/* GSport - an Apple //gs Emulator Copyright (C) 2010 - 2013 by GSport contributors Based on the KEGS emulator written by and Copyright (C) 2003 Kent Dickey This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN /* Tell windows we want less header gunk */ #define STRICT /* Tell Windows we want compile type checks */ #include #include #include #include "defc.h" #include "protos.h" #include "protos_windriver.h" #include "win_keymap.h" extern int Verbose; extern int g_pause; extern int g_warp_pointer; extern int g_screen_depth; extern Kimage g_mainwin_kimage; extern word32 g_palette_8to1624[256]; extern word32 g_a2palette_8to1624[256]; extern int g_lores_colors[]; extern int g_installed_full_superhires_colormap; extern int g_config_control_panel; extern void quitEmulator(); extern void x_toggle_status_lines(); extern void x_show_console(int show); extern void x_check_input_events(); int g_win_capslock_down = 0; int g_screen_mdepth = 0; int g_num_a2_keycodes = 0; int g_win_button_states = 0; int g_use_shmem = 1; HDC g_main_cdc; HWND g_hwnd_main; BITMAPINFO *g_bmapinfo_ptr = 0; volatile BITMAPINFOHEADER *g_bmaphdr_ptr = 0; // KEGS32 specific customisations int g_win_status_debug = 1; // Current visibility of status lines. int g_win_status_debug_request = 1; // Desired visibility of status lines. int g_win_show_console = 0; // Current visibility of console. int g_win_show_console_request = 1; // Desired visibility of console. RECT g_main_window_saved_rect; int g_main_window_saved_style; int g_main_window_saved_exstyle; int g_win_fullscreen_state = 0; #if 0 // enable non-integral full-screen scaling #define FULLSCREEN_SCALE_TYPE float #else #define FULLSCREEN_SCALE_TYPE int #endif FULLSCREEN_SCALE_TYPE g_win_fullscreen_scale = 1; int g_win_fullscreen_offsetx = 0; int g_win_fullscreen_offsety = 0; LPSTR g_clipboard; size_t g_clipboard_pos; int x_calc_ratio(float ratiox, float ratioy); int win_update_mouse(int x, int y, int button_states, int buttons_valid) { int buttons_changed; #ifdef ACTIVEGS if (g_config_control_panel) // OG ignore input events while in debugger return 0; buttons_valid &= 1; // filter out middle & right button #endif buttons_changed = ((g_win_button_states & buttons_valid) != button_states); g_win_button_states = (g_win_button_states & ~buttons_valid) | (button_states & buttons_valid); if(g_warp_pointer && (x == A2_WINDOW_WIDTH/2) && (y == A2_WINDOW_HEIGHT/2) && (!buttons_changed) ) { /* tell adb routs to recenter but ignore this motion */ update_mouse(x, y, 0, -1); return 0; } return update_mouse(x, y, button_states, buttons_valid & 7); } // OG Added asynchronous key & mouse handler #define ASYNCEVENT #ifndef ASYNCEVENT #define WIN_EVENT_MOUSE win_event_mouse #define WIN_EVENT_KEY win_event_key #else extern void add_event_mouse(int umsg,WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); extern void add_event_key(HWND hwnd, UINT raw_vk, BOOL down, int repeat, UINT flags); #define WIN_EVENT_MOUSE add_event_mouse #define WIN_EVENT_KEY add_event_key #endif struct win32_mouse { int umsg; int wparam; int lparam; }; struct win32_key { UINT raw_vk; BOOL down; int repeat; UINT flags; }; int last_win32_mouse=0; int next_win32_mouse=0; int nb_win32_key=0; #define MAX_EVENT 1024 struct win32_mouse win32_mouses[MAX_EVENT]; struct win32_key win32_keys[MAX_EVENT]; // OG Push Mouse Event void add_event_mouse(int umsg,WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { #ifdef ACTIVEGS if (g_config_control_panel) // OG ignore input events while in debugger return; #endif win32_mouses[next_win32_mouse].umsg = umsg; win32_mouses[next_win32_mouse].wparam = wParam; win32_mouses[next_win32_mouse].lparam = lParam; next_win32_mouse = (next_win32_mouse+1)%MAX_EVENT; // ASSERT (next_win32_mouse==last_win32_mouse) } // OG Push Key Event void add_event_key(HWND hwnd, UINT raw_vk, BOOL down, int repeat, UINT flags) { #ifdef ACTIVEGS if (g_config_control_panel) // OG ignore input events while in debugger return; #endif if (nb_win32_key>=MAX_EVENT) return; win32_keys[nb_win32_key].raw_vk = raw_vk; win32_keys[nb_win32_key].down = down; win32_keys[nb_win32_key].repeat = repeat; win32_keys[nb_win32_key].flags = flags; nb_win32_key++; } void win_event_mouse(int umsg,WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { POINT pt; word32 flags; int buttons; int x, y; int motion; x = LOWORD(lParam); y = HIWORD(lParam); // OG Reformat the mouse coordinates float ratiox = 0.0, ratioy = 0.0; if (!g_warp_pointer && x_calc_ratio(ratiox,ratioy)) { x = (int)((float)(x)/ratiox); y = (int)((float)(y)/ratioy); } flags = wParam; x -= BASE_MARGIN_LEFT; y -= BASE_MARGIN_TOP; buttons = (flags & 1) + (((flags >> 1) & 1) << 2) + (((flags >> 4) & 1) << 1); #if 0 if (umsg!=WM_MOUSEMOVE) printf("Mouse at %d, %d fl: %08x, but: %d\n", x, y, flags, buttons); #endif motion = win_update_mouse(x, y, buttons, 7); if(motion && g_warp_pointer) { /* move mouse to center of screen */ pt.x = BASE_MARGIN_LEFT + A2_WINDOW_WIDTH/2; pt.y = BASE_MARGIN_TOP + A2_WINDOW_HEIGHT/2; ClientToScreen(g_hwnd_main, &pt); SetCursorPos(pt.x, pt.y); } } void win_event_key(HWND hwnd, UINT raw_vk, BOOL down, int repeat, UINT flags) { word32 vk; int a2code; int is_up; int capslock_down; int i; if((flags & 0x4000) && down) { /* auto-repeating, just ignore it */ return; } vk = raw_vk + (flags & 0x100); #if 0 printf("Key event, vk=%04x, down:%d, repeat: %d, flags: %08x\n", vk, down, repeat, flags); #endif /* remap a few keys here.. sigh */ if((vk & 0xff) == VK_APPS) { /* remap to command */ vk = VK_MENU; } if((vk & 0xff) == VK_CAPITAL) { // Windows gives us up-and-down events of the actual key // Use GetKeyState to get the true toggle state, and pass // that on to the adb interface capslock_down = GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL) & 0x01; if(capslock_down != g_win_capslock_down) { g_win_capslock_down = capslock_down; adb_physical_key_update(0x39, !capslock_down); } return; // Do no more processing! } /* search a2key_to_wsym to find wsym in col 1 or 2 */ i = 0; is_up = !down; for(i = g_num_a2_keycodes-1; i >= 0; i--) { a2code = g_a2_key_to_wsym[i][0]; if((vk == g_a2_key_to_wsym[i][1]) || (vk == g_a2_key_to_wsym[i][2])) { vid_printf("Found vk:%04x = %02x\n", vk, a2code); adb_physical_key_update(a2code, is_up); return; } } printf("VK: %04x unknown\n", vk); } void win_event_quit(HWND hwnd) { quitEmulator(); } extern int g_needfullrefreshfornextframe ; void win_event_redraw() { g_needfullrefreshfornextframe = 1; } LRESULT CALLBACK win_event_handler(HWND hwnd, UINT umsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int i; int numDraggedFiles; int szFilename; LPTSTR lpszFile; switch(umsg) { case WM_MOUSEMOVE: case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: case WM_LBUTTONUP: case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: case WM_MBUTTONUP: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONUP: case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: // OG Added dblclk as WM_LBUTTONDOWN WIN_EVENT_MOUSE(umsg,wParam, lParam); return 0; case WM_PAINT: win_event_redraw(); break; case WM_DROPFILES: numDraggedFiles = DragQueryFile((HDROP)wParam, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, 0); for (i = 0; i < numDraggedFiles; i++) { szFilename = DragQueryFile((HDROP)wParam, i, NULL, 0); lpszFile = (LPTSTR)malloc(szFilename + 1); szFilename = DragQueryFile((HDROP)wParam, i, lpszFile, szFilename + 1); cfg_inspect_maybe_insert_file(lpszFile, 0); free(lpszFile); } DragFinish((HDROP)wParam); break; } switch(umsg) { HANDLE_MSG(hwnd, WM_KEYUP, WIN_EVENT_KEY); HANDLE_MSG(hwnd, WM_KEYDOWN, WIN_EVENT_KEY); HANDLE_MSG(hwnd, WM_SYSKEYUP, WIN_EVENT_KEY); HANDLE_MSG(hwnd, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, WIN_EVENT_KEY); HANDLE_MSG(hwnd, WM_DESTROY, win_event_quit); } return DefWindowProc(hwnd, umsg, wParam, lParam); } void gsportinit(HWND _hwnd) { g_hwnd_main = _hwnd; HDC localdc = GetDC(g_hwnd_main); SetTextColor(localdc, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetBkColor(localdc, RGB(255, 255, 255)); g_main_cdc = CreateCompatibleDC(localdc); ReleaseDC(g_hwnd_main,localdc); } void gsportshut() { if (g_main_cdc) { DeleteDC(g_main_cdc); g_main_cdc = NULL; } g_hwnd_main = NULL; } void check_input_events() { x_check_input_events(); // OG Unstack Mouse Events int i=last_win32_mouse; while(i!=next_win32_mouse) { win_event_mouse(win32_mouses[i].umsg,win32_mouses[i].wparam,win32_mouses[i].lparam); int lb = win32_mouses[i].wparam&1; i = (i+1)%MAX_EVENT; if (lb != (win32_mouses[i].wparam&1)) break; // don't send up & down event at the same time } last_win32_mouse=i; for(i=0;idev_handle != -1) { DeleteObject(kimage_ptr->dev_handle); kimage_ptr->dev_handle = (void*)-1; } else if (kimage_ptr->data_ptr) { free(kimage_ptr->data_ptr); kimage_ptr->data_ptr = NULL; } } // OG Free video global memory void xdriver_end() // Should be renamed to dev_video_shut() ??? { x_release_kimage(&g_mainwin_kimage); GlobalFree(g_bmapinfo_ptr); // allocated in dev_video_init g_bmapinfo_ptr = 0; printf("win32 video driver end\n"); } void x_get_kimage(Kimage *kimage_ptr) { byte *ptr; int width; int height; int depth, mdepth; int size; width = kimage_ptr->width_req; height = kimage_ptr->height; depth = kimage_ptr->depth; mdepth = kimage_ptr->mdepth; size = 0; if(depth == g_screen_depth) { /* Use g_bmapinfo_ptr, adjusting width, height */ g_bmaphdr_ptr->biWidth = width; g_bmaphdr_ptr->biHeight = -height; HDC localdc = GetDC(g_hwnd_main); // OG Use on the fly DC kimage_ptr->dev_handle = CreateDIBSection(localdc, g_bmapinfo_ptr, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (VOID **)&(kimage_ptr->data_ptr), NULL, 0); ReleaseDC(g_hwnd_main,localdc); } else { /* allocate buffers for video.c to draw into */ size = (width*height*mdepth) >> 3; ptr = (byte *)malloc(size); if(ptr == 0) { printf("malloc for data failed, mdepth: %d\n", mdepth); exit(2); } kimage_ptr->data_ptr = ptr; kimage_ptr->dev_handle = (void *)-1; } printf("kim: %p, dev:%p data: %p, size: %08x\n", kimage_ptr, kimage_ptr->dev_handle, kimage_ptr->data_ptr, size); return; } void dev_video_init() { int extra_size; int lores_col; int i; printf("Preparing graphics system\n"); // OG fix g_num_a2_keycodes identification g_num_a2_keycodes = sizeof(g_a2_key_to_wsym)/3/sizeof(int); g_num_a2_keycodes--; // last entry=-1 /* g_num_a2_keycodes = 0; for(i = 0; i < maxcode; i++) { int a2code = g_a2_key_to_wsym[i][0]; if(a2code < 0) { g_num_a2_keycodes = i; } } */ // OG Forcing 16bits depth for WiNCE #ifndef UNDER_CE g_screen_depth = 24; g_screen_mdepth = 32; #else g_screen_depth = 16; g_screen_mdepth = 16; extern word32 g_red_mask ; extern word32 g_green_mask ; extern word32 g_blue_mask ; extern int g_red_left_shift; extern int g_green_left_shift; extern int g_blue_left_shift ; extern int g_red_right_shift ; extern int g_green_right_shift ; extern int g_blue_right_shift ; g_red_mask = 0xff; g_green_mask = 0xff; g_blue_mask = 0xff; g_red_left_shift = 10; g_green_left_shift = 5; g_blue_left_shift = 0; g_red_right_shift = 3; g_green_right_shift = 3; g_blue_right_shift = 3; #endif extra_size = sizeof(RGBQUAD); if(g_screen_depth == 8) { extra_size = 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD); } g_bmapinfo_ptr = (BITMAPINFO *)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + extra_size); g_bmaphdr_ptr = (BITMAPINFOHEADER *)g_bmapinfo_ptr; g_bmaphdr_ptr->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); g_bmaphdr_ptr->biWidth = A2_WINDOW_WIDTH; g_bmaphdr_ptr->biHeight = -A2_WINDOW_HEIGHT; g_bmaphdr_ptr->biPlanes = 1; g_bmaphdr_ptr->biBitCount = g_screen_mdepth; g_bmaphdr_ptr->biCompression = BI_RGB; g_bmaphdr_ptr->biClrUsed = 0; video_get_kimages(); if(g_screen_depth != 8) { // Allocate g_mainwin_kimage video_get_kimage(&g_mainwin_kimage, 0, g_screen_depth, g_screen_mdepth); } for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) { lores_col = g_lores_colors[i & 0xf]; video_update_color_raw(i, lores_col); g_a2palette_8to1624[i] = g_palette_8to1624[i]; } g_installed_full_superhires_colormap = 1; #ifndef UNDER_CE ShowWindow(g_hwnd_main, SW_SHOWDEFAULT); #else ShowWindow(g_hwnd_main, SW_SHOW); #endif UpdateWindow(g_hwnd_main); printf("Done with dev_video_init\n"); fflush(stdout); } void x_push_kimage(Kimage *kimage_ptr, int destx, int desty, int srcx, int srcy, int width, int height) { void *bitm_old; HDC localdc = GetDC(g_hwnd_main); HDC localcdc = g_main_cdc; bitm_old = SelectObject(localcdc, kimage_ptr->dev_handle); if (g_win_fullscreen_scale == 1) BitBlt(localdc, destx + g_win_fullscreen_offsetx, desty + g_win_fullscreen_offsety, width, height, localcdc, srcx, srcy, SRCCOPY); else { FULLSCREEN_SCALE_TYPE xdest = destx * g_win_fullscreen_scale + g_win_fullscreen_offsetx; FULLSCREEN_SCALE_TYPE ydest = desty * g_win_fullscreen_scale + g_win_fullscreen_offsety; FULLSCREEN_SCALE_TYPE wdest = width * g_win_fullscreen_scale; FULLSCREEN_SCALE_TYPE hdest = height * g_win_fullscreen_scale; StretchBlt(localdc, (int)xdest, (int)ydest, (int)wdest, (int)hdest, localcdc, srcx, srcy, width, height, SRCCOPY); } SelectObject(localcdc, bitm_old); ReleaseDC(g_hwnd_main,localdc); } void x_push_done() { } void x_auto_repeat_on(int must) { } void x_auto_repeat_off(int must) { } void x_hide_pointer(int do_hide) { if(do_hide) { ShowCursor(0); } else { ShowCursor(1); } } void x_full_screen(int do_full) { MONITORINFO monitor_info; FULLSCREEN_SCALE_TYPE width, height, scalex, scaley; int top, left; g_win_status_debug = 1 - do_full; if (do_full && !g_win_fullscreen_state) { g_main_window_saved_style = GetWindowLong(g_hwnd_main, GWL_STYLE); g_main_window_saved_exstyle = GetWindowLong(g_hwnd_main, GWL_EXSTYLE); GetWindowRect(g_hwnd_main, &g_main_window_saved_rect); SetWindowLong(g_hwnd_main, GWL_STYLE, g_main_window_saved_style & ~(WS_CAPTION | WS_THICKFRAME)); SetWindowLong(g_hwnd_main, GWL_EXSTYLE, g_main_window_saved_exstyle & ~(WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME | WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE | WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE | WS_EX_STATICEDGE)); monitor_info.cbSize = sizeof(monitor_info); GetMonitorInfo(MonitorFromWindow(g_hwnd_main, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST), &monitor_info); left = monitor_info.rcMonitor.left; top = monitor_info.rcMonitor.top; width = (FULLSCREEN_SCALE_TYPE)(monitor_info.rcMonitor.right - monitor_info.rcMonitor.left); height = (FULLSCREEN_SCALE_TYPE)(monitor_info.rcMonitor.bottom - monitor_info.rcMonitor.top); scalex = width / X_A2_WINDOW_WIDTH; scaley = height / X_A2_WINDOW_HEIGHT; g_win_fullscreen_scale = (scalex <= scaley) ? scalex : scaley; g_win_fullscreen_offsetx = ((int)width - (int)(g_win_fullscreen_scale * X_A2_WINDOW_WIDTH)) / 2; g_win_fullscreen_offsety = ((int)height - (int)(g_win_fullscreen_scale * X_A2_WINDOW_HEIGHT)) / 2; SetWindowPos(g_hwnd_main, NULL, left, top, (int)width, (int)height, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_FRAMECHANGED); g_win_fullscreen_state = 1; RedrawWindow(g_hwnd_main, NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE); } else { if (g_win_fullscreen_state) { g_win_fullscreen_offsetx = 0; g_win_fullscreen_offsety = 0; g_win_fullscreen_scale = 1; SetWindowLong(g_hwnd_main, GWL_STYLE, g_main_window_saved_style); SetWindowLong(g_hwnd_main, GWL_EXSTYLE, g_main_window_saved_exstyle); SetWindowPos(g_hwnd_main, NULL, g_main_window_saved_rect.left, g_main_window_saved_rect.top, g_main_window_saved_rect.right - g_main_window_saved_rect.left, g_main_window_saved_rect.bottom - g_main_window_saved_rect.top, SWP_SHOWWINDOW); g_win_fullscreen_state = 0; RedrawWindow(g_hwnd_main, NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE); } } return; } void clipboard_paste() { if (!IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT)) return; if (!OpenClipboard(g_hwnd_main)) return; { HGLOBAL hclipboard = GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT); if (!hclipboard) { CloseClipboard(); return; } { LPSTR clipboard = (LPSTR)GlobalLock(hclipboard); if (!clipboard) { CloseClipboard(); return; } if (g_clipboard) { free(g_clipboard); g_clipboard_pos = 0; } g_clipboard = strdup(clipboard); } GlobalUnlock(hclipboard); } CloseClipboard(); } int clipboard_get_char() { if (!g_clipboard) return 0; if (g_clipboard[g_clipboard_pos] == '\n') g_clipboard_pos++; if (g_clipboard[g_clipboard_pos] == '\0') return 0; return g_clipboard[g_clipboard_pos++] | 0x80; }