// Simplest possible Apple II that will possibly boot. ~ (tilde) to quit. package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "strings" "github.com/nsf/termbox-go" "github.com/zellyn/goapple2" "github.com/zellyn/goapple2/util" "github.com/zellyn/goapple2/videoscan" ) // Mapping of screen bytes to character values var AppleChars = "@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_ !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?" var ColorFG = termbox.ColorGreen var ColorBG = termbox.ColorBlack // Translate to termbox func translateToTermbox(value byte) (char rune, fg, bg termbox.Attribute) { // BUG(zellyn): change this to return char, MODE_ENUM. ch := rune(AppleChars[value&0x3F]) if value&0x80 > 0 { return ch, ColorFG, ColorBG } return ch, ColorBG, ColorFG } func termboxToAppleKeyboard(ev termbox.Event) (key byte, err error) { if ev.Key > 0 && ev.Key <= 32 { return byte(ev.Key), nil } if ev.Ch >= '!' && ev.Ch <= 'Z' || ev.Ch == '^' { return byte(ev.Ch), nil } if ev.Ch >= 'a' && ev.Ch <= 'z' { return byte(ev.Ch - 'a' + 'A'), nil } switch ev.Key { case termbox.KeyBackspace2: return 8, nil // backspace case termbox.KeyArrowLeft: return 8, nil // left arrow case termbox.KeyArrowRight: return 21, nil // right arrow } return 0, fmt.Errorf("hi") } func ProcessEvents(events chan termbox.Event, a2 *goapple2.Apple2) bool { select { case ev := <-events: if ev.Type == termbox.EventKey && ev.Ch == '~' { return true } if ev.Type == termbox.EventKey { if key, err := termboxToAppleKeyboard(ev); err == nil { a2.Keypress(key) } } default: } return false } type TextPlotter int func (p TextPlotter) Plot(data videoscan.PlotData) { y := int(data.Row / 8) x := int(data.Column) value := data.RawData ch, fg, bg := translateToTermbox(value) termbox.SetCell(x+1, y+1, ch, fg, bg) } func (p TextPlotter) OncePerFrame() { termbox.Flush() } // Run the emulator. If file is not empty, load it at address 0x6000, // add a PCAction to quit if address 0 is called, clear the screen, // call 0x6000, call 0, and dump the screen contents (minus trailing // whitespace). func RunEmulator(file string) error { var options []goapple2.Option if file != "" { ColorFG = termbox.ColorDefault ColorBG = termbox.ColorDefault bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file) if err != nil { return err } options = append(options, goapple2.WithRAM(0x6000, bytes)) } rom := util.ReadRomOrDie("../data/roms/apple2+.rom", 12288) var charRom [2048]byte plotter := TextPlotter(0) a2 := goapple2.NewApple2(plotter, rom, charRom, options...) if err := termbox.Init(); err != nil { return err } events := make(chan termbox.Event) done := false if file != "" { a2.AddPCAction(0, goapple2.PCAction{ Type: goapple2.ActionCallback, Callback: func() { done = true }, }) } go func() { if file != "" { for _, ch := range "HOME:CALL 24576:CALL 0" { a2.Keypress(byte(ch)) } a2.Keypress(13) } for { events <- termbox.PollEvent() } }() for !ProcessEvents(events, a2) && !done { err := a2.Step() if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) break } } termbox.Close() if file != "" { dumpscreen(a2) } return nil } func dumpscreen(a2 *goapple2.Apple2) { chars := []byte{} for third := 0x400; third <= 0x450; third += 0x28 { for base := third; base <= third+0x380; base += 0x80 { for x := 0; x < 40; x++ { ch := a2.RamRead(uint16(base + x)) chars = append(chars, ch&0x7f) } chars = append(chars, '\n') } } screen := string(chars) screen = strings.TrimRight(screen, "\r\n\t ") fmt.Println(screen) } var binfile = flag.String("binfile", "", "binary file to load at $6000 and CALL") func main() { flag.Parse() if err := RunEmulator(*binfile); err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) os.Exit(1) } }