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synced 2025-02-02 23:30:44 +00:00
327 lines
11 KiB
327 lines
11 KiB
package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.infocom;
import java.util.*;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.HexFormatter;
class Grammar extends InfocomAbstractFile
private static final int SENTENCE_LENGTH = 8;
private final Header header;
private final int indexPtr, indexSize;
private final int tablePtr, tableSize;
private final int actionPtr, actionSize;
private final int preActionPtr, preActionSize;
private final int prepositionPtr, prepositionSize;
private final int indexEntries;
private final int totalPrepositions;
private final int padding;
private final List<SentenceGroup> sentenceGroups = new ArrayList<> ();
private final Map<Integer, List<Sentence>> actionList = new TreeMap<> ();
private final List<Integer> actionRoutines = new ArrayList<> ();
private final List<Integer> preActionRoutines = new ArrayList<> ();
Grammar (String name, byte[] buffer, Header header)
super (name, buffer);
this.header = header;
indexPtr = header.staticMemory; // start of the index
tablePtr = header.getWord (indexPtr); // start of the data (end of the index)
indexSize = tablePtr - indexPtr;
indexEntries = indexSize / 2;
padding = getPadding ();
int lastEntry = header.getWord (tablePtr - 2); // address of the last data entry
tableSize = lastEntry + getRecordLength (lastEntry) - tablePtr; // uses padding
actionPtr = tablePtr + tableSize; // start of the action routines
actionSize = getTotalActions () * 2; // uses padding
preActionSize = actionSize;
preActionPtr = actionPtr + actionSize;
prepositionPtr = preActionPtr + preActionSize;
totalPrepositions = header.getWord (prepositionPtr);
prepositionSize = totalPrepositions * 4 + 2;
if (false)
System.out.printf ("indexPtr %,8d %4X%n", indexPtr, indexPtr);
System.out.printf ("indexSize %,8d%n", indexSize);
System.out.printf ("indexEntries %,8d%n", indexEntries);
System.out.printf ("tablePtr %,8d %4X%n", tablePtr, tablePtr);
System.out.printf ("tableSize %,8d%n", tableSize);
System.out.printf ("actionPtr %,8d %4X%n", actionPtr, actionPtr);
System.out.printf ("actionSize %,8d%n", actionSize);
System.out.printf ("actionEntries %,8d%n", actionSize / 2);
System.out.printf ("preActionPtr %,8d %4X%n", preActionPtr, preActionPtr);
System.out.printf ("preActionSize %,8d%n", preActionSize);
System.out.printf ("prepPtr %,8d %4X%n", prepositionPtr, prepositionPtr);
System.out.printf ("prepSize %,8d%n", prepositionSize);
System.out.printf ("totPreps %,8d%n", totalPrepositions);
// add entries for AbstractFile.getHexDump ()
hexBlocks.add (new HexBlock (indexPtr, indexSize, "Index:"));
hexBlocks.add (new HexBlock (tablePtr, tableSize, "Grammar data:"));
hexBlocks.add (new HexBlock (actionPtr, actionSize, "Action routines:"));
hexBlocks.add (new HexBlock (preActionPtr, preActionSize, "Pre-action routines:"));
hexBlocks.add (new HexBlock (prepositionPtr, prepositionSize, "Preposition table:"));
// create SentenceGroup and Sentence objects and action lists
int count = 255;
for (int i = 0; i < indexEntries; i++)
int offset = header.getWord (indexPtr + i * 2);
SentenceGroup sg = new SentenceGroup (count--, offset);
sentenceGroups.add (sg);
for (Sentence sentence : sg)
if (!actionList.containsKey (sentence.actionId)) // add to hashmap
actionList.put (sentence.actionId, new ArrayList<Sentence> ());
actionList.get (sentence.actionId).add (sentence);
if (sentence.preActionRoutine > 0 // add to pre-action routine list
&& !preActionRoutines.contains (sentence.preActionRoutine))
preActionRoutines.add (sentence.preActionRoutine);
// add to action routine list
if (sentence.actionRoutine > 0
&& !actionRoutines.contains (sentence.actionRoutine))
actionRoutines.add (sentence.actionRoutine);
Collections.sort (actionRoutines);
Collections.sort (preActionRoutines);
private int getPadding ()
// calculate record padding size (Zork has 1 byte padding, Planetfall has 0)
int r1 = header.getWord (indexPtr);
int r2 = header.getWord (indexPtr + 2);
int sentences = header.getByte (r1);
return r2 - r1 - (sentences * SENTENCE_LENGTH) - 1;
private int getRecordLength (int recordPtr)
return (buffer[recordPtr] & 0xFF) * SENTENCE_LENGTH + padding + 1;
private int getTotalActions ()
// loop through each record in each index entry, and find the highest action number
int ptr = tablePtr;
int highest = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < indexEntries; i++)
int totSentences = buffer[ptr++];
for (int j = 0; j < totSentences; j++)
int val = buffer[ptr + 7] & 0xFF;
if (val > highest)
highest = val;
ptr += padding; // could be zero or one
return highest + 1; // zero-based, so increment it
public List<Integer> getActionRoutines ()
List<Integer> routines = new ArrayList<> ();
routines.addAll (actionRoutines);
routines.addAll (preActionRoutines);
return routines;
public String getText ()
String line = "-----------------------------------------------------"
+ "-----------------------------------------------------------\n";
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (
sentenceGroups.size () + " Grammar tables\n==================\n\n");
// add the sentences in their original SentenceGroup sequence
for (SentenceGroup sg : sentenceGroups)
text.append (sg + "\n" + line);
text.append ("\n" + actionList.size () + " Action groups\n=================\n\n");
// add the sentences in their actionId sequence
for (List<Sentence> list : actionList.values ())
for (Sentence sentence : list)
text.append (sentence + "\n");
text.append (line);
text.append ("\n" + preActionRoutines.size ()
+ " Pre-action routines\n======================\n\n");
// add sentences in pre-action routine sequence
for (Integer routine : preActionRoutines)
for (Sentence sentence : getSentences (routine))
text.append (sentence + "\n");
text.append (line);
text.append (
"\n" + actionRoutines.size () + " Action routines\n===================\n\n");
// add sentences in action routine sequence
for (Integer routine : actionRoutines)
for (Sentence sentence : getSentences (routine))
text.append (sentence + "\n");
text.append (line);
text.append ("\n" + totalPrepositions + " Prepositions\n===============\n\n");
text.append (HexFormatter.getHexString (buffer, prepositionPtr, 2) + "\n");
for (int i = 0, ptr = prepositionPtr + 2; i < totalPrepositions; i++, ptr += 4)
text.append (HexFormatter.getHexString (buffer, ptr, 4) + " ");
int id = header.getByte (ptr + 3);
List<String> preps = header.dictionary.getPrepositions (id);
String prepString = makeWordBlock (preps);
text.append (prepString + "\n");
text.deleteCharAt (text.length () - 1);
return text.toString ();
private List<Sentence> getSentences (int routine)
List<Sentence> sentences = new ArrayList<> ();
for (SentenceGroup sg : sentenceGroups)
for (Sentence s : sg.sentences)
if (s.actionRoutine == routine || s.preActionRoutine == routine)
sentences.add (s);
return sentences;
private String makeWordBlock (List<String> words)
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ("[");
if (words.size () > 0)
for (String word : words)
text.append (word + ", ");
text.deleteCharAt (text.length () - 1);
text.deleteCharAt (text.length () - 1);
text.append ("** not found **");
text.append ("]");
return text.toString ();
private class SentenceGroup implements Iterable<Sentence>
int startPtr;
int id;
List<Sentence> sentences = new ArrayList<> ();
String verbString; // list of synonyms inside []
public SentenceGroup (int id, int ptr)
this.startPtr = ptr;
this.id = id;
int records = buffer[ptr] & 0xFF;
verbString = makeWordBlock (header.dictionary.getVerbs (id));
for (int j = 0, offset = startPtr + 1; j < records; j++, offset += SENTENCE_LENGTH)
sentences.add (new Sentence (offset, this));
public String toString ()
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();
for (Sentence sentence : sentences)
text.append (sentence + "\n");
text.deleteCharAt (text.length () - 1);
return text.toString ();
public Iterator<Sentence> iterator ()
return sentences.iterator ();
private class Sentence
int startPtr;
SentenceGroup parent;
int actionId;
int actionRoutine; // mandatory
int preActionRoutine; // optional
String sentenceText;
public Sentence (int ptr, SentenceGroup parent)
this.startPtr = ptr;
this.parent = parent;
// byte 0 contains the number of objects in the sentence
int totObjects = buffer[ptr++] & 0xFF; // 0-2
// build the sentence text from bytes 1-2
StringBuilder sentence = new StringBuilder ();
for (int k = 0; k < totObjects; k++)
int b = buffer[ptr++] & 0xFF;
if (b > 0)
sentence.append (" " + getPrep (b));
sentence.append (" OBJ");
sentenceText = sentence.toString ();
// do something with bytes 3-6
// ... what that is I have no idea
// get action pointer from byte 7
actionId = buffer[startPtr + 7] & 0xFF;
int targetOffset = actionId * 2; // index into the action and pre-action blocks
actionRoutine = header.getWord (actionPtr + targetOffset) * 2;
preActionRoutine = header.getWord (preActionPtr + targetOffset) * 2;
private String getPrep (int value)
int offset = prepositionPtr + 2 + (totalPrepositions - (255 - value) - 1) * 4;
int address = header.getWord (offset);
return header.dictionary.wordAt (address);
private String getText ()
return parent.verbString + " " + sentenceText;
public String toString ()
StringBuilder text =
new StringBuilder (String.format ("%3d %04X ", parent.id, startPtr));
text.append (HexFormatter.getHexString (buffer, startPtr, SENTENCE_LENGTH));
String r1 = preActionRoutine == 0 ? "" : String.format ("R:%05X", preActionRoutine);
text.append (String.format (" %-7s R:%05X %s", r1, actionRoutine, getText ()));
return text.toString ();
} |