Denis Molony 0032b0c2bb testing
2021-04-26 10:03:43 +10:00

495 lines
16 KiB

package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.prodos.write;
import static com.bytezone.diskbrowser.prodos.ProdosConstants.BLOCK_SIZE;
import static com.bytezone.diskbrowser.prodos.ProdosConstants.ENTRIES_PER_BLOCK;
import static com.bytezone.diskbrowser.prodos.ProdosConstants.ENTRY_SIZE;
import static com.bytezone.diskbrowser.prodos.ProdosConstants.FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY;
import static com.bytezone.diskbrowser.prodos.ProdosConstants.SUBDIRECTORY;
import static com.bytezone.diskbrowser.prodos.ProdosConstants.SUBDIRECTORY_HEADER;
import static com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.Utility.readShort;
import static com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.Utility.writeShort;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public class ProdosDisk
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
static final String UNDERLINE = "------------------------------------------------\n";
private static final int CATALOG_SIZE = 4;
private static final int BITS_PER_BLOCK = 8 * BLOCK_SIZE;
static final String[] storageTypes =
{ "Deleted", "Seedling", "Sapling", "Tree", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
"Subdirectory", "Subdirectory Header", "Volume Directory Header" };
private BitSet volumeBitMap;
private final int maxBlocks;
private final byte[] buffer;
private final byte[] bootSector = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE];
private VolumeDirectoryHeader volumeDirectoryHeader;
private Map<Integer, SubdirectoryHeader> subdirectoryHeaders = new HashMap<> ();
private List<String> paths = new ArrayList<> ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public ProdosDisk (int blocks, String volumeName) throws IOException, DiskFullException
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
try (DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream (ProdosDisk.class.getClassLoader ()
.getResourceAsStream ("com/bytezone/diskbrowser/prodos/write/block-00.bin")))
int count = (bootSector);
if (count != BLOCK_SIZE)
System.out.println ("Error with prodos boot sector");
catch (IOException e)
e.printStackTrace ();
maxBlocks = blocks;
buffer = new byte[blocks * BLOCK_SIZE];
volumeBitMap = new BitSet (blocks);
for (int i = 0; i < blocks; i++)
volumeBitMap.set (i, true);
createCatalog (volumeName);
volumeDirectoryHeader.write ();
for (SubdirectoryHeader subdirectoryHeader : subdirectoryHeaders.values ())
subdirectoryHeader.write ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
void createCatalog (String volumeName) throws DiskFullException
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// reserve two boot blocks
allocateNextBlock ();
allocateNextBlock ();
System.arraycopy (bootSector, 0, buffer, 0, 512);
// write 4 catalog blocks
for (int i = 0, prevBlockNo = 0; i < CATALOG_SIZE; i++)
int blockNo = allocateNextBlock ();
int ptr = blockNo * BLOCK_SIZE;
writeShort (buffer, ptr, prevBlockNo);
writeShort (buffer, ptr + 2, 0);
if (prevBlockNo > 0)
writeShort (buffer, prevBlockNo * BLOCK_SIZE + 2, blockNo);
prevBlockNo = blockNo;
if (i == 0)
volumeDirectoryHeader = new VolumeDirectoryHeader (this, buffer, ptr + 4);
volumeDirectoryHeader.fileName = volumeName;
volumeDirectoryHeader.totalBlocks = maxBlocks;
volumeDirectoryHeader.creationDate = ();
volumeDirectoryHeader.write ();
// reserve the bitmap blocks
int indexBlocks = (maxBlocks - 1) / BITS_PER_BLOCK + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < indexBlocks; i++)
allocateNextBlock ();
writeVolumeBitMap ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public int getFreeBlocks ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return volumeBitMap.cardinality ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public FileEntry addFile (String path, byte type, int auxType, LocalDateTime created,
LocalDateTime modified, byte[] dataBuffer)
throws DiskFullException, VolumeCatalogFullException
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// save path for verification
paths.add (path);
System.out.printf ("Path: %s%n", path);
// split the full path into an array of subdirectories and a file name
String[] subdirectories;
String fileName;
int pos = path.lastIndexOf ('/');
if (pos > 0)
subdirectories = path.substring (0, pos).split ("/");
fileName = path.substring (pos + 1);
subdirectories = new String[0];
fileName = path;
// search for each subdirectory, create any that don't exist
int catalogBlockNo = 2;
FileEntry fileEntry = null;
for (int i = 0; i < subdirectories.length; i++)
Optional<FileEntry> fileEntryOpt =
searchDirectory (catalogBlockNo, subdirectories[i]);
if (fileEntryOpt.isEmpty ())
fileEntry = createSubdirectory (catalogBlockNo, subdirectories[i]);
fileEntry = fileEntryOpt.get ();
catalogBlockNo = fileEntry.keyPointer;
// check that the file doesn't already exist
Optional<FileEntry> fileEntryOpt = searchDirectory (catalogBlockNo, fileName);
if (fileEntryOpt.isPresent ())
System.out.println ("File already exists: " + path);
System.out.println (fileEntryOpt.get ());
return null; // throw something?
// create a file entry in the current catalog block
fileEntry = findFreeSlot (catalogBlockNo);
if (fileEntry != null)
fileEntry.fileName = fileName;
fileEntry.version = 0x00;
fileEntry.minVersion = 0x00;
fileEntry.headerPointer = catalogBlockNo; // block containing catalog header
fileEntry.fileType = type;
fileEntry.auxType = auxType;
fileEntry.creationDate = created;
fileEntry.modifiedDate = modified;
fileEntry.writeFile (dataBuffer);
fileEntry.write ();
updateFileCount (fileEntry.headerPointer);
return fileEntry;
return null; // should be impossible
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private boolean verify (String path)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// split the full path into an array of subdirectories and a file name
String[] subdirectories;
String fileName;
int pos = path.lastIndexOf ('/');
if (pos > 0)
subdirectories = path.substring (0, pos).split ("/");
fileName = path.substring (pos + 1);
subdirectories = new String[0];
fileName = path;
// search for each subdirectory, fail any that don't exist
int catalogBlockNo = 2;
FileEntry fileEntry = null;
for (int i = 0; i < subdirectories.length; i++)
Optional<FileEntry> fileEntryOpt =
searchDirectory (catalogBlockNo, subdirectories[i]);
if (fileEntryOpt.isEmpty ())
System.out.println ("path doesn't exist");
return false;
fileEntry = fileEntryOpt.get ();
catalogBlockNo = fileEntry.keyPointer;
// check that the file already exists
Optional<FileEntry> fileEntryOpt = searchDirectory (catalogBlockNo, fileName);
if (fileEntryOpt.isPresent ())
return true;
return false;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
void verify ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
for (SubdirectoryHeader subdirectoryHeader : subdirectoryHeaders.values ())
System.out.printf ("%-35s%n", subdirectoryHeader.fileName);
FileEntry fileEntry = subdirectoryHeader.getParentFileEntry ();
if (!fileEntry.fileName.equals (subdirectoryHeader.fileName))
System.out.println ("fail");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public void close ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
writeVolumeBitMap ();
volumeDirectoryHeader.write ();
for (SubdirectoryHeader subdirectoryHeader : subdirectoryHeaders.values ())
subdirectoryHeader.write ();
if (false)
System.out.printf ("Verifying %s files%n", paths.size ());
for (String path : paths)
System.out.printf ("%-35s ", path);
if (!verify (path))
System.out.println ("fail");
System.out.println ("pass");
System.out.println ();
verify ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private Optional<FileEntry> searchDirectory (int blockNo, String fileName)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int emptySlotPtr = 0;
int offset = blockNo * BLOCK_SIZE;
int ptr = offset + 4;
for (int i = 0; i < ENTRIES_PER_BLOCK; i++)
int storageTypeNameLength = buffer[ptr] & 0xFF;
if (storageTypeNameLength == 0)
if (emptySlotPtr == 0)
emptySlotPtr = ptr;
int nameLength = buffer[ptr] & 0x0F;
int storageType = (buffer[ptr] & 0xF0) >>> 4;
&& fileName.equals (new String (buffer, ptr + 1, nameLength)))
FileEntry fileEntry = new FileEntry (this, buffer, ptr); ();
return Optional.of (fileEntry);
ptr += ENTRY_SIZE;
blockNo = readShort (buffer, offset + 2);
} while (blockNo > 0);
return Optional.empty ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private FileEntry createSubdirectory (int blockNo, String name)
throws DiskFullException, VolumeCatalogFullException
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// this will return a new, empty file entry, or throw an exception
FileEntry fileEntry = findFreeSlot (blockNo);
if (fileEntry == null) // should be impossible
System.out.println ("failed");
return null;
fileEntry.storageType = SUBDIRECTORY;
fileEntry.fileName = name;
fileEntry.keyPointer = allocateNextBlock (); // allocate block for the subdirectory header
fileEntry.blocksUsed = 1;
fileEntry.eof = BLOCK_SIZE;
fileEntry.fileType = FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY;
fileEntry.headerPointer = blockNo;
fileEntry.creationDate = ();
fileEntry.modifiedDate = ();
fileEntry.write ();
updateFileCount (fileEntry.headerPointer);
SubdirectoryHeader subdirectoryHeader =
new SubdirectoryHeader (this, buffer, fileEntry.keyPointer * BLOCK_SIZE + 4);
subdirectoryHeader.fileName = name;
subdirectoryHeader.creationDate = ();
subdirectoryHeader.fileCount = 0;
subdirectoryHeader.setParentDetails (fileEntry);
subdirectoryHeader.write ();
subdirectoryHeaders.put (fileEntry.keyPointer, subdirectoryHeader);
return fileEntry;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void updateFileCount (int catalogBlock)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
if (catalogBlock == 2)
volumeDirectoryHeader.write ();
SubdirectoryHeader subdirectoryHeader = subdirectoryHeaders.get (catalogBlock);
subdirectoryHeader.write ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int allocateNextBlock () throws DiskFullException
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int nextBlock = volumeBitMap.nextSetBit (0);
if (nextBlock < 0)
throw new DiskFullException ("Disk Full");
volumeBitMap.set (nextBlock, false); // mark as unavailable
return nextBlock;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private FileEntry findFreeSlot (int blockNo)
throws DiskFullException, VolumeCatalogFullException
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// check for Volume Directory Header full
if (blockNo == 2 && volumeDirectoryHeader.fileCount == 51)
throw new VolumeCatalogFullException ("Volume Directory is full"); // stupid
// get the subdirectory header before the blockNo can change
SubdirectoryHeader subdirectoryHeader = subdirectoryHeaders.get (blockNo);
int lastBlockNo = 0; // used for linking directory blocks
int offset = blockNo * BLOCK_SIZE;
int ptr = offset + 4;
for (int i = 0; i < ENTRIES_PER_BLOCK; i++)
if (buffer[ptr] == 0) // free slot
return new FileEntry (this, buffer, ptr);
ptr += ENTRY_SIZE;
lastBlockNo = blockNo;
blockNo = readShort (buffer, offset + 2); // next block
} while (blockNo > 0);
if (subdirectoryHeader == null) // this should be impossible
throw new VolumeCatalogFullException ("Volume Directory is full");
// no free slots, so add a new catalog block
blockNo = allocateNextBlock ();
// update links
int ptr = blockNo * BLOCK_SIZE;
writeShort (buffer, lastBlockNo * BLOCK_SIZE + 2, blockNo); // point to next block
writeShort (buffer, ptr, lastBlockNo); // point to previous block
// update parent's file entry size (this is the subdirectory file entry
subdirectoryHeader.updateParentFileEntry ();
return new FileEntry (this, buffer, ptr + 4); // first slot in new block
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void writeVolumeBitMap ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int ptr = (2 + CATALOG_SIZE) * BLOCK_SIZE;
int val = 0;
int blockNo = 0;
while (blockNo < maxBlocks)
val = val << 1;
if (volumeBitMap.get (blockNo++))
val |= 1;
if (blockNo % 8 == 0)
buffer[ptr++] = (byte) val;
val = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public byte[] getBuffer ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return buffer;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public String toString ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();
text.append (volumeDirectoryHeader);
text.append ("\n");
for (SubdirectoryHeader subdirectoryHeader : subdirectoryHeaders.values ())
text.append (subdirectoryHeader);
text.append ("\n");
text.append (subdirectoryHeader.getParentFileEntry ());
text.append ("\n");
return text.toString ();