2016-03-09 21:38:53 +11:00

199 lines
5.7 KiB

package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.visicalc;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class Expression implements Value
// Expressions:
// - number
// - cell address
// - function
// - expression [+-*/^] expression
// - [+-=] expression
// - ( expression )
// From the reference card:
// Expressions are evaluated strictly from left to right except as modified by
// parentheses. You must start an expression with a +, a digit (0-9), or one of
// the symbols @-(. or #.
private static final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile ("");
private boolean isUnavailable;
private boolean isError;
private final List<Value> values = new ArrayList<Value> ();
private final List<String> operators = new ArrayList<String> ();
public Expression (Sheet parent, String input)
String line = input.trim ();
// System.out.printf ("New expression [%s]%n", input);
if (line.startsWith ("-"))
line = "0" + line;
else if (line.startsWith ("+"))
line = line.substring (1);
int ptr = 0;
while (ptr < line.length ())
char ch = line.charAt (ptr);
switch (ch)
case '@': // function
String functionText = getFunctionText (line.substring (ptr));
ptr += functionText.length ();
values.add (Function.getInstance (parent, functionText));
case '(': // parentheses block
String bracketText = getFunctionText (line.substring (ptr));
ptr += bracketText.length ();
while (bracketText.startsWith ("(") && bracketText.endsWith (")"))
bracketText = bracketText.substring (1, bracketText.length () - 1);
values.add (new Expression (parent, bracketText));
if (ch == '.' || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) // number
String numberText = getNumberText (line.substring (ptr));
ptr += numberText.length ();
values.add (new Number (Double.parseDouble (numberText)));
else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') // cell address
String addressText = getAddressText (line.substring (ptr));
ptr += addressText.length ();
values.add (parent.getCell (new Address (addressText)));
System.out.printf ("Unknown character [%s] in [%s]%n", ch, line);
if (ptr < line.length ())
ch = line.charAt (ptr);
if (ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '*' || ch == '/' || ch == '^')
operators.add (line.substring (ptr, ++ptr));
System.out.printf ("Unknown operator [%s] in [%s]%n", ch, line);
assert values.size () > 0;
// ptr = 0;
// for (Value val : values)
// {
// System.out.println (val.getValue ());
// if (ptr < operators.size ())
// System.out.println (operators.get (ptr++));
// }
public double getValue ()
double value = values.get (0).getValue ();
for (int i = 1; i < values.size (); i++)
double nextValue = values.get (i).getValue ();
String operator = operators.get (i - 1);
if (operator.equals ("+"))
value += nextValue;
else if (operator.equals ("-"))
value -= nextValue;
else if (operator.equals ("*"))
value *= nextValue;
else if (operator.equals ("/"))
value /= nextValue;
else if (operator.equals ("^"))
value = Math.pow (value, nextValue);
return value;
private String getFunctionText (String text)
int ptr = text.indexOf ('('); // find first left parenthesis
int depth = 1;
while (++ptr < text.length ()) // find matching right parenthesis
if (text.charAt (ptr) == ')')
if (depth == 0)
else if (text.charAt (ptr) == '(')
return text.substring (0, ptr + 1); // include closing parenthesis
private String getNumberText (String text)
int ptr = 0;
while (++ptr < text.length ())
char c = text.charAt (ptr);
if (c != '.' && (c < '0' || c > '9'))
return text.substring (0, ptr);
private String getAddressText (String text)
int ptr = 0;
while (++ptr < text.length ())
char c = text.charAt (ptr);
if ((c < '0' || c > '9') && (c < 'A' || c > 'Z'))
return text.substring (0, ptr);
public String toString ()
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();
// text.append (String.format ("Has value ......... %s%n", hasValue));
// text.append (String.format ("Value ............. %f%n", value));
// text.append (String.format ("Function .......... %s%n", function));
// text.append (String.format ("Address ........... %s%n", address));
// text.append (String.format ("Operator .......... %s%n", operator));
// text.append (String.format ("Expression1 ....... %s%n", expression1));
// text.append (String.format ("Expression2 ....... %s%n", expression2));
int ptr = 0;
for (Value value : values)
text.append (value.getValue ());
if (ptr < operators.size ())
text.append (operators.get (ptr++));
return text.toString ();
public static void main (String[] args)
Expression ex = new Expression (null, "5+((4-(10-2)+6/3))*2");
System.out.println (ex.getValue ());