Denis Molony f4e97bf984 tidying
2019-11-20 05:40:23 +10:00

644 lines
17 KiB

package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.applefile;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.image.DataBuffer;
import java.util.List;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.prodos.ProdosConstants;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.HexFormatter;
public abstract class HiResImage extends AbstractFile
// File Type Aux Name
// $06 BIN isGif() - OriginalHiResImage
// $06 BIN isPng() - OriginalHiResImage
// $06 BIN .BMP isBmp() - OriginalHiResImage
// $06 BIN .AUX - DoubleHiResImage
// $06 BIN .PAC - DoubleHiResImage
// $06 BIN .A2FC - DoubleHiResImage
// $06 BIN $2000 eof $4000 - DoubleHiResImage
// $06 BIN $1FFF eof $1FF8/$1FFF/$2000/$4000 - OriginalHiResImage
// $06 BIN $2000 eof $1FF8/$1FFF/$2000/$4000 - OriginalHiResImage
// $06 BIN $4000 eof $1FF8/$1FFF/$2000/$4000 - OriginalHiResImage (?)
// $06 BIN $4000 eof $4000 - DoubleHiResImage (?)
// $06 BIN .3200 - SHRPictureFile2
// $06 BIN .3201 - SHRPictureFile2
// $08 FOT <$4000 Apple II Graphics File - ???
// $08 FOT $4000 Packed Hi-Res file - ???
// $08 FOT $4001 Packed Double Hi-Res file - ???
// $08 FOT $8066 Fadden Hi-res - FaddenHiResImage
// * $C0 PNT $0000 Paintworks Packed Super Hi-Res - SHRPictureFile2
// * $C0 PNT $0001 Packed IIGS Super Hi-Res Image - SHRPictureFile2
// * $C0 PNT $0002 IIGS Super Hi-Res Picture File (APF) - SHRPictureFile
// $C0 PNT $0003 Packed IIGS QuickDraw II PICT File - SHRPictureFile2 *
// * $C0 PNT $0004 Packed Super Hi-Res 3200 (Brooks) .3201 - SHRPictureFile2
// $C0 PNT $1000
// $C0 PNT $8000 Drawplus? Paintworks Gold?
// $C0 PNT $8001 GTv background picture
// $C0 PNT $8005 DreamGraphix document
// $C0 PNT $8006 GIF
// * $C1 PIC $0000 IIGS Super Hi-Res Image - SHRPictureFile2
// $C1 PIC $0001 IIGS QuickDraw II PICT File - SHRPictureFile2 *
// * $C1 PIC $0002 Super Hi-Res 3200 (Brooks) .3200 - SHRPictureFile2
// $C1 PIC $2000 ?
// $C1 PIC $8001 Allison raw image
// $C1 PIC $8002 Thunderscan
// $C1 PIC $8003 DreamGraphix
// $C2 ANI Paintworks animation
// $C3 PAL Paintworks palette
static PaletteFactory paletteFactory = new PaletteFactory ();
static final byte[] pngHeader =
{ (byte) 0x89, 0x50, 0x4E, 0x47, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A };
static boolean colourQuirks;
static boolean monochrome;
int fileType;
int auxType;
int eof;
int paletteIndex;
String failureReason = "";
public HiResImage (String name, byte[] buffer)
super (name, buffer);
public HiResImage (String name, byte[] buffer, int loadAddress)
this (name, buffer, loadAddress, false);
public HiResImage (String name, byte[] buffer, int loadAddress, boolean scrunched)
super (name, buffer);
this.loadAddress = loadAddress; // for the disassembly listing
if (scrunched)
this.buffer = unscrunch (buffer);
public HiResImage (String name, byte[] buffer, int fileType, int auxType, int eof)
super (name, buffer);
this.fileType = fileType;
this.auxType = auxType;
this.eof = eof;
protected void createImage ()
if (failureReason.isEmpty ())
if (isGif (buffer) || isPng (buffer) || isBmp (buffer) || isTiff (buffer))
makeImage ();
else if (monochrome)
createMonochromeImage ();
createColourImage ();
abstract void createMonochromeImage ();
abstract void createColourImage ();
public void checkPalette ()
if (!monochrome && paletteIndex != paletteFactory.getCurrentPaletteIndex ())
createImage ();
public void setPalette ()
if (!monochrome)
createImage ();
public void setColourQuirks (boolean value)
if (colourQuirks == value)
colourQuirks = value;
if (!monochrome)
createImage ();
public void setMonochrome (boolean value)
if (monochrome == value)
monochrome = value;
createImage ();
public static void setDefaultColourQuirks (boolean value)
colourQuirks = value;
public static void setDefaultMonochrome (boolean value)
monochrome = value;
* Files of type $08 and any auxiliary type less than or equal to $3FFF contain a
* standard Apple II graphics file in one of several modes. After determining that
* the auxiliary type is not $4000 or $4001 (which have been defined for high-resolution
* and double high-resolution pictures packed with the Apple IIGS PackBytes routine),
* you can determine the mode of the file by examining byte +120 (+$78). The value of
* this byte, which ranges from zero to seven, is interpreted as follows:
Mode Page 1 Page 2
280 x 192 Black & White 0 4
280 x 192 Limited Color 1 5
560 x 192 Black & White 2 6
140 x 192 Full Color 3 7
// SHR see -
// also:!topic/comp.sys.apple2/zYhZ5YdNNxQ
public String getText ()
String auxText = "";
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();
text.append (String.format ("Image File : %s%nFile type : $%02X %s%n", name,
fileType, ProdosConstants.fileTypes[fileType]));
switch (fileType)
case ProdosConstants.FILE_TYPE_FOT: // 0x08
if (auxType < 0x4000)
auxText = "Apple II Graphics File";
byte mode = buffer[0x78]; // 0-7
System.out.println ("Prodos PICT, mode=" + mode); // see mode table above
else if (auxType == 0x4000)
auxText = "Packed Hi-Res File";
else if (auxType == 0x4001)
auxText = "Packed Double Hi-Res File";
else if (auxType == 0x8066)
auxText = "Fadden Hi-Res File";
auxText = "Unknown aux: " + auxType;
case ProdosConstants.FILE_TYPE_PNT: // 0xC0
switch (auxType)
case 0:
auxText = "Paintworks Packed SHR Image";
case 1:
auxText = "Packed Super Hi-Res Image";
case 2:
auxText = "Super Hi-Res Image (Apple Preferred Format)";
case 3:
auxText = "Packed QuickDraw II PICT File";
case 4:
auxText = "Packed Super Hi-Res 3200 color image";
auxText = "Unknown aux: " + auxType;
case ProdosConstants.FILE_TYPE_PIC: // 0xC1
switch (auxType)
case 0:
case 0x2000:
auxText = "Super Hi-res Screen Image";
case 1:
auxText = "QuickDraw PICT File";
case 2:
auxText = "Super Hi-Res 3200 color image";
auxText = "Unknown aux: " + auxType;
if (!auxText.isEmpty ())
text.append (String.format ("Aux type : $%04X %s%n", auxType, auxText));
text.append (String.format ("File size : %,d%n", buffer.length));
text.append (String.format ("EOF : %,d%n", eof));
if (!failureReason.isEmpty ())
text.append (String.format ("Failure : %s%n", failureReason));
text.deleteCharAt (text.length () - 1);
return text.toString ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int draw (DataBuffer dataBuffer, int element, int... rgb1)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
for (int i = 0; i < rgb1.length; i++)
dataBuffer.setElem (element++, rgb1[i]);
return element;
* Unpack the Apple PackBytes format.
* Format is:
* <flag><data> ...
* Flag values (first 6 bits of flag byte):
* 00xxxxxx: (0-63) 1 to 64 bytes follow, all different
* 01xxxxxx: (0-63) 1 to 64 repeats of next byte
* 10xxxxxx: (0-63) 1 to 64 repeats of next 4 bytes
* 11xxxxxx: (0-63) 1 to 64 repeats of next byte taken as 4 bytes
* (as in 10xxxxxx case)
// this should call unpackLine()
byte[] unpack (byte[] buffer) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
// routine found here -
byte[] newBuf = new byte[calculateBufferSize (buffer)];
byte[] fourBuf = new byte[4];
int ptr = 0, newPtr = 0;
while (ptr < buffer.length)
int type = (buffer[ptr] & 0xC0) >> 6; // 0-3
int count = (buffer[ptr++] & 0x3F) + 1; // 1-64
switch (type)
case 0: // copy next 1-64 bytes as is
count = Math.min (count, buffer.length - ptr);
while (count-- != 0)
newBuf[newPtr++] = buffer[ptr++];
case 1: // repeat next byte 3/5/6/7 times
byte b = buffer[ptr++];
while (count-- != 0)
newBuf[newPtr++] = b;
case 2: // repeat next 4 bytes (count) times
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
fourBuf[i] = buffer[ptr++];
while (count-- != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
newBuf[newPtr++] = fourBuf[i];
case 3: // repeat next byte (4*count) times
b = buffer[ptr++];
count *= 4;
while (count-- != 0)
newBuf[newPtr++] = b;
return newBuf;
// Super Hi-res IIGS (MAIN in $C0/02)
int unpackLine (byte[] buffer, byte[] newBuf, int newPtr)
byte[] fourBuf = new byte[4];
int ptr = 0;
while (ptr < buffer.length)
int type = (buffer[ptr] & 0xC0) >>> 6; // 0-3
int count = (buffer[ptr++] & 0x3F) + 1; // 1-64
if (ptr >= buffer.length) // needed for NAGELxx
switch (type)
case 0:
while (count-- != 0)
if (newPtr < newBuf.length && ptr < buffer.length)
newBuf[newPtr++] = buffer[ptr++];
case 1:
byte b = buffer[ptr++];
while (count-- != 0)
if (newPtr < newBuf.length)
newBuf[newPtr++] = b;
case 2:
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (ptr < buffer.length)
fourBuf[i] = buffer[ptr++];
while (count-- != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (newPtr < newBuf.length)
newBuf[newPtr++] = fourBuf[i];
case 3:
b = buffer[ptr++];
count *= 4;
while (count-- != 0)
if (newPtr < newBuf.length)
newBuf[newPtr++] = b;
return newPtr;
private int calculateBufferSize (byte[] buffer)
int ptr = 0;
int size = 0;
while (ptr < buffer.length)
int type = (buffer[ptr] & 0xC0) >>> 6; // 0-3
int count = (buffer[ptr++] & 0x3F) + 1; // 1-64
if (type == 0)
ptr += count;
size += count;
else if (type == 1)
size += count;
else if (type == 2)
ptr += 4;
size += count * 4;
size += count * 4;
return size;
// Beagle Bros routine to expand a hi-res screen
private byte[] unscrunch (byte[] src)
byte[] dst = new byte[0x2000];
int p1 = 0;
int p2 = 0;
while (p1 < dst.length)
byte b = src[p2++];
if ((b == (byte) 0x80) || (b == (byte) 0xFF))
b &= 0x7F;
int rpt = src[p2++];
for (int i = 0; i < rpt; i++)
dst[p1++] = b;
dst[p1++] = b;
return dst;
protected void makeImage ()
image = (new ByteArrayInputStream (buffer));
catch (IOException e)
e.printStackTrace ();
catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) // some BMP files cause this
System.out.println ("Error in makeImage()");
System.out.println (e.getMessage ());
public static boolean isGif (byte[] buffer)
if (buffer.length < 6)
return false;
String text = new String (buffer, 0, 6);
return text.equals ("GIF89a") || text.equals ("GIF87a");
public static boolean isPng (byte[] buffer)
if (buffer.length < pngHeader.length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < pngHeader.length; i++)
if (pngHeader[i] != buffer[i])
return false;
return true;
public static boolean isTiff (byte[] buffer)
if (buffer.length < 3)
return false;
String text = new String (buffer, 0, 2);
if (!"II".equals (text) && !"MM".equals (text))
return false;
if (buffer[2] != 0x2A)
return false;
return true;
public static boolean isBmp (byte[] buffer)
if (buffer.length < 26)
return false;
String text = new String (buffer, 0, 2);
int size = HexFormatter.unsignedLong (buffer, 2);
if (false)
int empty = HexFormatter.unsignedLong (buffer, 6);
int offset = HexFormatter.unsignedLong (buffer, 10);
int header = HexFormatter.unsignedLong (buffer, 14);
int width = HexFormatter.unsignedLong (buffer, 18);
int height = HexFormatter.unsignedLong (buffer, 22);
System.out.println (buffer.length);
System.out.println (size);
System.out.println (empty);
System.out.println (offset);
System.out.println (header);
System.out.println (width);
System.out.println (height);
return text.equals ("BM") && size <= buffer.length;
public static boolean isAPP (byte[] buffer)
if (buffer.length < 4)
return false;
return buffer[0] == (byte) 0xC1 && buffer[1] == (byte) 0xD0
&& buffer[2] == (byte) 0xD0 && buffer[3] == 0;
public static PaletteFactory getPaletteFactory ()
return paletteFactory;
public static List<Palette> getPalettes ()
return paletteFactory.getPalettes ();
class ColorTable
int id;
ColorEntry[] entries = new ColorEntry[16];
public ColorTable ()
// default empty table
id = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
entries[i] = new ColorEntry ();
public ColorTable (int id, byte[] data, int offset)
{ = id;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
entries[i] = new ColorEntry (data, offset);
offset += 2;
String toLine ()
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();
text.append (String.format ("%02X", id));
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
text.append (String.format (" %04X", entries[i].value));
return text.toString ();
void reverse ()
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
ColorEntry temp = entries[i];
entries[i] = entries[15 - i];
entries[15 - i] = temp;
public String toString ()
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();
text.append (String.format ("%2d ColorTable%n", id));
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
text.append (String.format (" %2d: %04X", i, entries[i].value));
text.append ("\n");
for (int i = 8; i < 16; i++)
text.append (String.format (" %2d: %04X", i, entries[i].value));
return text.toString ();
class ColorEntry
int value; // 0RGB
Color color;
public ColorEntry ()
// default empty entry
value = 0;
color = new Color (0, 0, 0);
public ColorEntry (byte[] data, int offset)
value = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (data, offset);
int red = ((value >> 8) & 0x0f) * 17;
int green = ((value >> 4) & 0x0f) * 17;
int blue = (value & 0x0f) * 17;
color = new Color (red, green, blue);
public String toString ()
return String.format ("ColorEntry: %04X", value);
class DirEntry
int numBytes;
int mode;
public DirEntry (byte[] data, int offset)
numBytes = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (data, offset);
mode = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (data, offset + 2);
public String toString ()
return String.format ("Bytes: %5d, mode: %02X", numBytes, mode);