package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.disk; import java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import; import; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.nib.NibFile; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.nib.V2dFile; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.nib.WozFile; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.Binary2; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.FileFormatException; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.NuFX; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.Utility; // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public class AppleDisk implements Disk // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { private static final int MAX_INTERLEAVE = 3; private static final int SECTOR_SIZE = 256; private static final int BLOCK_SIZE = 512; public final File file; private final byte[] diskBuffer; // contains the disk contents in memory private final int tracks; // usually 35 for floppy disks private int sectors; // 8 or 16 (or 32 for unidos) private int blocks; // 280 or 560 for floppy disks, higher for HD private int dosVersion; private final int trackSize; // 4096 public int sectorSize; // 256 or 512 private NuFX nuFX; private Binary2 bin2; private WozFile wozFile; private PrefixDiskCopy prefixDiskCopy; private Prefix2mg prefix2mg; private int interleave = 0; private static int[][] interleaveSector = // { { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 }, // None { 0, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 15 }, // Prodos/Pascal { 0, 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 15 }, // Infocom { 0, 6, 12, 3, 9, 15, 14, 5, 11, 2, 8, 7, 13, 4, 10, 1 } }; // CPM // Physical disk interleave: // Info from // Block: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F // Position: 0 8 1 9 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 D 6 E 7 F - Prodos (.PO disks) // Position: 0 7 E 6 D 5 C 4 B 3 A 2 9 1 8 F - Dos (.DO disks) // // DO logical order 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F */ // physical order 0 D B 9 7 5 3 1 E C A 8 6 4 2 F */ // PO logical order 0 E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 F */ // physical order 0 2 4 6 8 A C E 1 3 5 7 9 B D F */ //BYTE CImageBase::ms_SectorNumber[NUM_SECTOR_ORDERS][0x10] = //{ // {0x00,0x08,0x01,0x09,0x02,0x0A,0x03,0x0B, 0x04,0x0C,0x05,0x0D,0x06,0x0E,0x07,0x0F}, // {0x00,0x07,0x0E,0x06,0x0D,0x05,0x0C,0x04, 0x0B,0x03,0x0A,0x02,0x09,0x01,0x08,0x0F}, // {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00} //}; // * TABLE OF PHYSICAL BSECTR NUMBERS // * WHICH CORRESPOND TO THE LOGICAL // * BSECTRS 0-F ON TRACK ZERO... // BHERE2 EQU >* // TABLE EQU $800+BHERE2 // DFB $00,13,11 ;00->00,01->13,02->11 // DFB 09,07,05 ;03->09,04->07;05->05 // DFB 03,01,14 ;06->03,07->01,08->14 // DFB 12,10,08 ;09->12,10->10,11->08 // DFB 06,04,02,15 ;12->06,13->04,14->02,15->15 private boolean[] hasData; private byte emptyByte = 0; private ActionListener actionListenerList; private List blockList; private final boolean debug = false; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public AppleDisk (File file, int tracks, int sectors) throws FileFormatException // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { this (file, tracks, sectors, 0); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public AppleDisk (File file, int tracks, int sectors, int skip) throws FileFormatException // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { assert (file.exists ()) : "No such path :" + file.getAbsolutePath (); assert (!file.isDirectory ()) : "File is directory :" + file.getAbsolutePath (); assert (file.length () <= Integer.MAX_VALUE) : "File too large"; assert (file.length () != 0) : "File empty"; String fileName = file.getName (); int pos = fileName.lastIndexOf ('.'); String suffix = pos > 0 ? fileName.substring (pos + 1) : ""; byte[] buffer = getPrefix (file); // HDV could be a 2mg String prefix = new String (buffer, 0, 4); if ("2mg".equalsIgnoreCase (suffix) || "2IMG".equals (prefix)) { if ("2IMG".equals (prefix)) { prefix2mg = new Prefix2mg (buffer); if (debug) System.out.println (prefix2mg); if (prefix2mg.length > 0) this.blocks = prefix2mg.length / 4096 * 8; // reduce blocks to a multiple of 8 this.sectorSize = 512; this.trackSize = 8 * sectorSize; skip = prefix2mg.headerSize; tracks = blocks / 8; // change parameter! sectors = 8; // change parameter! } else { System.out.println ("Not a 2mg file"); this.blocks = (int) file.length () / 4096 * 8; // reduce blocks to a multiple of 8 tracks = blocks / 8; // change parameter! sectors = 8; // change parameter! this.sectorSize = 512; this.trackSize = sectors * sectorSize; } } else if ("img".equals (suffix) || "dimg".equals (suffix)) { prefixDiskCopy = new PrefixDiskCopy (buffer); blocks = prefixDiskCopy.getBlocks (); this.sectorSize = 512; this.trackSize = 8 * sectorSize; skip = 0x54; tracks = blocks / 8; // change parameter! sectors = 8; // change parameter! } else if (suffix.equalsIgnoreCase ("HDV") || (suffix.equalsIgnoreCase ("po") && tracks > 50)) // ULTIMATE APPLE1 CFFA 3.5.po { //this.blocks = (int) file.length () / 4096 * 8; // reduce blocks to a multiple of 8 this.blocks = tracks * sectors; this.sectorSize = 512; this.trackSize = sectors * sectorSize; } else if (file.length () == 143360 && tracks == 256 && sectors == 8) // wiz4 { this.blocks = tracks * sectors; this.sectorSize = 512; this.trackSize = sectors * sectorSize; } else if (file.length () == 819200 && tracks == 50 && sectors == 32) // unidisk { this.blocks = tracks * sectors; this.sectorSize = 256; this.trackSize = sectors * sectorSize; } else { this.blocks = tracks * sectors; this.sectorSize = (int) file.length () / blocks; this.trackSize = sectors * sectorSize; } if (sectorSize != 256 && sectorSize != 512) throw new FileFormatException ("Invalid sector size : " + sectorSize); this.file = file; this.tracks = tracks; this.sectors = sectors; if (debug) { System.out.printf ("Track size : %d%n", trackSize); System.out.printf ("Sector size : %d%n", sectorSize); System.out.printf ("Tracks : %d%n", tracks); System.out.printf ("Sectors : %d%n", sectors); System.out.printf ("Blocks : %d%n", blocks); } diskBuffer = new byte[blocks * sectorSize]; hasData = new boolean[blocks]; if (debug) { System.out.printf ("DiskBuffer size : %,d%n", diskBuffer.length); System.out.printf ("Skip size : %,d%n", skip); } try (BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream (new FileInputStream (file))) { if (skip > 0) in.skip (skip); (diskBuffer); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace (); System.exit (1); } checkSectorsForData (); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// void switchToDos () // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { sectorSize = 256; sectors = 16; blocks = 560; hasData = new boolean[blocks]; checkSectorsForData (); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// void setNuFX (NuFX nufx) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { this.nuFX = nufx; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// void setBinary2 (Binary2 bin2) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { this.bin2 = bin2; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public AppleDisk (V2dFile disk, int tracks, int sectors) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { this.tracks = tracks; this.sectors = sectors; file = disk.file; diskBuffer = disk.getDiskBuffer (); trackSize = 4096; sectorSize = trackSize / sectors; blocks = tracks * sectors; hasData = new boolean[blocks]; checkSectorsForData (); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public AppleDisk (NibFile disk) // not used yet // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { tracks = 35; trackSize = 4096; file = disk.file; diskBuffer = disk.getDiskBuffer (); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public AppleDisk (WozFile wozFile, int tracks, int sectors) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { this.wozFile = wozFile; this.tracks = tracks; this.sectors = sectors; file = wozFile.file; diskBuffer = wozFile.getDiskBuffer (); if (sectors == 13) { trackSize = 0xD00; sectorSize = 256; } else { trackSize = 0x1000; sectorSize = trackSize / sectors; } blocks = tracks * sectors; hasData = new boolean[blocks]; checkSectorsForData (); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// private byte[] getPrefix (File path) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { byte[] buffer = new byte[0x54]; try (BufferedInputStream file = new BufferedInputStream (new FileInputStream (path))) { (buffer); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace (); System.exit (1); } return buffer; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// private void checkSectorsForData () // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { // force blockList to be rebuilt with the correct number/size of blocks blockList = null; for (DiskAddress da : this) { if (sectorSize == SECTOR_SIZE) // 256 byte sectors { int diskOffset = getBufferOffset (da); hasData[da.getBlockNo ()] = check (diskOffset); } else // 512 byte blocks { int diskOffset1 = getBufferOffset (da, 0); int diskOffset2 = getBufferOffset (da, 1); hasData[da.getBlockNo ()] = check (diskOffset1) || check (diskOffset2); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// private boolean check (int diskOffset) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { for (int i = diskOffset, max = diskOffset + SECTOR_SIZE; i < max; i++) if (diskBuffer[i] != emptyByte) return true; return false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public void setDosVersion (int version) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { this.dosVersion = version; // System.out.printf ("DOS version %02X%n", version); } /* * Routines that implement the Disk interface */ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public int getBlocksPerTrack () // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { return trackSize / sectorSize; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public int getTrackSize () // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { return trackSize; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public int getBlockSize () // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { return sectorSize; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public int getTotalBlocks () // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { return blocks; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public int getTotalTracks () // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { return tracks; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public boolean isBlockEmpty (DiskAddress da) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { return !hasData[da.getBlockNo ()]; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public boolean isBlockEmpty (int block) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { return !hasData[block]; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public boolean isBlockEmpty (int track, int sector) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { return !hasData[getDiskAddress (track, sector).getBlockNo ()]; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public File getFile () // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { return file; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public byte[] readBlock (DiskAddress da) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { byte[] buffer = new byte[sectorSize]; if (da == null) System.out.println ("Disk address is null"); else readBuffer (da, buffer, 0); return buffer; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public byte[] readBlocks (List daList) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { byte[] buffer = new byte[daList.size () * sectorSize]; int ptr = 0; for (DiskAddress da : daList) { // sparse text/PNT/PIC files may have gaps if (da != null && (da.getBlockNo () > 0 || ((AppleDiskAddress) da).zeroFlag ())) readBuffer (da, buffer, ptr); ptr += sectorSize; } return buffer; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public byte[] readBlock (int track, int sector) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { return readBlock (getDiskAddress (track, sector)); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public byte[] readBlock (int block) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { return readBlock (getDiskAddress (block)); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public void writeBlock (DiskAddress da, byte[] buffer) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { writeBuffer (da, buffer); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public void setInterleave (int interleave) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { assert (interleave >= 0 && interleave <= MAX_INTERLEAVE) : "Invalid interleave"; this.interleave = interleave; checkSectorsForData (); if (actionListenerList != null) notifyListeners ("Interleave changed"); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public int getInterleave () // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { return interleave; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public void setBlockSize (int size) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { assert (size == SECTOR_SIZE || size == BLOCK_SIZE) : "Invalid sector size : " + size; if (sectorSize == size) return; sectorSize = size; sectors = trackSize / sectorSize; blocks = tracks * sectors; hasData = new boolean[blocks]; checkSectorsForData (); if (actionListenerList != null) notifyListeners ("Sector size changed"); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public DiskAddress getDiskAddress (int track, int sector) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { if (!isValidAddress (track, sector)) { System.out.println ("Invalid block : " + track + "/" + sector); return null; // return new AppleDiskAddress (this, 0); this was looping 26/07/2016 } return new AppleDiskAddress (this, track, sector); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public DiskAddress getDiskAddress (int block) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { if (!isValidAddress (block)) { System.out.printf ("getDiskAddress: Invalid block : %d of %d%n", block, this.blocks); return null; // return new AppleDiskAddress (this, 0); // this was looping 26/07/2016 } return new AppleDiskAddress (this, block); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public List getDiskAddressList (int... blocks) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { List addressList = new ArrayList<> (); for (int block : blocks) { assert (isValidAddress (block)) : "Invalid block : " + block; addressList.add (new AppleDiskAddress (this, block)); } return addressList; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public boolean isValidAddress (int block) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { return block >= 0 && block < this.blocks; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public boolean isValidAddress (int track, int sector) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { if (dosVersion >= 0x41) { track &= 0x3F; sector &= 0x1F; } // else // System.out.println ("normal dos"); if (track < 0 || track >= this.tracks) return false; if (sector < 0 || sector >= this.sectors) return false; return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public boolean isValidAddress (DiskAddress da) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { return da != null && isValidAddress (da.getTrackNo (), da.getSectorNo ()); } // This is the only method that transfers data from the disk buffer to an output buffer. // It handles sectors of 256 or 512 bytes, and both linear and interleaved sectors. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// private void readBuffer (DiskAddress da, byte[] buffer, int bufferOffset) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { assert da.getDisk () == this : "Disk address not applicable to this disk"; assert sectorSize == SECTOR_SIZE || sectorSize == BLOCK_SIZE : "Invalid sector size : " + sectorSize; assert interleave >= 0 && interleave <= MAX_INTERLEAVE : "Invalid interleave : " + interleave; if (sectorSize == SECTOR_SIZE) { int diskOffset = getBufferOffset (da); System.arraycopy (diskBuffer, diskOffset, buffer, bufferOffset, SECTOR_SIZE); } else { int diskOffset = getBufferOffset (da, 0); System.arraycopy (diskBuffer, diskOffset, buffer, bufferOffset, SECTOR_SIZE); diskOffset = getBufferOffset (da, 1); System.arraycopy (diskBuffer, diskOffset, buffer, bufferOffset + SECTOR_SIZE, SECTOR_SIZE); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// private void writeBuffer (DiskAddress da, byte[] buffer) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { assert da.getDisk () == this : "Disk address not applicable to this disk"; assert sectorSize == SECTOR_SIZE || sectorSize == BLOCK_SIZE : "Invalid sector size : " + sectorSize; assert interleave >= 0 && interleave <= MAX_INTERLEAVE : "Invalid interleave : " + interleave; if (sectorSize == SECTOR_SIZE) { int diskOffset = getBufferOffset (da); System.arraycopy (buffer, 0, diskBuffer, diskOffset, SECTOR_SIZE); } else { int diskOffset = getBufferOffset (da, 0); System.arraycopy (buffer, 0, diskBuffer, diskOffset, SECTOR_SIZE); diskOffset = getBufferOffset (da, 1); System.arraycopy (buffer, SECTOR_SIZE, diskBuffer, diskOffset, SECTOR_SIZE); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// private int getBufferOffset (DiskAddress da) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { assert sectorSize == SECTOR_SIZE; return da.getTrackNo () * trackSize + interleaveSector[interleave][da.getSectorNo ()] * SECTOR_SIZE; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// private int getBufferOffset (DiskAddress da, int seq) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { assert sectorSize == BLOCK_SIZE; assert seq == 0 || seq == 1; return da.getTrackNo () * trackSize + interleaveSector[interleave][da.getSectorNo () * 2 + seq] * SECTOR_SIZE; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public void addActionListener (ActionListener actionListener) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { actionListenerList = AWTEventMulticaster.add (actionListenerList, actionListener); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public void removeActionListener (ActionListener actionListener) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { actionListenerList = AWTEventMulticaster.remove (actionListenerList, actionListener); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public void notifyListeners (String text) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { if (actionListenerList != null) actionListenerList .actionPerformed (new ActionEvent (this, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, text)); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // private AppleFileSource getDetails () // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // { // return new DefaultAppleFileSource (toString (), file.getName (), null); // } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public String toString () // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); String path = file.getAbsolutePath (); String home = System.getProperty ("user.home"); if (path.startsWith (home)) path = "~" + path.substring (home.length ()); text.append (String.format ("Path ......... %s%n", path)); text.append (String.format ("File name .... %s%n", file.getName ())); text.append (String.format ("File size .... %,d%n", file.length ())); text.append (String.format ("Tracks ....... %d%n", tracks)); text.append (String.format ("Sectors ...... %d%n", sectors)); text.append (String.format ("Blocks ....... %,d%n", blocks)); text.append (String.format ("Track size ... %,d%n", trackSize)); text.append (String.format ("Sector size .. %d%n", sectorSize)); text.append (String.format ("Interleave ... %d%n%n", interleave)); if (wozFile != null) text.append (wozFile); else if (nuFX != null) text.append (nuFX); else if (bin2 != null) text.append (bin2); else if (prefixDiskCopy != null) text.append (prefixDiskCopy); else if (prefix2mg != null) text.append (prefix2mg); return Utility.rtrim (text).toString (); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public Iterator iterator () // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { if (blockList == null) { blockList = new ArrayList<> (blocks); for (int block = 0; block < blocks; block++) blockList.add (new AppleDiskAddress (this, block)); } return blockList.iterator (); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public long getBootChecksum () // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { byte[] buffer = readBlock (0, 0); Checksum checksum = new CRC32 (); checksum.update (buffer, 0, buffer.length); return checksum.getValue (); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public void setEmptyByte (byte value) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { emptyByte = value; checkSectorsForData (); } }