void linkItems (List<Item> itemList)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
boolean equipped;
boolean identified;
int totItems = buffer[58];
stats.assetValue = 0;
for (int ptr = 60; totItems > 0; ptr += 8, totItems--)
int itemID = buffer[ptr + 6] & 0xFF;
if (scenario == 3)
itemID = (itemID + 24) % 256;
if (itemID >= 0 && itemID < itemList.size ())
Item item = itemList.get (itemID);
equipped = (buffer[ptr] == 1);
identified = (buffer[ptr + 4] == 1);
baggageList.add (new Baggage (item, equipped, identified));
stats.assetValue += item.getCost ();
System.out.println (
getName () + " ItemID : " + itemID + " is outside range 0:" + (itemList.size () - 1));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public void linkSpells (List<Spell> spellList)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int index = 0;
for (int i = 138; i < 145; i++)
for (int bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++)
if (((buffer[i] >>> bit) & 0x01) != 0)
spellBook.add (spellList.get (index));
// System.out.println (spellList.get (index));
if (++index >= spellList.size ())
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public String getText ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();
text.append ("Character name ..... " + getName ());
text.append ("\n\nRace ............... " + stats.race);
text.append ("\nType ............... " + stats.type);
text.append ("\nAlignment .......... " + stats.alignment);
text.append ("\nStatus ............. " + stats.status);
// text.append ("\nType ............... " + stats.typeInt);
// text.append ("\nStatus ............. " + stats.statusValue);
text.append ("\nGold ............... " + String.format ("%,d", stats.gold));
text.append ("\nExperience ......... " + String.format ("%,d", stats.experience));
text.append ("\nNext level ......... " + String.format ("%,d", stats.nextLevel));
text.append ("\nLevel .............. " + stats.level);
text.append ("\nAge in weeks ....... "
+ String.format ("%,d (%d)", stats.ageInWeeks, (stats.ageInWeeks / 52)));
text.append ("\nHit points left .... " + stats.hitsLeft);
text.append ("\nMaximum hits ....... " + stats.hitsMax);
text.append ("\nArmour class ....... " + stats.armourClass);
text.append ("\nAsset value ........ " + String.format ("%,d", stats.assetValue));
text.append ("\nAwards ............. " + getAwardString ());
text.append ("\nOut ................ " + isOut ());
text.append ("\n\nStrength ........... " + attributes.strength);
text.append ("\nIntelligence ....... " + attributes.intelligence);
text.append ("\nPiety .............. " + attributes.piety);
text.append ("\nVitality ........... " + attributes.vitality);
text.append ("\nAgility ............ " + attributes.agility);
text.append ("\nLuck ............... " + attributes.luck);
int[] spellPoints = getMageSpellPoints ();
text.append ("\n\nMage spell points ..");
for (int i = 0; i < spellPoints.length; i++)
text.append (" " + spellPoints[i]);
spellPoints = getPriestSpellPoints ();
text.append ("\nPriest spell points ");
for (int i = 0; i < spellPoints.length; i++)
text.append (" " + spellPoints[i]);
text.append ("\n\nSpells :");
for (Spell s : spellBook)
text.append ("\n" + s);
text.append ("\n\nItems :");
for (Baggage b : baggageList)
text.append ("\n" + b);
return text.toString ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public void linkExperience (ExperienceLevel exp)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
stats.nextLevel = exp.getExperiencePoints (stats.level);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public int[] getMageSpellPoints ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int[] spells = new int[7];
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
spells[i] = buffer[146 + i * 2];
return spells;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public int[] getPriestSpellPoints ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int[] spells = new int[7];
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
spells[i] = buffer[160 + i * 2];
return spells;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public Long getNextLevel ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return stats.nextLevel;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public String getAwardString ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();
int awards = Utility.getShort (buffer, 206);
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if ((awards & 0x01) != 0)
text.append (awardsText[i]);
awards >>>= 1;
return text.toString ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public boolean isOut ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return (buffer[32] == 1);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public String getType ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return stats.type;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public String getRace ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return stats.race;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public String getAlignment ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return stats.alignment;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public Attributes getAttributes ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return attributes;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public Statistics getStatistics ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return stats;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public Iterator<Baggage> getBaggage ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return baggageList.iterator ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public Iterator<Spell> getSpells ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return spellBook.iterator ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public String toString ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return getName ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public class Baggage
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public Item item;
public boolean equipped;
public boolean identified;
public Baggage (Item item, boolean equipped, boolean identified)
this.item = item;
this.equipped = equipped;
this.identified = identified;
public String toString ()
return String.format ("%s%-15s %,10d", equipped ? "*" : " ", item.getName (),
item.getCost ());
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public class Statistics implements Cloneable
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public String race;
public String type;
public String alignment;
public String status;
public int typeInt;
public int statusValue;
public long gold;
public int experience;
public long nextLevel;
public int level;
public int ageInWeeks;
public int hitsLeft;
public int hitsMax;
public int armourClass;
public int assetValue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public class Attributes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public int strength;
public int intelligence;
public int piety;
public int vitality;
public int agility;
public int luck;
public int[] array = new int[6];
@ -3,12 +3,11 @@ package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.wizardry;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.applefile.AbstractFile;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.HexFormatter;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.Utility;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public class CharacterV4 extends AbstractFile
public class CharacterV4 extends Character
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private static int MAX_POSSESSIONS = 8;
@ -98,6 +97,7 @@ public class CharacterV4 extends AbstractFile
super (name, buffer);
this.id = id;
scenario = 4;
inMaze = Utility.getShort (buffer, 33) != 0;
race = Race.values ()[Utility.getShort (buffer, 35)];
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.gui.DataSource;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.pascal.PascalDisk;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.HexFormatter;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.Utility;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.wizardry.Character.Attributes;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.wizardry.Character.Statistics;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.wizardry.CharacterV1.Attributes;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.wizardry.CharacterV1.Statistics;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.wizardry.Header.ScenarioData;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.wizardry.Spell.SpellType;
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public class WizardryScenarioDisk extends PascalDisk
public List<AbstractImage> images;
public List<Item> items;
public List<Character> characters;
public List<CharacterV1> characters;
public List<Spell> spells;
public List<MessageV1> messages;
public List<Monster> monsters;
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ public class WizardryScenarioDisk extends PascalDisk
// makeNodeVisible (node);
// add information about each characters' baggage, spells known etc.
for (Character c : characters)
for (CharacterV1 c : characters)
c.linkItems (items);
c.linkSpells (spells);
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ public class WizardryScenarioDisk extends PascalDisk
+ "HP St In Pi Vi Ag Lu Status\n");
text.append ("------------- ---- -------- -------- ---------- "
+ "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------\n");
for (Character ch : characters)
for (CharacterV1 ch : characters)
Statistics stats = ch.getStatistics ();
Attributes att = ch.getAttributes ();
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ public class WizardryScenarioDisk extends PascalDisk
byte[] data2 = new byte[recLen];
System.arraycopy (buffer, ptr, data2, 0, recLen);
Character c = new Character (name, data2, scenarioHeader.scenarioID);
CharacterV1 c = new CharacterV1 (name, data2, scenarioHeader.scenarioID);
characters.add (c);
addToNode (c, node, blocks, characterSector);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user