2022-02-26 00:05:09 +01:00

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[From Apple II Slack, 4am (2021-06-29)]
On the subject of "tricky woz images beyond the official test suite," I would recommend
https://archive.org/details/wozaday_Mr_Do (success = boot to joystick calibration)
https://archive.org/details/wozaday_Wavy_Navy (success = boot to game)
https://archive.org/details/wozaday_SAGA_6_Strange_Odyssey (success = begin game, climb down ladder, take shovel)
https://archive.org/details/wozaday_CongoBongo (success = boot to game)
https://archive.org/details/wozaday_Wizardry_III (success = boot to title screen, press a key, boot to main menu)
Mr. Do relies on weakbits on track 0. Also, the protection check uses LDA $C088,X to fetch nibbles and expects the entire check to complete before the drive motor turns off.
Wavy Navy relies on weakbits on track $22
Strange Odyssey relies on both track length and weakbits on track $22
Congo Bongo relies on weakbits on track 1, to a much greater degree than others. There is only one small sequence of valid nibbles, surrounded by an entire track of weakbits. This has flummoxed many emulators.
Wizardry III relies on track length, and it is extremely sensitive to the precise timing of when the data latch "sees" bits and how long it holds on to a full nibble before resetting itself.