GS+ Pro Extreme Max HD Performance Edition includes a sweet-16 mini assembler as well as a 65816 mini assembler. ## Sweet-16 From the Debug shell, enter `!!` to enter the sweet-16 mini asembler. Enter `^D` or a blank line to exit back to the debug shell. Lines consist of an optional address, an opcode, and operands. All numbers are hexadecimal. The `*` operand is the current address/PC. +/- offsets may also be applied. Registers are named `R0`-`R15` (decimal). `ACC`, `PC` and `SR` aliases are also valid for `R0`, `R15`, and `R14`, respectively. ### Examples 0300: set R1, #0300 ld @R1 br *-3 ## 65816 From the Debug shell, enter `!` to enter the sweet-16 mini asembler. Enter `^D` or a blank line to exit back to the debug shell. Lines consist of an optional address, an opcode, and operands. All numbers are hexadecimal. The `*` operand is the current address/PC. +/- offsets may also be applied. The M/X bits are automatically set via `REP`/`SEP` instructions. Additionally, the `long` and `short` directives may be used to set them explicitly. long mx short m Toolbox, GS/OS, ProDOS-16, and P8 MLI macros are auto generated from the NiftyList.Data file. _NewHandle _OpenGS 123456