package main import ( "testing" ) func TestLoad(t *testing.T) { var s state executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xA9, 0x42}) if s.registers.getA() != 0x42 { t.Error("Error in LDA #") } executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xA9, 0x00}) if s.registers.getP() != flagZ { t.Error("Error in flags for LDA $0") } executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xA9, 0xF0}) if s.registers.getP() != flagN { t.Error("Error in flags for LDA $F0") } executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xA0, 0xFE}) if s.registers.getY() != 0xFE { t.Error("Error in LDY #") } s.memory[0x38] = 0x87 executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xA5, 0x38}) if s.registers.getA() != 0x87 { t.Error("Error in LDA zpg") } s.memory[0x57] = 0x90 s.registers.setX(0x10) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xB5, 0x47}) if s.registers.getA() != 0x90 { t.Error("Error in LDA zpg, X") } s.memory[0x38] = 0x12 s.registers.setX(0x89) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xB5, 0xAF}) if s.registers.getA() != 0x12 { t.Error("Error in LDA zpgX with sero page overflow") } s.memory[0x1234] = 0x67 executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xAD, 0x34, 0x12}) if s.registers.getA() != 0x67 { t.Error("Error in LDA abs") } s.memory[0xC057] = 0x7E s.registers.setX(0x57) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xBD, 0x00, 0xC0}) if s.registers.getA() != 0x7E { t.Error("Error in LDA abs, X") } s.memory[0xD059] = 0x7A s.registers.setY(0x59) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xB9, 0x00, 0xD0}) if s.registers.getA() != 0x7A { t.Error("Error in LDA abs, Y") } s.memory[0x24] = 0x74 s.memory[0x25] = 0x20 s.registers.setX(0x04) s.memory[0x2074] = 0x66 executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xA1, 0x20}) if s.registers.getA() != 0x66 { t.Error("Error in LDA (oper,X)") } s.memory[0x86] = 0x28 s.memory[0x87] = 0x40 s.registers.setY(0x10) s.memory[0x4038] = 0x99 executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xB1, 0x86}) if s.registers.getA() != 0x99 { t.Error("Error in LDA (oper),Y") } } func TestStore(t *testing.T) { var s state s.registers.setA(0x10) s.registers.setX(0x40) s.registers.setY(0x80) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x85, 0x50}) if s.memory[0x0050] != 0x10 { t.Error("Error in STA zpg") } executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x86, 0x51}) if s.memory[0x0051] != 0x40 { t.Error("Error in STX zpg") } executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x84, 0x52}) if s.memory[0x0052] != 0x80 { t.Error("Error in STY zpg") } executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x8D, 0x20, 0xC0}) if s.memory[0xC020] != 0x10 { t.Error("Error in STA abs") } executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x9D, 0x08, 0x10}) if s.memory[0x1048] != 0x10 { t.Error("Error in STA abs, X") } } func TestTransfer(t *testing.T) { var s state s.registers.setA(0xB0) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xAA}) if s.registers.getX() != 0xB0 { t.Error("Error in TAX") } if s.registers.getP() != flagN { t.Error("Error in TAX flags") } s.registers.setA(0xB1) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xA8}) if s.registers.getY() != 0xB1 { t.Error("Error in TAY") } s.registers.setSP(0xB2) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xBA}) if s.registers.getX() != 0xB2 { t.Error("Error in TSX") } s.registers.setX(0xB3) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x8A}) if s.registers.getA() != 0xB3 { t.Error("Error in TXA") } s.registers.setX(0xB4) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x9A}) if s.registers.getSP() != 0xB4 { t.Error("Error in TXS") } s.registers.setY(0xB5) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x98}) if s.registers.getA() != 0xB5 { t.Error("Error in TYA") } } func TestIncDec(t *testing.T) { var s state s.registers.setX(0x7E) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xE8}) if s.registers.getX() != 0x7F { t.Errorf("Error in INX") } s.registers.setY(0xFC) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x88}) if s.registers.getY() != 0xFB { t.Error("Error in DEY") } if s.registers.getP() != flagN { t.Error("Error in DEY flags") } } func TestShiftRotate(t *testing.T) { var s state s.registers.setA(0xF0) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x2A}) if s.registers.getA() != 0xE0 { t.Errorf("Error in ROL") } if !s.registers.getFlag(flagC) { t.Errorf("Error in ROL carry. %v", s.registers) } s.registers.setFlag(flagC) s.registers.setA(0x0F) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x6A}) if s.registers.getA() != 0x87 { t.Errorf("Error in ROR. %v", s.registers) } if !s.registers.getFlag(flagC) { t.Errorf("Error in ROR carry") } s.registers.setFlag(flagC) s.registers.setA(0x81) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x0A}) if s.registers.getA() != 0x02 { t.Errorf("Error in ASL. %v", s.registers) } if !s.registers.getFlag(flagC) { t.Errorf("Error in ASL carry") } s.registers.setFlag(flagC) s.registers.setA(0x02) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x4A}) if s.registers.getA() != 0x01 { t.Errorf("Error in LSR. %v", s.registers) } if s.registers.getFlag(flagC) { t.Errorf("Error in LSR carry") } } func TestClearSetFlag(t *testing.T) { var s state s.registers.setP(0x00) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xF8}) if !s.registers.getFlag(flagD) { t.Errorf("Error in SED. %v", s.registers) } executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xD8}) if s.registers.getFlag(flagD) { t.Errorf("Error in CLD. %v", s.registers) } } func TestLogic(t *testing.T) { var s state s.registers.setA(0xF0) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x29, 0x1C}) if s.registers.getA() != 0x10 { t.Errorf("Error in AND <. %v", s.registers) } s.registers.setA(0xF0) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x49, 0x1C}) if s.registers.getA() != 0xEC { t.Errorf("Error in EOR <. %v", s.registers) } s.registers.setA(0xF0) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x09, 0x0C}) if s.registers.getA() != 0xFC { t.Errorf("Error in ORA <. %v", s.registers) } } func TestAdd(t *testing.T) { var s state s.registers.setA(0xA0) s.registers.clearFlag(flagC) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x69, 0x0B}) if s.registers.getA() != 0xAB { t.Errorf("Error in ADC. %v", s.registers) } if s.registers.getFlag(flagC) { t.Errorf("Error in carry ADC. %v", s.registers) } s.registers.setA(0xFF) s.registers.clearFlag(flagC) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x69, 0x02}) if s.registers.getA() != 0x01 { t.Errorf("Error in ADC with carry. %v", s.registers) } if !s.registers.getFlag(flagC) { t.Errorf("Error in carry ADC with carry. %v", s.registers) } s.registers.setA(0xA0) s.registers.setFlag(flagC) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x69, 0x01}) if s.registers.getA() != 0xA2 { t.Errorf("Error in carried ADC with carry. %v", s.registers) } if s.registers.getFlag(flagC) { t.Errorf("Error in carry in carried ADC with carry. %v", s.registers) } } func TestAddDecimal(t *testing.T) { var s state s.registers.setFlag(flagD) s.registers.setA(0x12) s.registers.clearFlag(flagC) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x69, 0x013}) if s.registers.getA() != 0x25 { t.Errorf("Error in ADC decimal. %v", s.registers) } if s.registers.getFlag(flagC) { t.Errorf("Error in carry ADC. %v", s.registers) } s.registers.setA(0x44) s.registers.clearFlag(flagC) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x69, 0x68}) if s.registers.getA() != 0x12 { t.Errorf("Error in ADC decimal with carry. %v", s.registers) } if !s.registers.getFlag(flagC) { t.Errorf("Error in carry ADC decimal with carry. %v", s.registers) } s.registers.setA(0x44) s.registers.setFlag(flagC) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x69, 0x23}) if s.registers.getA() != 0x68 { t.Errorf("Error in carried ADC decimal with carry. %v", s.registers) } if s.registers.getFlag(flagC) { t.Errorf("Error in carry in carried ADC decimal with carry. %v", s.registers) } } func TestSub(t *testing.T) { var s state s.registers.setA(0x09) s.registers.clearFlag(flagC) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xE9, 0x05}) if s.registers.getA() != 0x03 { t.Errorf("Error in SBC. %v", s.registers) } if !s.registers.getFlag(flagC) { t.Errorf("Error in carry SBC. %v", s.registers) } s.registers.setA(0x01) s.registers.clearFlag(flagC) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xE9, 0x02}) if s.registers.getA() != 0xFE { t.Errorf("Error in SBC with carry. %v", s.registers) } if s.registers.getFlag(flagC) { t.Errorf("Error in carry SBC with carry. %v", s.registers) } s.registers.setA(0x08) s.registers.setFlag(flagC) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xE9, 0x02}) if s.registers.getA() != 0x06 { t.Errorf("Error in carried SBC with carry. %v", s.registers) } if !s.registers.getFlag(flagC) { t.Errorf("Error in carry in carried SBC with carry. %v", s.registers) } } func TestCompare(t *testing.T) { var s state s.registers.setA(0x02) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xC9, 0x01}) if s.registers.getP() != 0x01 { t.Errorf("Error in CMP <. %v", s.registers) } executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xC9, 0x02}) if s.registers.getP() != 0x03 { t.Errorf("Error in CMP =. %v", s.registers) } executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xC9, 0x03}) if s.registers.getP() != 0x80 { t.Errorf("Error in CMP >. %v", s.registers) } s.registers.setX(0x04) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xE0, 0x05}) if s.registers.getP() != 0x80 { t.Errorf("Error in CPX >. %v", s.registers) } s.registers.setY(0x08) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0xC0, 0x09}) if s.registers.getP() != 0x80 { t.Errorf("Error in CPY >. %v", s.registers) } } func TestBit(t *testing.T) { var s state s.registers.setA(0x0F) s.memory[0x0040] = 0xF0 executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x24, 0x40}) if s.registers.getP() != 0xC2 { t.Errorf("Error in BIT. %v", s.registers) } s.registers.setA(0xF0) s.memory[0x0040] = 0xF0 executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x24, 0x40}) if s.registers.getP() != 0xC0 { t.Errorf("Error in BIT, 2. %v", s.registers) } s.registers.setA(0xF0) s.memory[0x01240] = 0x80 executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x2C, 0x40, 0x12}) if s.registers.getP() != 0x80 { t.Errorf("Error in BIT, 2. %v", s.registers) } } func TestBranch(t *testing.T) { var s state s.registers.setPC(0xC600) s.registers.setFlag(flagV) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x50, 0x20}) if s.registers.getPC() != 0xC600 { t.Errorf("Error in BVC, %v", s.registers) } executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x70, 0x20}) if s.registers.getPC() != 0xC620 { t.Errorf("Error in BVS, %v", s.registers) } s.registers.setPC(0xD600) s.registers.clearFlag(flagC) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x90, 0xA0}) if s.registers.getPC() != 0xD5A0 { t.Errorf("Error in BCC, %v", s.registers) } } func TestStack(t *testing.T) { var s state s.registers.setSP(0xF0) s.registers.setA(0xA0) s.registers.setP(0x0A) executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x48}) if s.registers.getSP() != 0xEF { t.Errorf("Error in PHA stack pointer, %v", s.registers) } if s.memory[0x01F0] != 0xA0 { t.Errorf("Error in PHA, %v", s.registers) } executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x08}) if s.registers.getSP() != 0xEE { t.Errorf("Error in PHP stack pointer, %v", s.registers) } if s.memory[0x01EF] != 0x3A { t.Errorf("Error in PHP, %v", s.registers) } executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x68}) if s.registers.getSP() != 0xEF { t.Errorf("Error in PLA stack pointer, %v", s.registers) } if s.registers.getA() != 0x3A { t.Errorf("Error in PLA, %v", s.registers) } executeLine(&s, []uint8{0x28}) if s.registers.getSP() != 0xF0 { t.Errorf("Error in PLP stack pointer, %v", s.registers) } if s.registers.getP() != 0xA0 { t.Errorf("Error in PLP, %v", s.registers) } } // TODO: Tests for BRK, JMP, JSR, RTI, RTS