-- EWM Meets Lua local function myerrhandler(err) print(err) print(debug.traceback()) return false end xpcall(function() -- -- Frogger.lua - Change the default Frogger key bindings. -- -- Intercept LDA $C000. The key code will be in the -- accumulator. Map the values to our own preferences. -- -- GETKEY: LDA $C000 ; AD 00 C0 -- CMP #$80 ; C9 80 -- BCC GETKEY ; 90 F9 -- STA $C010 ; 8D 10 C0 -- local cpu = require 'cpu' cpu.onAfterExecuteInstruction(0xAD, function(state, opcode, operand) if operand == 0xc000 then if state.a == 0xc9 then -- I state.a = 0xc1 -- A elseif state.a == 0xcb then -- K state.a = 0xda -- Z elseif state.a == 0xca then -- J state.a = 0x88 -- <- elseif state.a == 0xcc then -- L state.a = 0x95 -- -> end end end) end , myerrhandler )