/* GSPLUS - Advanced Apple IIGS Emulator Environment Based on the KEGS emulator written by Kent Dickey See COPYRIGHT.txt for Copyright information See LICENSE.txt for license (GPL v2) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "defc.h" #include "debug.h" #include "glog.h" // DISASSEMBLER STUFF enum { ABS = 1, ABSX, ABSY, ABSLONG, ABSIND, ABSXIND, IMPLY, ACCUM, IMMED, JUST8, DLOC, DLOCX, DLOCY, LONG, LONGX, DLOCIND, DLOCINDY, DLOCXIND, DLOCBRAK, DLOCBRAKY, DISP8, DISP8S, DISP8SINDY, DISP16, MVPMVN, REPVAL, SEPVAL }; extern const char * const disas_opcodes[256]; extern const word32 disas_types[256]; // STEPPING/ENGINE STUFF extern Engine_reg engine; extern int g_config_control_panel; extern int g_num_breakpoints; extern word32 g_breakpts[MAX_BREAK_POINTS]; int g_dbg_enable_port = 0; int debug_pause = 0; int g_dbg_step = 0; int step_count = 0; // emulator command stuff extern int g_limit_speed; extern int g_screenshot_requested; // all the message types typedef enum { G_DBG_COMMAND_TEST = 0, G_DBG_COMMAND_HELLO = 1, G_DBG_COMMAND_STEP = 2, G_DBG_COMMAND_CONTINUE = 3, G_DBG_COMMAND_GET_CPU = 4, G_DBG_COMMAND_SET_CPU = 5, G_DBG_COMMAND_GET_MEM = 6, G_DBG_COMMAND_SET_MEM = 7, G_DBG_COMMAND_ADD_BRK = 8, G_DBG_COMMAND_DEL_BRK = 9, G_DBG_COMMAND_GET_BRK = 0xA, G_DBG_COMMAND_PAUSE = 0xB, // deprecated G_DBG_COMMAND_DEBUGGER = 0xC, // deprecated G_DBG_COMMAND_QUIT = 0xD, // deprecated G_DBG_COMMAND_EMU_CMD = 0xE } G_DBG_COMMANDS; // incoming commands - 1 char command + 256 char data #define DBG_CMD_QUEUE_MAXLEN 50 int dbg_cmd_queue_len = 0; struct dbg_cmd { unsigned int command; char cdata[256]; }; struct dbg_cmd dbg_cmd_queue[DBG_CMD_QUEUE_MAXLEN]; // outgoing response messages - can be batched up // this one can be bigger because it just has pointers to messages // and we send multiple messages for debug (a "chain") #define DBG_MSG_QUEUE_MAXLEN 30 int dbg_msg_queue_len = 0; struct dbg_msg { unsigned int msg_size; char *msg_str; }; struct dbg_msg dbg_msg_queue[DBG_MSG_QUEUE_MAXLEN]; extern int get_byte_at_address(int addr); extern void set_byte_at_address(int addr, int value); //b64 funcs int b64encode_len(int); int b64encode(char *encoded, const char *string, int len); void debug_wait_hello(); void debug_setup_socket(); void debug_pop_message(); void debug_push_message(G_DBG_COMMANDS msg_type, char *msg_ptr, int msg_len); void event_hello(); void event_test_command(char *str); void event_pause(); void event_cpu_info(); void event_set_cpu(); void event_get_mem(char *str); void event_did_step(int step_count); void event_add_brk(char *str); void event_del_brk(char *str); void event_get_brk(); void event_emu_cmd(char *str); void event_set_mem(char *str); void api_write_socket(); void write_array_start(); void write_array_end(); void write_array_next(); int writeStrToClient(int sckt, const char *str); int do_dis_json(char *buf, word32 kpc, int accsize, int xsize, int op_provided, word32 instr, int chain); // derived from? /// https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/ssw_i5_54/rzab6/poll.htm #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 int len, rc, on = 1; int listen_sd = -1, new_sd = -1; int desc_ready, end_server = FALSE, compress_array = FALSE; int close_conn; #define BUFFER_SIZE 128 char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; char tmp_buffer_4k[4097]; // adding +1 in case someone forgets \0 char tmp_buffer2_4k[4097]; // adding +1 in case someone forgets \0 struct sockaddr_in addr; int timeout; // poll timeout in ms struct pollfd fds[200]; int nfds = 0, current_size = 0, i, j; int debugger_sd = -1; // this holds our socket file descriptor for the debugger, once attached /* socket debug version */ void do_go_debug() { while (1) { if (g_dbg_step >= 0) { if (g_dbg_step == 1) { g_dbg_step = -1; // we are taking a step, so chill on the next round } g_config_control_panel = 0; clear_halt(); glog("calling run_prog()"); run_prog(); // also calls debug_server_poll() glog("left run_prog()"); step_count++; // so this is a break... // we need a pool waiter for a continue or go here event_did_step(step_count); } timeout = 1000; debug_server_poll(); printf("."); if (debug_events_waiting() > 0) { timeout = 0; debug_handle_event(); } g_config_control_panel = 1; } } // removes the message from the front of the queue and slides the rest over void debug_pop_message() { if (dbg_cmd_queue_len > 0) { for (int i = 0; i< dbg_cmd_queue_len; i++) { dbg_cmd_queue[i]=dbg_cmd_queue[i+1]; // does this copy bad stuff if we hit max? } dbg_cmd_queue_len--; } } // adds message to end of queue and ups the counter void debug_push_message(G_DBG_COMMANDS msg_type, char *msg_ptr, int msg_len) { glogf("debug_push_message() GOT: %d", (int) msg_type); dbg_cmd_queue[dbg_cmd_queue_len].command = msg_type; memcpy(dbg_cmd_queue[dbg_cmd_queue_len].cdata, msg_ptr, msg_len); // stripping that first char dbg_cmd_queue[dbg_cmd_queue_len].cdata[msg_len+1] = '\0'; // terminator dbg_cmd_queue_len++; // INC POINTER } // this should be sufficient int debug_events_waiting() { return dbg_cmd_queue_len; } // handle event onfront of queue and remove it void debug_handle_event() { while (debug_events_waiting() > 0) { switch (dbg_cmd_queue[0].command) { case G_DBG_COMMAND_TEST: //0 event_test_command(dbg_cmd_queue[0].cdata); break; case G_DBG_COMMAND_HELLO: //1 event_hello(); break; case G_DBG_COMMAND_PAUSE: //2 event_pause(); break; case G_DBG_COMMAND_STEP: //3 if (g_dbg_step == -1) { g_dbg_step = 1; // take a step } else { g_dbg_step = -1; // first one just halts } break; case G_DBG_COMMAND_CONTINUE: //4 g_dbg_step = 0; step_count = 0; break; case G_DBG_COMMAND_GET_MEM: //6 event_get_mem(dbg_cmd_queue[0].cdata); break; case G_DBG_COMMAND_SET_MEM: //7 event_set_mem(dbg_cmd_queue[0].cdata); break; case G_DBG_COMMAND_QUIT: exit(0); // HALT! break; case G_DBG_COMMAND_DEBUGGER: do_debug_intfc(); break; case G_DBG_COMMAND_SET_CPU: event_set_cpu(&dbg_cmd_queue[0].cdata); break; case G_DBG_COMMAND_GET_CPU: event_cpu_info(); break; case G_DBG_COMMAND_ADD_BRK: event_add_brk(dbg_cmd_queue[0].cdata); break; case G_DBG_COMMAND_DEL_BRK: event_del_brk(dbg_cmd_queue[0].cdata); break; case G_DBG_COMMAND_GET_BRK: event_get_brk(dbg_cmd_queue[0].cdata); break; case G_DBG_COMMAND_EMU_CMD: event_emu_cmd(dbg_cmd_queue[0].cdata); break; default: break; } debug_pop_message(); } } void push_api_msg(int size, char *msg_str) { if (dbg_msg_queue_len < DBG_MSG_QUEUE_MAXLEN) { dbg_msg_queue[dbg_msg_queue_len].msg_size = size; dbg_msg_queue[dbg_msg_queue_len].msg_str = msg_str; //printf("Latest message : \n%s\n", dbg_msg_queue[dbg_msg_queue_len].msg_str); dbg_msg_queue_len++; // INC POINTER } else { glog("ABORT! Message dropped because dbg_msg_queue is full."); } } void api_push_memack() { int size = snprintf(tmp_buffer_4k, sizeof(tmp_buffer_4k),"{\"type\":\"memack\"}"); char *msg = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * size); strcpy(msg,tmp_buffer_4k); push_api_msg(size, msg); } void api_push_cpu() { Engine_reg *eptr; eptr = &engine; int tmp_acc, tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_psw; int kpc, direct_page, dbank, stack; kpc = eptr->kpc; tmp_acc = eptr->acc; direct_page = eptr->direct; dbank = eptr->dbank; stack = eptr->stack; tmp_x = eptr->xreg; tmp_y = eptr->yreg; tmp_psw = eptr->psr; int size = snprintf(tmp_buffer_4k, sizeof(tmp_buffer_4k),"{\"type\":\"cpu\",\"data\":{\"K\":\"%02X\",\"PC\":\"%04X\",\"A\":\"%04X\"," \ "\"X\":\"%04X\",\"Y\":\"%04X\",\"S\":\"%04X\",\"D\":\"%04X\",\"B\":\"%02X\",\"PSR\":\"%04X\"}}", kpc>>16, kpc & 0xffff,tmp_acc,tmp_x,tmp_y,stack,direct_page,dbank, tmp_psw & 0xFFF); char *msg = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * size); strcpy(msg,tmp_buffer_4k); push_api_msg(size, msg); } void api_push_brk() { int i; // build our json array of breakpoints tmp_buffer2_4k[0] = '\0'; // start with empty string char *str_ptr = tmp_buffer2_4k; for(i = 0; i < g_num_breakpoints; i++) { //printf("{\"bp:%02x: %06x\n", i, g_breakpts[i]); str_ptr += sprintf(str_ptr, "{\"trig\":\"addr\",\"match\":\"%06X\"}", g_breakpts[i]); if (i < g_num_breakpoints-1) { str_ptr += sprintf(str_ptr, ","); } } str_ptr = tmp_buffer2_4k; // reset pointer to beginning of string int size = snprintf(tmp_buffer_4k, sizeof(tmp_buffer_4k),"{\"type\":\"brk\",\"data\":{\"breakpoints\":[%s]}}", str_ptr); char *msg = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * size); strcpy(msg,tmp_buffer_4k); push_api_msg(size, msg); } void api_push_stack() { Engine_reg *eptr; eptr = &engine; int kpc, stack; kpc = eptr->kpc; stack = eptr->stack; word32 stack_loc = (kpc & 0xff0000) + (stack & 0xff00); // e.g. 0x00000100 (default) or 0x00FF0100 (GS Boot) // build our json array of 256 stack values ($nn00-nnFF) char *str_ptr = tmp_buffer2_4k; // (1024B) for (int i = 0; i<256; i++ ) { unsigned int instruction = (int)get_memory_c(stack_loc+i, 0) & 0xff; str_ptr += sprintf(str_ptr, "\"%02X\"", instruction); if (i < 255) { str_ptr += sprintf(str_ptr, ","); } } str_ptr = tmp_buffer2_4k; // reset pointer to beginning of string int size = snprintf(tmp_buffer_4k, sizeof(tmp_buffer_4k),"{\"type\":\"stack\",\"data\":{\"loc\":\"%06X\",\"S\":\"%04X\",\"bytes\":[%s]}}", stack_loc,stack,str_ptr); char *msg = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * size); strcpy(msg,tmp_buffer_4k); push_api_msg(size, msg); } void api_push_disassembly_start() { int size = snprintf(tmp_buffer_4k, sizeof(tmp_buffer_4k),"{\"type\":\"dis0\"}"); char *msg = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * size); strcpy(msg,tmp_buffer_4k); push_api_msg(size, msg); } void api_push_disassembly() { int byte_size; int size_mem_imm, size_x_imm; // check accumulator size size_mem_imm = 2; if(engine.psr & 0x20) { size_mem_imm = 1; } // check xy size size_x_imm = 2; if(engine.psr & 0x10) { size_x_imm = 1; } //disassemble chain from now -> to -> future int disassemble_next = 10; // how many instructions int kpc = engine.kpc; // get starting address for (int i = 0; i= 0 && int_value <= 3) { printf("Changing speed from %d to -> %d\n", g_limit_speed, int_value); g_limit_speed = int_value; } else { printf("Specified speed out of range (%d)\n", int_value); } break; case 'v': g_screenshot_requested = 1; break; } } void event_emu_cmd(char *str) { // split our commands on spaces char cmd_char = '\0'; char *cmd_data = NULL; char * pch; pch = strtok (str," "); while (pch != NULL) { cmd_char = pch[0]; cmd_data = pch+1; if (cmd_data[0] == '\0') { cmd_data = NULL; } // for each token go try to handle it handle_emu_cmd(cmd_char, cmd_data); pch = strtok (NULL, " "); } return; } void event_add_brk(char *str) { int addr = 0; sscanf(str, "%06X", &addr); addr = addr & 0xFFFFFF; // 24 bit KPC address for 65816 set_bp(addr); api_push_brk(); api_write_socket(); return; } void event_del_brk(char *str) { int addr = 0; sscanf(str, "%06X", &addr); addr = addr & 0xFFFFFF; // 24 bit KPC address for 65816 delete_bp(addr); api_push_brk(); api_write_socket(); return; } void event_get_brk(char *str) { api_push_brk(); api_write_socket(); return; } void handle_cpu_cmd(char cmd_char, char *cmd_data) { Engine_reg *eptr; eptr = &engine; int new_acc, new_x, new_y; int new_kpc, new_d, new_b, new_s, new_psr; switch (cmd_char) { case 'k': sscanf(cmd_data, "%06x", &new_kpc); new_kpc &= 0xFFFFFF; // 24-bit clamp eptr->kpc = new_kpc; break; case 'a': sscanf(cmd_data, "%04x", &new_acc); new_acc &= 0xFFFF; // 24-bit clamp eptr->acc = new_acc; break; case 'x': sscanf(cmd_data, "%04x", &new_x); new_x &= 0xFFFF; // 24-bit clamp eptr->xreg = new_x; break; case 'y': sscanf(cmd_data, "%04x", &new_y); new_y &= 0xFFFF; // 24-bit clamp eptr->yreg = new_y; break; case 's': sscanf(cmd_data, "%04x", &new_s); new_s &= 0xFFFF; // 24-bit clamp eptr->stack = new_s; break; case 'd': sscanf(cmd_data, "%04x", &new_d); new_d &= 0xFFFF; // 24-bit clamp eptr->direct = new_d; break; case 'b': sscanf(cmd_data, "%02x", &new_b); new_b &= 0xFF; // 24-bit clamp eptr->dbank = new_b; break; case 'p': sscanf(cmd_data, "%04x", &new_psr); new_psr &= 0xFFFF; // 24-bit clamp eptr->psr = new_psr; break; default: printf("UNKNOWN CPU COMMAND\n"); break; } } void event_set_cpu(char *str) { // split our commands on spaces char cmd_char = '\0'; char *cmd_data = NULL; char * pch; pch = strtok (str," "); while (pch != NULL) { cmd_char = pch[0]; cmd_data = pch+1; if (cmd_data[0] == '\0') { cmd_data = NULL; } // for each token go try to handle it handle_cpu_cmd(cmd_char, cmd_data); pch = strtok (NULL, " "); } api_push_stack(); api_push_cpu(); api_push_disassembly(); api_write_socket(); } void debug_init() { if (g_dbg_enable_port > 0) { // g_dbg_enable_port should be enabled by glogf("Debug port enabled on: %d", g_dbg_enable_port); debug_setup_socket(); debug_server_poll(); debug_wait_hello(); // message is not popped off here because default behavior to send our cpu hello info to client } else { end_server = TRUE; glog("Debug port not enabled"); } } void debug_setup_socket() { /*************************************************************/ /* Create an AF_INET stream socket to receive incoming */ /* connections on */ /*************************************************************/ listen_sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (listen_sd < 0) { perror("socket() failed"); exit(-1); } /*************************************************************/ /* Allow socket descriptor to be reuseable */ /*************************************************************/ rc = setsockopt(listen_sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&on, sizeof(on)); if (rc < 0) { perror("setsockopt() failed"); close(listen_sd); exit(-1); } /*************************************************************/ /* Set socket to be nonblocking. All of the sockets for */ /* the incoming connections will also be nonblocking since */ /* they will inherit that state from the listening socket. */ /*************************************************************/ //rc = ioctl(listen_sd, FIONBIO, (char *)&on); int flags = fcntl(listen_sd, F_GETFL, 0); rc = fcntl(listen_sd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); if (rc < 0) { perror("ioctl()/fcntl() failed"); close(listen_sd); exit(-1); } /*************************************************************/ /* Bind the socket */ /*************************************************************/ memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); addr.sin_port = htons(g_dbg_enable_port); rc = bind(listen_sd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)); if (rc < 0) { perror("bind() failed"); close(listen_sd); exit(-1); } /*************************************************************/ /* Set the listen back log */ /*************************************************************/ rc = listen(listen_sd, 32); if (rc < 0) { perror("listen() failed"); close(listen_sd); exit(-1); } /*************************************************************/ /* Initialize the pollfd structure */ /*************************************************************/ memset(fds, 0, sizeof(fds)); /*************************************************************/ /* Set up the initial listening socket */ /*************************************************************/ fds[0].fd = listen_sd; fds[0].events = POLLIN; nfds = 1; /*************************************************************/ /* Initialize the timeout to 3 minutes. If no */ /* activity after 3 minutes this program will end. */ /* timeout value is based on milliseconds. */ /*************************************************************/ timeout = (3 * 60 * 1000); } // builds our big json array of commands eg "[{},{},{},...]" void api_write_socket() { const char *comma = ","; const char *lbrack = "["; const char *rbrack = "]\r\n\r\n"; unsigned int message_size = 0; char *message_string = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < dbg_msg_queue_len; i++) { message_size = message_size + dbg_msg_queue[i].msg_size; // for sub-string sizes } message_size += dbg_msg_queue_len; // for "," message_size += strlen(lbrack) + strlen(rbrack); // for "[]" + "\0" message_string = malloc(sizeof(char)*message_size); message_string[0] = '\0'; // necessary? char *str_ptr = message_string; // message_string is alloc'd above to message_size str_ptr = strcat(str_ptr, lbrack); // "[" for (int i = 0; i < dbg_msg_queue_len; i++) { str_ptr = strcat(str_ptr, dbg_msg_queue[i].msg_str); if (dbg_msg_queue_len > 1 && i < dbg_msg_queue_len-1) { // only split with comma if more than 1 item and not last item str_ptr = strcat(str_ptr, comma); // "," } free(dbg_msg_queue[i].msg_str); // here we go! oh boy! } str_ptr = strcat(str_ptr, rbrack); // "]" // message_string is now built! we can send it. dbg_msg_queue_len = 0; // clear msg queue writeStrToClient(debugger_sd, message_string); // ignores result free(message_string); // assuming it was all written :P } void write_array_start() { const char *brack = "["; write(debugger_sd, brack, strlen(brack)); } void write_array_end() { const char *brack = "]\r\n\r\n"; write(debugger_sd, brack, strlen(brack)); } void write_array_next() { const char *com = ", "; // i'm so neat write(debugger_sd, com, strlen(com)); } // // write(debugger_sd, buffer, strlen(buffer)); //also for base 64 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/342409/how-do-i-base64-encode-decode-in-c //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32749925/sending-a-file-over-a-tcp-ip-socket-web-server int writeDataToClient(int sckt, const void *data, int datalen) { const char *pdata = (const char*) data; while (datalen > 0) { int numSent = send(sckt, pdata, datalen, 0); if (numSent <= 0) { if (numSent == 0) { printf("The client was not written to: disconnected\n"); } else { perror("The client was not written to"); } return FALSE; } pdata += numSent; datalen -= numSent; } return TRUE; } int writeStrToClient(int sckt, const char *str) { return writeDataToClient(sckt, str, strlen(str)); } // @todo: probably clean up- this was a hack to allow preloading commands void debug_wait_hello() { int hello_received = FALSE; timeout = 1000; // 1 sec while (hello_received == FALSE) { debug_server_poll(); if (debug_events_waiting() > 0) { if (dbg_cmd_queue[0].command == G_DBG_COMMAND_HELLO) { hello_received = TRUE; } else { debug_handle_event(); } } } timeout = 0; // instantaneous } void debug_server_poll() { if (end_server == FALSE) { /***********************************************************/ /* Call poll() and wait for it to complete/timeout. */ /***********************************************************/ rc = poll(fds, nfds, timeout); /***********************************************************/ /* Check to see if the poll call failed. */ /***********************************************************/ if (rc < 0) { perror(" poll() failed"); return; // @todo: break/exit? } /***********************************************************/ /* Check to see if the 3 minute time out expired. */ /***********************************************************/ if (rc == 0) { return; // @todo: break/exit? } /***********************************************************/ /* One or more descriptors are readable. Need to */ /* determine which ones they are. */ /***********************************************************/ current_size = nfds; for (i = 0; i < current_size; i++) { /*********************************************************/ /* Loop through to find the descriptors that returned */ /* POLLIN and determine whether it's the listening */ /* or the active connection. */ /*********************************************************/ if(fds[i].revents == 0) { continue; } /*********************************************************/ /* If revents is not POLLIN, it's an unexpected result, */ /* log and end the server. */ /*********************************************************/ if(fds[i].revents != POLLIN) { glogf("Error! revents = %d", fds[i].revents); end_server = TRUE; break; } if (fds[i].fd == listen_sd) { /*******************************************************/ /* Listening descriptor is readable. */ /*******************************************************/ glog("Listening socket is readable"); /*******************************************************/ /* Accept all incoming connections that are */ /* queued up on the listening socket before we */ /* loop back and call poll again. */ /*******************************************************/ do { /*****************************************************/ /* Accept each incoming connection. If */ /* accept fails with EWOULDBLOCK, then we */ /* have accepted all of them. Any other */ /* failure on accept will cause us to end the */ /* server. */ /*****************************************************/ new_sd = accept(listen_sd, NULL, NULL); if (new_sd < 0) { if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK) { perror(" accept() failed"); end_server = TRUE; } break; } /*****************************************************/ /* Add the new incoming connection to the */ /* pollfd structure */ /*****************************************************/ glogf("New incoming connection - %d", new_sd); fds[nfds].fd = new_sd; fds[nfds].events = POLLIN; nfds++; // just set it and forget it :P debugger_sd = new_sd; timeout = 0; /*****************************************************/ /* Loop back up and accept another incoming */ /* connection */ /*****************************************************/ } while (new_sd != -1); } /*********************************************************/ /* This is not the listening socket, therefore an */ /* existing connection must be readable */ /*********************************************************/ else { //printf(" Descriptor %d is readable\n", fds[i].fd); close_conn = FALSE; /*******************************************************/ /* Receive all incoming data on this socket */ /* before we loop back and call poll again. */ /*******************************************************/ do { /*****************************************************/ /* Receive data on this connection until the */ /* recv fails with EWOULDBLOCK. If any other */ /* failure occurs, we will close the */ /* connection. */ /*****************************************************/ rc = recv(fds[i].fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0); if (rc < 0) { if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK) { perror("recv() failed"); close_conn = TRUE; } break; } /*****************************************************/ /* Check to see if the connection has been */ /* closed by the client */ /*****************************************************/ if (rc == 0) { glog("Connection closed\n"); close_conn = TRUE; end_server = TRUE; break; } /*****************************************************/ /* Data was received */ /*****************************************************/ len = rc; char *mesg_ptr = buffer; char *split_ptr = strchr(mesg_ptr, '\n'); int mesg_len = len-1; // stripping that first char if(split_ptr) { int index = split_ptr - buffer; mesg_len = index - 1; // stripping that first char } int debug_echo = FALSE; while (mesg_ptr < buffer + len - 1) { // DO DEBUG QUEUE if (dbg_cmd_queue_len < DBG_CMD_QUEUE_MAXLEN) { switch (mesg_ptr[0]) { case '0': debug_push_message(G_DBG_COMMAND_TEST, mesg_ptr+1, mesg_len); break; case '1': debug_push_message(G_DBG_COMMAND_HELLO, mesg_ptr+1, mesg_len); break; case '2': debug_push_message(G_DBG_COMMAND_STEP, mesg_ptr+1, mesg_len); break; case '3': debug_push_message(G_DBG_COMMAND_CONTINUE, mesg_ptr+1, mesg_len); break; case '4': debug_push_message(G_DBG_COMMAND_GET_CPU, mesg_ptr+1, mesg_len); break; case '5': debug_push_message(G_DBG_COMMAND_SET_CPU, mesg_ptr+1, mesg_len); break; case '6': debug_push_message(G_DBG_COMMAND_GET_MEM, mesg_ptr+1, mesg_len); break; case '7': debug_push_message(G_DBG_COMMAND_SET_MEM, mesg_ptr+1, mesg_len); break; case '8': debug_push_message(G_DBG_COMMAND_ADD_BRK, mesg_ptr+1, mesg_len); break; case '9': debug_push_message(G_DBG_COMMAND_DEL_BRK, mesg_ptr+1, mesg_len); break; case 'a': debug_push_message(G_DBG_COMMAND_GET_BRK, mesg_ptr+1, mesg_len); break; case 'b': // DEPRECATED debug_push_message(G_DBG_COMMAND_PAUSE, mesg_ptr+1, mesg_len); break; case 'c': // DEPRECATED debug_push_message(G_DBG_COMMAND_DEBUGGER, mesg_ptr+1, mesg_len); break; case 'd': // DEPRECATED ???? debug_push_message(G_DBG_COMMAND_QUIT, mesg_ptr+1, mesg_len); break; case 'e': debug_push_message(G_DBG_COMMAND_EMU_CMD, mesg_ptr+1, mesg_len); break; default: glog("UNKNOWN COMMAND - DISCARDED"); } } else { glog("COMMAND QUEUE FULL! ABORT!"); // @TODO probably send error response } mesg_ptr += mesg_len + 2; // +1 for command char and +1 for '\n' split_ptr = strchr(mesg_ptr, '\n'); if(split_ptr) { int index = split_ptr - mesg_ptr; mesg_len = index - 1; // stripping that first char } } /*****************************************************/ /* Echo the data back to the client */ /*****************************************************/ if (debug_echo) { rc = send(fds[i].fd, buffer, len, 0); if (rc < 0) { perror(" send() failed"); close_conn = TRUE; break; } } // clear our buffer memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); } while(TRUE); /*******************************************************/ /* If the close_conn flag was turned on, we need */ /* to clean up this active connection. This */ /* clean up process includes removing the */ /* descriptor. */ /*******************************************************/ if (close_conn) { close(fds[i].fd); fds[i].fd = -1; compress_array = TRUE; } } /* End of existing connection is readable */ } /* End of loop through pollable descriptors */ /***********************************************************/ /* If the compress_array flag was turned on, we need */ /* to squeeze together the array and decrement the number */ /* of file descriptors. We do not need to move back the */ /* events and revents fields because the events will always*/ /* be POLLIN in this case, and revents is output. */ /***********************************************************/ if (compress_array) { compress_array = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++) { if (fds[i].fd == -1) { for(j = i; j < nfds; j++) { fds[j].fd = fds[j+1].fd; } nfds--; } } } } else { // end_server == TRUE // @TODO handle server exit (and multiple clients?) /*************************************************************/ /* Clean up all of the sockets that are open */ /*************************************************************/ for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++) { if(fds[i].fd >= 0) close(fds[i].fd); } nfds = 0; } } int do_dis_json(char *buf, word32 kpc, int accsize, int xsize, int op_provided, word32 instr, int chain) { char buf_instructions[5*5]; // '["12","DE","AB"]' char buf_disasm[50]; const char *out; int args, type; int opcode; word32 val; word32 oldkpc; word32 dtype; int signed_val; oldkpc = kpc; if(op_provided) { opcode = (instr >> 24) & 0xff; } else { opcode = (int)get_memory_c(kpc, 0) & 0xff; } kpc++; dtype = disas_types[opcode]; out = disas_opcodes[opcode]; type = dtype & 0xff; args = dtype >> 8; if(args > 3) { if(args == 4) { args = accsize; } else if(args == 5) { args = xsize; } } val = -1; switch(args) { case 0: val = 0; break; case 1: if(op_provided) { val = instr & 0xff; } else { val = get_memory_c(kpc, 0); } break; case 2: if(op_provided) { val = instr & 0xffff; } else { val = get_memory16_c(kpc, 0); } break; case 3: if(op_provided) { val = instr & 0xffffff; } else { val = get_memory24_c(kpc, 0); } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "args out of range: %d, opcode: %08x\n", args, opcode); break; } kpc += args; if(!op_provided) { instr = (opcode << 24) | (val & 0xffffff); } switch(type) { case ABS: if(args != 2) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s $%04x",out,val); break; case ABSX: if(args != 2) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s $%04x,X",out,val); break; case ABSY: if(args != 2) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s $%04x,Y",out,val); break; case ABSLONG: if(args != 3) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s $%06x",out,val); break; case ABSIND: if(args != 2) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s ($%04x)",out,val); break; case ABSXIND: if(args != 2) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s ($%04x,X)",out,val); break; case IMPLY: if(args != 0) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s",out); break; case ACCUM: if(args != 0) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s",out); break; case IMMED: if(args == 1) { sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s #$%02x",out,val); } else if(args == 2) { sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s #$%04x",out,val); } else { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } break; case JUST8: if(args != 1) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s $%02x",out,val); break; case DLOC: if(args != 1) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s $%02x",out,val); break; case DLOCX: if(args != 1) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s $%02x,X",out,val); break; case DLOCY: if(args != 1) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s $%02x,Y",out,val); break; case LONG: if(args != 3) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s $%06x",out,val); break; case LONGX: if(args != 3) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s $%06x,X",out,val); break; case DLOCIND: if(args != 1) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s ($%02x)",out,val); break; case DLOCINDY: if(args != 1) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s ($%02x),Y",out,val); break; case DLOCXIND: if(args != 1) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s ($%02x,X)",out,val); break; case DLOCBRAK: if(args != 1) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s [$%02x]",out,val); break; case DLOCBRAKY: if(args != 1) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s [$%02x],y",out,val); break; case DISP8: if(args != 1) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } signed_val = (signed char)val; sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s $%04x",out, (word32)(kpc+(signed_val)) & 0xffff); break; case DISP8S: if(args != 1) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s $%02x,S",out,(word32)(byte)(val)); break; case DISP8SINDY: if(args != 1) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s ($%02x,S),Y",out,(word32)(byte)(val)); break; case DISP16: if(args != 2) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s $%04x", out, (word32)(kpc+(signed)(word16)(val)) & 0xffff); break; case MVPMVN: if(args != 2) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s $%02x,$%02x",out,val&0xff,val>>8); break; case SEPVAL: case REPVAL: if(args != 1) { printf("arg # mismatch for opcode %x\n", opcode); } sprintf(buf_disasm,"%s #$%02x",out,val); break; default: printf("argument type: %d unexpected\n", type); break; } // gross word32 operand = instr; opcode = (operand >> 24) & 0xff; switch (args+1) { case 1: snprintf(buf_instructions, sizeof(buf_instructions),"[\"%02X\"]", opcode); break; case 2: snprintf(buf_instructions, sizeof(buf_instructions),"[\"%02X\",\"%02X\"]", opcode, instr & 0xff); break; case 3: snprintf(buf_instructions, sizeof(buf_instructions),"[\"%02X\",\"%02X\",\"%02X\"]", opcode, instr & 0xff, (instr & 0xff00) >> 8); break; case 4: snprintf(buf_instructions, sizeof(buf_instructions),"[\"%02X\",\"%02X\",\"%02X\",\"%02X\"]", opcode, instr & 0xff, (instr & 0xff00) >> 8, (instr & 0xff0000) >> 16); break; default: break; } // @TODO: FIX!!! NEEDS REAL BUFFER SIZE, note magic 1024 snprintf(buf, 1024,"{\"type\":\"dis\",\"data\":{\"K\":\"%02X\",\"PC\":\"%04X\",\"bytes\":%s," \ "\"disasm\":\"%s\",\"chain\":\"%d\"}}", oldkpc>>16, oldkpc & 0xffff,buf_instructions, buf_disasm, chain); return(args+1); } // BASE 64 ENCODER (FOR MEMORY DUMPS) static const char b64chars[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; int b64encode_len(int len) { return ((len + 2) / 3 * 4) + 1; } int b64encode(char *encoded, const char *string, int len) { int i; char *p; p = encoded; // encode a chunk of 4 chars for (i = 0; i < len - 2; i += 3) { *p++ = b64chars[(string[i] >> 2) & 0x3F]; *p++ = b64chars[((string[i] & 0x3) << 4) | ((int) (string[i + 1] & 0xF0) >> 4)]; *p++ = b64chars[((string[i + 1] & 0xF) << 2) | ((int) (string[i + 2] & 0xC0) >> 6)]; *p++ = b64chars[string[i + 2] & 0x3F]; } // end chunk if (i < len) { *p++ = b64chars[(string[i] >> 2) & 0x3F]; if (i == (len - 1)) { *p++ = b64chars[((string[i] & 0x3) << 4)]; *p++ = '='; } else { *p++ = b64chars[((string[i] & 0x3) << 4) | ((int) (string[i + 1] & 0xF0) >> 4)]; *p++ = b64chars[((string[i + 1] & 0xF) << 2)]; } *p++ = '='; } // terminator *p++ = '\0'; //printf("ENCODED : %d\n", p-encoded); return p - encoded; }