-- EWM Meets Lua local function myerrhandler(err) print(err) print(debug.traceback()) return false end -- TODO How do we do this in C? xpcall(function() -- Add some random intercepts to measure the performance impact local cpu = require 'cpu' cpu.onBeforeExecuteInstruction(0x60, function(state, opcode, operand) --print(string.format('Before RTS from 0x%.4x', state.pc)) end) cpu.onBeforeExecuteInstruction(0x20, function(state, opcode, operand) --print(string.format('Before JSR from 0x%.4x', state.pc)) end) cpu.onAfterExecuteInstruction(0x60, function(state, opcode, operand) --print(string.format('After RTS from 0x%.4x', state.pc)) end) cpu.onAfterExecuteInstruction(0x20, function(state, opcode, operand) --print(string.format('After JSR from 0x%.4x', state.pc)) end) end , myerrhandler)