Kelvin Sherlock 9e0fe043ed minor tweaks, pre-kfest.
1. deref vcr after fcr is created, in case it moved.
2. fcr and vcr go hand-in-hand, so no need to check each in the action table
3. add boot loader (not quite working yet)
2018-07-12 21:54:57 -04:00

38 lines
691 B

LD=mpw linkIIgs
ASM=mpw asmIIgs
#ASMFLAGS=-d DEBUG_S16 -d DebugSymbols
ASMFLAGS=-case on -l
all : host.driver host.fst boot.sys
host.fst : host.fst.o
$(LD) -t \$$BD -at \$$0000 $< -o $@
# aux type (-at)
# $8000 = inactive
# $0100 = gs/os driver
# $00xx = number of devices supported (should match dib)
host.driver : host.driver.o
$(LD) -t \$$BB -at \$$0101 $< -o $@
host.driver.o : host.driver.aii gsos.equ
host.fst.o : host.fst.aii gsos.equ fst.equ records.equ fst.macros
boot: boot.o
$(LD) $< -o $@
boot.sys: boot
mpw makebiniigs -p $< -o $@ -t \$$FF
.PHONY : clean
clean :
$(RM) -- host.fst host.driver boot.sys boot *.o
%.o : %.aii
$(ASM) $(ASMFLAGS) $< -o $@