# izapple2 - Apple ][+, //e emulator Portable emulator of an Apple II+ or //e. Written in Go. ## Features - Models: - Apple ][+ with 48Kb of base RAM - Apple //e with 128Kb of RAM - Apple //e enhanced with 128Kb of RAM - Base64A clone with 48Kb of base RAM and paged ROM - Basis 108 clone (partial) - Storage - 16 Sector 5 1/4 diskettes. Uncompressed or compressed witth gzip or zip. Supported formats: - NIB (read only) - DSK - PO - [WOZ 1.0 or 2.0](storage/WozSupportStatus.md) (read only) - 13 Sector 5 1/4 diskettes. Uncompressed or compressed witth gzip or zip. Supported formats: - NIB (read only) - [WOZ 2.0](storage/WozSupportStatus.md) (read only) - 3.5 disks in PO or 2MG format - Hard disk in HDV or 2MG format with ProDOS and SmartPort support - Emulated extension cards: - DiskII controller (state machine based for WOZ files) - 16Kb Language Card - 256Kb Saturn RAM - Parallel Printer Interface card - 1Mb Memory Expansion Card (slinky) - RAMWorks style expansion Card (up to 16MB additional) (Apple //e only) - ThunderClock Plus real time clock - Apple //e 80 columns card with 64Kb extra RAM and optional RGB modes - No Slot Clock based on the DS1216 - Videx Videoterm 80 column card with the Videx Soft Video Switch (Apple ][+ only) - SwyftCard (Apple //e only) - Brain Board - Brain Board II - MultiROM card - Dan ][ Controller card - ProDOS ROM card - Microsoft Z80 Softcard using the [Z80](https://github.com/koron-go/z80) emulation from Koron - Useful cards not emulating a real card - Bootable SmartPort / ProDOS card with the following smartport devices: - Block device (hard disks) - Fujinet network device (supports only http(s) with GET and JSON) - Fujinet clock (not in Fujinet upstream) - VidHd, limited to the ROM signature and SHR as used by Total Replay, only for //e models with 128Kb - FASTChip, limited to what Total Replay needs to set and clear fast mode - Mouse Card, emulates the entry points, not the softswitches. - Host console card. Maps the host STDIN and STDOUT to PR# and IN# - ROMXe, limited to font switching - Graphic modes: - Text 40 columns - Text 80 columns (Apple //e and Videx VideoTerm) - Low-Resolution graphics - Double-Width Low-Resolution graphics (Apple //e only) - High-Resolution graphics - Double-Width High-Resolution graphics (Apple //e only) - Super High Resolution (VidHD only) - Mixed mode - RGB card text 40 columns with 16 colors for foreground and background (mixable) - RGB card mode 11, mono 560x192 - RGB card mode 12, ntsc 160*192 - RGB card mode 13, ntsc 140*192 (regular DHGR) - RGB card mode 14, mix of modes 11 and 13 on the fly - Displays: - Green monochrome monitor with half width pixel support - NTSC Color TV (extracting the phase from the mono signal) - RGB for Super High Resolution and RGB card - ANSI Console, avoiding the SDL2 dependency - Debug mode: shows four panels with actual screen, page1, page2 and extra info dependant of the video mode - Tracing capabilities: - CPU execution disassembled - Softswitch reads and writes - ProDOS MLI calls - Apple Pascal BIOS calls - SmartPort commands - BBC MOS calls when using [Applecorn](https://github.com/bobbimanners/) - Other features: - Sound - Joystick support. Up to two joysticks or four paddles - Mouse support. No mouse capture needed - Adjustable speed - Fast disk mode to set max speed while using the disks - Single file executable with embedded ROMs and DOS 3.3 - Pause (thanks a2geek) - Passes the [A2AUDIT 1.06](https://github.com/zellyn/a2audit) tests as II+, //e, and //e Enhanced. - Partial pass ot the [ProcessorTests](https://github.com/TomHarte/ProcessorTests) for 6502 and 65c02. Failing test 6502/v1/20_55_13; flags N anv V issues with ADC; and missing some undocumented 6502 opcodes. By default the following configuration is launched: - Enhanced Apple //e with 65c02 processor - RAMWorks card with 80 column, RGB (with Video7 modes) and 8Gb RAM in aux slot - Parallel print inteface in slot 1 - VidHD card (SHR support) in slot 2 - FASTChip Accelerator card in slot 3 - Mouse card in slot 4 - SmartPort card with 1 device in slot 5 (if an image is provided with -disk35) - DiskII controller card in slot 6 - SmartPort card with 1 device in slot 7 (if an image is provided with -hd) ## Running the emulator No installation required. [Download](https://github.com/ivanizag/izapple2/releases) the single file executable `izapple2xxx_xxx` for linux or Mac, SDL2 graphics or console. Build from source to get the latest features. ### Default mode Execute without parameters to have an emulated Apple //e Enhanced with 128kb booting DOS 3.3 ready to run Applesoft: ``` terminal casa@servidor:~$ ./izapple2sdl ``` ![DOS 3.3 started](doc/dos33.png) ### Play games Download a DSK or WOZ file or use an URL ([Asimov](https://www.apple.asimov.net/images/) is an excellent source): ``` terminal casa@servidor:~$ ./izapple2sdl "https://www.apple.asimov.net/images/games/action/karateka/karateka (includes intro).dsk" ``` ![Karateka](doc/karateka.png) ### Play the Total Replay collection Download the excellent [Total Replay](https://archive.org/details/TotalReplay) compilation by [a2-4am](https://github.com/a2-4am/4cade): ``` terminal casa@servidor:~$ ./izapple2sdl Total\ Replay\ v4.0.hdv ``` Displays super hi-res box art as seen with the VidHD card. ![Total Replay](doc/totalreplay.png) ### Terminal mode To run text mode right on the terminal without the SDL2 dependency, use `izapple2console`. It runs on the console using ANSI escape codes. Input is sent to the emulated Apple II one line at a time: ``` terminal casa@servidor:~$ ./izapple2console -model 2plus ############################################ # # # APPLE II # # # # DOS VERSION 3.3 SYSTEM MASTER # # # # # # JANUARY 1, 1983 # # # # # # COPYRIGHT APPLE COMPUTER,INC. 1980,1982 # # # # # # ]10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD" # # # # ]LIST # # # # 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD" # # # # ]RUN # # HELLO WORLD # # # # ]_ # # # # # ############################################ Line: ``` ### Command line options ```terminal Usage: izapple2 [file] file path to image to use on the boot device -charrom string rom file for the character generator (default "/Apple IIe Video Enhanced.bin") -cpu string cpu type, can be '6502' or '65c02' (default "65c02") -forceCaps force all letters to be uppercased (no need for caps lock!) -model string set base model (default "2enh") -mods string comma separated list of mods applied to the board, available mods are 'shift', 'four-colors -nsc string add a DS1216 No-Slot-Clock on the main ROM (use 'main') or a slot ROM (default "main") -profile generate profile trace to analyse with pprof -ramworks string memory to use with RAMWorks card, max is 16384 (default "8192") -rgb emulate the RGB modes of the 80col RGB card for DHGR -rom string main rom file (default "/Apple2e_Enhanced.rom") -romx emulate a RomX -s0 string slot 0 configuration. (default "language") -s1 string slot 1 configuration. (default "empty") -s2 string slot 2 configuration. (default "vidhd") -s3 string slot 3 configuration. (default "fastchip") -s4 string slot 4 configuration. (default "empty") -s5 string slot 5 configuration. (default "empty") -s6 string slot 6 configuration. (default "diskii,disk1=/dos33.dsk") -s7 string slot 7 configuration. (default "empty") -speed string cpu speed in Mhz, can be 'ntsc', 'pal', 'full' or a decimal nunmber (default "ntsc") -trace string trace CPU execution with one or more comma separated tracers (default "none") The available pre-configured models are: 2: Apple ][ 2e: Apple IIe 2enh: Apple //e 2plus: Apple ][+ base64a: Base 64A basis108: Basis 108 cpm: Apple ][+ with CP/M dos32: Apple ][ with 13 sectors disk adapter and DOS 3.2x swyft: swyft The available cards are: brainboard: Firmware card. It has two ROM banks brainboard2: Firmware card. It has up to four ROM banks dan2sd: Apple II Peripheral Card that Interfaces to a ATMEGA328P for SD card storage diskii: Disk II interface card diskiiseq: Disk II interface card emulating the Woz state machine fastchip: Accelerator card for Apple IIe (limited support) fujinet: SmartPort interface card hosting the Fujinet inout: Card to test I/O language: Language card with 16 extra KB for the Apple ][ and ][+ memexp: Memory expansion card mouse: Mouse card implementation, does not emulate a real card, only the firmware behaviour multirom: Multiple Image ROM card parallel: Card to dump to a file what would be printed to a parallel printer prodosromcard3: A bootable 4 MB ROM card by Ralle Palaveev prodosromdrive: A bootable 1 MB solid state disk by Terence Boldt saturn: RAM card with 128Kb, it's like 8 language cards smartport: SmartPort interface card softswitchlogger: Card to log softswitch accesses swyftcard: Card with the ROM needed to run the Swyftcard word processing system thunderclock: Clock card videx: Videx compatible 80 columns card vidhd: Firmware signature of the VidHD card to trick Total Replay to use the SHR mode z80softcard: Microsoft Z80 SoftCard to run CP/M The available tracers are: cpm65: Trace CPM65 BDOS calls cpu: Trace CPU execution mli: Trace ProDOS MLI calls mos: Trace MOS calls with Applecorn skipping terminal IO mosfull: Trace MOS calls with Applecorn panicss: Panic on unimplemented softswitches ss: Trace sotfswiches calls ssreg: Trace sotfswiches registrations ucsd: Trace UCSD system calls ``` ## Building from source ### Linux Besides having a working Go installation, install the SDL2 developer files. Run: ``` terminal git clone github.com/ivanizag/izapple2 cd izapple2/frontend/a2sdl go build . ``` ### MacOS With a working Go installation, run: ``` terminal brew install SDL2 git clone github.com/ivanizag/izapple2 cd izapple2/frontend/a2sdl go build . ``` ### Windows On Windows, CGO needs a gcc compiler. Install [mingw-w64](http://mingw-w64.org/doku.php/download/mingw-builds) and the [SDL2 developer files](https://www.libsdl.org/release/) for mingw-64. Run: ``` terminal git clone github.com/ivanizag/izapple2 cd izapple2\frontend\a2sdl go build . ``` To run in Windows, copy the file `SDL2.dll` on the same folder as `a2sdl.exe`. The latest `SDL2.dll` can be found in the [Runtime binary for Windows 64-bit](https://www.libsdl.org/download-2.0.php). ### Use docker to cross compile for Linux and Windows To create executables for Linux and Windows without installing Go, SDL2 or the Windows cross compilation toosl, run: ``` terminal cd docker ./build.sh ```