package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.dos; import java.awt.Color; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.applefile.AppleFileSource; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.applefile.BootSector; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.disk.AbstractFormattedDisk; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.disk.AppleDisk; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.disk.DefaultAppleFileSource; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.disk.DefaultSector; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.disk.Disk; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.disk.DiskAddress; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.disk.SectorType; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.gui.DataSource; // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public class DosDisk extends AbstractFormattedDisk // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { private static final int ENTRY_SIZE = 35; private static final int CATALOG_TRACK = 17; private static final int VTOC_SECTOR = 0; final DosVTOCSector dosVTOCSector; private final Color green = new Color (0, 200, 0); private final DefaultMutableTreeNode volumeNode; private int freeSectors; private int usedSectors; private final int volumeNo; // for multi-volume disks public final SectorType vtocSector = new SectorType ("VTOC", Color.magenta); public final SectorType catalogSector = new SectorType ("Catalog", green); public final SectorType tsListSector = new SectorType ("TSList",; public final SectorType dataSector = new SectorType ("Data",; public final SectorType dosSector = new SectorType ("DOS", Color.lightGray); protected List deletedFileEntries = new ArrayList<> (); private static boolean debug = false; enum FileType { Text, ApplesoftBasic, IntegerBasic, Binary, Relocatable, SS, AA, BB } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public DosDisk (Disk disk) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { this (disk, 0); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public DosDisk (Disk disk, int volumeNo) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { super (disk); this.volumeNo = volumeNo; sectorTypesList.add (dosSector); sectorTypesList.add (vtocSector); sectorTypesList.add (catalogSector); sectorTypesList.add (tsListSector); sectorTypesList.add (dataSector); DiskAddress da = disk.getDiskAddress (0, 0); byte[] sectorBuffer = disk.readBlock (da); // Boot sector bootSector = new BootSector (disk, sectorBuffer, "DOS", da); da = disk.getDiskAddress (CATALOG_TRACK, VTOC_SECTOR); sectorBuffer = disk.readBlock (da); // VTOC dosVTOCSector = new DosVTOCSector (this, disk, sectorBuffer, da); sectorTypes[da.getBlockNo ()] = vtocSector; DiskAddress catalogStart = disk.getDiskAddress (sectorBuffer[1], sectorBuffer[2]); if (dosVTOCSector.sectorSize != disk.getBlockSize ()) System.out.printf ("%s - invalid sector size : %d%n", disk.getFile ().getName (), dosVTOCSector.sectorSize); if (dosVTOCSector.maxSectors != disk.getBlocksPerTrack ()) System.out.printf ("%s - invalid sectors per track : %d%n", disk.getFile ().getName (), dosVTOCSector.maxSectors); // sectorTypes[CATALOG_TRACK * dosVTOCSector.maxSectors] = vtocSector; // assert (maxTracks == disk.getTotalTracks ()); // assert (dosVTOCSector.maxSectors == disk.getSectorsPerTrack ()); // assert (sectorSize == disk.getBlockSize ()); HFSAssembler.dsk fails this // assert (catalogStart.getTrack () == CATALOG_TRACK); // arcboot.dsk starts the catalog at 17/13 // assert (catalogStart.getSector () == 15); // build list of CatalogEntry objects DefaultMutableTreeNode rootNode = getCatalogTreeRoot (); volumeNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode (); DefaultMutableTreeNode deletedFilesNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode (); rootNode.add (volumeNode); // flag the catalog sectors before any file mistakenly grabs them da = disk.getDiskAddress (catalogStart.getBlockNo ()); do { if (!disk.isValidAddress (da)) break; sectorBuffer = disk.readBlock (da); if (!disk.isValidAddress (sectorBuffer[1], sectorBuffer[2])) break; // The first byte is officially unused, but it always seems to contain 0x00 or 0xFF // See beautifulboot.dsk. // if (sectorBuffer[0] != 0 && (sectorBuffer[0] & 0xFF) != 0xFF && false) // { // System.out // .println ("Dos catalog sector buffer byte #0 invalid : " + sectorBuffer[0]); // break; // } sectorTypes[da.getBlockNo ()] = catalogSector; int track = sectorBuffer[1] & 0xFF; int sector = sectorBuffer[2] & 0xFF; if (!disk.isValidAddress (track, sector)) break; da = disk.getDiskAddress (track, sector); } while (!da.isZero ()); // same loop, but now all the catalog sectors are properly flagged da = disk.getDiskAddress (catalogStart.getBlockNo ()); do { if (!disk.isValidAddress (da)) break; sectorBuffer = disk.readBlock (da); if (!disk.isValidAddress (sectorBuffer[1], sectorBuffer[2])) break; for (int ptr = 11; ptr < 256; ptr += ENTRY_SIZE) { if (sectorBuffer[ptr] == 0) // empty slot, no more catalog entries continue; byte[] entryBuffer = new byte[ENTRY_SIZE]; System.arraycopy (sectorBuffer, ptr, entryBuffer, 0, ENTRY_SIZE); int track = entryBuffer[0] & 0xFF; boolean deletedFlag = (entryBuffer[0] & 0x80) != 0; if (deletedFlag) // deleted file { DeletedCatalogEntry deletedCatalogEntry = new DeletedCatalogEntry (this, da, entryBuffer, dosVTOCSector.dosVersion); deletedFileEntries.add (deletedCatalogEntry); DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode (deletedCatalogEntry); node.setAllowsChildren (false); deletedFilesNode.add (node); } else { CatalogEntry catalogEntry = new CatalogEntry (this, da, entryBuffer); fileEntries.add (catalogEntry); DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode (catalogEntry); node.setAllowsChildren (false); volumeNode.add (node); } } int track = sectorBuffer[1] & 0xFF; int sector = sectorBuffer[2] & 0xFF; if (dosVTOCSector.dosVersion >= 0x41) { track = track & 0x3F; sector = sector & 0x1F; } if (!disk.isValidAddress (track, sector)) break; da = disk.getDiskAddress (sectorBuffer[1], sectorBuffer[2]); } while (!da.isZero ()); // link double hi-res files for (AppleFileSource fe : fileEntries) { String name = fe.getUniqueName (); if (name.endsWith (".AUX")) { String partner1 = name.substring (0, name.length () - 4); String partner2 = partner1 + ".BIN"; for (AppleFileSource fe2 : fileEntries) if (fe2.getUniqueName ().equals (partner1) || fe2.getUniqueName ().equals (partner2)) { ((CatalogEntry) fe2).link ((CatalogEntry) fe); ((CatalogEntry) fe).link ((CatalogEntry) fe2); } } } // add up all the free and used sectors, and label DOS sectors while we're here int lastDosSector = dosVTOCSector.maxSectors * 3; // first three tracks for (DiskAddress da2 : disk) { int blockNo = da2.getBlockNo (); if (blockNo < lastDosSector) // in the DOS region { if (freeBlocks.get (blockNo)) // according to the VTOC ++freeSectors; else { ++usedSectors; if (sectorTypes[blockNo] == usedSector) sectorTypes[blockNo] = dosSector; } } else { if (stillAvailable (da2)) // free or used, ie not specifically labelled ++freeSectors; else ++usedSectors; } if (freeBlocks.get (blockNo) && !stillAvailable (da2)) falsePositives++; if (!freeBlocks.get (blockNo) && stillAvailable (da2)) falseNegatives++; } if (deletedFilesNode.getDepth () > 0) { rootNode.add (deletedFilesNode); deletedFilesNode.setUserObject (getDeletedList ()); makeNodeVisible (deletedFilesNode.getFirstLeaf ()); } volumeNode.setUserObject (getCatalog ()); makeNodeVisible (volumeNode.getFirstLeaf ()); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public int getVolumeNo () // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { return volumeNo; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public void setOriginalPath (Path path) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { super.setOriginalPath (path); // this has already been set in the constructor volumeNode.setUserObject (getCatalog ()); } // Beagle Bros FRAMEUP disk only has one catalog block // ARCBOOT.DSK has a catalog which starts at sector 0C // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public static boolean isCorrectFormat (AppleDisk disk) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { if (false) // testing { disk.setInterleave (1); return true; } int blocksPerTrack = disk.getBlocksPerTrack (); if (blocksPerTrack > 16 && blocksPerTrack != 32) // 32 = unidos { if (debug) System.out.printf ("Blocks per track: %d", blocksPerTrack); return false; } int[] cb = new int[3]; int best = 0; int il = -1; int max = disk.getBlocksPerTrack () == 16 ? 3 : 1; // no interleave for 13 sector? for (int interleave = 0; interleave < max; interleave++) { if (debug) System.out.printf ("Checking interleave %d%n", interleave); disk.setInterleave (interleave); cb[interleave] = checkFormat (disk); if (cb[interleave] >= 15) return true; if (cb[interleave] > best) { best = cb[interleave]; il = interleave; } } if (best == 0) return false; disk.setInterleave (il); return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public String getVersionText () // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { switch (getVersion ()) { case 0x01: return "3.1"; case 0x02: return "3.2"; case 0x03: return "3.3"; case 0x41: return "4.1"; case 0x42: return "4.2"; case 0x43: return "4.3"; default: return "??"; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public int getVersion () // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { return dosVTOCSector.dosVersion; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// private static int checkFormat (AppleDisk disk) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { byte[] buffer = disk.readBlock (0x11, 0x00); // DISCCOMMANDER.DSK uses track 0x17 for the catalog // if (buffer[1] != 0x11) // first catalog track // return 0; if (debug) System.out.printf ("Sectors per track: %02X%n", buffer[53]); if (buffer[53] != 16 && buffer[53] != 13 && buffer[53] != 32) // sectors per track { if (debug) System.out.printf ("Bad sectors per track : %02X%n", buffer[53]); return 0; } // if (buffer[49] < -1 || buffer[49] > 1) // direction of next file save // { // System.out.println ("Bad direction : " + buffer[49]); // // Visicalc data disk had 0xF8 // // return 0; // } int version = buffer[3] & 0xFF; if (debug) System.out.printf ("Version: %02X%n", buffer[3]); if (version > 0x43 && version != 0xFF) { System.out.printf ("Bad version : %02X%n", version); return 0; } int catalogBlocks = countCatalogBlocks (disk, buffer); if (debug) System.out.printf ("Catalog blocks: %s%n", catalogBlocks); return catalogBlocks; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// private static int countCatalogBlocks (AppleDisk disk, byte[] buffer) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { DiskAddress catalogStart = disk.getDiskAddress (buffer[1], buffer[2]); DiskAddress da = disk.getDiskAddress (catalogStart.getBlockNo ()); List catalogAddresses = new ArrayList<> (); do { if (debug) System.out.printf ("Checking: %s%n", da); if (!disk.isValidAddress (da)) { if (debug) System.out.printf ("Invalid address: %s%n", da); return 0; } if (isDuplicate (catalogAddresses, da)) { if (debug) System.out.println ("Catalog looping"); return 0; } buffer = disk.readBlock (da); if (!disk.isValidAddress (buffer[1], buffer[2])) { if (debug) System.out.printf ("Invalid address: %02X %02X%n", buffer[1], buffer[2]); return catalogAddresses.size (); } catalogAddresses.add (da); da = disk.getDiskAddress (buffer[1], buffer[2]); } while (!da.isZero ()); if (debug) System.out.printf ("Catalog blocks: %d%n", catalogAddresses.size ()); return catalogAddresses.size (); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// private static boolean isDuplicate (List catalogAddresses, DiskAddress da) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { for (DiskAddress diskAddress : catalogAddresses) if (diskAddress.getBlockNo () == da.getBlockNo ()) return true; return false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public String toString () // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); text.append (String.format ("Disk name ............. %s%n", getDisplayPath ())); text.append ( String.format ("DOS version ........... %s%n", dosVTOCSector.dosVersion)); text.append ( String.format ("Sectors per track ..... %d%n", dosVTOCSector.maxSectors)); text.append (String.format ("Volume no ............. %d%n", volumeNo)); text.append (String.format ("Interleave ............ %d", disk.getInterleave ())); return text.toString (); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public DataSource getFormattedSector (DiskAddress da) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { SectorType type = sectorTypes[da.getBlockNo ()]; if (type == vtocSector) return dosVTOCSector; if (da.isZero ()) return bootSector; byte[] buffer = disk.readBlock (da); String address = String.format ("%02X %02X", da.getTrackNo (), da.getSectorNo ()); if (type == tsListSector) return new DosTSListSector (getSectorFilename (da), disk, buffer, da); if (type == catalogSector) return new DosCatalogSector (this, disk, buffer, da); if (type == dataSector) return new DefaultSector ( "Data Sector at " + address + " : " + getSectorFilename (da), disk, buffer, da); if (type == dosSector) return new DefaultSector ("DOS sector at " + address, disk, buffer, da); return super.getFormattedSector (da); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public List getFileSectors (int fileNo) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { if (fileEntries.size () > 0 && fileEntries.size () > fileNo) return fileEntries.get (fileNo).getSectors (); return null; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public AppleFileSource getCatalog () // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { String newLine = String.format ("%n"); String line = "- --- --- ------------------------------ ----- -------------" + " -- ---- -------------------" + newLine; StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); text.append (String.format ("Disk : %s%n%n", getDisplayPath ())); text.append ("L Typ Len Name Addr" + " Length TS Data Comment" + newLine); text.append (line); for (AppleFileSource fileEntry : fileEntries) text.append (((CatalogEntry) fileEntry).getDetails () + newLine); text.append (line); text.append (String.format ( " Free sectors: %3d " + "Used sectors: %3d Total sectors: %3d", dosVTOCSector.freeSectors, dosVTOCSector.usedSectors, (dosVTOCSector.freeSectors + dosVTOCSector.usedSectors))); if (dosVTOCSector.freeSectors != freeSectors) text.append (String.format ( "%nActual: Free sectors: %3d " + "Used sectors: %3d Total sectors: %3d", freeSectors, usedSectors, (usedSectors + freeSectors))); String volumeText = volumeNo == 0 ? "" : "Side " + volumeNo + " "; return new DefaultAppleFileSource (volumeText + "Volume " + dosVTOCSector.volume, text.toString (), this); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// private AppleFileSource getDeletedList () // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ("List of files that were deleted from this disk\n"); for (AppleFileSource afs : deletedFileEntries) text.append (((DeletedCatalogEntry) afs).getDetails () + "\n"); return new DefaultAppleFileSource ("Deleted files", text.toString (), this); } /* From * There were actually three versions of DOS 3.3 that Apple released without bumping the version number: The first version that was released had FPBASIC and INTBASIC files that were 50 sectors in size. The second version of DOS 3.3, often referred to as “DOS 3.3e”, appeared at the time the Apple IIe was released. In this version, the FPBASIC and INTBASIC files were 42 sectors in size. The changes introduced at that time included code to turn off the IIe 80-column card at boot time, and an attempt to fix a bug in the APPEND command. This fix reportedly introduced an even worse bug, but as the command was not heavily used it did not make much of an impact on most programmers. The APPEND fix was applied by utilizing some formerly unused space in the DOS 3.3 code. The third version of DOS 3.3 appeared just before the first release of ProDOS. The only mention of this in the press was in the DOSTalk column of Softalk magazine. This final version of DOS 3.3 included a different fix for the APPEND bug, using another bit of unused space in DOS 3.3. With regard to the FPBASIC and INTBASIC files: There were three differences between the 50 sector and the 42 sector versions of the INTBASIC file. Firstly, the $F800-$FFFF section was removed. This area was the code for the Monitor, and with the changes introduced in the Apple IIe, it could cause some things to “break” if the older Monitor code was executed. Secondly, a FOR/NEXT bug in Integer BASIC was fixed. Finally, there was a three-byte bug in the Programmer’s Aid ROM #1 chip. The code for this chip was included in the INTBASIC file, and could therefore be patched. */ }