package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.applefile; import static com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.Utility.ASCII_DOLLAR; import static com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.Utility.ASCII_PERCENT; import static com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.Utility.getIndent; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.gui.BasicPreferences; // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public class UserBasicFormatter extends BasicFormatter // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { private static final Pattern dimPattern = Pattern.compile ("[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*[$%]?\\([0-9]+(,[0-9]+)*\\)[,:]?"); private static final int INDENT_SIZE = 2; private static final String EIGHT_SPACES = " "; private static final String FOUR_SPACES = " "; private static boolean FORCE = true; private static boolean NO_FORCE = false; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public UserBasicFormatter (ApplesoftBasicProgram program, BasicPreferences basicPreferences) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { super (program, basicPreferences); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public void append (StringBuilder fullText) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { boolean insertBlankLine = false; int baseOffset = 7; // 5 digit line number + 2 spaces Stack loopVariables = new Stack<> (); Alignment alignment = new Alignment (); for (SourceLine line : sourceLines) { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (String.format ("%5d", (line.lineNumber))); int indentLevel = loopVariables.size (); // each full line starts at the loop indent int ifIndent = 0; // IF statement(s) limit back indentation by NEXT for (SubLine subline : line.sublines) { // Allow empty statements (caused by a single colon) if (subline.isEmpty ()) continue; // A REM statement might conceal an assembler routine // - see P.CREATE on Diags2E.DSK if ( (TOKEN_REM) && subline.containsToken ()) { int address = getLoadAddress () + subline.startPtr + 1; // skip the REM token fullText.append (text + String.format ("REM - Inline assembler @ $%02X (%d)%n", address, address)); String padding = " ".substring (0, text.length () + 2); for (String asm : getRemAssembler (subline)) fullText.append (padding + asm + NEWLINE); continue; } // Beagle Bros often have multiline REM statements if ( (TOKEN_REM) && basicPreferences.formatRem && subline.containsControlChars ()) { subline.addFormattedRem (text); fullText.append (text + NEWLINE); continue; } // Reduce the indent by each NEXT, but only as far as the IF indent allows if ( (TOKEN_NEXT)) { popLoopVariables (loopVariables, subline); indentLevel = Math.max (ifIndent, loopVariables.size ()); } // Are we joining REM lines with the previous subline? if (joinableRem (subline)) { // Join this REM statement to the previous line, so no indenting fullText.deleteCharAt (fullText.length () - 1); // remove newline fullText.append (" "); } else // ... otherwise do all the indenting { // Align assign statements if required if (basicPreferences.alignAssign) alignEqualsPosition (subline, alignment); int column = indentLevel * INDENT_SIZE + baseOffset; while (text.length () < column) text.append (" "); } // Add the current text, then reset it String lineText = alignment.getAlignedText (subline); if ( (TOKEN_DATA) && basicPreferences.deleteExtraDataSpace) lineText = lineText.replaceFirst ("DATA ", "DATA "); // Check for a wrappable REM/DATA/DIM statement // (see SEA BATTLE on DISK283.DSK) int inset = Math.max (text.length (), getIndent (fullText)) + 1; if ( (TOKEN_REM) && lineText.length () > basicPreferences.wrapRemAt) { List lines = splitLine (lineText, basicPreferences.wrapRemAt, ' ', FORCE); addSplitLines (lines, text, inset); } else if ( (TOKEN_DATA) && lineText.length () > basicPreferences.wrapDataAt) { List lines = splitLine (lineText, basicPreferences.wrapDataAt, ',', FORCE); addSplitLines (lines, text, inset); } else if ( (TOKEN_PRINT) && lineText.length () > basicPreferences.wrapPrintAt) { List lines = splitLine (lineText, basicPreferences.wrapDataAt, ';', NO_FORCE); addSplitLines (lines, text, inset); } else if ( (TOKEN_DIM) && basicPreferences.splitDim) { List lines = splitDim (lineText); addSplitLines (lines, text, inset); } else text.append (lineText); if (subline == alignment.lastSubLine) alignment.reset (); fullText.append (text); fullText.append (NEWLINE); text.setLength (0); // Calculate indent changes that take effect after the current subline if ( (TOKEN_IF)) ifIndent = ++indentLevel; else if ( (TOKEN_FOR)) { String latestLoopVar = loopVariables.size () > 0 ? loopVariables.peek () : ""; if (!subline.forVariable.equals (latestLoopVar)) // don't add repeated loop { loopVariables.push (subline.forVariable); ++indentLevel; } } else if (basicPreferences.blankAfterReturn && (TOKEN_RETURN) && subline.isFirst ()) insertBlankLine = true; } if (insertBlankLine) { fullText.append (NEWLINE); insertBlankLine = false; } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// private List splitLine (String line, int wrapLength, char breakChar, boolean force) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { int spaceAt = 0; while (spaceAt < line.length () && line.charAt (spaceAt) != ' ') ++spaceAt; String indent = spaceAt < 8 ? EIGHT_SPACES.substring (0, spaceAt + 1) : EIGHT_SPACES; List lines = new ArrayList<> (); while (line.length () > wrapLength) { int breakAt = wrapLength - 1; while (breakAt > spaceAt && line.charAt (breakAt) != breakChar) --breakAt; if (breakAt <= spaceAt) break; lines.add (line.substring (0, breakAt + 1)); // keep breakChar at end line = indent + line.substring (breakAt + 1).trim (); } if (force) while (line.length () > wrapLength) // no breakChars found { lines.add (line.substring (0, wrapLength)); line = indent + line.substring (wrapLength); } lines.add (line); return lines; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// private List splitDim (String line) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { List lines = new ArrayList<> (); Matcher m = dimPattern.matcher (line); while (m.find ()) lines.add (FOUR_SPACES + ()); if (lines.size () > 0) lines.set (0, "DIM " + lines.get (0).trim ()); return lines; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// private void addSplitLines (List lines, StringBuilder text, int indent) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { boolean first = true; for (String line : lines) if (first) { first = false; text.append (line); } else text.append ( "\n ".substring (0, indent) + line); } // Decide whether the current subline needs to be aligned on its equals sign. If so, // and the column hasn't been calculated, read ahead to find the highest position. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// private void alignEqualsPosition (SubLine subline, Alignment alignment) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { if (subline.equalsPosition == 0) { alignment.reset (); return; } if (alignment.equalsPosition == 0) findHighest (subline, alignment); } // The IF processing is so that any assignment that is being aligned doesn't continue // to the next full line (because the indentation has changed). // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// private void findHighest (SubLine startSubline, Alignment alignment) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { boolean started = false; alignment.setFirst (startSubline); outerLoop: for (int i = sourceLines.indexOf (startSubline.sourceLine); i < sourceLines .size (); i++) { boolean precededByIf = false; for (SubLine subline : sourceLines.get (i).sublines) { if (started) { // Stop when we come to a subline without an equals sign (joinable REMs // can be ignored) if (subline.equalsPosition == 0 && !joinableRem (subline)) break outerLoop; if (subline.equalsPosition > 0) alignment.check (subline); } else if (subline == startSubline) started = true; else if ( (TOKEN_IF)) precededByIf = true; } if (started && precededByIf) // sublines of IF have now finished break; // don't continue with following SourceLine } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// private boolean joinableRem (SubLine subline) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { return subline.isJoinableRem () && !basicPreferences.splitRem; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// private void popLoopVariables (Stack loopVariables, SubLine subline) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { if (subline.nextVariables.length == 0) // naked NEXT { if (loopVariables.size () > 0) loopVariables.pop (); } else for (String variable : subline.nextVariables) // e.g. NEXT X,Y,Z while (loopVariables.size () > 0) if (sameVariable (variable, loopVariables.pop ())) break; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// private boolean sameVariable (String v1, String v2) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { return getUniqueName (v1).equals (getUniqueName (v2)); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// private String getUniqueName (String symbol) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { int ptr = symbol.length () - 1; if (symbol.charAt (ptr) == ASCII_DOLLAR // string || symbol.charAt (ptr) == ASCII_PERCENT) // integer ptr--; return (ptr <= 1) ? symbol : symbol.substring (0, 2) + symbol.substring (ptr + 1); } // A REM statement might conceal an assembler routine // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// private String[] getRemAssembler (SubLine subline) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { AssemblerProgram program = new AssemblerProgram ("REM assembler", subline.getBuffer (), getLoadAddress () + subline.startPtr + 1); return program.getAssembler ().split (NEWLINE); } }