package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.visicalc; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.HexFormatter; public class Sheet implements Iterable { private static final Pattern addressPattern = Pattern.compile ("([AB]?[A-Z])([0-9]{1,3}):"); private final Map sheet = new TreeMap (); private final List lines = new ArrayList (); Cell currentCell = null; char defaultFormat; private final Map columnWidths = new TreeMap (); private int columnWidth = 12; private char recalculation = ' '; // auto/manual private char recalculationOrder = ' '; // row/column private int columns; private int rows; // Maximum cell = BK254 //Commands: // /G
goto // /B blank the cell // /C clear and home // A-Z label (" to force a label) // 0-9.+-()*/@# value (+ to force a value) // /S Storage (ISLDWR) // /SI Storage init // /SS Storage Save // /SL Storage Load // /SD Storage Delete // /SW Storage Write (to cassette) // /SR Storage Read (from cassette) // /R Replicate // /G Global (CORF) // /GF Global Format (DGILR$*) // /GFI Global Format Integer // /GF$ Global Format Currency // /GC Global Column // /GR Global // /GRA Recalculation Auto // /GO Global // /GOC Calculation Order - Columns first // /T Titles (HVBN) // /TH fix Horizontal Titles // /TV fix Vertical Titles // /TB fix Both Titles // /TN fix Neither // /W Window (HV1SU) // /WV Window Vertical (split on cursor column) // /WH Window Horizontal (split on cursor row) /* from: Apple II TextFiles *----------------------* VISICALC COMMAND CHART BY: NIGHT HAWK *----------------------* /B SET AN ENTRY TO BLANK /C CLEARS THE SHEET, SETTING ALL ENTRIES TO BLANK /D DELETE /DR THE ROW /DC COLUMN ON WHICH THE CURSOR LIES /E ALLOWS EDITING OF THE ENTRY CONTENTS OF ANY ENTRY POSITION BY REDISPLAYING IT ON THE EDIT LINE. USE <- -> KEYS & ESC. /F FORMATS: /FG GENERAL /FI INTEGER /F$ DOLLAR AND CENTS /FL LEFT JUSTIFIED /FR RIGHT JUSTIFIED /F* GRAPH /FD DEFAULT /G GLOBAL COMMANDS. THESE APPLY TO THE ENTIRE SHEET OR WINDOW. /GC SETS COLUMN WIDTH /GF SETS THE GLOBAL DEFAULT FORMAT /GO SETS THE ORDER OF RECALCULATION TO BE DOWN THE COLUMNS OR ACROSS THE ROWS /GR SETS RECALCULATION TO BE AUTOMATIC(/GRA) OR MANUAL(/GRM). /I INSERTS A ROW(/IR) OR A COLUMN(/IC) /M MOVES AN ENTIRE ROW OR COLUMN TO A NEW POSITION. /P PRINT COMMAND /R REPLICATE COMMAND /S STORAGE COMMANDS /SS SAVE /SL LOAD /SD DELETES SPECIFIED FILE ON DISK /SI INITIALIZE A DISK ON SPECIFIED DRIVE /SQ QUITS VISICALC /T /TH SETS A HORIZONTAL TITLE AREA /TV SETS A VERTICAL TITLE AREA /TB SET BOTH A HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL TITLE AREA /TN RESETS THE WINDOWS TO HAVE NO TITLE AREAS /V DISPLAYS VISICALC'S VERSION NUMBER ON THE PROMPT LINE /W WINDOW CONTROL /WH HORIZONTAL WINDOW /WV VERTICAL WINDOW /W1 RETURNS SCREEN TO ONE WINDOW /WS SYNCHRONIZED WINDOWS /WU UNSYNCHRONIZED /- REPEATING LABEL */ public Sheet (byte[] buffer) { int last = buffer.length; while (buffer[--last] == 0) // ignore trailing zeroes ; int ptr = 0; while (ptr < last) { int length = getLineLength (buffer, ptr); String line = HexFormatter.getString (buffer, ptr, length); lines.add (line); processLine (line); ptr += length + 1; // +1 for end-of-line token } calculate (recalculationOrder); if (false) printDebug (); } private void calculate (char order) { } private int getLineLength (byte[] buffer, int offset) { int ptr = offset; while (buffer[ptr] != (byte) 0x8D) // end-of-line token ptr++; return ptr - offset; } private void processLine (String line) { // NB no closing bracket: [>K11:@SUM(J11...F11] if (line.isEmpty ()) { System.out.println ("empty command"); return; } if (line.startsWith ("/")) { switch (line.charAt (1)) { case 'W': System.out.printf ("Skipping [%s]%n", line); break; case 'G': switch (line.charAt (2)) { case 'R': recalculation = line.charAt (3); break; case 'O': recalculationOrder = line.charAt (3); break; case 'P': System.out.printf ("Skipping [%s]%n", line); break; case 'C': columnWidth = Integer.parseInt (line.substring (3)); break; case 'F': defaultFormat = line.charAt (3); break; default: System.out.printf ("Unknown global format [%s]%n", line); break; } break; case 'X': System.out.printf ("Skipping [%s]%n", line); break; default: System.out.printf ("Skipping [%s]%n", line); } return; } if (!line.startsWith (">")) // GOTO cell { System.out.printf ("Error [%s]%n", line); return; } currentCell = null; Matcher m = addressPattern.matcher (line); if (m.find ()) { Address address = new Address ( (1), (2)); currentCell = sheet.get (address.sortValue); int pos = line.indexOf (':'); // end of cell address line = line.substring (pos + 1); // remove address from line if (currentCell == null) { currentCell = new Cell (this, address); if (!line.startsWith ("/G")) { sheet.put (currentCell.address.sortValue, currentCell); if (address.row > rows) rows = address.row; if (address.column > columns) columns = address.column; } } } else { System.out.printf ("Invalid cell address: %s%n", line); return; } assert currentCell != null; if (line.startsWith ("/G")) // global column widths { if (line.charAt (2) == 'C' && line.charAt (3) == 'C') { int width = Integer.parseInt (line.substring (4)); columnWidths.put (currentCell.address.column, width); } else System.out.printf ("Unknown Global:[%s]%n", line); return; } // check for formatting commands String format = ""; while (line.startsWith ("/")) { String fmt = line.substring (0, 3); if (fmt.equals ("/TH") || fmt.equals ("/TV")) // lock titles ?? { // ignore } else currentCell.format (fmt); // formatting command line = line.substring (3); format += fmt; } if (!line.isEmpty ()) currentCell.setValue (line); // expression if (false) System.out.printf ("[%s][%-3s][%s]%n", currentCell.address, format, line); } Cell getCell (String addressText) { return getCell (new Address (addressText)); } Cell getCell (Address address) { return sheet.get (address.sortValue); } public int size () { return sheet.size (); } @Override public Iterator iterator () { return sheet.values ().iterator (); } public String getLines () { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); for (String line : lines) { text.append (line); text.append ("\n"); } if (text.length () > 0) text.deleteCharAt (text.length () - 1); return text.toString (); } public String getTextDisplay () { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); String longLine; if (false) longLine = "%+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" + "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"; else longLine = " " + " "; String underline = "---------------------------------------------------------" + "-----------------------------------------------------------------"; int lastRow = -1; int lastColumn = 0; StringBuilder heading = new StringBuilder (" "); for (int cellNo = 0; cellNo <= columns; cellNo++) { int width = columnWidth; if (columnWidths.containsKey (cellNo)) width = columnWidths.get (cellNo); char letter1 = cellNo < 26 ? ' ' : cellNo < 52 ? 'A' : 'B'; char letter2 = (char) ((cellNo % 26) + 'A'); String fmt = String.format ("%s%s%%%d.%ds", letter1, letter2, (width - 2), (width - 2)); if (width == 1) heading.append (letter2); else if (width == 2) heading.append (String.format ("%s%s", letter1, letter2)); else heading.append (String.format (fmt, underline)); } text.append (heading); for (Cell cell : sheet.values ()) { while (lastRow < cell.address.row) { ++lastRow; lastColumn = 0; text.append (String.format ("%n%03d:", lastRow + 1)); } while (lastColumn < cell.address.column) { int width = columnWidth; if (columnWidths.containsKey (lastColumn)) width = columnWidths.get (lastColumn); text.append (longLine.substring (0, width)); ++lastColumn; } ++lastColumn; int colWidth = columnWidth; if (columnWidths.containsKey (cell.address.column)) colWidth = columnWidths.get (cell.address.column); text.append (cell.getText (colWidth, defaultFormat)); } return text.toString (); } private void printDebug () { System.out.println (); System.out.println ("Lines:"); for (String line : lines) System.out.println (line); System.out.println (); System.out.println ("Cells:"); for (Cell cell : sheet.values ()) System.out.println (cell); System.out.println (); System.out.println ("Column widths:"); System.out.printf ("Default width : %3d%n", columnWidth); for (Map.Entry entry : columnWidths.entrySet ()) System.out.printf (" column %3d: %3d%n", entry.getKey (), entry.getValue ()); } }