mirror of https://github.com/dmolony/DiskBrowser.git synced 2025-02-25 21:29:15 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
Denis Molony 2019-08-04 10:18:58 +10:00
parent 5350214271
commit 6af546ce46
3 changed files with 91 additions and 79 deletions

@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ public class DiskReader13Sector extends DiskReader
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
byte[] decodedBuffer = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE];
// int offset = 0;
// convert legal disk values to actual 5 bit values
for (int i = 0; i < BUFFER_WITH_CHECKSUM_SIZE; i++) // 411 bytes

@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ public class DiskReader16Sector extends DiskReader
// rearrange 342 bytes into 256
byte[] decodedBuffer = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; // 256 bytes
// int offset = 0;
// convert legal disk values to actual 6 bit values
for (int i = 0; i < BUFFER_WITH_CHECKSUM_SIZE; i++) // 343 bytes

@ -35,15 +35,14 @@ public class WozFile
public final File file;
private Info info;
private int diskSectors;
private int diskType;
private int wozVersion;
private byte[] addressPrologue;
private final byte[] diskBuffer;
private final boolean debug1 = false;
private final boolean debug2 = false;
List<Sector> badSectors = new ArrayList<> ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public WozFile (File file) throws DiskNibbleException
@ -78,12 +77,14 @@ public class WozFile
switch (chunkId)
case "INFO": // 60 bytes
info (buffer, ptr);
info = new Info (buffer, ptr);
if (info.wozVersion >= 2)
setSectors (info.bootSectorFormat == 2 ? 13 : 16);
case "TMAP": // 160 bytes
tmap (buffer, ptr);
case "TRKS": // starts at 248
case "TRKS": // starts at 248, data at 256
tracks = trks (buffer, ptr);
case "META":
@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ public class WozFile
diskBuffer = new byte[35 * diskSectors * 256];
int ndx = diskSectors == 13 ? 0 : 1;
if (diskType == 1)
if (info.diskType == 1)
for (Track track : tracks)
for (Sector sector : track)
if (sector.dataOffset > 0)
@ -124,66 +125,7 @@ public class WozFile
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public List<Sector> getBadSectors ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return badSectors;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void info (byte[] buffer, int ptr)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
wozVersion = val8 (buffer, ptr + 8);
diskType = val8 (buffer, ptr + 9);
int writeProtected = val8 (buffer, ptr + 10);
int synchronised = val8 (buffer, ptr + 11);
int cleaned = val8 (buffer, ptr + 12);
String creator = new String (buffer, ptr + 13, 32);
if (debug1)
String diskTypeText = diskType == 1 ? "5.25" : "3.5";
System.out.printf ("Version ............. %d%n", wozVersion);
System.out.printf ("Disk type ........... %d (%s\")%n", diskType, diskTypeText);
System.out.printf ("Write protected ..... %d%n", writeProtected);
System.out.printf ("Synchronized ........ %d%n", synchronised);
System.out.printf ("Cleaned ............. %d%n", cleaned);
System.out.printf ("Creator ............. %s%n", creator);
if (wozVersion >= 2)
int sides = val8 (buffer, ptr + 45);
int bootSectorFormat = val8 (buffer, ptr + 46);
int optimalBitTiming = val8 (buffer, ptr + 47);
int compatibleHardware = val16 (buffer, ptr + 48);
int requiredRam = val16 (buffer, ptr + 50);
int largestTrack = val16 (buffer, ptr + 52);
setGlobals (bootSectorFormat == 2 ? 13 : 16);
if (debug1)
String bootSectorFormatText =
bootSectorFormat == 0 ? "Unknown" : bootSectorFormat == 1 ? "16 sector"
: bootSectorFormat == 2 ? "13 sector" : "Hybrid";
System.out.printf ("Sides ............... %d%n", sides);
System.out.printf ("Boot sector format .. %d (%s)%n", bootSectorFormat,
System.out.printf ("Optimal bit timing .. %d%n", optimalBitTiming);
System.out.printf ("Compatible hardware . %d%n", compatibleHardware);
System.out.printf ("Required RAM ........ %d%n", requiredRam);
System.out.printf ("Largest track ....... %d%n", largestTrack);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void setGlobals (int diskSectors)
private void setSectors (int diskSectors)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
this.diskSectors = diskSectors;
@ -225,8 +167,8 @@ public class WozFile
List<Track> tracks = new ArrayList<> ();
ptr += 8;
int reclen = wozVersion == 1 ? TRK_SIZE : 8;
int max = wozVersion == 1 ? 35 : 160;
int reclen = info.wozVersion == 1 ? TRK_SIZE : 8;
int max = info.wozVersion == 1 ? 35 : 160;
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
@ -320,8 +262,83 @@ public class WozFile
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
class Track implements Iterable<Sector>
class Info
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int wozVersion;
int diskType;
int writeProtected;
int synchronised;
int cleaned;
String creator;
int sides;
int bootSectorFormat;
int optimalBitTiming;
int compatibleHardware;
int requiredRam;
int largestTrack;
Info (byte[] buffer, int ptr)
wozVersion = val8 (buffer, ptr + 8);
diskType = val8 (buffer, ptr + 9);
writeProtected = val8 (buffer, ptr + 10);
synchronised = val8 (buffer, ptr + 11);
cleaned = val8 (buffer, ptr + 12);
creator = new String (buffer, ptr + 13, 32);
if (wozVersion >= 2)
sides = val8 (buffer, ptr + 45);
bootSectorFormat = val8 (buffer, ptr + 46);
optimalBitTiming = val8 (buffer, ptr + 47);
compatibleHardware = val16 (buffer, ptr + 48);
requiredRam = val16 (buffer, ptr + 50);
largestTrack = val16 (buffer, ptr + 52);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public String toString ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();
String diskTypeText = diskType == 1 ? "5.25" : "3.5";
text.append (String.format ("Version ............. %d%n", wozVersion));
text.append (
String.format ("Disk type ........... %d (%s\")%n", diskType, diskTypeText));
text.append (String.format ("Write protected ..... %d%n", writeProtected));
text.append (String.format ("Synchronized ........ %d%n", synchronised));
text.append (String.format ("Cleaned ............. %d%n", cleaned));
text.append (String.format ("Creator ............. %s", creator));
if (wozVersion > 1)
String bootSectorFormatText =
bootSectorFormat == 0 ? "Unknown" : bootSectorFormat == 1 ? "16 sector"
: bootSectorFormat == 2 ? "13 sector" : "Hybrid";
text.append (String.format ("%nSides ............... %d%n", sides));
text.append (String.format ("Boot sector format .. %d (%s)%n", bootSectorFormat,
text.append (String.format ("Optimal bit timing .. %d%n", optimalBitTiming));
text.append (String.format ("Compatible hardware . %d%n", compatibleHardware));
text.append (String.format ("Required RAM ........ %d%n", requiredRam));
text.append (String.format ("Largest track ....... %d", largestTrack));
return text.toString ();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
class Track implements Iterable<Sector>
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int trackNo;
int startingBlock;
@ -349,7 +366,7 @@ public class WozFile
if (debug1)
System.out.println (HexFormatter.format (rawBuffer, ptr, 1024, ptr));
if (wozVersion == 1)
if (info.wozVersion == 1)
bytesUsed = val16 (rawBuffer, ptr + DATA_SIZE);
bitCount = val16 (rawBuffer, ptr + DATA_SIZE + 2);
@ -376,9 +393,9 @@ public class WozFile
if (addressPrologue == null) // WOZ1
if (findNext (address16prologue, ptr) > 0)
setGlobals (16);
setSectors (16);
else if (findNext (address13prologue, ptr) > 0)
setGlobals (13);
setSectors (13);
throw new DiskNibbleException ("No address prologue found");
@ -394,9 +411,6 @@ public class WozFile
if (debug1 && sectors.size () > 0)
checkDuplicates (sector);
sectors.add (sector);
if (sector.dataOffset < 0)
badSectors.add (sector);
@ -416,7 +430,7 @@ public class WozFile
trackIndex = 0;
bitIndex = 0;
if (wozVersion == 1)
if (info.wozVersion == 1)
byteIndex = 256 + trackNo * TRK_SIZE;
byteIndex = startingBlock * BLOCK_SIZE;
@ -496,7 +510,7 @@ public class WozFile
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();
if (wozVersion == 1)
if (info.wozVersion == 1)
text.append (
String.format ("WOZ1: Bytes: %2d, Bits: %,8d%n%n", bytesUsed, bitCount));