
564 lines
15 KiB

package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.applefile;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.HexFormatter;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.applefile.VisicalcSpreadsheet.VisicalcCell;
public class VisicalcSpreadsheet implements Iterable<VisicalcCell>
private static final Pattern addressPattern = Pattern.compile ("([A-B]?[A-Z])([0-9]{1,3}):");
private static final Pattern cellContents = Pattern
.compile ("([-+/*]?)(([A-Z]{1,2}[0-9]{1,3})|([0-9.]+)|(@[^-+/*]+))");
private static final Pattern functionPattern = Pattern
.compile ("\\(([A-B]?[A-Z])([0-9]{1,3})\\.\\.\\.([A-B]?[A-Z])([0-9]{1,3})\\)");
private final Map<Integer, VisicalcCell> sheet = new TreeMap<Integer, VisicalcCell> ();
private final Map<String, Double> functions = new HashMap<String, Double> ();
final List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String> ();
VisicalcCell currentCell = null;
int columnWidth = 12;
char defaultFormat;
// Maximum cell = BK254
// /G<address> goto
// /B blank the cell
// /C clear and home
// A-Z label (" to force a label)
// 0-9.+-()*/@# value (+ to force a value)
// /S Storage (ISLDWR)
// /SI Storage init
// /SS Storage Save
// /SL Storage Load
// /SD Storage Delete
// /SW Storage Write (to cassette)
// /SR Storage Read (from cassette)
// /R Replicate
// /G Global (CORF)
// /GF Global Format (DGILR$*)
// /GFI Global Format Integer
// /GF$ Global Format Currency
// /GC Global Column <width>
// /GR Global
// /GO Global
// /T Titles (HVBN)
// /TH fix Horizontal Titles
// /TV fix Vertical Titles
// /TB fix Both Titles
// /TN fix Neither
// /W Window (HV1SU)
// /WV Window Vertical (split on cursor column)
// /WH Window Horizontal (split on cursor row)
public VisicalcSpreadsheet (byte[] buffer)
int ptr = 0;
int last = buffer.length - 1;
while (buffer[last] == 0)
while (ptr <= last)
int endPtr = findEndPtr (buffer, ptr);
add (HexFormatter.getString (buffer, ptr, endPtr - ptr));
ptr = endPtr + 1;
if (false)
for (VisicalcCell cell : sheet.values ())
System.out.println (cell);
public void add (String command)
lines.add (command);
String data;
if (command.startsWith (">")) // GOTO cell
int pos = command.indexOf (':'); // end of cell address
Matcher m = addressPattern.matcher (command);
if (m.find ())
Address address = new Address ( (1), (2));
VisicalcCell cell = sheet.get (address.sortValue);
command = command.substring (pos + 1);
if (cell == null)
cell = new VisicalcCell (this, address);
sheet.put (cell.address.sortValue, cell);
currentCell = cell;
System.out.println ("Found " + cell);
System.out.printf ("Invalid cell address: %s%n", command);
if (command.startsWith ("/")) // command
// System.out.printf ("Cmd: %s%n", command);
data = command.substring (1);
char subCommand = command.charAt (1);
switch (subCommand)
case 'W':
System.out.println (" Window command: " + data);
case 'G':
System.out.println (" Global command: " + data);
if (data.charAt (1) == 'C')
columnWidth = Integer.parseInt (data.substring (2));
else if (data.charAt (1) == 'F')
defaultFormat = data.charAt (2);
case 'T':
System.out.println (" Title command: " + data);
currentCell.doCommand (command);
else if (command.startsWith ("@"))
currentCell.doCommand (command);
else if (command.startsWith ("\""))
currentCell.doCommand (command);
else if (command.startsWith ("+"))
currentCell.doCommand (command);
else if (command.matches ("^[0-9.]+$")) // value
currentCell.doCommand (command);
else if (command.matches ("^[-A-Z]+$")) // label
currentCell.doCommand (command);
currentCell.doCommand (command); // formula
private int findEndPtr (byte[] buffer, int ptr)
while (buffer[ptr] != (byte) 0x8D)
return ptr;
private double evaluateFunction (String function)
if (functions.containsKey (function))
return functions.get (function);
Range range = null;
Matcher m = functionPattern.matcher (function);
while (m.find ())
Address fromAddress = new Address ( (1), (2));
Address toAddress = new Address ( (3), (4));
range = new Range (fromAddress, toAddress);
double result = 0;
if (function.startsWith ("@SUM"))
for (Address address : range)
result += getValue (address);
else if (function.startsWith ("@COUNT"))
int count = 0;
for (Address address : range)
VisicalcCell cell = getCell (address);
if (cell != null && cell.hasValue () && cell.value != 0.0)
result = count;
else if (function.startsWith ("@MIN"))
double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (Address address : range)
if (min > getValue (address))
min = getValue (address);
result = min;
else if (function.startsWith ("@MAX"))
double max = Double.MIN_VALUE;
for (Address address : range)
if (max < getValue (address))
max = getValue (address);
result = max;
System.out.println ("Unimplemented function: " + function);
// Functions:
// @NPV
// @LOOKUP(v,range)
// @NA
// @PI
// @ABS
// @INT
// @EXP
// @SQRT
// @LN
// @LOG10
// @SIN
// @ASIN
// @COS
// @ACOS
// @TAN
// @ATAN
functions.put (function, result);
return result;
public double getValue (Address address)
VisicalcCell cell = sheet.get (address.sortValue);
return cell == null ? 0.0 : cell.value;
public double getValue (String cellName)
Address address = new Address (cellName);
return getValue (address);
public VisicalcCell getCell (Address address)
return sheet.get (address.sortValue);
public int size ()
return sheet.size ();
public Iterator<VisicalcCell> iterator ()
return sheet.values ().iterator ();
public String getCells ()
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();
String format = String.format ("%%-%d.%ds", columnWidth, columnWidth);
String currencyFormat = String.format ("%%%d.%ds", columnWidth, columnWidth);
String integerFormat = String.format ("%%%d.0f", columnWidth);
String numberFormat = String.format ("%%%d.3f", columnWidth);
DecimalFormat nf = new DecimalFormat ("$#####0.00");
// NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance ();
int lastRow = 0;
int lastColumn = -1;
for (VisicalcCell cell : sheet.values ())
while (lastRow < cell.address.row)
text.append ("\n");
lastColumn = -1;
while (lastColumn < cell.address.column - 1)
text.append (" ".substring (0, columnWidth));
lastColumn = cell.address.column;
if (cell.hasValue ())
if (defaultFormat == 'I')
text.append (String.format (integerFormat, cell.getValue ()));
else if (defaultFormat == '$')
text.append (String.format (currencyFormat, nf.format (cell.getValue ())));
text.append (String.format (numberFormat, cell.getValue ()));
text.append (String.format (format, cell.value ()));
return text.toString ();
class VisicalcCell implements Comparable<VisicalcCell>
private final Address address;
private final VisicalcSpreadsheet parent;
private String label;
private double value;
private String formula;
private char format;
private int width;
private int columnWidth;
private char repeatingChar;
private String repeat = "";
private boolean valid;
public VisicalcCell (VisicalcSpreadsheet parent, Address address)
this.parent = parent;
this.address = address;
public void doCommand (String command)
if (command.startsWith ("/"))
if (command.charAt (1) == 'F') // format cell
format = command.charAt (2);
if (command.length () > 3 && command.charAt (3) == '"')
label = command.substring (4);
else if (command.charAt (1) == '-') // repeating label
repeatingChar = command.charAt (2);
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
repeat += repeatingChar;
System.out.println ("Unknown command: " + command);
else if (command.startsWith ("\"")) // starts with a quote
label = command.substring (1);
else if (command.matches ("^[0-9.]+$")) // contains only numbers or .
this.value = Float.parseFloat (command);
formula = command;
public boolean hasValue ()
return label == null && repeatingChar == 0;
public double getValue ()
if (valid || formula == null)
return value;
double result = 0.0;
double interim;
Matcher m = cellContents.matcher (formula);
while (m.find ())
valid = true;
char operator = (1).isEmpty () ? '+' : (1).charAt (0);
if ( (3) != null) // address
interim = parent.getValue ( (3));
else if ( (4) != null) // constant
interim = Double.parseDouble ( (4));
interim = parent.evaluateFunction ( (5)); // function
if (operator == '+')
result += interim;
else if (operator == '-')
result -= interim;
else if (operator == '*')
result *= interim;
else if (operator == '/')
result = interim == 0.0 ? 0 : result / interim;
if (valid)
value = result;
return result;
System.out.println ("?? " + formula);
return value;
public String value ()
if (label != null)
return label;
if (repeatingChar > 0)
return repeat;
if (formula != null)
if (formula.length () >= 12)
return formula.substring (0, 12);
return formula;
return value + "";
public String toString ()
String value =
repeatingChar == 0 ? label == null ? formula == null ? ", Value: " + this.value
: ", Frmla: " + formula : ", Label: " + label : ", Rpeat: " + repeatingChar;
String format = this.format == 0 ? "" : ", Format: " + this.format;
String width = this.width == 0 ? "" : ", Width: " + this.width;
String columnWidth = this.columnWidth == 0 ? "" : ", Col Width: " + this.columnWidth;
return String.format ("[Cell:%5s%s%s%s%s]", address, format, width, columnWidth, value);
public int compareTo (VisicalcCell o)
return address.compareTo (o.address);
class Range implements Iterable<Address>
Address from, to;
List<Address> range = new ArrayList<Address> ();
public Range (Address from, Address to)
this.from = from; = to;
range.add (from);
if (from.row == to.row)
while (from.compareTo (to) < 0)
from = from.nextColumn ();
range.add (from);
else if (from.column == to.column)
while (from.compareTo (to) < 0)
from = from.nextRow ();
range.add (from);
throw new InvalidParameterException ();
public String toString ()
return String.format (" %s -> %s", from.text, to.text);
public Iterator<Address> iterator ()
return range.iterator ();
class Address implements Comparable<Address>
int row, column;
int sortValue;
String text;
public Address (String column, String row)
set (column, row);
public Address (int column, int row)
assert column <= 64;
assert row <= 255;
this.row = row;
this.column = column;
sortValue = row * 64 + column;
int col1 = column / 26;
int col2 = column % 26;
String col =
col1 > 0 ? (char) ('@' + col1) + ('A' + col2) + "" : (char) ('A' + col2) + "";
text = col + (row + 1);
public Address (String address)
if (address.charAt (1) < 'A')
set (address.substring (0, 1), address.substring (1));
set (address.substring (0, 2), address.substring (2));
private void set (String sCol, String sRow)
if (sCol.length () == 1)
column = sCol.charAt (0) - 'A';
else if (sCol.length () == 2)
column = (sCol.charAt (0) - '@') * 26 + sCol.charAt (1) - 'A';
System.out.println ("Bollocks");
row = Integer.parseInt (sRow) - 1;
sortValue = row * 64 + column;
text = sCol + sRow;
public Address nextRow ()
Address next = new Address (column, row + 1);
return next;
public Address nextColumn ()
Address next = new Address (column + 1, row);
return next;
public String toString ()
return String.format ("%s %d %d %d", text, row, column, sortValue);
public int compareTo (Address o)
return sortValue - o.sortValue;