Denis Molony 62c09af14f consolidated some of the getWord() type routines in Utility, also allow
user to save the current file buffer to the local file system.
2021-05-19 18:13:17 +10:00

163 lines
5.6 KiB
Executable File

package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.wizardry;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.applefile.AbstractFile;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.HexFormatter;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.Utility;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
class Item extends AbstractFile implements Comparable<Item>
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public final int itemID;
private final int type;
private final long cost;
public int partyOwns;
String genericName;
static int counter = 0;
public final Dice damage;
public final int armourClass;
public final int speed;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
Item (String name, byte[] buffer)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
super (name, buffer);
itemID = counter++;
type = buffer[32];
cost = Utility.getShort (buffer, 44) + Utility.getShort (buffer, 46) * 10000
+ Utility.getShort (buffer, 48) * 100000000L;
genericName = HexFormatter.getPascalString (buffer, 16);
damage = new Dice (buffer, 66);
armourClass = buffer[62];
speed = buffer[72];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public String getText ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();
text.append ("Name ......... : " + name);
// int length = HexFormatter.intValue (buffer[16]);
text.append ("\nGeneric name . : " + genericName);
text.append ("\nType ......... : " + type);
text.append ("\nCost ......... : " + cost);
text.append ("\nArmour class . : " + armourClass);
text.append ("\nDamage ....... : " + damage);
text.append ("\nSpeed ........ : " + speed);
text.append ("\nCursed? ...... : " + isCursed ());
int stock = getStockOnHand ();
text.append ("\nStock on hand : " + stock);
if (stock < 0)
text.append (" (always in stock)");
return text.toString ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public int getType ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return type;
// public int getArmourClass ()
// {
// return buffer[62];
// }
// public int getSpeed ()
// {
// return HexFormatter.intValue (buffer[72]);
// }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public long getCost ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return cost;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public boolean isCursed ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return buffer[36] != 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public int getStockOnHand ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
if (buffer[50] == -1 && buffer[51] == -1)
return -1;
return Utility.getShort (buffer, 50);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public boolean canUse (int type2)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int users = buffer[54] & 0xFF;
return ((users >>> type2) & 1) == 1;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public String toString ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder ();
line.append (String.format ("%-16s", name));
if (buffer[36] == -1)
line.append ("(c) ");
line.append (" ");
line.append (String.format ("%02X ", buffer[62]));
line.append (String.format ("%02X ", buffer[34]));
line.append (String.format ("%02X %02X", buffer[50], buffer[51]));
// if (buffer[50] == -1 && buffer[51] == -1)
// line.append ("* ");
// else
// line.append (HexFormatter.intValue (buffer[50], buffer[51]) + " ");
for (int i = 38; i < 44; i++)
line.append (HexFormatter.format2 (buffer[i]) + " ");
for (int i = 48; i < 50; i++)
line.append (HexFormatter.format2 (buffer[i]) + " ");
for (int i = 52; i < 62; i++)
line.append (HexFormatter.format2 (buffer[i]) + " ");
// for (int i = 64; i < 78; i++)
// line.append (HexFormatter.format2 (buffer[i]) + " ");
return line.toString ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public String getDump (int block)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder (String.format ("%3d %-16s", itemID, name));
int lo = block == 0 ? 32 : block == 1 ? 46 : 70;
int hi = lo + 24;
if (hi > buffer.length)
hi = buffer.length;
for (int i = lo; i < hi; i++)
line.append (String.format ("%02X ", buffer[i]));
return line.toString ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public int compareTo (Item otherItem)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
Item item = otherItem;
return this.type - item.type;