# GS+ Pro Xtreme HD Developer Edition My personal fork of GSplus which is a fork of GSport which is fork of KEGS. Replaces the edbugger facilities with something more suitable for my tastes. # Build instructions ## OS X dependencies brew install re2c sdl2 sdl2_image freetype ## Linux dependencies apt-get install re2c libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libfreetype6-dev libpcap0.8-dev ## WIN32 dependencies Install MSYS2 (not MSYS, not cygwin) 32-bit build: pacman -S re2c mingw-w64-i686-cmake mingw-w64-i686-SDL2 mingw-w64-i686-SDL2_image mingw-w64-i686-freetype 64-bit build: pacman -S re2c mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2 mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2_image mingw-w64-x86_64-freetype ## Linux, OS X, build mkdir build cd build cmake .. (optionally: ccmake .. to configure stuff) make ## Windows Build ### mingw SDL build mkdir build cd build cmake ../ -DDRIVER=SDL2 -DWITH_DEBUGGER=OFF -G "MSYS Makefiles" make GSplus.exe ### mingw GDI build mkdir build cd build cmake ../ -DDRIVER=WIN32 -DWITH_DEBUGGER=OFF -G "MSYS Makefiles" make GSplus.exe