2019-02-10 23:47:54 +01:00

582 lines
20 KiB

package main
import "fmt"
type state struct {
registers registers
memory memory
func step(s *state) {
const (
modeImplicit = iota + 1
// https://www.masswerk.at/6502/6502_instruction_set.html
// http://www.emulator101.com/reference/6502-reference.html
// https://www.csh.rit.edu/~moffitt/docs/6502.html#FLAGS
// https://ia800509.us.archive.org/18/items/Programming_the_6502/Programming_the_6502.pdf
func getWordInLine(line []uint8) uint16 {
return uint16(line[1]) + 0x100*uint16(line[2])
func resolve(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) (value uint8, address uint16, setValue func(uint8)) {
hasAddress := true
register := regNone
switch opcode.addressMode {
case modeAccumulator:
value = s.registers.getA()
hasAddress = false
register = regA
case modeImplicitX:
value = s.registers.getX()
hasAddress = false
register = regX
case modeImplicitY:
value = s.registers.getY()
hasAddress = false
register = regY
case modeImmediate:
value = line[1]
hasAddress = false
case modeZeroPage:
address = uint16(line[1])
case modeZeroPageX:
address = uint16(line[1] + s.registers.getX())
case modeZeroPageY:
address = uint16(line[1] + s.registers.getY())
case modeAbsolute:
address = getWordInLine(line)
case modeAbsoluteX:
address = getWordInLine(line) + uint16(s.registers.getX())
case modeAbsoluteY:
address = getWordInLine(line) + uint16(s.registers.getY())
case modeIndexedIndirectX:
addressAddress := uint8(line[1] + s.registers.getX())
address = s.memory.getZeroPageWord(addressAddress)
case modeIndirect:
addressAddress := getWordInLine(line)
address = s.memory.getWord(addressAddress)
case modeIndirectIndexedY:
address = s.memory.getZeroPageWord(line[1]) +
if hasAddress {
value = s.memory[address]
setValue = func(value uint8) {
if hasAddress {
s.memory[address] = value
} else if register != regNone {
s.registers.setRegister(register, value)
} else {
// Todo: assert impossible
type opcode struct {
name string
bytes int8
cycles int
addressMode int
action opFunc
type opFunc func(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode)
func buildOpTransfer(regSrc int, regDst int) opFunc {
return func(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) {
value := s.registers.getRegister(regSrc)
s.registers.setRegister(regDst, value)
if regDst != regSP {
func buildOpIncDec(inc bool) opFunc {
return func(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) {
value, _, setValue := resolve(s, line, opcode)
if inc {
} else {
func buildOpShift(isLeft bool, isRotate bool) opFunc {
return func(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) {
value, _, setValue := resolve(s, line, opcode)
oldCarry := s.registers.getFlagBit(flagC)
var carry bool
if isLeft {
carry = (value & 0x80) != 0
value <<= 1
if isRotate {
value += oldCarry
} else {
carry = (value & 0x01) != 0
value >>= 1
if isRotate {
value += oldCarry << 7
s.registers.updateFlag(flagC, carry)
func buildOpLoad(regDst int) opFunc {
return func(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) {
value, _, _ := resolve(s, line, opcode)
s.registers.setRegister(regDst, value)
func buildOpStore(regSrc int) opFunc {
return func(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) {
_, _, setValue := resolve(s, line, opcode)
value := s.registers.getRegister(regSrc)
func buildOpUpdateFlag(flag uint8, value bool) opFunc {
return func(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) {
s.registers.updateFlag(flag, value)
func buildOpBranch(flag uint8, value bool) opFunc {
return func(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) {
if s.registers.getFlag(flag) == value {
// This assumes that PC is already pointing to the next instruction
pc := s.registers.getPC()
pc += uint16(int8(line[1]))
func opBIT(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) {
value, _, _ := resolve(s, line, opcode)
acc := s.registers.getA()
// Future note: The immediate addressing mode (65C02 or 65816 only) does not affect V.
s.registers.updateFlag(flagZ, value&acc == 0)
s.registers.updateFlag(flagN, value&(1<<7) != 0)
s.registers.updateFlag(flagV, value&(1<<6) != 0)
func buildOpCompare(reg int) opFunc {
return func(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) {
value, _, _ := resolve(s, line, opcode)
reference := s.registers.getRegister(reg)
s.registers.updateFlagZN(reference - value)
s.registers.updateFlag(flagC, reference >= value)
func operationAnd(a uint8, b uint8) uint8 { return a & b }
func operationOr(a uint8, b uint8) uint8 { return a | b }
func operationXor(a uint8, b uint8) uint8 { return a ^ b }
func buildOpLogic(operation func(uint8, uint8) uint8) opFunc {
return func(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) {
value, _, _ := resolve(s, line, opcode)
result := operation(value, s.registers.getA())
func opADC(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) {
value, _, _ := resolve(s, line, opcode)
aValue := s.registers.getA()
carry := s.registers.getFlagBit(flagC)
total := uint16(aValue) + uint16(value) + uint16(carry)
signedTotal := int16(int8(aValue)) + int16(int8(value)) + int16(carry)
truncated := uint8(total)
if s.registers.getFlag(flagD) {
totalBcdLo := int(aValue&0x0f) + int(value&0x0f) + int(carry)
totalBcdHi := int(aValue>>4) + int(value>>4)
if totalBcdLo >= 10 {
totalBcd := (totalBcdHi%10)<<4 + (totalBcdLo % 10)
s.registers.updateFlag(flagC, totalBcdHi > 9)
} else {
s.registers.updateFlag(flagC, total > 0xFF)
// ZNV flags behave for BCD as if the operation was binary?
s.registers.updateFlag(flagV, signedTotal < -128 || signedTotal > 127)
func opSBC(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) {
value, _, _ := resolve(s, line, opcode)
aValue := s.registers.getA()
carry := s.registers.getFlagBit(flagC)
total := 0x100 + uint16(aValue) - uint16(value) + uint16(carry) - 1
signedTotal := int16(int8(aValue)) - int16(int8(value)) + int16(carry) - 1
truncated := uint8(total)
if s.registers.getFlag(flagD) {
totalBcdLo := 10 + int(aValue&0x0f) - int(value&0x0f) + int(carry) - 1
totalBcdHi := 10 + int(aValue>>4) - int(value>>4)
if totalBcdLo < 10 {
totalBcd := (totalBcdHi%10)<<4 + (totalBcdLo % 10)
s.registers.updateFlag(flagC, totalBcdHi >= 10)
} else {
s.registers.updateFlag(flagC, total > 0xFF)
// ZNV flags behave for SBC as if the operation was binary
s.registers.updateFlag(flagV, signedTotal < -128 || signedTotal > 127)
const stackAddress uint16 = 0x0100
func pushByte(s *state, value uint8) {
adresss := stackAddress + uint16(s.registers.getSP())
s.memory[adresss] = value
s.registers.setSP(s.registers.getSP() - 1)
func pullByte(s *state) uint8 {
s.registers.setSP(s.registers.getSP() + 1)
adresss := stackAddress + uint16(s.registers.getSP())
return s.memory[adresss]
func pushWord(s *state, value uint16) {
pushByte(s, uint8(value>>8))
pushByte(s, uint8(value))
func pullWord(s *state) uint16 {
return uint16(pullByte(s)) +
(uint16(pullByte(s)) << 8)
func opPLA(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) {
value := pullByte(s)
func opPLP(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) {
value := pullByte(s)
func opPHA(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) {
pushByte(s, s.registers.getA())
func opPHP(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) {
pushByte(s, s.registers.getP()|(flagB+flag5))
func opJMP(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) {
_, address, _ := resolve(s, line, opcode)
func opNOP(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) {}
func opJSR(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) {
pushWord(s, s.registers.getPC()-1)
_, address, _ := resolve(s, line, opcode)
func opRTI(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) {
func opRTS(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) {
s.registers.setPC(pullWord(s) + 1)
func opBRK(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) {
pushWord(s, s.registers.getPC()+1)
pushByte(s, s.registers.getP()|(flagB+flag5))
var opcodes = [256]opcode{
0x00: opcode{"BRK", 1, 7, modeImplicit, opBRK},
0x4C: opcode{"JMP", 3, 3, modeAbsolute, opJMP},
0x6C: opcode{"JMP", 3, 3, modeIndirect, opJMP},
0x20: opcode{"JSR", 3, 6, modeAbsolute, opJSR},
0x40: opcode{"RTI", 1, 6, modeImplicit, opRTI},
0x60: opcode{"RTS", 1, 6, modeImplicit, opRTS},
0x48: opcode{"PHA", 1, 3, modeImplicit, opPHA},
0x08: opcode{"PHP", 1, 3, modeImplicit, opPHP},
0x68: opcode{"PLA", 1, 4, modeImplicit, opPLA},
0x28: opcode{"PLP", 1, 4, modeImplicit, opPLP},
0x09: opcode{"ORA", 2, 2, modeImmediate, buildOpLogic(operationOr)},
0x05: opcode{"ORA", 2, 3, modeZeroPage, buildOpLogic(operationOr)},
0x15: opcode{"ORA", 2, 4, modeZeroPageX, buildOpLogic(operationOr)},
0x0D: opcode{"ORA", 3, 4, modeAbsolute, buildOpLogic(operationOr)},
0x1D: opcode{"ORA", 3, 4, modeAbsoluteX, buildOpLogic(operationOr)}, // Extra cycles
0x19: opcode{"ORA", 3, 4, modeAbsoluteY, buildOpLogic(operationOr)}, // Extra cycles
0x01: opcode{"ORA", 2, 6, modeIndexedIndirectX, buildOpLogic(operationOr)},
0x11: opcode{"ORA", 2, 5, modeIndirectIndexedY, buildOpLogic(operationOr)}, // Extra cycles
0x29: opcode{"AND", 2, 2, modeImmediate, buildOpLogic(operationAnd)},
0x25: opcode{"AND", 2, 3, modeZeroPage, buildOpLogic(operationAnd)},
0x35: opcode{"AND", 2, 4, modeZeroPageX, buildOpLogic(operationAnd)},
0x2D: opcode{"AND", 3, 4, modeAbsolute, buildOpLogic(operationAnd)},
0x3D: opcode{"AND", 3, 4, modeAbsoluteX, buildOpLogic(operationAnd)}, // Extra cycles
0x39: opcode{"AND", 3, 4, modeAbsoluteY, buildOpLogic(operationAnd)}, // Extra cycles
0x21: opcode{"AND", 2, 6, modeIndexedIndirectX, buildOpLogic(operationAnd)},
0x31: opcode{"AND", 2, 5, modeIndirectIndexedY, buildOpLogic(operationAnd)}, // Extra cycles
0x49: opcode{"EOR", 2, 2, modeImmediate, buildOpLogic(operationXor)},
0x45: opcode{"EOR", 2, 3, modeZeroPage, buildOpLogic(operationXor)},
0x55: opcode{"EOR", 2, 4, modeZeroPageX, buildOpLogic(operationXor)},
0x4D: opcode{"EOR", 3, 4, modeAbsolute, buildOpLogic(operationXor)},
0x5D: opcode{"EOR", 3, 4, modeAbsoluteX, buildOpLogic(operationXor)}, // Extra cycles
0x59: opcode{"EOR", 3, 4, modeAbsoluteY, buildOpLogic(operationXor)}, // Extra cycles
0x41: opcode{"EOR", 2, 6, modeIndexedIndirectX, buildOpLogic(operationXor)},
0x51: opcode{"EOR", 2, 5, modeIndirectIndexedY, buildOpLogic(operationXor)}, // Extra cycles
0x69: opcode{"ADC", 2, 2, modeImmediate, opADC},
0x65: opcode{"ADC", 2, 3, modeZeroPage, opADC},
0x75: opcode{"ADC", 2, 4, modeZeroPageX, opADC},
0x6D: opcode{"ADC", 3, 4, modeAbsolute, opADC},
0x7D: opcode{"ADC", 3, 4, modeAbsoluteX, opADC}, // Extra cycles
0x79: opcode{"ADC", 3, 4, modeAbsoluteY, opADC}, // Extra cycles
0x61: opcode{"ADC", 2, 6, modeIndexedIndirectX, opADC},
0x71: opcode{"ADC", 2, 5, modeIndirectIndexedY, opADC}, // Extra cycles
0xE9: opcode{"SBC", 2, 2, modeImmediate, opSBC},
0xE5: opcode{"SBC", 2, 3, modeZeroPage, opSBC},
0xF5: opcode{"SBC", 2, 4, modeZeroPageX, opSBC},
0xED: opcode{"SBC", 3, 4, modeAbsolute, opSBC},
0xFD: opcode{"SBC", 3, 4, modeAbsoluteX, opSBC}, // Extra cycles
0xF9: opcode{"SBC", 3, 4, modeAbsoluteY, opSBC}, // Extra cycles
0xE1: opcode{"SBC", 2, 6, modeIndexedIndirectX, opSBC},
0xF1: opcode{"SBC", 2, 5, modeIndirectIndexedY, opSBC}, // Extra cycles
0x24: opcode{"BIT", 2, 3, modeZeroPage, opBIT},
0x2C: opcode{"BIT", 3, 3, modeAbsolute, opBIT},
0xC9: opcode{"CMP", 2, 2, modeImmediate, buildOpCompare(regA)},
0xC5: opcode{"CMP", 2, 3, modeZeroPage, buildOpCompare(regA)},
0xD5: opcode{"CMP", 2, 4, modeZeroPageX, buildOpCompare(regA)},
0xCD: opcode{"CMP", 3, 4, modeAbsolute, buildOpCompare(regA)},
0xDD: opcode{"CMP", 3, 4, modeAbsoluteX, buildOpCompare(regA)}, // Extra cycles
0xD9: opcode{"CMP", 3, 4, modeAbsoluteY, buildOpCompare(regA)}, // Extra cycles
0xC1: opcode{"CMP", 2, 6, modeIndexedIndirectX, buildOpCompare(regA)},
0xD1: opcode{"CMP", 2, 5, modeIndirectIndexedY, buildOpCompare(regA)}, // Extra cycles
0xE0: opcode{"CPX", 2, 2, modeImmediate, buildOpCompare(regX)},
0xE4: opcode{"CPX", 2, 3, modeZeroPage, buildOpCompare(regX)},
0xEC: opcode{"CPX", 3, 4, modeAbsolute, buildOpCompare(regX)},
0xC0: opcode{"CPY", 2, 2, modeImmediate, buildOpCompare(regY)},
0xC4: opcode{"CPY", 2, 3, modeZeroPage, buildOpCompare(regY)},
0xCC: opcode{"CPY", 3, 4, modeAbsolute, buildOpCompare(regY)},
0x2A: opcode{"ROL", 1, 2, modeAccumulator, buildOpShift(true, true)},
0x26: opcode{"ROL", 2, 5, modeZeroPage, buildOpShift(true, true)},
0x36: opcode{"ROL", 2, 6, modeZeroPageX, buildOpShift(true, true)},
0x2E: opcode{"ROL", 3, 6, modeAbsolute, buildOpShift(true, true)},
0x3E: opcode{"ROL", 3, 7, modeAbsoluteX, buildOpShift(true, true)},
0x6A: opcode{"ROR", 1, 2, modeAccumulator, buildOpShift(false, true)},
0x66: opcode{"ROR", 2, 5, modeZeroPage, buildOpShift(false, true)},
0x76: opcode{"ROR", 2, 6, modeZeroPageX, buildOpShift(false, true)},
0x6E: opcode{"ROR", 3, 6, modeAbsolute, buildOpShift(false, true)},
0x7E: opcode{"ROR", 3, 7, modeAbsoluteX, buildOpShift(false, true)},
0x0A: opcode{"ASL", 1, 2, modeAccumulator, buildOpShift(true, false)},
0x06: opcode{"ASL", 2, 5, modeZeroPage, buildOpShift(true, false)},
0x16: opcode{"ASL", 2, 6, modeZeroPageX, buildOpShift(true, false)},
0x0E: opcode{"ASL", 3, 6, modeAbsolute, buildOpShift(true, false)},
0x1E: opcode{"ASL", 3, 7, modeAbsoluteX, buildOpShift(true, false)},
0x4A: opcode{"LSR", 1, 2, modeAccumulator, buildOpShift(false, false)},
0x46: opcode{"LSR", 2, 5, modeZeroPage, buildOpShift(false, false)},
0x56: opcode{"LSR", 2, 6, modeZeroPageX, buildOpShift(false, false)},
0x4E: opcode{"LSR", 3, 6, modeAbsolute, buildOpShift(false, false)},
0x5E: opcode{"LSR", 3, 7, modeAbsoluteX, buildOpShift(false, false)},
0x38: opcode{"SEC", 1, 2, modeImplicit, buildOpUpdateFlag(flagC, true)},
0xF8: opcode{"SED", 1, 2, modeImplicit, buildOpUpdateFlag(flagD, true)},
0x78: opcode{"SEI", 1, 2, modeImplicit, buildOpUpdateFlag(flagI, true)},
0x18: opcode{"CLC", 1, 2, modeImplicit, buildOpUpdateFlag(flagC, false)},
0xD8: opcode{"CLD", 1, 2, modeImplicit, buildOpUpdateFlag(flagD, false)},
0x58: opcode{"CLI", 1, 2, modeImplicit, buildOpUpdateFlag(flagI, false)},
0xB8: opcode{"CLV", 1, 2, modeImplicit, buildOpUpdateFlag(flagV, false)},
0xE6: opcode{"INC", 2, 5, modeZeroPage, buildOpIncDec(true)},
0xF6: opcode{"INC", 2, 6, modeZeroPageX, buildOpIncDec(true)},
0xEE: opcode{"INC", 3, 6, modeAbsolute, buildOpIncDec(true)},
0xFE: opcode{"INC", 3, 7, modeAbsoluteX, buildOpIncDec(true)},
0xC6: opcode{"DEC", 2, 5, modeZeroPage, buildOpIncDec(false)},
0xD6: opcode{"DEC", 2, 6, modeZeroPageX, buildOpIncDec(false)},
0xCE: opcode{"DEC", 3, 6, modeAbsolute, buildOpIncDec(false)},
0xDE: opcode{"DEC", 3, 7, modeAbsoluteX, buildOpIncDec(false)},
0xE8: opcode{"INX", 1, 2, modeImplicitX, buildOpIncDec(true)},
0xC8: opcode{"INY", 1, 2, modeImplicitY, buildOpIncDec(true)},
0xCA: opcode{"DEX", 1, 2, modeImplicitX, buildOpIncDec(false)},
0x88: opcode{"DEY", 1, 2, modeImplicitY, buildOpIncDec(false)},
0xAA: opcode{"TAX", 1, 2, modeImplicit, buildOpTransfer(regA, regX)},
0xA8: opcode{"TAY", 1, 2, modeImplicit, buildOpTransfer(regA, regY)},
0x8A: opcode{"TXA", 1, 2, modeImplicit, buildOpTransfer(regX, regA)},
0x98: opcode{"TYA", 1, 2, modeImplicit, buildOpTransfer(regY, regA)},
0x9A: opcode{"TXS", 1, 2, modeImplicit, buildOpTransfer(regX, regSP)},
0xBA: opcode{"TSX", 1, 2, modeImplicit, buildOpTransfer(regSP, regX)},
0xA9: opcode{"LDA", 2, 2, modeImmediate, buildOpLoad(regA)},
0xA5: opcode{"LDA", 2, 3, modeZeroPage, buildOpLoad(regA)},
0xB5: opcode{"LDA", 2, 4, modeZeroPageX, buildOpLoad(regA)},
0xAD: opcode{"LDA", 3, 4, modeAbsolute, buildOpLoad(regA)},
0xBD: opcode{"LDA", 3, 4, modeAbsoluteX, buildOpLoad(regA)}, // Extra cycles
0xB9: opcode{"LDA", 3, 4, modeAbsoluteY, buildOpLoad(regA)}, // Extra cycles
0xA1: opcode{"LDA", 2, 6, modeIndexedIndirectX, buildOpLoad(regA)},
0xB1: opcode{"LDA", 2, 5, modeIndirectIndexedY, buildOpLoad(regA)}, // Extra cycles
0xA2: opcode{"LDX", 2, 2, modeImmediate, buildOpLoad(regX)},
0xA6: opcode{"LDX", 2, 3, modeZeroPage, buildOpLoad(regX)},
0xB6: opcode{"LDX", 2, 4, modeZeroPageY, buildOpLoad(regX)},
0xAE: opcode{"LDX", 3, 4, modeAbsolute, buildOpLoad(regX)},
0xBE: opcode{"LDX", 3, 4, modeAbsoluteY, buildOpLoad(regX)}, // Extra cycles
0xA0: opcode{"LDY", 2, 2, modeImmediate, buildOpLoad(regY)},
0xA4: opcode{"LDY", 2, 3, modeZeroPage, buildOpLoad(regY)},
0xB4: opcode{"LDY", 2, 4, modeZeroPageX, buildOpLoad(regY)},
0xAC: opcode{"LDY", 3, 4, modeAbsolute, buildOpLoad(regY)},
0xBC: opcode{"LDY", 3, 4, modeAbsoluteX, buildOpLoad(regY)}, // Extra cycles
0x85: opcode{"STA", 2, 3, modeZeroPage, buildOpStore(regA)},
0x95: opcode{"STA", 2, 4, modeZeroPageX, buildOpStore(regA)},
0x8D: opcode{"STA", 3, 4, modeAbsolute, buildOpStore(regA)},
0x9D: opcode{"STA", 3, 5, modeAbsoluteX, buildOpStore(regA)},
0x99: opcode{"STA", 3, 5, modeAbsoluteY, buildOpStore(regA)},
0x81: opcode{"STA", 2, 6, modeIndexedIndirectX, buildOpStore(regA)},
0x91: opcode{"STA", 2, 6, modeIndirectIndexedY, buildOpStore(regA)},
0x86: opcode{"STX", 2, 3, modeZeroPage, buildOpStore(regX)},
0x96: opcode{"STX", 2, 4, modeZeroPageY, buildOpStore(regX)},
0x8E: opcode{"STX", 3, 4, modeAbsolute, buildOpStore(regX)},
0x84: opcode{"STY", 2, 3, modeZeroPage, buildOpStore(regY)},
0x94: opcode{"STY", 2, 4, modeZeroPageX, buildOpStore(regY)},
0x8C: opcode{"STY", 3, 4, modeAbsolute, buildOpStore(regY)},
0x90: opcode{"BCC", 2, 2, modeRelative, buildOpBranch(flagC, false)}, // Extra cycles
0xB0: opcode{"BCS", 2, 2, modeRelative, buildOpBranch(flagC, true)}, // Extra cycles
0xD0: opcode{"BNE", 2, 2, modeRelative, buildOpBranch(flagZ, false)}, // Extra cycles
0xF0: opcode{"BEQ", 2, 2, modeRelative, buildOpBranch(flagZ, true)}, // Extra cycles
0x10: opcode{"BPL", 2, 2, modeRelative, buildOpBranch(flagN, false)}, // Extra cycles
0x30: opcode{"BMI", 2, 2, modeRelative, buildOpBranch(flagN, true)}, // Extra cycles
0x50: opcode{"BVC", 2, 2, modeRelative, buildOpBranch(flagV, false)}, // Extra cycles
0x70: opcode{"BVS", 2, 2, modeRelative, buildOpBranch(flagV, true)}, // Extra cycles
0xEA: opcode{"NOP", 1, 2, modeImplicit, opNOP},
func executeLine(s *state, line []uint8) {
opcode := opcodes[line[0]]
opcode.action(s, line, opcode)
func executeInstruction(s *state, log bool) {
pc := s.registers.getPC()
opcode := opcodes[s.memory[pc]]
pcNext := pc + uint16(opcode.bytes)
line := s.memory[pc:pcNext]
if log {
fmt.Printf("%#04x %-12s: ", pc, lineString(s, line, opcode))
opcode.action(s, line, opcode)
if log {
fmt.Printf("%v, %x\n", s.registers, line)
func lineString(s *state, line []uint8, opcode opcode) string {
t := opcode.name
switch opcode.addressMode {
case modeImplicit:
case modeImplicitX:
case modeImplicitY:
case modeAccumulator:
t += fmt.Sprintf(" A")
case modeImmediate:
t += fmt.Sprintf(" #%02x", line[1])
case modeZeroPage:
t += fmt.Sprintf(" $%02x", line[1])
case modeZeroPageX:
t += fmt.Sprintf(" $%02x,X", line[1])
case modeZeroPageY:
t += fmt.Sprintf(" $%02x,Y", line[1])
case modeRelative:
t += fmt.Sprintf(" *%+x", int8(line[1]))
case modeAbsolute:
t += fmt.Sprintf(" $%04x", getWordInLine(line))
case modeAbsoluteX:
t += fmt.Sprintf(" $%04x,X", getWordInLine(line))
case modeAbsoluteY:
t += fmt.Sprintf(" $%04x,X", getWordInLine(line))
case modeIndirect:
t += fmt.Sprintf(" ($%04x)", getWordInLine(line))
case modeIndexedIndirectX:
t += fmt.Sprintf(" ($%02x,X)", line[1])
case modeIndirectIndexedY:
t += fmt.Sprintf(" ($%02x),Y", line[1])
return t