/* GSport - an Apple //gs Emulator Copyright (C) 2010 by GSport contributors Based on the KEGS emulator written by and Copyright (C) 2003 Kent Dickey This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ const char rcsid_smartport_c[] = "@(#)$KmKId: smartport.c,v 1.31 2004-11-12 23:10:50-05 kentd Exp $"; #include "defc.h" extern int Verbose; extern int Halt_on; extern int g_rom_version; extern int g_io_amt; extern int g_highest_smartport_unit; int g_cycs_in_io_read = 0; extern Engine_reg engine; extern Iwm iwm; #define LEN_SMPT_LOG 16 STRUCT(Smpt_log) { word32 start_addr; int cmd; int rts_addr; int cmd_list; int extras; int unit; int buf; int blk; }; Smpt_log g_smpt_log[LEN_SMPT_LOG]; int g_smpt_log_pos = 0; void smartport_error(void) { int pos; int i; pos = g_smpt_log_pos; printf("Smartport log pos: %d\n", pos); for(i = 0; i < LEN_SMPT_LOG; i++) { pos--; if(pos < 0) { pos = LEN_SMPT_LOG - 1; } printf("%d:%d: t:%04x, cmd:%02x, rts:%04x, " "cmd_l:%04x, x:%d, unit:%d, buf:%04x, blk:%04x\n", i, pos, g_smpt_log[pos].start_addr, g_smpt_log[pos].cmd, g_smpt_log[pos].rts_addr, g_smpt_log[pos].cmd_list, g_smpt_log[pos].extras, g_smpt_log[pos].unit, g_smpt_log[pos].buf, g_smpt_log[pos].blk); } } void smartport_log(word32 start_addr, int cmd, int rts_addr, int cmd_list) { int pos; pos = g_smpt_log_pos; if(start_addr != 0) { g_smpt_log[pos].start_addr = start_addr; g_smpt_log[pos].cmd = cmd; g_smpt_log[pos].rts_addr = rts_addr; g_smpt_log[pos].cmd_list = cmd_list; g_smpt_log[pos].extras = 0; g_smpt_log[pos].unit = 0; g_smpt_log[pos].buf = 0; g_smpt_log[pos].blk = 0; } else { pos--; if(pos < 0) { pos = LEN_SMPT_LOG - 1; } g_smpt_log[pos].extras = 1; g_smpt_log[pos].unit = cmd; g_smpt_log[pos].buf = rts_addr; g_smpt_log[pos].blk = cmd_list; } pos++; if(pos >= LEN_SMPT_LOG) { pos = 0; } g_smpt_log_pos = pos; } void do_c70d(word32 arg0) { int cmd; int cmd_list_lo, cmd_list_mid, cmd_list_hi; int rts_lo, rts_hi; word32 rts_addr; word32 cmd_list; int unit; int param_cnt; int status_ptr_lo, status_ptr_mid, status_ptr_hi; int buf_ptr_lo, buf_ptr_hi; int buf_ptr; int block_lo, block_mid, block_hi; int block; word32 status_ptr; int status_code; int ctl_ptr_lo, ctl_ptr_hi; int ctl_ptr; int ctl_code; int mask; int stat_val; int size; int ret; int ext; int i; set_memory_c(0x7f8, 0xc7, 0); if((engine.psr & 0x100) == 0) { disk_printf("c70d called in native mode!\n"); if((engine.psr & 0x30) != 0x30) { halt_printf("c70d called native, psr: %03x!\n", engine.psr); } } engine.stack = ((engine.stack + 1) & 0xff) + 0x100; rts_lo = get_memory_c(engine.stack, 0); engine.stack = ((engine.stack + 1) & 0xff) + 0x100; rts_hi = get_memory_c(engine.stack, 0); rts_addr = (rts_lo + (256*rts_hi) + 1) & 0xffff; disk_printf("rts_addr: %04x\n", rts_addr); cmd = get_memory_c(rts_addr, 0); cmd_list_lo = get_memory_c((rts_addr + 1) & 0xffff, 0); cmd_list_mid = get_memory_c((rts_addr + 2) & 0xffff, 0); cmd_list_hi = 0; mask = 0xffff; if(cmd & 0x40) { /* extended */ mask = 0xffffff; cmd_list_hi = get_memory_c((rts_addr + 3) & 0xffff, 0); } cmd_list = cmd_list_lo + (256*cmd_list_mid) + (65536*cmd_list_hi); disk_printf("cmd: %02x, cmd_list: %06x\n", cmd, cmd_list); param_cnt = get_memory_c(cmd_list, 0); ext = 0; if(cmd & 0x40) { ext = 2; } smartport_log(0xc70d, cmd, rts_addr, cmd_list); switch(cmd & 0x3f) { case 0x00: /* Status == 0x00 and 0x40 */ if(param_cnt != 3) { disk_printf("param_cnt %d is != 3!\n", param_cnt); exit(8); } unit = get_memory_c((cmd_list+1) & mask, 0); status_ptr_lo = get_memory_c((cmd_list+2) & mask, 0); status_ptr_mid = get_memory_c((cmd_list+3) & mask, 0); status_ptr_hi = 0; if(cmd & 0x40) { status_ptr_hi = get_memory_c((cmd_list+4) & mask, 0); } status_ptr = status_ptr_lo + (256*status_ptr_mid) + (65536*status_ptr_hi); if(cmd & 0x40) { status_code = get_memory_c((cmd_list+6) & mask, 0); } else { status_code = get_memory_c((cmd_list+4) & mask, 0); } smartport_log(0, unit, status_ptr, status_code); disk_printf("unit: %02x, status_ptr: %06x, code: %02x\n", unit, status_ptr, status_code); if(unit == 0 && status_code == 0) { /* Smartport driver status */ /* see technotes/smpt/tn-smpt-002 */ set_memory_c(status_ptr, g_highest_smartport_unit+1, 0); set_memory_c(status_ptr+1, 0xff, 0); /* interrupt stat*/ set_memory16_c(status_ptr+2, 0x0002, 0); /* vendor id */ set_memory16_c(status_ptr+4, 0x1000, 0); /* version */ set_memory16_c(status_ptr+6, 0x0000, 0); engine.xreg = 8; engine.yreg = 0; engine.acc &= 0xff00; engine.psr &= ~1; engine.kpc = (rts_addr + 3 + ext) & mask; return; } else if(unit > 0 && status_code == 0) { /* status for unit x */ if(unit > MAX_C7_DISKS || (!iwm.smartport[unit-1].file)){ stat_val = 0x80; size = 0; } else { stat_val = 0xf8; size = iwm.smartport[unit-1].image_size; size = (size+511) / 512; } set_memory_c(status_ptr, stat_val, 0); set_memory24_c(status_ptr +1, size, 0); engine.xreg = 4; if(cmd & 0x40) { set_memory_c(status_ptr + 4, (size >> 16) & 0xff, 0); engine.xreg = 5; } engine.yreg = 0; engine.acc &= 0xff00; engine.psr &= ~1; engine.kpc = (rts_addr + 3 + ext) & mask; disk_printf("just finished unit %d, stat 0\n", unit); return; } else if(status_code == 3) { if(unit > MAX_C7_DISKS || (!iwm.smartport[unit-1].file)){ stat_val = 0x80; size = 0; } else { stat_val = 0xf8; size = iwm.smartport[unit-1].image_size; size = (size+511) / 512; } if(cmd & 0x40) { disk_printf("extended for stat_code 3!\n"); } /* DIB for unit 1 */ set_memory_c(status_ptr, stat_val, 0); set_memory24_c(status_ptr +1, size, 0); if(cmd & 0x40) { set_memory_c(status_ptr + 4, (size >> 24) & 0xff, 0); status_ptr++; } set_memory_c(status_ptr +4, 4, 0); for(i = 5; i < 21; i++) { set_memory_c(status_ptr +i, 0x20, 0); } set_memory_c(status_ptr +5, 'K', 0); set_memory_c(status_ptr +6, 'E', 0); set_memory_c(status_ptr +7, 'G', 0); set_memory_c(status_ptr +8, 'S', 0); /* hard disk supporting extended calls */ set_memory16_c(status_ptr + 21, 0xa002, 0); set_memory16_c(status_ptr + 23, 0x0000, 0); if(cmd & 0x40) { engine.xreg = 26; } else { engine.xreg = 25; } engine.yreg = 0; engine.acc &= 0xff00; engine.psr &= ~1; engine.kpc = (rts_addr + 3 + ext) & 0xffff; disk_printf("Just finished unit %d, stat 3\n", unit); if(unit == 0 || unit > MAX_C7_DISKS) { engine.acc |= 0x28; engine.psr |= 1; } return; } printf("cmd: 00, unknown unit/status code!\n"); break; case 0x01: /* Read Block == 0x01 and 0x41 */ if(param_cnt != 3) { halt_printf("param_cnt %d is != 3!\n", param_cnt); return; } unit = get_memory_c((cmd_list+1) & mask, 0); buf_ptr_lo = get_memory_c((cmd_list+2) & mask, 0); buf_ptr_hi = get_memory_c((cmd_list+3) & mask, 0); buf_ptr = buf_ptr_lo + (256*buf_ptr_hi); if(cmd & 0x40) { buf_ptr_lo = get_memory_c((cmd_list+4) & mask, 0); buf_ptr_hi = get_memory_c((cmd_list+5) & mask, 0); buf_ptr += ((buf_ptr_hi*256) + buf_ptr_lo)*65536; cmd_list += 2; } block_lo = get_memory_c((cmd_list+4) & mask, 0); block_mid = get_memory_c((cmd_list+5) & mask, 0); block_hi = get_memory_c((cmd_list+6) & mask, 0); block = ((block_hi*256) + block_mid)*256 + block_lo; disk_printf("smartport read unit %d of block %04x into %04x\n", unit, block, buf_ptr); if(unit < 1 || unit > MAX_C7_DISKS) { halt_printf("Unknown unit #: %d\n", unit); } smartport_log(0, unit - 1, buf_ptr, block); ret = do_read_c7(unit - 1, buf_ptr, block); engine.xreg = 0; engine.yreg = 2; engine.acc = (engine.acc & 0xff00) | (ret & 0xff); engine.psr &= ~1; if(ret != 0) { engine.psr |= 1; } engine.kpc = (rts_addr + 3 + ext) & 0xffff; return; break; case 0x02: /* Write Block == 0x02 and 0x42 */ if(param_cnt != 3) { halt_printf("param_cnt %d is != 3!\n", param_cnt); return; } unit = get_memory_c((cmd_list+1) & mask, 0); buf_ptr_lo = get_memory_c((cmd_list+2) & mask, 0); buf_ptr_hi = get_memory_c((cmd_list+3) & mask, 0); buf_ptr = buf_ptr_lo + (256*buf_ptr_hi); if(cmd & 0x40) { buf_ptr_lo = get_memory_c((cmd_list+4) & mask, 0); buf_ptr_hi = get_memory_c((cmd_list+5) & mask, 0); buf_ptr += ((buf_ptr_hi*256) + buf_ptr_lo)*65536; cmd_list += 2; } block_lo = get_memory_c((cmd_list+4) & mask, 0); block_mid = get_memory_c((cmd_list+5) & mask, 0); block_hi = get_memory_c((cmd_list+6) & mask, 0); block = ((block_hi*256) + block_mid)*256 + block_lo; disk_printf("smartport write unit %d of block %04x from %04x\n", unit, block, buf_ptr); if(unit < 1 || unit > MAX_C7_DISKS) { halt_printf("Unknown unit #: %d\n", unit); } smartport_log(0, unit - 1, buf_ptr, block); ret = do_write_c7(unit - 1, buf_ptr, block); engine.xreg = 0; engine.yreg = 2; engine.acc = (engine.acc & 0xff00) | (ret & 0xff); engine.psr &= ~1; if(ret != 0) { engine.psr |= 1; } engine.kpc = (rts_addr + 3 + ext) & 0xffff; HALT_ON(HALT_ON_C70D_WRITES, "c70d Write done\n"); return; break; case 0x03: /* Format == 0x03 and 0x43 */ if(param_cnt != 1) { halt_printf("param_cnt %d is != 1!\n", param_cnt); return; } unit = get_memory_c((cmd_list+1) & mask, 0); if(unit < 1 || unit > MAX_C7_DISKS) { halt_printf("Unknown unit #: %d\n", unit); } smartport_log(0, unit - 1, 0, 0); ret = do_format_c7(unit - 1); engine.xreg = 0; engine.yreg = 2; engine.acc = (engine.acc & 0xff00) | (ret & 0xff); engine.psr &= ~1; if(ret != 0) { engine.psr |= 1; } engine.kpc = (rts_addr + 3 + ext) & 0xffff; HALT_ON(HALT_ON_C70D_WRITES, "c70d Format done\n"); return; break; case 0x04: /* Control == 0x04 and 0x44 */ if(cmd == 0x44) { halt_printf("smartport code 0x44 not supported\n"); } if(param_cnt != 3) { halt_printf("param_cnt %d is != 3!\n", param_cnt); return; } unit = get_memory_c((cmd_list+1) & mask, 0); ctl_ptr_lo = get_memory_c((cmd_list+2) & mask, 0); ctl_ptr_hi = get_memory_c((cmd_list+3) & mask, 0); ctl_ptr = (ctl_ptr_hi << 8) + ctl_ptr_lo; if(cmd & 0x40) { ctl_ptr_lo = get_memory_c((cmd_list+4) & mask, 0); ctl_ptr_hi = get_memory_c((cmd_list+5) & mask, 0); ctl_ptr += ((ctl_ptr_hi << 8) + ctl_ptr_lo) << 16; cmd_list += 2; } ctl_code = get_memory_c((cmd_list +4) & mask, 0); switch(ctl_code) { case 0x00: printf("Performing a reset on unit %d\n", unit); break; default: halt_printf("control code: %02x unknown!\n", ctl_code); } engine.xreg = 0; engine.yreg = 2; engine.acc &= 0xff00; engine.psr &= ~1; engine.kpc = (rts_addr + 3 + ext) & 0xffff; return; break; default: /* Unknown command! */ /* set acc = 1, and set carry, and set kpc */ engine.xreg = (rts_addr) & 0xff; engine.yreg = (rts_addr >> 8) & 0xff; engine.acc = (engine.acc & 0xff00) + 0x01; engine.psr |= 0x01; /* set carry */ engine.kpc = (rts_addr + 3 + ext) & 0xffff; if(cmd != 0x4a && cmd != 0x48) { /* Finder does 0x4a call before formatting disk */ /* Many things do 0x48 call to see online drives */ halt_printf("Just did smtport cmd:%02x rts_addr:%04x, " "cmdlst:%06x\n", cmd, rts_addr, cmd_list); } return; } halt_printf("Unknown smtport cmd:%02x, cmd_list:%06x, rts_addr:%06x\n", cmd, cmd_list, rts_addr); } void do_c70a(word32 arg0) { int cmd, unit; int buf_lo, buf_hi; int blk_lo, blk_hi; int blk, buf; int prodos_unit; int size; int ret; set_memory_c(0x7f8, 0xc7, 0); cmd = get_memory_c((engine.direct + 0x42) & 0xffff, 0); prodos_unit = get_memory_c((engine.direct + 0x43) & 0xffff, 0); buf_lo = get_memory_c((engine.direct + 0x44) & 0xffff, 0); buf_hi = get_memory_c((engine.direct + 0x45) & 0xffff, 0); blk_lo = get_memory_c((engine.direct + 0x46) & 0xffff, 0); blk_hi = get_memory_c((engine.direct + 0x47) & 0xffff, 0); blk = (blk_hi << 8) + blk_lo; buf = (buf_hi << 8) + buf_lo; disk_printf("cmd: %02x, pro_unit: %02x, buf: %04x, blk: %04x\n", cmd, prodos_unit, buf, blk); if((prodos_unit & 0x7f) == 0x70) { unit = 0 + (prodos_unit >> 7); } else if((prodos_unit & 0x7f) == 0x40) { unit = 2 + (prodos_unit >> 7); } else { halt_printf("Unknown prodos_unit: %d\n", prodos_unit); return; } smartport_log(0xc70a, cmd, blk, buf); engine.psr &= ~1; /* clear carry */ if(g_rom_version >= 3) { engine.kpc = 0xc764; } else { engine.kpc = 0xc765; } ret = 0x27; /* I/O error */ if(cmd == 0x00) { size = iwm.smartport[unit].image_size; size = (size+511) / 512; smartport_log(0, unit, size, 0); ret = 0; engine.xreg = size & 0xff; engine.yreg = size >> 8; } else if(cmd == 0x01) { smartport_log(0, unit, buf, blk); ret = do_read_c7(unit, buf, blk); } else if(cmd == 0x02) { smartport_log(0, unit, buf, blk); ret = do_write_c7(unit, buf, blk); } else if(cmd == 0x03) { /* format */ smartport_log(0, unit, buf, blk); ret = do_format_c7(unit); } engine.acc = (engine.acc & 0xff00) | (ret & 0xff); if(ret != 0) { engine.psr |= 1; } return; } int do_read_c7(int unit_num, word32 buf, int blk) { byte local_buf[0x200]; register word32 start_time; register word32 end_time; word32 val; FILE *file; int len; int image_start; int image_size; int ret; int i; if(unit_num < 0 || unit_num > MAX_C7_DISKS) { halt_printf("do_read_c7: unit_num: %d\n", unit_num); smartport_error(); return 0x28; } file = iwm.smartport[unit_num].file; image_start = iwm.smartport[unit_num].image_start; image_size = iwm.smartport[unit_num].image_size; if(!file) { printf("c7_file is null!\n"); #if 0 if(blk != 2 && blk != 0) { /* don't print error if only reading directory */ smartport_error(); halt_printf("Read unit:%02x blk:%04x\n", unit_num, blk); } #endif return 0x2f; } ret = fseek(file, image_start + blk*0x200, SEEK_SET); if(ret != 0) { halt_printf("fseek errno: %d\n", errno); smartport_error(); return 0x27; } if(image_start + blk*0x200 > image_start + image_size) { halt_printf("Tried to read from pos %08x on disk, (blk:%04x)\n", image_start + blk*0x200, blk); smartport_error(); return 0x27; } len = fread(&local_buf[0], 1, 0x200, file); if(len != 0x200) { printf("fread returned %08x, errno:%d, blk:%04x, unit: %02x\n", len, errno, blk, unit_num); halt_printf("name: %s\n", iwm.smartport[unit_num].name_ptr); smartport_error(); return 0x27; } g_io_amt += 0x200; if(buf >= 0xfc0000) { disk_printf("reading into ROM, just returning\n"); return 0; } GET_ITIMER(start_time); for(i = 0; i < 0x200; i += 2) { val = (local_buf[i+1] << 8) + local_buf[i]; set_memory16_c(buf + i, val, 0); } GET_ITIMER(end_time); g_cycs_in_io_read += (end_time - start_time); return 0; } int do_write_c7(int unit_num, word32 buf, int blk) { word32 local_buf[0x200/4]; Disk *dsk; word32 *ptr; word32 val1, val2; word32 val; FILE *file; int len; int ret; int image_start; int image_size; int i; if(unit_num < 0 || unit_num > MAX_C7_DISKS) { halt_printf("do_write_c7: unit_num: %d\n", unit_num); smartport_error(); return 0x28; } dsk = &(iwm.smartport[unit_num]); file = dsk->file; image_start = dsk->image_start; image_size = dsk->image_size; if(!file) { halt_printf("c7_file is null!\n"); smartport_error(); return 0x28; } ptr = &(local_buf[0]); for(i = 0; i < 0x200; i += 4) { val1 = get_memory16_c(buf + i, 0); val2 = get_memory16_c(buf + i + 2, 0); /* reorder the little-endian bytes to be big-endian */ #ifdef GSPORT_LITTLE_ENDIAN val = (val2 << 16) + val1; #else val = (val1 << 24) + ((val1 << 8) & 0xff0000) + ((val2 << 8) & 0xff00) + (val2 >> 8); #endif *ptr++ = val; } ret = fseek(file, image_start + blk*0x200, SEEK_SET); if(ret != 0) { halt_printf("fseek errno: %d\n", errno); smartport_error(); return 0x27; } if(image_start + blk*0x200 > image_start + image_size) { halt_printf("Tried to write to %08x\n", ret); smartport_error(); return 0x27; } if(dsk->write_prot) { printf("Write, but %s is write protected!\n", dsk->name_ptr); return 0x2b; } if(dsk->write_through_to_unix == 0) { halt_printf("Write to %s, but not wr_thru!\n", dsk->name_ptr); return 0x00; } len = fwrite((byte *)&local_buf[0], 1, 0x200, file); if(len != 0x200) { halt_printf("fwrite ret %08x bytes, errno: %d\n", len, errno); smartport_error(); return 0x27; } g_io_amt += 0x200; return 0; } int do_format_c7(int unit_num) { byte local_buf[0x1000]; Disk *dsk; FILE *file; int len; int ret; int sum; int total; int max; int image_start; int image_size; int i; if(unit_num < 0 || unit_num > MAX_C7_DISKS) { halt_printf("do_format_c7: unit_num: %d\n", unit_num); smartport_error(); return 0x28; } dsk = &(iwm.smartport[unit_num]); file = dsk->file; image_start = dsk->image_start; image_size = dsk->image_size; if(!file) { halt_printf("c7_file is null!\n"); smartport_error(); return 0x28; } for(i = 0; i < 0x1000; i++) { local_buf[i] = 0; } ret = fseek(file, image_start, SEEK_SET); if(ret != 0) { halt_printf("fseek errno: %d\n", errno); smartport_error(); return 0x27; } if(dsk->write_prot) { printf("Format, but %s is write protected!\n", dsk->name_ptr); return 0x2b; } if(dsk->write_through_to_unix == 0) { printf("Format of %s ignored\n", dsk->name_ptr); return 0x00; } sum = 0; total = image_size; while(sum < total) { max = MIN(0x1000, total-sum); len = fwrite(&local_buf[0], 1, max, file); if(len != max) { halt_printf("write ret %08x, errno:%d\n", len, errno); smartport_error(); return 0x27; } sum += len; } return 0; } void do_c700(word32 ret) { disk_printf("do_c700 called, ret: %08x\n", ret); ret = do_read_c7(0, 0x800, 0); set_memory_c(0x7f8, 7, 0); set_memory16_c(0x42, 0x7001, 0); set_memory16_c(0x44, 0x0800, 0); set_memory16_c(0x46, 0x0000, 0); engine.xreg = 0x70; engine.kpc = 0x801; if(ret != 0) { printf("Failure reading boot disk in s7d1!\n"); engine.kpc = 0xff59; /* Jump to monitor, fix $36-$39 */ } }