/* GSPLUS - Advanced Apple IIGS Emulator Environment Copyright (C) 2016 - Dagen Brock Copyright (C) 2010 - 2013 by GSport contributors Based on the KEGS emulator written by and Copyright (C) 2003 Kent Dickey This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* adb_mode bit 3 and bit 2 (faster repeats for arrows and space/del) not done*/ #include "adb.h" #include "glog.h" int g_fullscreen = 0; extern int Verbose; extern word32 g_vbl_count; extern int g_num_lines_prev_superhires640; extern int g_num_lines_prev_superhires; extern int g_rom_version; extern int g_fast_disk_emul; extern int g_limit_speed; extern int g_irq_pending; extern int g_swap_paddles; extern int g_invert_paddles; extern int g_joystick_type; extern int g_a2vid_palette; extern int g_config_control_panel; extern int g_screenshot_requested; extern word32 g_cfg_vbl_count; extern double g_cur_dcycs; extern byte *g_slow_memory_ptr; extern byte *g_memory_ptr; extern word32 g_mem_size_total; enum { ADB_IDLE = 0, ADB_IN_CMD, ADB_SENDING_DATA, }; #define ADB_C027_MOUSE_DATA 0x80 #define ADB_C027_MOUSE_INT 0x40 #define ADB_C027_DATA_VALID 0x20 #define ADB_C027_DATA_INT 0x10 #define ADB_C027_KBD_VALID 0x08 #define ADB_C027_KBD_INT 0x04 #define ADB_C027_MOUSE_COORD 0x02 #define ADB_C027_CMD_FULL 0x01 #define ADB_C027_NEG_MASK ( ~ ( \ ADB_C027_MOUSE_DATA | ADB_C027_DATA_VALID | \ ADB_C027_KBD_VALID | ADB_C027_MOUSE_COORD | \ ADB_C027_CMD_FULL)) int halt_on_all_c027 = 0; word32 g_adb_repeat_delay = 45; word32 g_adb_repeat_rate = 3; word32 g_adb_repeat_info = 0x23; word32 g_adb_char_set = 0x0; word32 g_adb_layout_lang = 0x0; word32 g_adb_interrupt_byte = 0; int g_adb_state = ADB_IDLE; word32 g_adb_cmd = (word32)-1; int g_adb_cmd_len = 0; int g_adb_cmd_so_far = 0; word32 g_adb_cmd_data[16]; #define MAX_ADB_DATA_PEND 16 word32 g_adb_data[MAX_ADB_DATA_PEND]; int g_adb_data_pending = 0; word32 g_c027_val = 0; word32 g_c025_val = 0; byte adb_memory[256]; word32 g_adb_mode = 0; /* mode set via set_modes, clear_modes */ int g_warp_pointer = 0; int g_hide_pointer = 0; int g_unhide_pointer = 0; int g_mouse_a2_x = 0; int g_mouse_a2_y = 0; int g_mouse_a2_button = 0; int g_mouse_fifo_pos = 0; int g_mouse_raw_x = 0; int g_mouse_raw_y = 0; #define ADB_MOUSE_FIFO 8 STRUCT(Mouse_fifo) { double dcycs; int x; int y; int buttons; }; Mouse_fifo g_mouse_fifo[ADB_MOUSE_FIFO] = { { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; int g_mouse_warp_x = 0; int g_mouse_warp_y = 0; int g_adb_mouse_valid_data = 0; int g_adb_mouse_coord = 0; #define MAX_KBD_BUF 8 int g_key_down = 0; int g_hard_key_down = 0; int g_a2code_down = 0; int g_kbd_read_no_update = 0; int g_kbd_chars_buffered = 0; int g_kbd_buf[MAX_KBD_BUF]; word32 g_adb_repeat_vbl = 0; int g_kbd_dev_addr = 2; /* ADB physical kbd addr */ int g_mouse_dev_addr = 3; /* ADB physical mouse addr */ int g_kbd_ctl_addr = 2; /* ADB microcontroller's kbd addr */ int g_mouse_ctl_addr = 3; /* ADB ucontroller's mouse addr*/ /* above are ucontroller's VIEW of where mouse/kbd */ /* are...if they are moved, mouse/keyboard funcs */ /* should stop (c025, c000, c024, etc). */ word32 g_virtual_key_up[4]; /* bitmask of all possible 128 a2codes */ /* indicates which keys are up=1 by bit */ int g_keypad_key_is_down[10] = { 0 };/* List from 0-9 of which keypad */ /* keys are currently pressed */ #define SHIFT_DOWN ( (g_c025_val & 0x01) ) #define CTRL_DOWN ( (g_c025_val & 0x02) ) #define CAPS_LOCK_DOWN ( (g_c025_val & 0x04) ) #define OPTION_DOWN ( (g_c025_val & 0x40) ) #define CMD_DOWN ( (g_c025_val & 0x80) ) #define MAX_ADB_KBD_REG3 16 int g_kbd_reg0_pos = 0; int g_kbd_reg0_data[MAX_ADB_KBD_REG3]; int g_kbd_reg3_16bit = 0x602; /* also set in adb_reset()! */ int g_adb_init = 0; void adb_init() { int keycode; int i; if(g_adb_init) { halt_printf("g_adb_init = %d!\n", g_adb_init); } g_adb_init = 1; for(i = 0; i < 128; i++) { keycode = a2_key_to_ascii[i][0]; if(keycode != i) { gloghead(); printf("ADB keycode lost/skipped: i=%x: keycode=%x\n", i, keycode); my_exit(1); } } g_c025_val = 0; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { g_virtual_key_up[i] = -1; } for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) { g_keypad_key_is_down[i] = 0; } adb_reset(); } // OG Added adb_shut() void adb_shut() { g_adb_init = 0; } void adb_reset() { g_c027_val = 0; g_key_down = 0; g_kbd_dev_addr = 2; g_mouse_dev_addr = 3; g_kbd_ctl_addr = 2; g_mouse_ctl_addr = 3; adb_clear_data_int(); adb_clear_mouse_int(); adb_clear_kbd_srq(); g_adb_data_pending = 0; g_adb_interrupt_byte = 0; g_adb_state = ADB_IDLE; g_adb_mouse_coord = 0; g_adb_mouse_valid_data = 0; g_kbd_reg0_pos = 0; g_kbd_reg3_16bit = 0x602; } #define LEN_ADB_LOG 16 STRUCT(Adb_log) { word32 addr; int val; int state; }; Adb_log g_adb_log[LEN_ADB_LOG]; int g_adb_log_pos = 0; void adb_log(word32 addr, int val) { int pos; pos = g_adb_log_pos; g_adb_log[pos].addr = addr; g_adb_log[pos].val = val; g_adb_log[pos].state = g_adb_state; pos++; if(pos >= LEN_ADB_LOG) { pos = 0; } g_adb_log_pos = pos; } void show_adb_log(void) { int pos; int i; pos = g_adb_log_pos; printf("ADB log pos: %d\n", pos); for(i = 0; i < LEN_ADB_LOG; i++) { pos--; if(pos < 0) { pos = LEN_ADB_LOG - 1; } printf("%d:%d: addr:%04x = %02x, st:%d\n", i, pos, g_adb_log[pos].addr, g_adb_log[pos].val, g_adb_log[pos].state); } printf("kbd: dev: %x, ctl: %x; mouse: dev: %x, ctl: %x\n", g_kbd_dev_addr, g_kbd_ctl_addr, g_mouse_dev_addr, g_mouse_ctl_addr); printf("g_adb_state: %d, g_adb_interrupt_byte: %02x\n", g_adb_state, g_adb_interrupt_byte); } void adb_error(void) { halt_printf("Adb Error\n"); show_adb_log(); } void adb_add_kbd_srq() { if(g_kbd_reg3_16bit & 0x200) { /* generate SRQ */ g_adb_interrupt_byte |= 0x08; add_irq(IRQ_PENDING_ADB_KBD_SRQ); } else { printf("Got keycode but no kbd SRQ!\n"); } } void adb_clear_kbd_srq() { remove_irq(IRQ_PENDING_ADB_KBD_SRQ); /* kbd SRQ's are the only ones to handle now, so just clean it out */ g_adb_interrupt_byte &= (~(0x08)); } void adb_add_data_int() { if(g_c027_val & ADB_C027_DATA_INT) { add_irq(IRQ_PENDING_ADB_DATA); } } void adb_add_mouse_int() { if(g_c027_val & ADB_C027_MOUSE_INT) { add_irq(IRQ_PENDING_ADB_MOUSE); } } void adb_clear_data_int() { remove_irq(IRQ_PENDING_ADB_DATA); } void adb_clear_mouse_int() { remove_irq(IRQ_PENDING_ADB_MOUSE); } void adb_send_bytes(int num_bytes, word32 val0, word32 val1, word32 val2) { word32 val; int shift_amount; int i; if((num_bytes >= 12) || (num_bytes >= MAX_ADB_DATA_PEND)) { halt_printf("adb_send_bytes: %d is too many!\n", num_bytes); } g_adb_state = ADB_SENDING_DATA; g_adb_data_pending = num_bytes; adb_add_data_int(); for(i = 0; i < num_bytes; i++) { if(i < 4) { val = val0; } else if(i < 8) { val = val1; } else { val = val2; } shift_amount = 8*(3 - i); g_adb_data[i] = (val >> shift_amount) & 0xff; adb_printf("adb_send_bytes[%d] = %02x\n", i, g_adb_data[i]); } } void adb_send_1byte(word32 val) { if(g_adb_data_pending != 0) { halt_printf("g_adb_data_pending: %d\n", g_adb_data_pending); } adb_send_bytes(1, val << 24, 0, 0); } void adb_response_packet(int num_bytes, word32 val) { if(g_adb_data_pending != 0) { halt_printf("adb_response_packet, but pending: %d\n", g_adb_data_pending); } g_adb_state = ADB_IDLE; g_adb_data_pending = num_bytes; g_adb_data[0] = val & 0xff; g_adb_data[1] = (val >> 8) & 0xff; g_adb_data[2] = (val >> 16) & 0xff; g_adb_data[3] = (val >> 24) & 0xff; if(num_bytes) { g_adb_interrupt_byte |= 0x80 + num_bytes - 1; } else { g_adb_interrupt_byte |= 0x80; } adb_printf("adb_response packet: %d: %08x\n", num_bytes, val); adb_add_data_int(); } void adb_kbd_reg0_data(int a2code, int is_up) { if(g_kbd_reg0_pos >= MAX_ADB_KBD_REG3) { /* too many keys, toss */ halt_printf("Had to toss key: %02x, %d\n", a2code, is_up); return; } g_kbd_reg0_data[g_kbd_reg0_pos] = a2code + (is_up << 7); adb_printf("g_kbd_reg0_data[%d] = %02x\n", g_kbd_reg0_pos, g_kbd_reg0_data[g_kbd_reg0_pos]); g_kbd_reg0_pos++; adb_add_kbd_srq(); } void adb_kbd_talk_reg0() { word32 val0, val1; word32 reg; int num_bytes; int num; int i; num = 0; val0 = g_kbd_reg0_data[0]; val1 = g_kbd_reg0_data[1]; num_bytes = 0; if(g_kbd_reg0_pos > 0) { num_bytes = 2; num = 1; if((val0 & 0x7f) == 0x7f) { /* reset */ val1 = val0; } else if(g_kbd_reg0_pos > 1) { num = 2; if((val1 & 0x7f) == 0x7f) { /* If first byte some other key, don't */ /* put RESET next! */ num = 1; val1 = 0xff; } } else { val1 = 0xff; } } if(num) { for(i = num; i < g_kbd_reg0_pos; i++) { g_kbd_reg0_data[i-1] = g_kbd_reg0_data[i]; } g_kbd_reg0_pos -= num; } reg = (val0 << 8) + val1; adb_printf("adb_kbd_talk0: %04x\n", reg); adb_response_packet(num_bytes, reg); if(g_kbd_reg0_pos == 0) { adb_clear_kbd_srq(); } } void adb_set_config(word32 val0, word32 val1, word32 val2) { int new_mouse; int new_kbd; int tmp1; new_mouse = val0 >> 4; new_kbd = val0 & 0xf; if(new_mouse != g_mouse_ctl_addr) { gloghead(); printf("ADB config: mouse from %x to %x!\n", g_mouse_ctl_addr, new_mouse); adb_error(); g_mouse_ctl_addr = new_mouse; } if(new_kbd != g_kbd_ctl_addr) { gloghead(); printf("ADB config: kbd from %x to %x!\n", g_kbd_ctl_addr, new_kbd); adb_error(); g_kbd_ctl_addr = new_kbd; } tmp1 = val2 >> 4; if(tmp1 == 4) { g_adb_repeat_delay = 0; } else if(tmp1 < 4) { g_adb_repeat_delay = (tmp1 + 1) * 15; } else { halt_printf("Bad ADB repeat delay: %02x\n", tmp1); } tmp1 = val2 & 0xf; if(g_rom_version >= 3) { tmp1 = 9 - tmp1; } switch(tmp1) { case 0: g_adb_repeat_rate = 1; break; case 1: g_adb_repeat_rate = 2; break; case 2: g_adb_repeat_rate = 3; break; case 3: g_adb_repeat_rate = 3; break; case 4: g_adb_repeat_rate = 4; break; case 5: g_adb_repeat_rate = 5; break; case 6: g_adb_repeat_rate = 7; break; case 7: g_adb_repeat_rate = 15; break; case 8: /* I don't know what this should be, ROM 03 uses it */ g_adb_repeat_rate = 30; break; case 9: /* I don't know what this should be, ROM 03 uses it */ g_adb_repeat_rate = 60; break; default: halt_printf("Bad repeat rate: %02x\n", tmp1); } } void adb_set_new_mode(word32 val) { if(val & 0x03) { gloghead(); printf("Disabling keyboard/mouse:%02x!\n", val); } if(val & 0xa2) { halt_printf("ADB set mode: %02x!\n", val); adb_error(); } g_adb_mode = val; } int adb_read_c026() { word32 ret; int i; ret = 0; switch(g_adb_state) { case ADB_IDLE: ret = g_adb_interrupt_byte; g_adb_interrupt_byte = 0; if(g_irq_pending & IRQ_PENDING_ADB_KBD_SRQ) { g_adb_interrupt_byte |= 0x08; } if(g_adb_data_pending == 0) { if(ret & 0x80) { halt_printf("read_c026: ret:%02x, pend:%d\n", ret, g_adb_data_pending); } adb_clear_data_int(); } if(g_adb_data_pending) { if(g_adb_state != ADB_IN_CMD) { g_adb_state = ADB_SENDING_DATA; } } break; case ADB_IN_CMD: ret = 0; break; case ADB_SENDING_DATA: ret = g_adb_data[0]; for(i = 1; i < g_adb_data_pending; i++) { g_adb_data[i-1] = g_adb_data[i]; } g_adb_data_pending--; if(g_adb_data_pending <= 0) { g_adb_data_pending = 0; g_adb_state = ADB_IDLE; adb_clear_data_int(); } break; default: halt_printf("Bad ADB state: %d!\n", g_adb_state); adb_clear_data_int(); break; } adb_printf("Reading c026. Returning %02x, st: %02x, pend: %d\n", ret, g_adb_state, g_adb_data_pending); adb_log(0xc026, ret); return (ret & 0xff); } void adb_write_c026(int val) { word32 tmp; int dev; adb_printf("Writing c026 with %02x\n", val); adb_log(0x1c026, val); switch(g_adb_state) { case ADB_IDLE: g_adb_cmd = val; g_adb_cmd_so_far = 0; g_adb_cmd_len = 0; dev = val & 0xf; switch(val) { case 0x01: /* Abort */ adb_printf("Performing adb abort\n"); /* adb_abort() */ break; case 0x03: /* Flush keyboard buffer */ adb_printf("Flushing adb keyboard buffer\n"); /* Do nothing */ break; case 0x04: /* Set modes */ adb_printf("ADB set modes\n"); g_adb_state = ADB_IN_CMD; g_adb_cmd_len = 1; break; case 0x05: /* Clear modes */ adb_printf("ADB clear modes\n"); g_adb_state = ADB_IN_CMD; g_adb_cmd_len = 1; break; case 0x06: /* Set config */ adb_printf("ADB set config\n"); g_adb_state = ADB_IN_CMD; g_adb_cmd_len = 3; break; case 0x07: /* Sync */ adb_printf("Performing sync cmd!\n"); g_adb_state = ADB_IN_CMD; if(g_rom_version == 1) { g_adb_cmd_len = 4; } else { g_adb_cmd_len = 8; } break; case 0x08: /* Write mem */ adb_printf("Starting write_mem cmd\n"); g_adb_state = ADB_IN_CMD; g_adb_cmd_len = 2; break; case 0x09: /* Read mem */ adb_printf("Performing read_mem cmd!\n"); g_adb_state = ADB_IN_CMD; g_adb_cmd_len = 2; break; case 0x0a: /* Read modes byte */ printf("Performing read_modes cmd!\n"); /* set_halt(1); */ adb_send_1byte(g_adb_mode); break; case 0x0b: /* Read config bytes */ printf("Performing read_configs cmd!\n"); tmp = (g_mouse_ctl_addr << 20) + (g_kbd_ctl_addr << 16) + (g_adb_char_set << 12) + (g_adb_layout_lang << 8) + (g_adb_repeat_info << 0); tmp = (0x82U << 24) + tmp; adb_send_bytes(4, tmp, 0, 0); break; case 0x0d: /* Get Version */ adb_printf("Performing get_version cmd!\n"); val = 0; if(g_rom_version == 1) { /* ROM 01 = revision 5 */ val = 5; } else { /* ROM 03 checks for rev >= 6 */ val = 6; } adb_send_1byte(val); break; case 0x0e: /* Read avail char sets */ adb_printf("Performing read avail char sets cmd!\n"); adb_send_bytes(2, /* just 2 bytes */ 0x08000000, /* number of ch sets=0x8 */ 0, 0); /* set_halt(1); */ break; case 0x0f: /* Read avail kbd layouts */ adb_printf("Performing read avail kbd layouts cmd!\n"); adb_send_bytes(0x2, /* number of kbd layouts=0xa */ 0x0a000000, 0, 0); /* set_halt(1); */ break; case 0x10: /* Reset */ printf("ADB reset, cmd 0x10\n"); do_reset(); break; case 0x11: /* Send ADB keycodes */ adb_printf("Sending ADB keycodes\n"); g_adb_state = ADB_IN_CMD; g_adb_cmd_len = 1; break; case 0x12: /* ADB cmd 12: ROM 03 only! */ if(g_rom_version >= 3) { g_adb_state = ADB_IN_CMD; g_adb_cmd_len = 2; } else { printf("ADB cmd 12, but not ROM 3!\n"); adb_error(); } break; case 0x13: /* ADB cmd 13: ROM 03 only! */ if(g_rom_version >= 3) { g_adb_state = ADB_IN_CMD; g_adb_cmd_len = 2; } else { printf("ADB cmd 13, but not ROM 3!\n"); adb_error(); } break; case 0x73: /* Disable SRQ device 3: mouse */ adb_printf("Disabling Mouse SRQ's (device 3)\n"); /* HACK HACK...should deal with SRQs on mouse */ break; case 0xb0: case 0xb1: case 0xb2: case 0xb3: case 0xb4: case 0xb5: case 0xb6: case 0xb7: case 0xb8: case 0xb9: case 0xba: case 0xbb: case 0xbc: case 0xbd: case 0xbe: case 0xbf: /* Listen dev x reg 3 */ adb_printf("Sending data to dev %x reg 3\n", dev); g_adb_state = ADB_IN_CMD; g_adb_cmd_len = 2; break; case 0xc0: case 0xc1: case 0xc2: case 0xc3: case 0xc4: case 0xc5: case 0xc6: case 0xc7: case 0xc8: case 0xc9: case 0xca: case 0xcb: case 0xcc: case 0xcd: case 0xce: case 0xcf: /* Talk dev x reg 0 */ adb_printf("Performing talk dev %x reg 0\n", dev); if(dev == g_kbd_dev_addr) { adb_kbd_talk_reg0(); } else { printf("Unknown talk dev %x reg 0!\n", dev); /* send no data, on SRQ, system polls devs */ /* so we don't want to send anything */ adb_error(); } break; case 0xf0: case 0xf1: case 0xf2: case 0xf3: case 0xf4: case 0xf5: case 0xf6: case 0xf7: case 0xf8: case 0xf9: case 0xfa: case 0xfb: case 0xfc: case 0xfd: case 0xfe: case 0xff: /* Talk dev x reg 3 */ adb_printf("Performing talk dev %x reg 3\n", dev); if(dev == g_kbd_dev_addr) { adb_response_packet(2, g_kbd_reg3_16bit); } else { printf("Performing talk dev %x reg 3!!\n", dev); adb_error(); } break; default: /* The Gog's says ACS Demo 2 has a bug and writes to */ /* c026 */ // OG if (val==0x84) printf("ACS Demo2 (3: Colum& Music scroll) : discarding unknown controller command\n"); else halt_printf("ADB ucontroller cmd %02x unknown!\n", val); break; } break; case ADB_IN_CMD: adb_printf("Setting byte %d of cmd %02x to %02x\n", g_adb_cmd_so_far, g_adb_cmd, val); g_adb_cmd_data[g_adb_cmd_so_far] = val; g_adb_cmd_so_far++; if(g_adb_cmd_so_far >= g_adb_cmd_len) { adb_printf("Finished cmd %02x\n", g_adb_cmd); do_adb_cmd(); } break; default: printf("adb_state: %02x is unknown! Setting it to ADB_IDLE\n", g_adb_state); g_adb_state = ADB_IDLE; adb_error(); halt_on_all_c027 = 1; break; } return; } void do_adb_cmd() { int dev; int new_kbd; int addr; int val; dev = g_adb_cmd & 0xf; g_adb_state = ADB_IDLE; switch(g_adb_cmd) { case 0x04: /* Set modes */ adb_printf("Performing ADB set mode: OR'ing in %02x\n", g_adb_cmd_data[0]); val = g_adb_cmd_data[0] | g_adb_mode; adb_set_new_mode(val); break; case 0x05: /* clear modes */ adb_printf("Performing ADB clear mode: AND'ing in ~%02x\n", g_adb_cmd_data[0]); val = g_adb_cmd_data[0]; val = g_adb_mode & (~val); adb_set_new_mode(val); break; case 0x06: /* Set config */ adb_printf("Set ADB config to %02x %02x %02x\n", g_adb_cmd_data[0], g_adb_cmd_data[1],g_adb_cmd_data[2]); adb_set_config(g_adb_cmd_data[0], g_adb_cmd_data[1], g_adb_cmd_data[2]); break; case 0x07: /* SYNC */ adb_printf("Performing ADB SYNC\n"); adb_printf("data: %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", g_adb_cmd_data[0], g_adb_cmd_data[1], g_adb_cmd_data[2], g_adb_cmd_data[3]); adb_set_new_mode(g_adb_cmd_data[0]); adb_set_config(g_adb_cmd_data[1], g_adb_cmd_data[2], g_adb_cmd_data[3]); if(g_rom_version >= 3) { adb_printf(" and cmd12:%02x %02x cmd13:%02x %02x\n", g_adb_cmd_data[4], g_adb_cmd_data[5], g_adb_cmd_data[6], g_adb_cmd_data[7]); } break; case 0x08: /* Write mem */ addr = g_adb_cmd_data[0]; val = g_adb_cmd_data[1]; write_adb_ram(addr, val); break; case 0x09: /* Read mem */ addr = (g_adb_cmd_data[1] << 8) + g_adb_cmd_data[0]; adb_printf("Performing mem read to addr %04x\n", addr); adb_send_1byte(read_adb_ram(addr)); break; case 0x11: /* Send ADB keycodes */ val = g_adb_cmd_data[0]; adb_printf("Performing send ADB keycodes: %02x\n", val); adb_virtual_key_update(val & 0x7f, val >> 7); break; case 0x12: /* ADB cmd12 */ adb_printf("Performing ADB cmd 12\n"); adb_printf("data: %02x %02x\n", g_adb_cmd_data[0], g_adb_cmd_data[1]); break; case 0x13: /* ADB cmd13 */ adb_printf("Performing ADB cmd 13\n"); adb_printf("data: %02x %02x\n", g_adb_cmd_data[0], g_adb_cmd_data[1]); break; case 0xb0: case 0xb1: case 0xb2: case 0xb3: case 0xb4: case 0xb5: case 0xb6: case 0xb7: case 0xb8: case 0xb9: case 0xba: case 0xbb: case 0xbc: case 0xbd: case 0xbe: case 0xbf: /* Listen dev x reg 3 */ if(dev == g_kbd_dev_addr) { if(g_adb_cmd_data[1] == 0xfe) { /* change keyboard addr? */ new_kbd = g_adb_cmd_data[0] & 0xf; if(new_kbd != dev) { printf("Moving kbd to dev %x!\n", new_kbd); adb_error(); } g_kbd_dev_addr = new_kbd; } else if(g_adb_cmd_data[1] != 1) { /* see what new device handler id is */ printf("KBD listen to dev %x reg 3: 1:%02x\n", dev, g_adb_cmd_data[1]); adb_error(); } if(g_adb_cmd_data[0] != (word32)g_kbd_dev_addr) { /* see if app is trying to change addr */ printf("KBD listen to dev %x reg 3: 0:%02x!\n", dev, g_adb_cmd_data[0]); adb_error(); } g_kbd_reg3_16bit = ((g_adb_cmd_data[0] & 0xf) << 12) + (g_kbd_reg3_16bit & 0x0fff); } else if(dev == g_mouse_dev_addr) { if(g_adb_cmd_data[0] != (word32)dev) { /* see if app is trying to change mouse addr */ printf("MOUS listen to dev %x reg3: 0:%02x!\n", dev, g_adb_cmd_data[0]); adb_error(); } if(g_adb_cmd_data[1] != 1 && g_adb_cmd_data[1] != 2) { /* see what new device handler id is */ printf("MOUS listen to dev %x reg 3: 1:%02x\n", dev, g_adb_cmd_data[1]); adb_error(); } } else { printf("Listen cmd to dev %x reg3????\n", dev); printf("data0: %02x, data1: %02x ????\n", g_adb_cmd_data[0], g_adb_cmd_data[1]); adb_error(); } break; default: printf("Doing adb_cmd %02x: UNKNOWN!\n", g_adb_cmd); break; } } int adb_read_c027() { word32 ret; if(halt_on_all_c027) { halt_printf("halting on all c027 reads!\n"); } if(g_c027_val & (~ADB_C027_NEG_MASK)) { halt_printf("read_c027: g_c027_val: %02x\n", g_c027_val); } ret = (g_c027_val & ADB_C027_NEG_MASK); if(g_adb_mouse_valid_data) { ret |= ADB_C027_MOUSE_DATA; } if(g_adb_interrupt_byte != 0) { ret |= ADB_C027_DATA_VALID; } else if(g_adb_data_pending > 0) { if((g_adb_state != ADB_IN_CMD)) { ret |= ADB_C027_DATA_VALID; } } if(g_adb_mouse_coord) { ret |= ADB_C027_MOUSE_COORD; } #if 0 adb_printf("Read c027: %02x, int_byte: %02x, d_pend: %d\n", ret, g_adb_interrupt_byte, g_adb_data_pending); #endif #if 0 adb_log(0xc027, ret); #endif return ret; } void adb_write_c027(int val) { word32 old_val; word32 new_int; word32 old_int; adb_printf("Writing c027 with %02x\n", val); adb_log(0x1c027, val); old_val = g_c027_val; g_c027_val = (val & ADB_C027_NEG_MASK); new_int = g_c027_val & ADB_C027_MOUSE_INT; old_int = old_val & ADB_C027_MOUSE_INT; if(!new_int && old_int) { adb_clear_mouse_int(); } new_int = g_c027_val & ADB_C027_DATA_INT; old_int = old_val & ADB_C027_DATA_INT; if(!new_int && old_int) { /* ints were on, now off */ adb_clear_data_int(); } if(g_c027_val & ADB_C027_KBD_INT) { halt_printf("Can't support kbd interrupts!\n"); } return; } int read_adb_ram(word32 addr) { int val; adb_printf("Reading adb ram addr: %02x\n", addr); if(addr >= 0x100) { if(addr >= 0x1000 && addr < 0x2000) { /* ROM self-test checksum */ if(addr == 0x1400) { val = 0x72; } else if(addr == 0x1401) { val = 0xf7; } else { val = 0; } } else { printf("adb ram addr out of range: %04x!\n", addr); val = 0; } } else { val = adb_memory[addr]; if((addr == 0xb) && (g_rom_version == 1)) { // read special key state byte for Out of This World val = (g_c025_val >> 1) & 0x43; val |= (g_c025_val << 2) & 0x4; val |= (g_c025_val >> 2) & 0x10; } if((addr == 0xc) && (g_rom_version >= 3)) { // read special key state byte for Out of This World val = g_c025_val & 0xc7; printf("val is %02x\n", val); } } adb_printf("adb_ram returning %02x\n", val); return val; } void write_adb_ram(word32 addr, int val) { adb_printf("Writing adb_ram addr: %02x: %02x\n", addr, val); if(addr >= 0x100) { printf("write adb_ram addr: %02x: %02x!\n", addr, val); adb_error(); } else { adb_memory[addr] = val; } } int adb_get_keypad_xy(int get_y) { int x, y; int key; int num_keys; int i, j; key = 1; num_keys = 0; x = 0; y = 0; for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if(g_keypad_key_is_down[key]) { num_keys++; x = x + (j - 1)*32768; y = y + (1 - i)*32768; } key++; } } if(num_keys == 0) { num_keys = 1; } adb_printf("get_xy=%d, num_keys: %d, x:%d, y:%d\n", get_y, num_keys, x, y); if(get_y) { return y / num_keys; } else { return x / num_keys; } } int update_mouse(int x, int y, int button_states, int buttons_valid) { double dcycs; int button1_changed; int mouse_moved; int unhide; int pos; int i; dcycs = g_cur_dcycs; g_mouse_raw_x = x; g_mouse_raw_y = y; unhide = 0; if(x < 0) { x = 0; unhide = 1; } if(x >= 640) { x = 639; unhide = 1; } if(y < 0) { y = 0; unhide = 1; } if(y >= 400) { y = 399; unhide = 1; } g_unhide_pointer = unhide && !g_warp_pointer; if(!g_warp_pointer) { if(g_hide_pointer && g_unhide_pointer) { /* cursor has left a2 window, show it */ g_hide_pointer = 0; x_hide_pointer(0); } if((g_num_lines_prev_superhires == 200) && (g_num_lines_prev_superhires640 == 0) && ((g_slow_memory_ptr[0x19d00] & 0x80) == 0)) { // In 320-mode superhires, cut mouse range in half x = x >> 1; } y = y >> 1; } mouse_compress_fifo(dcycs); #if 0 printf("Update Mouse called with buttons:%d x,y:%d,%d, fifo:%d,%d, " " a2: %d,%d\n", buttons_valid, x, y, g_mouse_fifo[0].x, g_mouse_fifo[0].y, g_mouse_a2_x, g_mouse_a2_y); #endif if((buttons_valid < 0) && g_warp_pointer) { /* Warping the pointer causes it to jump here...this is not */ /* real motion, just update info and get out */ g_mouse_a2_x += (x - g_mouse_fifo[0].x); g_mouse_a2_y += (y - g_mouse_fifo[0].y); g_mouse_fifo[0].x = x; g_mouse_fifo[0].y = y; return 0; } #if 0 printf("...real move, warp: %d, %d, new x: %d, %d, a2:%d,%d\n", g_mouse_warp_x, g_mouse_warp_y, g_mouse_fifo[0].x, g_mouse_fifo[0].y, g_mouse_a2_x, g_mouse_a2_y); #endif mouse_moved = (g_mouse_fifo[0].x != x) || (g_mouse_fifo[0].y != y); g_mouse_a2_x += g_mouse_warp_x; g_mouse_a2_y += g_mouse_warp_y; g_mouse_fifo[0].x = x; g_mouse_fifo[0].y = y; g_mouse_fifo[0].dcycs = dcycs; g_mouse_warp_x = 0; g_mouse_warp_y = 0; button1_changed = (buttons_valid & 1) && ((button_states & 1) != (g_mouse_fifo[0].buttons & 1)); if((button_states & 4) && !(g_mouse_fifo[0].buttons & 4) && (buttons_valid & 4)) { /* right button pressed */ adb_increment_speed(); } if((button_states & 2) && !(g_mouse_fifo[0].buttons & 2) && (buttons_valid & 2)) { /* middle button pressed */ adb_increment_speed(); //halt2_printf("Middle button pressed\n"); } pos = g_mouse_fifo_pos; if((pos < (ADB_MOUSE_FIFO - 2)) && button1_changed) { /* copy delta to overflow, set overflow */ /* overflow ensures the mouse button state is precise at */ /* button up/down times. Using a mouse event list where */ /* deltas accumulate until a button change would work, too */ for(i = pos; i >= 0; i--) { g_mouse_fifo[i + 1] = g_mouse_fifo[i]; /* copy struct*/ } g_mouse_fifo_pos = pos + 1; } g_mouse_fifo[0].buttons = (button_states & buttons_valid) | (g_mouse_fifo[0].buttons & ~buttons_valid); if(mouse_moved || button1_changed) { if( (g_mouse_ctl_addr == g_mouse_dev_addr) && ((g_adb_mode & 0x2) == 0)) { g_adb_mouse_valid_data = 1; adb_add_mouse_int(); } } return mouse_moved; } int mouse_read_c024(double dcycs) { word32 ret; word32 tool_start; int em_active; int target_x, target_y; int delta_x, delta_y; int a2_x, a2_y; int mouse_button; int clamped; int pos; if(((g_adb_mode & 0x2) != 0) || (g_mouse_dev_addr != g_mouse_ctl_addr)){ /* mouse is off, return 0, or mouse is not autopoll */ g_adb_mouse_valid_data = 0; adb_clear_mouse_int(); return 0; } mouse_compress_fifo(dcycs); pos = g_mouse_fifo_pos; target_x = g_mouse_fifo[pos].x; target_y = g_mouse_fifo[pos].y; mouse_button = (g_mouse_fifo[pos].buttons & 1); delta_x = target_x - g_mouse_a2_x; delta_y = target_y - g_mouse_a2_y; clamped = 0; if(delta_x > 0x3f) { delta_x = 0x3f; clamped = 1; } else if(delta_x < -0x3f) { delta_x = -0x3f; clamped = 1; } if(delta_y > 0x3f) { delta_y = 0x3f; clamped = 1; } else if(delta_y < -0x3f) { delta_y = -0x3f; clamped = 1; } if(pos > 0) { /* peek into next entry's button info if we are not clamped */ /* and we're returning the y-coord */ if(!clamped && g_adb_mouse_coord) { mouse_button = g_mouse_fifo[pos - 1].buttons & 1; } } if(g_adb_mouse_coord) { /* y coord */ delta_x = 0; /* clear unneeded x delta */ } else { delta_y = 0; /* clear unneeded y delta */ } adb_printf(" pre a2_x:%02x,%02x,%02x,%02x\n", g_slow_memory_ptr[0x100e9], g_slow_memory_ptr[0x100ea], g_slow_memory_ptr[0x100eb], g_slow_memory_ptr[0x100ec]); adb_printf(" pre a2_x:%02x,%02x,%02x,%02x\n", g_slow_memory_ptr[0x10190], g_slow_memory_ptr[0x10192], g_slow_memory_ptr[0x10191], g_slow_memory_ptr[0x10193]); /* Update event manager internal state */ tool_start = (g_slow_memory_ptr[0x103ca] << 16) + (g_slow_memory_ptr[0x103c9] << 8) + g_slow_memory_ptr[0x103c8]; em_active = 0; if((tool_start >= 0x20000) && (tool_start < (g_mem_size_total - 28)) ) { /* seems to be valid ptr to addr of mem space for tools */ /* see if event manager appears to be active */ em_active = g_memory_ptr[tool_start + 6*4] + (g_memory_ptr[tool_start + 6*4 + 1] << 8); if(g_warp_pointer) { em_active = 0; } } a2_x = g_mouse_a2_x; a2_y = g_mouse_a2_y; if(em_active) { if((!g_hide_pointer) && (g_num_lines_prev_superhires == 200) && !g_unhide_pointer) { /* if super-hires and forcing tracking, then hide */ g_hide_pointer = 1; x_hide_pointer(1); } if(g_adb_mouse_coord == 0) { /* update x coord values */ g_slow_memory_ptr[0x47c] = a2_x & 0xff; g_slow_memory_ptr[0x57c] = a2_x >> 8; g_memory_ptr[0x47c] = a2_x & 0xff; g_memory_ptr[0x57c] = a2_x >> 8; g_slow_memory_ptr[0x10190] = a2_x & 0xff; g_slow_memory_ptr[0x10192] = a2_x >> 8; } else { g_slow_memory_ptr[0x4fc] = a2_y & 0xff; g_slow_memory_ptr[0x5fc] = a2_y >> 8; g_memory_ptr[0x4fc] = a2_y & 0xff; g_memory_ptr[0x5fc] = a2_y >> 8; g_slow_memory_ptr[0x10191] = a2_y & 0xff; g_slow_memory_ptr[0x10193] = a2_y >> 8; } } else { if(g_hide_pointer && !g_warp_pointer) { g_hide_pointer = 0; x_hide_pointer(0); } } ret = ((!mouse_button) << 7) + ((delta_x | delta_y) & 0x7f); if(g_adb_mouse_coord) { g_mouse_a2_button = mouse_button; /* y coord has button*/ } else { ret |= 0x80; /* mouse button not down on x coord rd */ } a2_x += delta_x; a2_y += delta_y; g_mouse_a2_x = a2_x; g_mouse_a2_y = a2_y; if(g_mouse_fifo_pos) { if((target_x == a2_x) && (target_y == a2_y) && (g_mouse_a2_button == mouse_button)) { g_mouse_fifo_pos--; } } adb_printf("Read c024, mouse is_y:%d, %02x, vbl:%08x, dcyc:%f, em:%d\n", g_adb_mouse_coord, ret, g_vbl_count, dcycs, em_active); adb_printf("...mouse targ_x:%d,%d delta_x,y:%d,%d fifo:%d, a2:%d,%d\n", target_x, target_y, delta_x, delta_y, g_mouse_fifo_pos, a2_x, a2_y); adb_printf(" post a2_x:%02x,%02x,%02x,%02x\n", g_slow_memory_ptr[0x10190], g_slow_memory_ptr[0x10192], g_slow_memory_ptr[0x10191], g_slow_memory_ptr[0x10193]); if((g_mouse_fifo_pos == 0) && (g_mouse_fifo[0].x == a2_x) && (g_mouse_fifo[0].y == a2_y) && ((g_mouse_fifo[0].buttons & 1) == g_mouse_a2_button)) { g_adb_mouse_valid_data = 0; adb_clear_mouse_int(); } g_adb_mouse_coord = !g_adb_mouse_coord; return ret; } void mouse_compress_fifo(double dcycs) { int pos; /* The mouse fifo exists so that fast button changes don't get lost */ /* if the emulator lags behind the mouse events */ /* But the FIFO means really old mouse events are saved if */ /* the emulated code isn't looking at the mouse registers */ /* This routine compresses all mouse events > 0.5 seconds old */ for(pos = g_mouse_fifo_pos; pos >= 1; pos--) { if(g_mouse_fifo[pos].dcycs < (dcycs - 500*1000.0)) { /* Remove this entry */ adb_printf("Old mouse FIFO pos %d removed\n", pos); g_mouse_fifo_pos = pos - 1; continue; } /* Else, stop searching the FIFO */ break; } } void adb_key_event(int a2code, int is_up) { word32 special; word32 vbl_count; int key; int hard_key; int pos; int tmp_ascii; int ascii; if(is_up) { adb_printf("adb_key_event, key:%02x, is up, g_key_down: %02x\n", a2code, g_key_down); } if(a2code < 0 || a2code > 0x7f) { halt_printf("add_key_event: a2code: %04x!\n", a2code); return; } if(!is_up && a2code == 0x35) { /* ESC pressed, see if ctrl & cmd key down */ if(CTRL_DOWN && CMD_DOWN) { /* Desk mgr int */ printf("Desk mgr int!\n"); g_adb_interrupt_byte |= 0x20; adb_add_data_int(); } } /* convert key to ascii, if possible */ hard_key = 0; if(a2_key_to_ascii[a2code][1] & 0xef00) { /* special key */ } else { /* we have ascii */ hard_key = 1; } pos = 1; ascii = a2_key_to_ascii[a2code][1]; if(CAPS_LOCK_DOWN && (ascii >= 'a' && ascii <= 'z')) { pos = 2; if(SHIFT_DOWN && (g_adb_mode & 0x40)) { /* xor shift mode--capslock and shift == lowercase */ pos = 1; } } else if(SHIFT_DOWN) { pos = 2; } ascii = a2_key_to_ascii[a2code][pos]; if(CTRL_DOWN) { tmp_ascii = a2_key_to_ascii[a2code][3]; if(tmp_ascii >= 0) { ascii = tmp_ascii; } } key = (ascii & 0x7f) + 0x80; special = (ascii >> 8) & 0xff; if(ascii < 0) { printf("ascii1: %d, a2code: %02x, pos: %d\n", ascii,a2code,pos); ascii = 0; special = 0; } if(!is_up) { if(hard_key) { g_kbd_buf[g_kbd_chars_buffered] = key; g_kbd_chars_buffered++; if(g_kbd_chars_buffered >= MAX_KBD_BUF) { g_kbd_chars_buffered = MAX_KBD_BUF - 1; } g_key_down = 1; g_a2code_down = a2code; /* first key down, set up autorepeat */ vbl_count = g_vbl_count; if(g_config_control_panel) { vbl_count = g_cfg_vbl_count; } g_adb_repeat_vbl = vbl_count + g_adb_repeat_delay; if(g_adb_repeat_delay == 0) { g_key_down = 0; } g_hard_key_down = 1; } g_c025_val = g_c025_val | special; adb_printf("new c025_or: %02x\n", g_c025_val); } else { if(hard_key && (a2code == g_a2code_down)) { g_hard_key_down = 0; /* Turn off repeat */ g_key_down = 0; } g_c025_val = g_c025_val & (~ special); adb_printf("new c025_and: %02x\n", g_c025_val); } if(g_key_down) { g_c025_val = g_c025_val & (~0x20); } else { /* If no hard key down, set update mod latch */ g_c025_val = g_c025_val | 0x20; } } word32 adb_read_c000() { word32 vbl_count; if( ((g_kbd_buf[0] & 0x80) == 0) && (g_key_down == 0)) { /* nothing happening, check clipboard */ int c = clipboard_get_char(); if(c) { /* inject clipboard char into keyboard buffer */ g_kbd_buf[0] = c; } /* just get out */ return g_kbd_buf[0]; } if(g_kbd_buf[0] & 0x80) { /* got one */ if((g_kbd_read_no_update++ > 5) && (g_kbd_chars_buffered > 1)) { /* read 5 times, keys pending, let's move it along */ gloghead(); printf("Read %02x %d times, tossing\n", g_kbd_buf[0], g_kbd_read_no_update); adb_access_c010(); } } else { vbl_count = g_vbl_count; if(g_config_control_panel) { vbl_count = g_cfg_vbl_count; } if(g_key_down && vbl_count >= g_adb_repeat_vbl) { /* repeat the g_key_down */ g_c025_val |= 0x8; adb_key_event(g_a2code_down, 0); g_adb_repeat_vbl = vbl_count + g_adb_repeat_rate; } } return g_kbd_buf[0]; } word32 adb_access_c010() { int tmp; int i; g_kbd_read_no_update = 0; tmp = g_kbd_buf[0] & 0x7f; g_kbd_buf[0] = tmp; tmp = tmp | (g_hard_key_down << 7); if(g_kbd_chars_buffered) { for(i = 1; i < g_kbd_chars_buffered; i++) { g_kbd_buf[i - 1] = g_kbd_buf[i]; } g_kbd_chars_buffered--; } g_c025_val = g_c025_val & (~ (0x08)); return tmp; } word32 adb_read_c025() { return g_c025_val; } int adb_is_cmd_key_down() { return CMD_DOWN; } int adb_is_option_key_down() { return OPTION_DOWN; } void adb_increment_speed() { const char *str; g_limit_speed++; if(g_limit_speed > 3) { g_limit_speed = 0; } str = ""; switch(g_limit_speed) { case 0: str = "... as fast as possible!"; break; case 1: str = "... 1.024MHz"; break; case 2: str = "... 2.8MHz"; break; case 3: str = "... 8.0MHz"; break; } gloghead(); printf("Setting g_limit_speed = %d %s\n", g_limit_speed, str); } void adb_physical_key_update(int a2code, int is_up) { int autopoll; int special; int ascii_and_type; int ascii; /* this routine called by xdriver to pass raw codes--handle */ /* ucontroller and ADB bus protocol issues here */ /* if autopoll on, pass it on through to c025,c000 regs */ /* else only put it in kbd reg 3, and pull SRQ if needed */ adb_printf("adb_phys_key_update: %02x, %d\n", a2code, is_up); adb_printf("Handle a2code: %02x, is_up: %d\n", a2code, is_up); if(a2code < 0 || a2code > 0x7f) { halt_printf("a2code: %04x!\n", a2code); return; } /* Remap 0x7b-0x7e to 0x3b-0x3e (arrow keys on new mac keyboards) */ if(a2code >= 0x7b && a2code <= 0x7e) { a2code = a2code - 0x40; } /* Now check for special keys (function keys, etc) */ ascii_and_type = a2_key_to_ascii[a2code][1]; special = 0; if((ascii_and_type & 0xf000) == 0x8000) { /* special function key */ special = ascii_and_type & 0xff; switch(special) { case 0x01: /* F1 - remap to cmd */ a2code = 0x37; special = 0; break; case 0x02: /* F2 - remap to option */ a2code = 0x3a; special = 0; break; case 0x03: /* F3 - remap to escape for OS/2 */ a2code = 0x35; special = 0; break; case 0x0c: /* F12 - remap to reset */ a2code = 0x7f; special = 0; break; default: break; } } /* CUA clipboard paste - for those that remember ctrl-insert/shift-insert */ if(is_up == 0 && a2code == 0x72 && SHIFT_DOWN) { clipboard_paste(); } /* Only process reset requests here */ if(is_up == 0 && a2code == 0x7f && CTRL_DOWN) { /* Reset pressed! */ gloghead(); printf("Reset pressed since CTRL_DOWN: %d\n", CTRL_DOWN); do_reset(); return; } if(special && !is_up) { switch(special) { case 0x04: /* F4 - emulator config panel */ if (CMD_DOWN) { glog("Quit!"); iwm_shut(); my_exit(1); } else { cfg_toggle_config_panel(); } break; case 0x05: /* F5 - emulator clipboard paste */ if (SHIFT_DOWN) { g_screenshot_requested = 1; } else { clipboard_paste(); } break; case 0x06: /* F6 - emulator speed */ if(SHIFT_DOWN) { halt2_printf("Shift-F6 pressed\n"); } else { adb_increment_speed(); } break; case 0x07: /* F7 - fast disk emul */ g_fast_disk_emul = !g_fast_disk_emul; gloghead(); printf("g_fast_disk_emul is now %d\n", g_fast_disk_emul); break; case 0x08: /* F8 - warp pointer */ g_warp_pointer = !g_warp_pointer; if(g_hide_pointer != g_warp_pointer) { g_hide_pointer = g_warp_pointer; x_hide_pointer(g_hide_pointer); } break; case 0x09: /* F9 - swap paddles */ if(SHIFT_DOWN) { g_swap_paddles = !g_swap_paddles; gloghead(); printf("Swap paddles is now: %d\n", g_swap_paddles); } else { g_invert_paddles = !g_invert_paddles; gloghead(); printf("Invert paddles is now: %d\n", g_invert_paddles); } break; case 0x0a: /* F10 - change a2vid paletter */ if (SHIFT_DOWN) { #ifdef TOGGLE_STATUS extern void x_toggle_status_lines(); x_toggle_status_lines(); #endif } else if (CMD_DOWN) { do_reset(); return; } else { change_a2vid_palette((g_a2vid_palette + 1) & 0xf); } break; case 0x0b: /* F11 - full screen */ g_fullscreen = !g_fullscreen; x_full_screen(g_fullscreen); break; } return; } /* Handle Keypad Joystick here partly...if keypad key pressed */ /* while in Keypad Joystick mode, do not pass it on as a key press */ if((ascii_and_type & 0xff00) == 0x1000) { /* Keep track of keypad number keys being up or down even */ /* if joystick mode isn't keypad. This avoid funny cases */ /* if joystick mode is changed while a key is pressed */ ascii = ascii_and_type & 0xff; if(ascii > 0x30 && ascii <= 0x39) { g_keypad_key_is_down[ascii - 0x30] = !is_up; } if(g_joystick_type == JOYSTICK_TYPE_KEYPAD) { /* If Joystick type is keypad, then do not let these */ /* keypress pass on further, except for cmd/opt */ if(ascii == 0x30) { /* remap '0' to cmd */ a2code = 0x37; } else if(ascii == 0x2e || ascii == 0x2c) { /* remap '.' and ',' to option */ a2code = 0x3a; } else { /* Just ignore it in this mode */ return; } } } autopoll = 1; if(g_adb_mode & 1) { /* autopoll is explicitly off */ autopoll = 0; } if(g_kbd_dev_addr != g_kbd_ctl_addr) { /* autopoll is off because ucontroller doesn't know kbd moved */ autopoll = 0; } if(g_config_control_panel) { /* always do autopoll */ autopoll = 1; } if(is_up) { if(!autopoll) { /* no auto keys, generate SRQ! */ adb_kbd_reg0_data(a2code, is_up); } else { adb_virtual_key_update(a2code, is_up); } } else { if(!autopoll) { /* no auto keys, generate SRQ! */ adb_kbd_reg0_data(a2code, is_up); } else { /* was up, now down */ adb_virtual_key_update(a2code, is_up); } } } void adb_virtual_key_update(int a2code, int is_up) { int i; int bitpos; word32 mask; adb_printf("Virtual handle a2code: %02x, is_up: %d\n", a2code, is_up); if(a2code < 0 || a2code > 0x7f) { halt_printf("a2code: %04x!\n", a2code); return; } i = (a2code >> 5) & 3; bitpos = a2code & 0x1f; mask = (1 << bitpos); if(is_up) { if(g_virtual_key_up[i] & mask) { /* already up, do nothing */ } else { g_virtual_key_up[i] |= mask; adb_key_event(a2code, is_up); } } else { if(g_virtual_key_up[i] & mask) { g_virtual_key_up[i] &= (~mask); adb_key_event(a2code, is_up); } } } void adb_all_keys_up() { word32 mask; int i, j; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for(j = 0; j < 32; j++) { mask = 1 << j; if((g_virtual_key_up[i] & mask) == 0) { /* create key-up event */ adb_physical_key_update(i*32 + j, 1); } } } } void adb_kbd_repeat_off() { g_key_down = 0; }