# Apple II Disk Browser ### Features - Cross-platform (Windows, MacOS, Linux) - Disk formats - DOS - Prodos - Pascal - CPM - HDV - 2mg - shrinkIt, gzip, zip - hybrid disks - woz - Unidos - File Formats - Applesoft and Integer Basic - Pascal - 6502 - Appleworks - Visicalc - Graphics files - Disk Internals - Wizardry - Infocom - Track / Sector / Block display - Comprehensive disk listing ### Documentation * [Usage](resources/usage.md) ### Installation * Install the **latest** version of the [JDK](https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/). * Download DiskBrowser.jar from the [releases](https://github.com/dmolony/diskbrowser/releases) page. * Double-click the jar file, or enter 'java -jar DiskBrowser.jar' in the terminal. * Set your root folder (the top-level folder where you keep your disk images). ### Example Screens #### Disk listing Select a disk from the Disk Tree tab to display the catalog and disk layout. ![Disk listing](resources/disk1.png?raw=true "Disk listing") #### Disk contents Double-click a disk from the Disk Tree tab and a new tab appears. This tab contains a list of all the files on the disk. Click on a file and the Output panel will display the contents of that file. The disk sectors containing the file will also be highlighted in the Disk Layout panel. ![Disk catalog](resources/disk2.png?raw=true "Disk catalog") #### Detailed sector display Click on any sector in the Disk Layout panel and the Output panel will display the contents of that sector. If it is a recognised sector type, it will be formatted for easier reading. ![Sector details](resources/sector.png?raw=true "Sector details") #### Cross-platform Java runs on Windows, MacOS and Linux. ![Windows](resources/windows.png?raw=true "Windows") #### Graphics ![Graphics](resources/graphics.png?raw=true "Graphics") #### Applesoft Formatting and Analysis Applesoft programs are displayed in a modern, easily-readable format. A comprehensive cross-listing of variables, strings, calls and jumps is available. Easily find duplicate variable names. For the truly retro look, programs can be displayed in the [original 40-column line wrap](resources/basic.md) mode. ![Applesoft](resources/basic.png?raw=true "Applesoft") #### Pascal code ![Pascal](resources/pascal1.png?raw=true "Pascal text") ![Pascal](resources/pascal2.png?raw=true "Pascal internals") #### Infocom ![Infocom](resources/zork.png?raw=true "Infocom") #### Wizardry Wizardry scenarios 1 to 3 are reasonably complete, Wizardry IV and V are partially done. For a dedicated Wizardry application see [WizardryApp](https://github.com/dmolony/MazeWalker) ![Wizardry](resources/wizardry.png?raw=true "Wizardry") Scenarios 4 and 5 come on multiple disks, and they need to be named so that the only difference between disk names is the identifier before the '.dsk' suffix. ![Wizardry](resources/wizardry4.png?raw=true "Wizardry IV") #### Visicalc DiskBrowser has an inbuilt Visicalc processor which will evaluate the sheet and display the results. ![Visicalc](resources/visicalc.png?raw=true "Visicalc") #### Complete Disk List Generates a list of all the disks in your collection. The list can be sorted by any of the table headings. Checksums can be generated as needed, or for the whole collection. ![Disk List](resources/disklist.png?raw=true "Disk List") Select a disk and click the duplicates button to see all of the disks that share the same checksum. ![Duplicates](resources/duplicates.png?raw=true "Duplicates")