package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.visicalc; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; // // Functions: // @AVERAGE // @NPV // @LOOKUP(v,range) // @NA // @ERROR // @PI // @ABS // @INT // @EXP // @SQRT // @LN // @LOG10 // @SIN // @ASIN // @COS // @ACOS // @TAN // @ATAN abstract class Function implements Value { private static final Pattern rangePattern = Pattern .compile ("\\(([A-B]?[A-Z])([0-9]{1,3})\\.\\.\\.([A-B]?[A-Z])([0-9]{1,3})\\)?"); private static final Pattern addressList = Pattern.compile ("\\(([^,]+(,[^,]+)*)\\)"); Sheet parent; String functionText; static Function getInstance (Sheet parent, String text) { if (text.startsWith ("@LOOKUP(")) return new Lookup (parent, text); if (text.startsWith ("@COUNT(")) return new Count (parent, text); if (text.startsWith ("@MIN(")) return new Min (parent, text); if (text.startsWith ("@MAX(")) return new Max (parent, text); if (text.startsWith ("@SUM(")) return new Sum (parent, text); if (text.startsWith ("@IF(")) return new If (parent, text); if (text.startsWith ("@OR(")) return new Or (parent, text); if (text.startsWith ("@AND(")) return new And (parent, text); if (text.startsWith ("@ISERROR(")) return new IsError (parent, text); if (text.startsWith ("@ERROR(")) return new Error (parent, text); System.out.printf ("Unknown function: %s%n", text); return new Error (parent, "@ERROR()"); } Function (Sheet parent, String text) { this.parent = parent; // get function's parameter string int pos = text.indexOf ('('); this.functionText = text.substring (pos + 1, text.length () - 1); } protected Range getRange (String text) { Range range = null; Matcher m = rangePattern.matcher (text); if (m.find ()) { Address fromAddress = new Address ( (1), (2)); Address toAddress = new Address ( (3), (4)); range = new Range (fromAddress, toAddress); } if (range != null) return range; m = addressList.matcher (text); if (m.find ()) { String[] cells = (1).split (","); range = new Range (cells); } if (range != null) return range; int pos = text.indexOf ("..."); if (pos > 0) { String from = text.substring (0, pos); String to = text.substring (pos + 3); Address fromAddress = new Address (from); Address toAddress = new Address (to); range = new Range (fromAddress, toAddress); } if (range == null) System.out.printf ("null range [%s]%n", text); return range; } @Override public String toString () { return String.format ("Function: %s", functionText); } }