mirror of
synced 2025-02-08 17:30:40 +00:00
graphics changes
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,17 +34,20 @@ public abstract class HiResImage extends AbstractFile
// * $C0 PNT $0001 Packed IIGS Super Hi-Res Image (xx) - SHRPictureFile2
// * $C0 PNT $0002 IIGS Super Hi-Res Picture File (APF) - SHRPictureFile
// $C0 PNT $0003 Packed IIGS QuickDraw II PICT File - SHRPictureFile2 *
// $C0 PNT $0004 Packed Super Hi-Res 3200 (Brooks) (yy) - SHRPictureFile2 *
// $C0 PNT $8001
// $C0 PNT $8005
// $C0 PNT $8006
// $C0 PNT $0004 Packed Super Hi-Res 3200 (Brooks) (yy) .3201? - SHRPictureFile2 *
// $C0 PNT $8001 GTv background picture
// $C0 PNT $8005 DreamGraphix document
// $C0 PNT $8006 GIF
// * $C1 PIC $0000 IIGS Super Hi-Res Image (xx) - SHRPictureFile2
// $C1 PIC $0001 IIGS QuickDraw II PICT File - SHRPictureFile2 *
// * $C1 PIC $0002 Super Hi-Res 3200 (Brooks) (yy) - SHRPictureFile2
// $C1 PIC $8001
// $C1 PIC $8002
// $C1 PIC $8003
// * $C1 PIC $0002 Super Hi-Res 3200 (Brooks) (yy) .3200? - SHRPictureFile2
// $C1 PIC $8001 Allison raw image
// $C1 PIC $8002 Thunderscan
// $C1 PIC $8003 DreamGraphix
// $C2 ANI Paintworks animation
// $C3 PAL Paintworks palette
protected static PaletteFactory paletteFactory = new PaletteFactory ();
@ -190,6 +193,8 @@ public abstract class HiResImage extends AbstractFile
auxText = "Super Hi-Res Image (Apple Preferred)";
else if (auxType == 3)
auxText = "Packed QuickDraw II PICT File";
else if (auxType == 4)
auxText = "Packed Super Hi-Res 3200 color image";
auxText = "Unknown aux: " + auxType;
@ -235,10 +240,26 @@ public abstract class HiResImage extends AbstractFile
// Super Hi-res IIGS
protected byte[] unpackBytes (byte[] buffer)
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
byte[] newBuf = new byte[32768 * i]; // keep guessing
unpack (buffer, newBuf);
return newBuf;
catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
return new byte[0];
private void unpack (byte[] buffer, byte[] newBuf) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
// routine found here - http://kpreid.livejournal.com/4319.html
byte[] newBuf = new byte[32768]; // this might be wrong
byte[] fourBuf = new byte[4];
int ptr = 0, newPtr = 0;
@ -276,8 +297,6 @@ public abstract class HiResImage extends AbstractFile
return newBuf;
// Super Hi-res IIGS
@ -41,9 +41,28 @@ public class SHRPictureFile1 extends HiResImage
blocks.add (multipalBlock);
case "PALETTES":
System.out.println ("PALETTES not written");
blocks.add (new Block (kind, data));
case "MASK":
System.out.println ("MASK not written");
blocks.add (new Block (kind, data));
case "PATS":
System.out.println ("PATS not written");
blocks.add (new Block (kind, data));
case "SCIB":
System.out.println ("SCIB not written");
blocks.add (new Block (kind, data));
// case "SuperConvert":
// case "EOA ": // DeluxePaint
// case "PATS":
// case "Platinum Paint":
// blocks.add (new Block (kind, data));
// break;
@ -25,6 +25,17 @@ public class SHRPictureFile2 extends HiResImage
case 0:
System.out.printf (
"%s: PNT aux 0 (Paintworks Packed SHR Image) not written yet%n", name);
int background = HexFormatter.intValue (buffer[0x20], buffer[0x21]);
byte[] palette = new byte[32];
byte[] patterns = new byte[512];
byte[] data = new byte[buffer.length - 0x222];
System.arraycopy (buffer, 0x00, palette, 0, palette.length);
System.arraycopy (buffer, 0x22, patterns, 0, patterns.length);
System.arraycopy (buffer, 0x0222, data, 0, data.length);
this.buffer = unpackBytes (data);
case 1: // packed version of PIC/$00
@ -52,7 +63,7 @@ public class SHRPictureFile2 extends HiResImage
colorTables = new ColorTable[200];
for (int i = 0; i < colorTables.length; i++)
colorTables[i] = new ColorTable (i, buffer, 32000 + i * 32);
colorTables[i] = new ColorTable (i, this.buffer, 32000 + i * 32);
colorTables[i].reverse ();
@ -173,6 +184,7 @@ public class SHRPictureFile2 extends HiResImage
text.append ("\nScreen lines\n\n");
for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
text.append (String.format ("Line: %02X %<3d%n", i));
text.append (HexFormatter.format (buffer, i * 160, 160));
text.append ("\n\n");
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class DataPanel extends JTabbedPane
JTextArea formattedText;
ImagePanel imagePanel; // internal class
boolean debug;
boolean debugMode;
boolean imageVisible = false;
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ class DataPanel extends JTabbedPane
public void setDebug (boolean value)
debug = value;
debugMode = value;
if (currentDataSource instanceof VisicalcFile)
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ class DataPanel extends JTabbedPane
BufferedImage image = dataSource.getImage ();
if (image == null || debug)
if (image == null || debugMode)
removeImage ();
@ -15,8 +15,7 @@ public class DebuggingAction extends AbstractAction
super ("Debugging");
putValue (Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Show debugging information");
putValue (Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke ("ctrl D"));
// putValue (Action.MNEMONIC_KEY, KeyEvent.VK_D);
putValue (Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke ("meta D"));
this.owner = owner;
@ -39,32 +39,32 @@ public class MenuHandler
JMenu helpMenu = new JMenu ("Help");
// File menu items
JMenuItem rootItem = new JMenuItem ("Set root folder...");
JMenuItem refreshTreeItem = new JMenuItem ("Refresh current tree");
final JMenuItem rootItem = new JMenuItem ("Set root folder...");
final JMenuItem refreshTreeItem = new JMenuItem ("Refresh current tree");
JMenuItem executeDiskItem;
JMenuItem printItem = new JMenuItem ("Print output panel...");
JMenuItem closeTabItem = new JMenuItem ();
JMenuItem duplicateItem = new JMenuItem ();
FontAction fontAction;
final JMenuItem printItem = new JMenuItem ("Print output panel...");
final JMenuItem closeTabItem = new JMenuItem ();
final JMenuItem duplicateItem = new JMenuItem ();
final FontAction fontAction;
// Format menu items
final JMenuItem lineWrapItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem ("Line wrap");
final JMenuItem showLayoutItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem ("Show layout panel");
JMenuItem showCatalogItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem ("Show catalog panel");
JMenuItem showFreeSectorsItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem ("Show free sectors");
final JMenuItem showCatalogItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem ("Show catalog panel");
final JMenuItem showFreeSectorsItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem ("Show free sectors");
JMenuItem sector256Item = new JRadioButtonMenuItem ("256 byte sectors");
JMenuItem sector512Item = new JRadioButtonMenuItem ("512 byte blocks");
JMenuItem interleave0Item = new JRadioButtonMenuItem (new InterleaveAction (0));
JMenuItem interleave1Item = new JRadioButtonMenuItem (new InterleaveAction (1));
JMenuItem interleave2Item = new JRadioButtonMenuItem (new InterleaveAction (2));
JMenuItem interleave3Item = new JRadioButtonMenuItem (new InterleaveAction (3));
final JMenuItem sector256Item = new JRadioButtonMenuItem ("256 byte sectors");
final JMenuItem sector512Item = new JRadioButtonMenuItem ("512 byte blocks");
final JMenuItem interleave0Item = new JRadioButtonMenuItem (new InterleaveAction (0));
final JMenuItem interleave1Item = new JRadioButtonMenuItem (new InterleaveAction (1));
final JMenuItem interleave2Item = new JRadioButtonMenuItem (new InterleaveAction (2));
final JMenuItem interleave3Item = new JRadioButtonMenuItem (new InterleaveAction (3));
JMenuItem colourQuirksItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem ("Colour quirks");
JMenuItem monochromeItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem ("Monochrome");
JMenuItem debuggingItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem ("Debugging");
JMenuItem nextPaletteItem = new JMenuItem ("Next Palette");
JMenuItem prevPaletteItem = new JMenuItem ("Previous Palette");
final JMenuItem colourQuirksItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem ("Colour quirks");
final JMenuItem monochromeItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem ("Monochrome");
final JMenuItem debuggingItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem ("Debugging");
final JMenuItem nextPaletteItem = new JMenuItem ("Next Palette");
final JMenuItem prevPaletteItem = new JMenuItem ("Previous Palette");
ButtonGroup paletteGroup = new ButtonGroup ();
@ -240,8 +240,12 @@ class FileEntry extends CatalogEntry implements ProdosConstants
file = new OriginalHiResImage (name, exactBuffer, auxType);
else if (name.endsWith (".BMP") && HiResImage.isBmp (exactBuffer))
file = new OriginalHiResImage (name, exactBuffer, auxType);
else if (name.endsWith (".3200") || name.endsWith (".3201")) // unknown image file
file = new AssemblerProgram (name, exactBuffer, auxType);
else if (name.endsWith (".3200")) // $C1/02
// file = new AssemblerProgram (name, exactBuffer, auxType);
file = new SHRPictureFile2 (name, exactBuffer, 0xC1, 0x02, endOfFile);
else if (name.endsWith (".3201")) // $C0/04
file = new DefaultAppleFile (name, exactBuffer);
// file = new SHRPictureFile2 (name, exactBuffer, 0xC0, 0x04, endOfFile);
else if (name.endsWith (".FNT") && FontFile.isFont (exactBuffer))
file = new FontFile (name, exactBuffer);
else if (ShapeTable.isShapeTable (exactBuffer))
@ -370,6 +374,8 @@ class FileEntry extends CatalogEntry implements ProdosConstants
file = new DefaultAppleFile (name, exactBuffer);
@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ public interface ProdosConstants
int FILE_TYPE_PNT = 0xC0;
int FILE_TYPE_PIC = 0xC1;
int FILE_TYPE_ANI = 0xC2;
int FILE_TYPE_PAL = 0xC3;
int FILE_TYPE_FONT = 0xC8;
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.applefile.AbstractFile;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.disk.FormattedDisk;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.HexFormatter;
class ProdosDirectory extends AbstractFile
class ProdosDirectory extends AbstractFile implements ProdosConstants
private static final String NO_DATE = "<NO DATE>";
private static final String newLine = String.format ("%n");
@ -79,14 +79,24 @@ class ProdosDirectory extends AbstractFile
switch (fileType)
case 4: // Text file
int aux = HexFormatter.intValue (buffer[i + 31], buffer[i + 32]);
subType = String.format ("R=%5d", aux);
case 6: // BIN file
aux = HexFormatter.intValue (buffer[i + 31], buffer[i + 32]);
subType = String.format ("A=$%4X", aux);
if (fileType == FILE_TYPE_PNT && aux == 0)
System.out.printf ("found $C0/00 %s%n", name);
if (fileType == FILE_TYPE_PNT && aux == 3)
System.out.printf ("found $C0/03 %s%n", name);
if (fileType == FILE_TYPE_PNT && aux == 4)
System.out.printf ("found $C0/04 %s%n", name);
if (fileType == FILE_TYPE_PIC && aux == 1)
System.out.printf ("found $C1/01 %s%n", name);
case 0x1A: // AWP file
@ -219,29 +219,6 @@ public class ProdosDisk extends AbstractFormattedDisk
public String toString ()
StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer ();
String newLine = String.format ("%n");
VolumeDirectoryHeader volumeDirectory = (VolumeDirectoryHeader) headerEntries.get (0);
String timeC = volumeDirectory.created == null ? ""
: df.format (volumeDirectory.created.getTime ());
text.append ("Volume name : " + volumeDirectory.name + newLine);
text.append ("Creation date : " + timeC + newLine);
text.append ("ProDOS version : " + volumeDirectory.version + newLine);
text.append ("Min ProDOS version : " + volumeDirectory.minVersion + newLine);
text.append ("Access rights : " + volumeDirectory.access + newLine);
text.append ("Entry length : " + volumeDirectory.entryLength + newLine);
text.append ("Entries per block : " + volumeDirectory.entriesPerBlock + newLine);
text.append ("File count : " + volumeDirectory.fileCount + newLine);
text.append ("Bitmap block : " + volumeDirectory.bitMapBlock + newLine);
text.append ("Total blocks : " + volumeDirectory.totalBlocks + newLine);
return text.toString ();
public DataSource getFormattedSector (DiskAddress da)
@ -275,4 +252,27 @@ public class ProdosDisk extends AbstractFormattedDisk
return ((VolumeDirectoryHeader) headerEntries.get (0)).getSectors ();
return fileEntries.get (fileNo - 1).getSectors ();
public String toString ()
StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer ();
String newLine = String.format ("%n");
VolumeDirectoryHeader volumeDirectory = (VolumeDirectoryHeader) headerEntries.get (0);
String timeC = volumeDirectory.created == null ? ""
: df.format (volumeDirectory.created.getTime ());
text.append ("Volume name : " + volumeDirectory.name + newLine);
text.append ("Creation date : " + timeC + newLine);
text.append ("ProDOS version : " + volumeDirectory.version + newLine);
text.append ("Min ProDOS version : " + volumeDirectory.minVersion + newLine);
text.append ("Access rights : " + volumeDirectory.access + newLine);
text.append ("Entry length : " + volumeDirectory.entryLength + newLine);
text.append ("Entries per block : " + volumeDirectory.entriesPerBlock + newLine);
text.append ("File count : " + volumeDirectory.fileCount + newLine);
text.append ("Bitmap block : " + volumeDirectory.bitMapBlock + newLine);
text.append ("Total blocks : " + volumeDirectory.totalBlocks + newLine);
return text.toString ();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user