Usage: izapple2 [file] file path to image to use on the boot device -charrom string rom file for the character generator (default "/Apple IIe Video Enhanced.bin") -cpu string cpu type, can be '6502' or '65c02' (default "65c02") -forceCaps force all letters to be uppercased (no need for caps lock!) -model string set base model (default "2enh") -mods string comma separated list of mods applied to the board, available mods are 'shift', 'four-colors -nsc string add a DS1216 No-Slot-Clock on the main ROM (use 'main') or a slot ROM (default "main") -profile generate profile trace to analyse with pprof -ramworks string memory to use with RAMWorks card, max is 16384 (default "8192") -rgb emulate the RGB modes of the 80col RGB card for DHGR -rom string main rom file (default "/Apple2e_Enhanced.rom") -romx emulate a RomX -s0 string slot 0 configuration. (default "language") -s1 string slot 1 configuration. (default "empty") -s2 string slot 2 configuration. (default "vidhd") -s3 string slot 3 configuration. (default "fastchip") -s4 string slot 4 configuration. (default "empty") -s5 string slot 5 configuration. (default "empty") -s6 string slot 6 configuration. (default "diskii,disk1=/dos33.dsk") -s7 string slot 7 configuration. (default "empty") -speed string cpu speed in Mhz, can be 'ntsc', 'pal', 'full' or a decimal nunmber (default "ntsc") -trace string trace CPU execution with one or more comma separated tracers (default "none") The available pre-configured models are: 2: Apple ][ 2e: Apple IIe 2enh: Apple //e 2plus: Apple ][+ base64a: Base 64A dos32: Apple ][ with 13 sectors disk adapter and DOS 3.2x swyft: swyft The available cards are: brainboard: Firmware card. It has two ROM banks brainboard2: Firmware card. It has up to four ROM banks dan2sd: Apple II Peripheral Card that Interfaces to a ATMEGA328P for SD card storage diskii: Disk II interface card diskiiseq: Disk II interface card emulating the Woz state machine fastchip: Accelerator card for Apple IIe (limited support) fujinet: SmartPort interface card hosting the Fujinet inout: Card to test I/O language: Language card with 16 extra KB for the Apple ][ and ][+ memexp: Memory expansion card mouse: Mouse card implementation, does not emulate a real card, only the firmware behaviour multirom: Multiple Image ROM card parallel: Card to dump to a file what would be printed to a parallel printer prodosromcard3: A bootable 4 MB ROM card by Ralle Palaveev prodosromdrive: A bootable 1 MB solid state disk by Terence Boldt saturn: RAM card with 128Kb, it's like 8 language cards smartport: SmartPort interface card softswitchlogger: Card to log softswitch accesses swyftcard: Card with the ROM needed to run the Swyftcard word processing system thunderclock: Clock card videx: Videx compatible 80 columns card vidhd: Firmware signature of the VidHD card to trick Total Replay to use the SHR mode The available tracers are: cpm65: Trace CPM65 BDOS calls cpu: Trace CPU execution mli: Trace ProDOS MLI calls mos: Trace MOS calls with Applecorn skipping terminal IO mosfull: Trace MOS calls with Applecorn panicss: Panic on unimplemented softswitches ss: Trace sotfswiches calls ssreg: Trace sotfswiches registrations ucsd: Trace UCSD system calls