2020-06-26 13:29:46 +10:00

200 lines
6.5 KiB
Executable File

package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.applefile;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.applefile.PascalCodeStatement.Jump;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.HexFormatter;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.Utility;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public class PascalProcedure
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// all procedures have these fields
byte[] buffer;
int procOffset;
int offset;
int slot;
boolean valid;
// only valid procedures have these fields
int procedureNo;
int procLevel;
int codeStart;
int codeEnd;
int parmSize;
int dataSize;
List<PascalCodeStatement> statements = new ArrayList<> ();
AssemblerProgram assembler;
int jumpTable = -8;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public PascalProcedure (byte[] buffer, int slot)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
this.buffer = buffer;
this.slot = slot;
int p = buffer.length - 2 - slot * 2;
offset = Utility.intValue (buffer[p], buffer[p + 1]);
procOffset = p - offset;
valid = procOffset > 0;
if (valid)
procedureNo = buffer[procOffset] & 0xFF;
procLevel = buffer[procOffset + 1] & 0xFF;
codeStart = Utility.intValue (buffer[procOffset - 2], buffer[procOffset - 1]);
codeEnd = Utility.intValue (buffer[procOffset - 4], buffer[procOffset - 3]);
parmSize = Utility.intValue (buffer[procOffset - 6], buffer[procOffset - 5]);
dataSize = Utility.intValue (buffer[procOffset - 8], buffer[procOffset - 7]);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void decode ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
if (statements.size () > 0 || assembler != null)
int ptr = procOffset - codeStart - 2;
int max = procOffset + jumpTable;
if (codeEnd == 0)
int len = codeStart + jumpTable + 2;
if (len > 0)
byte[] asmBuf = new byte[len];
System.arraycopy (buffer, ptr, asmBuf, 0, len);
assembler = new AssemblerProgram ("Proc", asmBuf, ptr);
while (ptr < max)
// System.out.printf ("ptr:%d, max:%d, buf:%d %n", ptr, max, buffer.length);
if (ptr >= buffer.length || ptr < 0)
System.out.printf ("Ptr outside buffer: %d %d%n", ptr, buffer.length);
PascalCodeStatement cs = new PascalCodeStatement (buffer, ptr, procOffset);
if (cs.length <= 0)
System.out.println ("error - length <= 0 : " + cs);
statements.add (cs);
if (cs.val == 185 || cs.val == 161)
if (cs.p1 < jumpTable)
jumpTable = cs.p1;
max = procOffset + jumpTable;
ptr += cs.length;
// Tidy up left-over bytes at the end
if (statements.size () > 1)
PascalCodeStatement lastStatement = statements.get (statements.size () - 1);
PascalCodeStatement secondLastStatement = statements.get (statements.size () - 2);
if (lastStatement.val == 0 && (secondLastStatement.val == 0xD6
|| secondLastStatement.val == 0xC1 || secondLastStatement.val == 0xAD))
statements.remove (statements.size () - 1);
// Mark statements that are jump targets
int actualEnd = procOffset - codeEnd - 4;
for (PascalCodeStatement cs : statements)
if (cs.ptr == actualEnd)
cs.jumpTarget = true;
for (Jump cj : cs.jumps)
for (PascalCodeStatement cs2 : statements)
if (cs2.ptr == cj.addressTo)
cs2.jumpTarget = true;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public List<PascalCodeStatement> extractStrings ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
decode ();
List<PascalCodeStatement> strings = new ArrayList<> ();
for (PascalCodeStatement cs : statements)
if (cs.val == 166)
strings.add (cs);
return strings;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public String toString ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
if (!valid)
return "";
decode ();
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ("\nProcedure Header\n================\n\n");
if (false)
text.append (
HexFormatter.format (buffer, procOffset + jumpTable, 2 - jumpTable) + "\n\n");
text.append (
String.format ("Level.......%5d %02X%n", procLevel, procLevel & 0xFF));
text.append (String.format ("Proc no.....%5d %02X%n", procedureNo, procedureNo));
text.append (String.format ("Code entry..%5d %04X (%04X - %04X = %04X)%n",
codeStart, codeStart, (procOffset - 2), codeStart, (procOffset - codeStart - 2)));
text.append (String.format ("Code exit...%5d %04X", codeEnd, codeEnd));
if (codeEnd > 0)
text.append (String.format (" (%04X - %04X = %04X)%n", (procOffset - 4), codeEnd,
(procOffset - codeEnd - 4)));
text.append (String.format ("%n"));
text.append (String.format ("Parm size...%5d %04X%n", parmSize, parmSize));
text.append (String.format ("Data size...%5d %04X%n%n", dataSize, dataSize));
text.append ("Procedure Code\n==============\n\n");
int ptr = procOffset - codeStart - 2;
if (false)
text.append (HexFormatter.format (buffer, ptr, codeStart + jumpTable + 2) + "\n\n");
if (codeEnd == 0)
if (assembler != null)
text.append (assembler.getAssembler () + "\n");
text.append ("Null assembler in PascalProcedure");
for (PascalCodeStatement cs : statements)
text.append (cs);
if (jumpTable < -8 && false)
text.append ("\nJump table:\n");
for (int i = procOffset + jumpTable; i < procOffset - 8; i += 2)
ptr = i - ((buffer[i + 1] & 0xFF) * 256 + (buffer[i] & 0xFF));
text.append (String.format ("%05X : %02X %02X --> %04X%n", i, buffer[i],
buffer[i + 1], ptr));
return text.toString ();