package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.disk; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.cpm.CPMDisk; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.dos.DosDisk; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.infocom.InfocomDisk; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.pascal.PascalDisk; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.prodos.ProdosDisk; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.FileFormatException; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.NuFX; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.wizardry.Wizardry4BootDisk; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.wizardry.WizardryScenarioDisk; public class DiskFactory { private static boolean debug = false; private DiskFactory () { } public static FormattedDisk createDisk (File file) { return createDisk (file.getAbsolutePath ()); } public static FormattedDisk createDisk (String path) { if (debug) System.out.println ("Factory : " + path); File file = new File (path); if (!file.exists ()) return null; String suffix = path.substring (path.lastIndexOf (".") + 1).toLowerCase (); Boolean compressed = false; Path p = Paths.get (path); if (suffix.equals ("sdk")) { try { NuFX nuFX = new NuFX (p); File tmp = File.createTempFile ("sdk", null); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream (tmp); fos.write (nuFX.getBuffer ()); fos.close (); tmp.deleteOnExit (); file = tmp; suffix = "dsk"; compressed = true; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace (); return null; } catch (FileFormatException e) { return null; } } else if (suffix.equals ("gz")) // will be .dsk.gz { try { InputStream in = new GZIPInputStream (new FileInputStream (path)); File tmp = File.createTempFile ("gzip", null); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream (tmp); int bytesRead; byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; while ((bytesRead = (buffer)) > 0) fos.write (buffer, 0, bytesRead); fos.close (); in.close (); tmp.deleteOnExit (); file = tmp; suffix = "dsk"; compressed = true; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace (); return null; } } FormattedDisk disk = null; FormattedDisk disk2 = null; if (suffix.equals ("hdv")) { ProdosDisk prodosDisk = checkHardDisk (file); if (prodosDisk != null) return prodosDisk; disk2 = check2mgDisk (file); if (disk2 != null) return disk2; AppleDisk appleDisk = new AppleDisk (file, (int) file.length () / 4096, 8); return new DataDisk (appleDisk); } if (suffix.equals ("2mg")) { disk2 = check2mgDisk (file); if (disk2 != null) return disk2; AppleDisk appleDisk = new AppleDisk (file, (int) file.length () / 4096, 8); return new DataDisk (appleDisk); } if (((suffix.equals ("po") || suffix.equals ("dsk")) && file.length () > 143360)) { if (debug) System.out.println ("Checking po or dsk hard drive: " + file.length ()); disk = checkHardDisk (file); if (disk != null) { if (compressed) disk.setOriginalPath (p); return disk; } if (debug) System.out.println ("Creating a data disk from bad length"); try { AppleDisk appleDisk = new AppleDisk (file, (int) file.length () / 4096, 8); if (debug) System.out.println ("created"); return new DataDisk (appleDisk); } catch (FileFormatException e) { if (debug) System.out.println ("Creating AppleDisk failed"); return null; } } if (suffix.equals ("v2d")) { V2dDisk v2dDisk = new V2dDisk (file); AppleDisk appleDisk16 = new AppleDisk (v2dDisk); disk = checkDos (appleDisk16); return disk; } if (suffix.equals ("nib")) { NibDisk nibDisk = new NibDisk (file); AppleDisk appleDisk16 = new AppleDisk (nibDisk); disk = checkDos (appleDisk16); return null; } long length = file.length (); if (length == 116480) // 13 sector disk { if (!suffix.equals ("d13")) System.out.printf ("%s should have a d13 suffix%n", file.getName ()); AppleDisk appleDisk = new AppleDisk (file, 35, 13); disk = checkDos (appleDisk); return disk == null ? new DataDisk (appleDisk) : disk; } if (length != 143360) { System.out.printf ("%s: invalid file length : %,d%n", file.getName (), file.length ()); return null; } AppleDisk appleDisk16 = new AppleDisk (file, 35, 16); AppleDisk appleDisk8 = new AppleDisk (file, 35, 8); if (true) { long checksum = appleDisk16.getBootChecksum (); if (checksum == 3176296590L || checksum == 108825457L || checksum == 1439356606L || checksum == 1550012074L || checksum == 1614602459L || checksum == 940889336L || checksum == 990032697 || checksum == 2936955085L || checksum == 1348415927L || checksum == 3340889101L || checksum == 18315788L || checksum == 993895235L) { disk = checkDos (appleDisk16); disk2 = checkProdos (appleDisk8); if (disk2 != null && disk != null) disk = new DualDosDisk (disk, disk2); } else if (checksum == 1737448647L || checksum == 170399908L) { disk = checkProdos (appleDisk8); disk2 = checkDos (appleDisk16); if (disk2 != null && disk != null) disk = new DualDosDisk (disk, disk2); } else if (checksum == 2803644711L || checksum == 3317783349L || checksum == 1728863694L || checksum == 198094178L) { // disk = checkPascalDisk (file); disk = checkPascalDisk (appleDisk8); } else if (checksum == 3028642627L || checksum == 2070151659L) disk = checkInfocomDisk (appleDisk16); // else if (checksum == 1212926910L || checksum == 1365043894L // || checksum == 2128073918L) // disk = checkCPMDisk (file); // System.out.println (checksum); if (disk != null) { if (compressed) disk.setOriginalPath (p); return disk; } // empty boot sector if (checksum != 227968344L && false) System.out.println ("Unknown checksum : " + checksum + " : " + path); } if (suffix.equals ("dsk") || suffix.equals ("do")) { disk = checkDos (appleDisk16); if (disk == null) disk = checkProdos (appleDisk8); else { if (debug) System.out.println ("Checking DualDos disk"); disk2 = checkProdos (appleDisk8); if (disk2 != null) disk = new DualDosDisk (disk, disk2); } } else if (suffix.equals ("po")) { disk = checkProdos (appleDisk8); if (disk == null) disk = checkDos (appleDisk16); } if (disk == null) disk = checkPascalDisk (appleDisk8); if (disk == null) disk = checkCPMDisk (appleDisk16); if (disk == null) { disk2 = checkInfocomDisk (appleDisk16); if (disk2 != null) disk = disk2; } if (disk == null) disk = new DataDisk (appleDisk16); if (debug) System.out.println ( "Factory creating disk : " + disk.getDisk ().getFile ().getAbsolutePath ()); if (disk != null && compressed) disk.setOriginalPath (p); return disk; } // private static DosDisk checkDos (File file) private static DosDisk checkDos (AppleDisk disk) { if (debug) System.out.println ("Checking DOS disk"); try { // int sectors = file.length () == 143360 ? 16 : 13; // AppleDisk disk = new AppleDisk (file, 35, sectors); if (DosDisk.isCorrectFormat (disk)) return new DosDisk (disk); } catch (Exception e) { } if (debug) System.out.println ("Not a DOS disk"); return null; } // private static ProdosDisk checkProdos (File file) private static ProdosDisk checkProdos (AppleDisk disk) { if (debug) System.out.println ("Checking Prodos disk"); try { // AppleDisk disk = new AppleDisk (file, 35, 8); if (ProdosDisk.isCorrectFormat (disk)) return new ProdosDisk (disk); } catch (Exception e) { } if (debug) System.out.println ("Not a Prodos disk"); return null; } private static ProdosDisk checkHardDisk (File file) { if (debug) { System.out.println ("\nChecking Prodos hard disk"); System.out.printf ("Total blocks : %f%n", (float) file.length () / 512); System.out.printf ("Total tracks : %f%n", (float) file.length () / 4096); System.out.printf ("File length : %d%n", file.length ()); System.out.println (); } // assumes a sector is 512 bytes if ((file.length () % 512) != 0) { if (debug) System.out.printf ("file length not divisible by 512 : %,d%n%n", file.length ()); return null; } // assumes a track is 4096 bytes // if ((file.length () % 4096) != 0) // { // if (debug) // System.out.printf ("file length not divisible by 4096 : %d%n%n", file.length ()); // return null; // } try { // truncate the file if necessary AppleDisk disk = new AppleDisk (file, (int) file.length () / 4096, 8); if (ProdosDisk.isCorrectFormat (disk)) { if (debug) { System.out.println ("Yay, it's a prodos hard disk"); System.out.println (disk); } return new ProdosDisk (disk); } } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace (); System.out.println (e); } if (debug) System.out.println ("Not a Prodos hard disk\n"); return null; } private static FormattedDisk check2mgDisk (File file) { if (debug) System.out.println ("Checking Prodos 2mg disk"); try { AppleDisk disk = new AppleDisk (file, 0, 0); if (ProdosDisk.isCorrectFormat (disk)) return new ProdosDisk (disk); } catch (Exception e) { } if (debug) System.out.println ("Not a Prodos 2mg disk"); return null; } // private static FormattedDisk checkPascalDisk (File file) private static FormattedDisk checkPascalDisk (AppleDisk disk) { if (debug) System.out.println ("Checking Pascal disk"); // AppleDisk disk = new AppleDisk (file, 35, 8); File file = disk.getFile (); if (!PascalDisk.isCorrectFormat (disk, debug)) return null; if (debug) System.out.println ("Pascal disk OK - Checking Wizardry disk"); if (WizardryScenarioDisk.isWizardryFormat (disk, debug)) return new WizardryScenarioDisk (disk); if (debug) System.out.println ("Not a Wizardry 1-3 disk"); // check for compressed disk if (file.getName ().endsWith (".tmp")) return new PascalDisk (disk); // complicated joining up compressed disks if (Wizardry4BootDisk.isWizardryIVorV (disk, debug)) { String fileName = file.getAbsolutePath ().toLowerCase (); int pos = file.getAbsolutePath ().indexOf ('.'); char c = fileName.charAt (pos - 1); String suffix = fileName.substring (pos + 1); int requiredDisks = c == '1' ? 6 : c == 'a' ? 10 : 0; if (requiredDisks > 0) { // collect extra data disks AppleDisk[] disks = new AppleDisk[requiredDisks]; disks[0] = new AppleDisk (file, 256, 8); // will become a PascalDisk disks[0].setInterleave (1); disks[1] = new AppleDisk (file, 256, 8); // will remain a DataDisk disks[1].setInterleave (1); if (pos > 0 && requiredDisks > 0) { if (collectDataDisks (file.getAbsolutePath (), pos, disks)) return new Wizardry4BootDisk (disks); } } } if (debug) System.out.println ("Not a Wizardry IV disk"); PascalDisk pascalDisk = new PascalDisk (disk); return pascalDisk; } private static boolean collectDataDisks (String fileName, int dotPos, AppleDisk[] disks) { char c = fileName.charAt (dotPos - 1); String suffix = fileName.substring (dotPos + 1); for (int i = 2; i < disks.length; i++) { String old = new String (c + "." + suffix); String rep = new String ((char) (c + i - 1) + "." + suffix); // System.out.printf ("[%s] [%s]%n", old, rep); File f = new File (fileName.replace (old, rep)); // System.out.println (f); if (!f.exists () || !f.isFile ()) return false; AppleDisk dataDisk = new AppleDisk (f, 35, 8); dataDisk.setInterleave (1); disks[i] = dataDisk; } return true; } // private static V2dDisk checkV2DDisk (File file) // { // // System.out.println ("possible V2D disk"); // new V2dDisk (file); // // return null; // } // private static InfocomDisk checkInfocomDisk (File file) private static InfocomDisk checkInfocomDisk (AppleDisk disk) { if (debug) System.out.println ("Checking Infocom disk"); // AppleDisk disk = new AppleDisk (file, 35, 16); if (InfocomDisk.isCorrectFormat (disk)) return new InfocomDisk (disk); if (debug) System.out.println ("Not an InfocomDisk disk"); return null; } // private static CPMDisk checkCPMDisk (File file) private static CPMDisk checkCPMDisk (AppleDisk disk) { if (debug) System.out.println ("Checking CPM disk"); // AppleDisk disk = new AppleDisk (file, 35, 16); if (CPMDisk.isCorrectFormat (disk)) return new CPMDisk (disk); if (debug) System.out.println ("Not a CPM disk"); return null; } }