Denis Molony 85717fac5e pascal hd
2019-11-09 23:23:30 +10:00

295 lines
11 KiB

package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.applefile;
import java.awt.AlphaComposite;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.DataBuffer;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.prodos.ProdosConstants;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.HexFormatter;
// see IIGS System 6.0.1 - Disk 5 Fonts.po
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public class QuickDrawFont extends CharacterList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
Map<Integer, QuickDrawCharacter> qdCharacters = new HashMap<> ();
private boolean corrupt;
private final int fileType;
private final int auxType;
private final String fontName;
private final int headerSize;
private final int fontSize;
private final int fontFamily;
private final int fontStyle;
private final int versionMajor;
private final int versionMinor;
private final int extent;
private final int fontType;
private final int firstChar;
private final int lastChar;
private final int widMax;
private final int kernMax;
private final int nDescent;
private final int fRectWidth;
private final int fRectHeight;
private final int owTLoc;
private final int ascent;
private final int descent;
private final int leading;
private final int rowWords;
private final int totalCharacters;
private final int fontDefinitionOffset;
private final int bitImageOffset;
private final int locationTableOffset;
private final int offsetWidthTableOffset;
private int offsetWidthTableSize;
private BitSet[] strike; // bit image of all characters
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public QuickDrawFont (String name, byte[] buffer, int fileType, int auxType)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
super (name, buffer);
assert fileType == ProdosConstants.FILE_TYPE_FONT;
this.fileType = fileType;
this.auxType = auxType;
if (auxType != 0)
System.out.printf ("Font aux: %04X%n", auxType);
fontName = HexFormatter.getPascalString (buffer, 0);
int nameLength = (buffer[0] & 0xFF);
int ptr = nameLength + 1; // start of header record
headerSize = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (buffer, ptr);
fontDefinitionOffset = nameLength + 1 + headerSize * 2;
fontFamily = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (buffer, ptr + 2);
fontStyle = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (buffer, ptr + 4);
fontSize = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (buffer, ptr + 6);
versionMajor = buffer[ptr + 8] & 0xFF;
versionMinor = buffer[ptr + 9] & 0xFF;
extent = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (buffer, ptr + 10);
ptr = fontDefinitionOffset;
fontType = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (buffer, ptr);
firstChar = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (buffer, ptr + 2);
lastChar = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (buffer, ptr + 4);
widMax = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (buffer, ptr + 6);
kernMax = HexFormatter.signedShort (buffer, ptr + 8);
nDescent = HexFormatter.signedShort (buffer, ptr + 10);
fRectWidth = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (buffer, ptr + 12);
fRectHeight = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (buffer, ptr + 14);
owTLoc = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (buffer, ptr + 16);
offsetWidthTableOffset = (ptr + 16) + owTLoc * 2;
locationTableOffset = offsetWidthTableOffset - (lastChar - firstChar + 3) * 2;
bitImageOffset = ptr + 26;
ascent = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (buffer, ptr + 18);
descent = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (buffer, ptr + 20);
leading = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (buffer, ptr + 22);
rowWords = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (buffer, ptr + 24);
totalCharacters = lastChar - firstChar + 2; // includes 'missing' character
offsetWidthTableSize = (totalCharacters + 1) * 2;
if (offsetWidthTableOffset + offsetWidthTableSize > buffer.length)
System.out.println ("*********** Bad ow length");
strike = null;
corrupt = true;
createStrike ();
createCharacters ();
// buildDisplay ();
buildImage (10, 10, 5, 5, widMax, fRectHeight,
(int) (Math.sqrt (totalCharacters) + .5));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void createStrike ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// create bitset for each row
strike = new BitSet[fRectHeight];
for (int i = 0; i < fRectHeight; i++)
strike[i] = new BitSet (rowWords * 16);
// convert image data to bitset
int rowLenBits = rowWords * 16; // # bits in each row
int rowLenBytes = rowWords * 2; // # bytes in each row
for (int row = 0; row < fRectHeight; row++) // for each row in character
for (int bit = 0; bit < rowLenBits; bit++) // for each bit in the row
byte b = buffer[bitImageOffset + row * rowLenBytes + bit / 8];
strike[row].set (bit, ((b & (0x80 >>> (bit % 8))) != 0));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void createCharacters ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
for (int i = 0, max = totalCharacters + 1; i < max; i++)
// index into the strike
int location = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (buffer, locationTableOffset + i * 2);
int j = i + 1; // next character
if (j < max)
int nextLocation =
HexFormatter.unsignedShort (buffer, locationTableOffset + j * 2);
int pixelWidth = nextLocation - location;
if (pixelWidth > 0)
QuickDrawCharacter c = new QuickDrawCharacter (location, pixelWidth);
qdCharacters.put (i, c);
characters.add (c);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void buildDisplay ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int inset = 10;
int spacing = 5;
int charsWide = (int) (Math.sqrt (totalCharacters) + .5);
int charsHigh = (totalCharacters - 1) / charsWide + 1;
image = new BufferedImage (charsWide * (widMax + spacing) + inset * 2,
charsHigh * (fRectHeight + spacing) + inset * 2, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);
Graphics2D g2d = image.createGraphics ();
g2d.setComposite (AlphaComposite.getInstance (AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, (float) 1.0));
int x = inset;
int y = inset;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < totalCharacters + 1; i++)
int pos = qdCharacters.containsKey (i) ? i : lastChar + 1;
QuickDrawCharacter character = qdCharacters.get (pos);
// how the character image to be drawn should be positioned with
// respect to the current pen location
// int offset = buffer[offsetWidthTableOffset + i * 2 + 1];
// how far the pen should be advanced after the character is drawn
// int width = buffer[offsetWidthTableOffset + i * 2] & 0xFF;
if (character != null)
g2d.drawImage (character.image, x, y, null);
x += widMax + spacing;
if (++count % charsWide == 0)
x = inset;
y += fRectHeight + spacing;
g2d.dispose ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public String getText ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ("Name : " + name + "\n\n");
text.append ("File type : Font\n");
String auxTypeText =
auxType == 0 ? "QuickDraw Font File" : auxType == 1 ? "XX" : "??";
text.append (String.format ("Aux type : %04X (%s)%n%n", auxType, auxTypeText));
text.append (String.format ("Font name : %s%n", fontName));
text.append (String.format ("Font family : %d%n", fontFamily));
text.append (String.format ("File type : %d%n", fileType));
text.append (String.format ("Font style : %d%n", fontStyle));
text.append (String.format ("Font size : %d%n", fontSize));
text.append (String.format ("Font version : %d.%d%n", versionMajor, versionMinor));
text.append (String.format ("Font extent : %d%n%n", extent));
text.append (String.format ("Font type : %d%n", fontType));
text.append (String.format ("First char : %d%n", firstChar));
text.append (String.format ("Last char : %d%n", lastChar));
text.append (String.format ("Max width : %d%n", widMax));
text.append (String.format ("Max kern : %d%n", kernMax));
text.append (String.format ("Neg descent : %d%n", nDescent));
text.append (String.format ("Width : %d%n", fRectWidth));
text.append (String.format ("Height : %d%n", fRectHeight));
text.append (String.format ("O/W Offset : %04X%n", owTLoc));
text.append (String.format ("Ascent : %d%n", ascent));
text.append (String.format ("Descent : %d%n", descent));
text.append (String.format ("Leading : %d%n", leading));
text.append (String.format ("Row words : %d%n%n", rowWords));
if (corrupt)
text.append ("\nCannot interpret Font file");
return text.toString ();
for (int i = 0; i < totalCharacters; i++)
int offset = buffer[offsetWidthTableOffset + i * 2 + 1] & 0xFF;
int width = buffer[offsetWidthTableOffset + i * 2] & 0xFF;
if (offset == 255 && width == 255)
int location = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (buffer, locationTableOffset + i * 2);
int nextLocation =
HexFormatter.unsignedShort (buffer, locationTableOffset + (i + 1) * 2);
int pixelWidth = nextLocation - location;
text.append (String.format (
"Char %3d, location %,5d, pixelWidth %2d. offset %,5d, width %,5d%n", i,
location, pixelWidth, offset, width));
// text.append (super.getText ());
return text.toString ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
class QuickDrawCharacter extends Character
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public QuickDrawCharacter (int strikeOffset, int strikeWidth)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
super (strikeWidth, fRectHeight);
DataBuffer dataBuffer = image.getRaster ().getDataBuffer ();
int element = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < fRectHeight; row++)
for (int j = strikeOffset; j < strikeOffset + strikeWidth; j++)
dataBuffer.setElem (element++, strike[row].get (j) ? 255 : 0);